What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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with our current 12 Frigate DP we can build a good upgrade for the crux:


Crux-A-Class Missile Frigate(12DP)
-Length - 1.700m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Single Hull -1 DP
-Shields - One Array -1 DP
-Weapons - 3x Medium Missile Batteries -6 DP
-Equipment - Missile Swarms/Advanced Alloying/Armored Life Pods/Tuned Shields -4 DP

Nah, that's not the way to go.

Super Crux currently looks like this in my book.

Crux-S Class Missile Frigate(12DP)
-Length - 1.700m
-Width - 400m
-Acceleration - 6 Gravities
-Armor - Medium Double Hull -3 DP
-Shields - Two Arrays -2 DP
-Weapons - 2x Medium Missile Batteries -4 DP
-Equipment - Missile Swarms/Advanced Alloying/Armored Life Pods -3 DP

Maximum Armor, Maximum Shields, still being decently fast, and still being decently tough. This should be enough to make it sturdy enough to survive even Nova Cannon shots. If we manage to get the Design upgrade before this, I'd add Tuned Shields and Superior Gravimetric to the table as well to make it regenerate shields faster and avoid a decent amount of fire.

This perfects the Crux's role as an absolute unit of an escort that can screen the fleet for us. It has excellent armor protection, excellent shields, and a dangerous amount of agility if we can do the redesign after we've done the Ship Design upgrades project. It doesn't need to have the highest amount of attack power--though Missile Swarms + Two Medium Batteries means it can't be discounted either--But in terms of getting a cheap, incredibly sturdy front line to let the rest of our fleet anchor behind? We'd be hard pressed to get better.
Just have to cross our fingers and hope that it's not too late to hit End of Line in three turns. Since we're not going to have the sheer mass we need to hit it until then.
We should be fine. If we build more ships next turn and help the Lamenters sanctify theirs we should have more than enough ships for End of the Line.

In fact we might need another Andromeda.
[X] Plan: What's that Hammerfor?
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Medical Services I
-[X] [Construct] A Warp Ship X2
--[X] 6x Crux

[X] Plan Faith In Psykana
-[X] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Medical Services I
-[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [3x Crux-Class Missile Frigate]
--[X] 3x Crux
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[X] Plan: What's that Hammerfor?
-[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
--[X] Medical Services I
-[X] [Construct] A Warp Ship X2
--[X] 6x Crux

Appreciate the vote of confidence, but given the swarm of people who apparently want a Holy Order right now despite that not really being a great choice for our current needs...

I guess we lost the benefits there, because it showed up at the start of the Ork War's endgame and liberated the people of Luteus Prism, but by now the people who went through that shit have all died out, so we lost the chance to make a powerful one right out the gate. So while it's not a waste of time, we missed out on the best benefits already.

Fuck, I really wanted to hit End of Line next turn, that's no longer in the cards because we still don't have a sturdy enough front line now, and we won't get it unless we don't do Medical Infrastructure next turn, which is also a non-starter.
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Appreciate the vote of confidence, but given the swarm of people who apparently want a Holy Order right now despite that not really being a great choice for our current needs...
Sorry, but I got spooked with the QM saying that on of the Faith actions was a ticking timebomb and I did not feel like seeing that go off.

and we won't get it unless we don't do Medical Infrastructure next turn, which is also a non-starter
Well, we could not do it. Right now we should be in the green and it wouldn't hurt to put off Med for one turn to make sure we have the firepower we need.
Broadly, the reasoning I want to push for next turn at most is that I want to have it secured before Neon finishes cleaning up Gathin and recouping their losses. My estimate is that they'll be ready to start attacking sometime between 30-40 years after that, and the worst possible outcome would be them attacking us while we're attacking End of Line.

I have high confidence we'll be in and out before they can get their shit together if we attack by next turn, but I'm less confident about the turn after that, and afterwards we're playing with fire.
Appreciate the vote of confidence, but given the swarm of people who apparently want a Holy Order right now despite that not really being a great choice for our current needs...
That has been the excuse we have had not to take that action and many other interesting ones since the beginning of the quest... Because it was not a "great choice for our current needs"

Sorry but if we wait until it is a good time we will never take any of those actions, this is a game, and I and many others want to do something else besides min-maxing to get a more powerful fleet.
That has been the excuse we have had not to take that action and many other interesting ones since the beginning of the quest... Because it was not a "great choice for our current needs"

Sorry but if we wait until it is a good time we will never take any of those actions, this is a game, and me and many others want to do something else besides min-maxing to get a more powerful fleet.

I mean, we could wait for when we're not pincered by a pirate superfortress sturdy enough that we need apparently 10x Cruxes to break through it, and an industrially and economically superior and fanatically hostile neighbor on opposite borders.

