The majority of the spots and buildings where the faithful of the Star Child gather for various reasons are typically constructed in a manner mostly left to the individual local communities where those are built, leading to some very eclectic buildings ranging from small hole-in-the-station shrines overburdened by centuries of candles, prayer scrolls, incense ashes, and small gifts to large domineering stadiums on Corcrat where holy lights, sports, and theatrical spectacle come together under a keen eye for cost savings set on making sure these sacred places can be used for more purposes than one.
However, with the size of the Federation growing by the decade and soon to be joined by billions entering as full members, some priests and scholars, alongside a cadre of very enthusiastic architects, have raised the potential to maybe standardize the various temples to the Star Child...a little? Not enough to crush the various culture-specific ways of the Federation members gathering at their local shrines or small community temples, but enough to ensure that the large buildings, those intended to house tens of thousands at once, are constructed in a way that is both beneficial to worship of the Star Child, as well as capable of being slightly modified to suit local tastes more.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
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