You're welcome.Thank you. I see that you used powers/gifts to achieve what you want. Could you tell me a) how much do they cost (1 point per power, or does it scale like merits do?) and b) how do they work (do they need to be activated? Do they cost anything to use?). I apologize for pestering you, but I don't have time to read through all the books. If you at least tell me which books have the rules for them, I'll be able to find them and post them for others.
This is to the best of my understanding
1) Fomor Powers: 1 point per Power. Gifts: 1 point per Power
Base Fomor only get access to Level 1 and Level 2 Gifts from the Black Spiral Dancers Tribe, and the Homid and Ahroun Auspices; you need to buy additional powers to unlock a broader selection.
Not sure if the QM changed this; I need to confirm.
For the purposes of this game, anyway, we can ignore any other prereqs.
2) Powers generally dont cost anything to activate; at most you have to pass a roll.
Which you can fail, mind, hence my plan has those Unholy Blessing things to reduce the DCs.
Gifts? Some need to be activated, some dont. Some have base powers and activateable powers.
Some activations are free, some cost Rage, some cost Gnosis, some cost Willpower.
Some cost two of those things at a time, but not many
3) If you are taking Gifts that cost Rage or Gnosis to use, its more or less mandatory you take the fomor powers that give you a Rage pool(Fomor Power: Berzerker) or Gnosis pool(Fomor Power: Spirit Ties), because you dont get one by default.
You might have to take them several times to have a reasonable pool.
Spirit Ties only gives 1 pt of Gnosis per purchase, with a cap of 5 pts I think, while Bezerker gives 5 points of Rage per purchase, with a cap of 10pts.
The supplement W20 Book of The Wyrm Companion has fomor Powers that allow you to either
1) Use Willpower as your casting pool OR
2) Create a blood pool like a vampire(which you replenish by drinking blood) and use that as your casting resource instead of Rage/Gnosis/Willpower
Online sources: has a more or less comprehensive list of the Garou Gifts, organized by rank, with the books they are from included in the Gift description.
Pretty authoritative. is also a good source, and it has a list of Changing Breeds Gifts for chargen(also has Demon The Fallen, Sorcerer and other resources)
There's house rules, so caveat emptor.
W20 has the base rules and fomor powers starting around page 428-439
W20 Book of the Wyrm has some additional fomor powers, and a bunch of fomor breeds
W20 Book of the Wyrm Companion is like Sorcerer Paths of Power, an unofficial supplement the QM approved
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