There'll always be something fucking us up. We need to prioritize which boat is the leakiest at any given point. Our fleet lacking a sturdy front line has been called out several times, and the Crux's job is addressing that.

And again.

We have a pirate superfortress that is somehow expanding further right on our border, one sophisticated enough that seizing it will actually give us Infrastructure levels.

Am I wrong to want to solve that Problem before it expands again? Because if we don't clean that shit out before Neon finishes reclaiming Gathin and making good their losses, we're going to be too busy with them to attack anytime soon. And they're not going to stop expanding and digging in, given how apparently they have a secure supply line despite evidently being trapped in there.

Hell, it might even be backed by a rogue Navigator House, which would explain everything.
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I mean, we could wait for when we're not pincered by a pirate superfortress sturdy enough that we need apparently 10x Cruxes to break through it, and an industrially and economically superior and fanatically hostile neighbor on opposite borders.

There'll always be something fucking us up
Yeah, we could wait until we put out this fire, but as you said when we finish this crisis we will have another fire deal with out, and then we won´t have time to do it either and the cycle will repeat ad nauseam...

So sorry, but I don´t want to spend 20 turns or so doing 90% actions that are either building our fleet, designing new spaceships, or developing our industry, no matter how optimal it will be, I prefer adding some sub-optionality with these kinds of actions rather than boredom
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Sorry, but I got spooked with the QM saying that on of the Faith actions was a ticking timebomb and I did not feel like seeing that go off.

Well, we could not do it. Right now we should be in the green and it wouldn't hurt to put off Med for one turn to make sure we have the firepower we need.
Okay so did we all just ignore the QM's explicit clarification or what:
Well, that is probably my 1am brain making things a bit too dire than they seem. It's less " You didn't do this, so suffer the wrath of a trillion suns!" and more "You didn't do this, so now the action has some complications and/or has shifted somewhat in its resolution."
Like the pirate fortress is absolutely more important right now, the QM said, in this post, they'd be clear what action is a timebomb if one was.
I did see that, but when it comes to "complications" in regards having armed fanatics, that seems like something you'd want to clamp down on.
More than the pirate superfortress?
Edit: Like, am I going crazy? You're saying you want to clamp down on something that isn't a timebomb by putting off something that is an active threat?
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Am I wrong to want to solve that Problem before it expands again? Because if we don't clean that shit out before Neon finishes reclaiming Gathin and making good their losses, we're going to be too busy with them to attack anytime soon. And they're not going to stop expanding and digging in, given how apparently they have a secure supply line despite evidently being trapped in there.
Even if we can't hit it next turn, we can still do it the turn after. Another batch of Crux and the Space Marine ships should be more than enough to take End of the Line without heavy casualties.
Even if we can't hit it next turn, we can still do it the turn after. Another batch of Crux and the Space Marine ships should be more than enough to take End of the Line without heavy casualties.
And we could try designing a new Light Cruiser. While I would like to get the standardization out of the way, we could work with 16 DP to make a brawler similar to the Dauntless.
Even if we can't hit it next turn, we can still do it the turn after. Another batch of Crux and the Space Marine ships should be more than enough to take End of the Line without heavy casualties.

We're pushing the limit on how long Neon will be distracted.

I Think they'll still be busy 2 turns from now. I Know they'll be busy next turn.

That's why my toes are curling here. I don't like gambling on maybes when the other side has consistently done the Most Annoying Thing They Possibly Could at any given moment. Or do I need to remind you how hilariously easy it was to convince them to--as a unit--bomb the nearly captured Cruiser while ignoring all cries from Angels of Death to cut that shit out until they lost two thirds of their First Company equivalent and the ship was completely wrecked beyond useful recovery.

Always, always count of Neon to be the biggest pain in the ass possible while blessed by the universe to somehow still come out of it as an 800 pound gorilla that can trivially outproduce us.
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[X] Plan: What's that Hammerfor?
Might as well put my money where my mouth is. The faith action is explicitly, by statement of the QM, not a timebomb, and the pirate base is expanding and a potentially lethal distraction when Neon is able to attack us again. It's not worth putting off an attack that would do nothing but aid us for maybe doing something we will already do slightly earlier.
Huh, gap's actually closing. Not sure if it's decisive, but it's nice to see the tide shifting a little bit :)
So if there's a switch to making 6 crux instead of 3, what do we do next turn?

Build 6 more crux after that or maybe 12 Aries-S ? Then final action being the military action to clear pirate outpost?
So if there's a switch to making 6 crux instead of 3, what do we do next turn?

Build 6 more crux after that or maybe 12 Aries-S ? Then final action being the military action to clear pirate outpost?

Another Crux building and an attack is on deck. Especially since I suspect we'll get another tick up on our ship production, since our newly integrated territories are halfway done integrating, and on was explicitly a mining world.