What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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So there's different types of exterminatus correct?

Like virus bombing, "normal" void ship munitions to flatten the land, thermonuclear bombs, cyclonic torpedos, etc.

while I doubt bunkers would help with the last one, would making some underground structures protect some of the population from the first 3?

The only thing bunkers would protect against of that is conventional ortillery strikes. If they're loading stealth ships with Atomics, that's basically every major settlement glassed in one go, even extracting people if they went in a bunker would be a tall order before their supplies ran out--if they survived at all, a single Atomic landing on target is enough to even delete a Hive City, even as built up as they are. These are pretty much antimatter bombs by all indication.

They're expensive and rare... But that's less a lack of ability by the Mechanicus to make them and more "If you need to delete a planet, we've got better options, if you need to invade it, just use regular ortillery and armies." If the Protectorate has a local Forge World that knows how to make them... Well, that explains how they've ballooned out so much. Atomics are doctrinally largely useless for the Imperium's purposes because they don't hit hard enough to achieve proper Exterminatus, but they hit too hard to leave the planet inhabitable for centuries afterwards. They're too expensive to use them as munitions in Void duels as well, especially when most of your shots are going to miss and you can't necessarily guarantee a specific shell will hit unless you've already gotten the other guy by the throat.

Really good terror weapons though.
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So no ground defenses, but how about orbital/void space stations, should we build some battleship sized structures to shoot at people?

We already have extensive defenses of those, and Task Fleet Alpha is now in system. More would be overkill unless they literally double their numbers and then immediately attack in the same turn, resolving to fight to the death in the process.

They're going to run head first into the Itani SDF And the full force of Task Fleet Alpha even if they attack this turn. If they don't, we add another Libra and the first Andromeda to our fleet and gain enough slack that we can afford to get Mil Inf 5 and one more action, which we can use in anything from colonizing more of our backline to getting our Infantry Tech updated, or hell, even working on our Faith actions.
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No, at best, you can shield a single Hive City. We don't have Hive Cities.

Bad juju at that, I'm gong to say that the neon's probably might have one or be allied with a forge world…but dealing with theme gong to be painful and take allot of time…thus I do hope we can get to colonization soon so we can procure the resources to really up our ship amount.
Tbh, where are we even in production? I say drown them in metal and people. i know, not a typical iconclast mentality but if we lose one of our planets in an unfortunate void battle after they gain orbital control, we are fucked It would probably push void back to 4 and we would have to scramble anyway
Tbh, where are we even in production? I say drown them in metal and people. i know, not a typical iconclast mentality but if we lose one of our planets in an unfortunate void battle after they gain orbital control, we are fucked It would probably push void back to 4 and we would have to scramble anyway

In the long run, we outplay them, but they have a hell of a lot of momentum and willingness to take losses out of spite behind them, and their action economy for the purpose of waging war can only be described as fucking Space Magic.

We need to get to the long run first. But we will be able to outproduce them eventually.
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In the long run, we outplay them, but they have a hell of a lot of momentum and willingness to take losses out of spite behind them, and their action economy for the purpose of waging war can only be described as fucking Space Magic.

We need to get to the long run first.
But they are not the imperium at large right they are a sub sector force who are on a punishment crusade + i dont belive for a sec they can out produce us in metal in the sky if we bring our full industry into this + we are in the dark imperium as the eye of terror splits the galaxy and the imperium forces are still realing after they lost the emperor human beacon guide.
But they are not the imperium at large right they are a sub sector force who are on a punishment crusade + i dont belive for a sec they can out produce us in metal in the sky if we bring our full industry into this + we are in the dark imperium as the eye of terror splits the galaxy and the imperium forces are still realing after they lost the emperor human beacon guide.

Forge Worlds can very much outproduce us. A single one of those can likely churn out dozens of escorts a turn and multiple LCs as part of standard operations. They almost certainly have at least one if they're willing to engage in offensive actions on a target that was largely minding their own business except pathetically armed scouts that retreated at the first warning, and closed even against an SDF with superior tonnage and no data.

The Good Shit is likely out of their reach, but they can absolutely outproduce us as a polity. At least for now. Apparently we're close to hitting another production breakpoint though, which'll narrow the gap, and our ability to adapt likely far outstrips theirs. After all, they don't even Get Research or Design New Ship Class actions. Only the toppest of the Top Tier Forge Worlds get those. Sector Capital level shit.
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Forge Worlds can very much outproduce us. A single one of those can likely churn out dozens of escorts a turn and multiple LCs as part of standard operations. They almost certainly have at least one if they're willing to engage in offensive actions on a target that was largely minding their own business except pathetically armed scouts that retreated at the first warning, and closed even against an SDF with superior tonnage and no data.

The Good Shit is likely out of their reach, but they can absolutely outproduce us as a polity. At least for now. Apparently we're close to hitting another production breakpoint though, which'll narrow the gap, and our ability to adapt likely far outstrips theirs. After all, they don't even Get Research or Design New Ship Class actions. Only the toppest of the Top Tier Forge Worlds get those. Sector Capital level shit.
I mean we have more planets that are up to snuff i tought i mean we got void space 5 in all levels i dont see how a single forge world could out produce this if they didjnt have like ridiculous like void 9-10
okay fuck
[X] Plan: Aww Shit, here we go again

Edit: Didnt know they outclassed us so hard with only a SINGLE fucking Planet why are they even lsoing man IoM get ur shit together and become what u where meant to be im slightly malding at the stupitidy we pushed orks out of the sector the abandoned with less capaity and they .... are just almost on the losing side in a long war sry for the rant.
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I mean we have more planets that are up to snuff i tought i mean we got void space 5 in all levels i dont see how a single forge world could out produce this if they didjnt have like ridiculous like void 9-10

try void 20 or so, those places can make battleships...issue is the mechancius is FAR from cohesive as they regularly fight against each other in the shadows and in politics as well as their own dogma. they just dont like showing outsiders their "issues" as it were, but when a mechanicus forge wages war against itself...Titians walk and the world *burns*.

we can probably outlast them, as well as adapt better to them as the mechanicus hates giving the imperium their shiniest toys, and will KILL to get to STC's and throw off entire crusades for them.

if not they most likely have a harder time against chaos then we do.
Anyway, broadly, I think we're about due for a Super Taurus. Between our Doctrine applying now and the DP we've earned since the original design, it can be massively improved. Upgrade to a Medium Troop carrier for 1 DP, then figure out whether we want to upgrade the ortillery and further optimize for planetary warfare with another hangar wing to better support ground efforts at the cost of an armor rank--making it more vulnerable in naval battle--or if we want to improve its naval performance by going Superior Gravimetric and upping to a Shield Array or Thick Single Hull to make it better at avoiding and enduring attacks
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No, at best, you can shield a single Hive City. We don't have Hive Cities.
But we do have City shielding. I distinctly remember when we were integrating Droma VII that there was talk of us installing shields over their cities.

Anyway, broadly, I think we're about due for a Super Taurus. Between our Doctrine applying now and the DP we've earned since the original design, it can be massively improved. Upgrade to a Medium Troop carrier for 1 DP, then figure out whether we want to upgrade the ortillery and further optimize for planetary warfare with another hangar wing to better support ground efforts at the cost of an armor rank--making it more vulnerable in naval battle--or if we want to improve its naval performance by going Superior Gravimetric and upping to a Shield Array or Thick Single Hull to make it better at avoiding and enduring attacks
There's also the possibility of setting up a turret so it can defend itself if it gets attacked.
Hm. If we go for a brawler/frigate leader light cruiser next turn here's my idea:

Current Available DP: 15

[] Fortitude class Light Cruiser
-[] Length
- 3.600
-[] Width - 400
-[] Acceleration - 4.5 -2 DP
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Arrays -1 DP
-[] Weapons - 2x Medium Rotary Macrocannon Batteries, 1x Small Hanger -7 DP
-[] Equipment - Autoloaders, Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Tuned Shields, Armored Bridge -5 DP

Basically, it's meant to be the dakka, shield-stripping ship. It is supposed to lead a squadron of Crux frigates and be the anchor around which the frigates can operate and base from. It should be able to rapidly strip shields from enemy ships of similar or lesser size and open them up for bomber strikes from the Libras.
[X] Plan: Aww Shit, here we go again

We might want to consider colonizing a bit more as we free up actions, wasn't that what have us more bang for our buck as far a ship building