Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I think the logical answer is that no, our gifts cannot do that. But we have the whole damn world and Tiffany as contacts. And if someone needs them, we can help. Here you need a balance with the masquerade and so as not to become a heal-bot. But here is our chance to help the girl!

And Helen is surprisingly good, nine cubes is almost the limit... Or is it because it is connected with her intimacy...
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I mean... I doubt lasciel would turn down a chance to get her hooks into the order of the cauldron.

We certainly didn't.

And there is little doubt in my mind that Lash can make a good impression if she wishes. Even if her mindset is still a touch alien.

As for the Marcone connection...

Regardless of complications. One path forward helps someone be healed.

She deserves a chance at life.

[X] Explain that you do know a magical healer if she wants one
[X] Explain that you do know a magical healer if she wants one

Introducing Tiffany to Marcone. What could possibly go wrong?

But jokes aside, this would help Tiffany as she gains Marcone.....perhaps not protection but his regard and it causes Harry headaches. Win, Win, especially as Tiffany gains a new Contract as well.
[X] Explain that you do know a magical healer if she wants one

I hope for a more expanded vote in the future. BUT this is not only the morally correct thing...But also strategically. Because the time has come to end this uncertainty with Chicago.
[X] Explain that you do know a magical healer if she wants one
-[X] In fact there are multiple healers but they have different amounts of skill, different approaches and different prices, some pretty alien

But jokes aside, this would help Tiffany as she gains Marcone.....perhaps not protection but his regard and it causes Harry headaches. Win, Win, especially as Tiffany gains a new Contract as well.
Poor Harry. Infernal Queen on one side, Fallen Angel Mobster Princess(?) on the other. Plus a couple ladies with less prestigious pedigree that may also be interested in his attention. He is going to be 100% harem protagonist.
I really like this, but I think for a charm that doesn't cost essence and is only a 1 dot, it's a bit too powerful. Maybe instead limit it to one roll in a category per scene? It doesn't really have activation conditions, and it's reflexive, so it would still be quite good.

I like the idea of the city-related ability categories in general. Very flavorful.

We should probably work out what "themes" our Courts have for the charm purposes. So far I see the following:
1) The turning of the Wheel. Things to do with the passage of ages, rebirth, restoration through destruction, change. This also plays
2) Unity of aspects. Thematically this would be contracts, different aspects of one thing, cooperation, civilization, constructive competition and conflict. That's both the cities and the Inner-Outer Wilds clashing to create the livable forest.
3) Imprisonment and sanctuary maybe? Stuff to do with Labyrinth. That I really need to think about.

I'll have some charm ideas later.
Had another thought on this topic.

My general goal here is to make charms like our mote free difficulty reducers/dice adders that pay for their utility in use condition for the FCF. They're pretty bullshit, but the number and degree of effects like this they have is one of the infernal calling cards. Most of the charm sets they have possess at least one option in this category.

I think that SSS is distinctly less powerful than BSM, but doing it from the dice adder angle might be more playable.

Instead of the replacement mechanic tied to the scene, make it an always on like WHWH but with different restrictions.

The user has to adopt and act exclusively within the confines of a particular spiritual alignment - that is to say only actively use abilities from their set and applications within their themes - the more successful they are at it the more benefits they get up to a cap.

If the user ends the shift they reset to zero, and you must end one shift to begin another.

It needs to be balanced relative to the effort and avoid a bookkeeping nightmare, so maybe something like this:

Five Paths, One Ring
The infernal finds her footing on the five pillars of her soul, dancing among them under the life giving light of the will that encircles them all.

By leaning into the essence of one of the five pillar-cities of her soul the infernal may enter a shift centered on its themes. So long as she acts in tune with that nature success builds on itself; each overall check she passes using the relevant skills will add +1 dice to the pool for all of them up to +3.

She may only adopt one shift at a time, and actively using abilities in the domain of another city immediately resets the bonus and pushes her to that city's shift.

Rolls that use skills other than those outlined below do not end a shift, but only benefit from the bonus if clearly in line with the one currently in use.

The Red City: Law, Leadership, Intimidation, Melee, Alertness, firearms
The Emerald City: Academics, Occult, Science, Technology, Craft, Computer
The Sapphire City: Expression, Politics, Performance, Subterfuge, Athletics, Larceny
The Amethyst City: Medicine, Investigation, Empathy, Finance, Etiquette, Stealth
The Golden City: Survival, Brawl, Awareness, Streetwise, Animal Ken, Drive

This also sort of draws on WBS for inspiration.

It doesn't cost essence, but to use it we have to lean into a particular approach and changing it resets the charm. Which gives real consequences for choosing to shifting gears and provides a hypothetical mechanism for playing against it.

You counter BSM by drying the infernal out, WHWH by turning up the temperature, and FPOR by inducing doubt.

Presented with uncertainty in our purpose, actions, or the situation, to the point that we choose to act on it and it decreases Molly's power.

Which seems like a fun twist for an infernal whose personal issues are in large part anchored in the need for certainty and the things that go wrong when she's too sure she knows what she's doing.

I'm tempted to make the bonus more significant because of the WBS style build up component and the fact that it has stricter requirements for using it than WHWH, but +3 is pretty good already and I don't want to make it more complicated by adding rules for additional benefits.
Murphy needs a power up. She is not the homely classical maiden type to coast on her cooking skills and the like.
Mundane Badass is a trope for a reason.

As it is, he has a Demon Lady to be, a fallen Angel on a redemption kick after his ass. Nothing can really beat that unless Elder Mai or Mab throws their hats in the ring.

So Murphy is well placed as a Mortal badass and Harry DOES have a thing for Damsels in Distress, which Molly and Tiffany are technically not, even if Harry believes otherwise.
We know Lash can fix the kid, assuming she isn't in a coma due to irreparable brain damage, but IC Molly doesn't. And we shouldn't be spreading information about Lash willynilly without doing a bit of investigation.

[X] Explain that our gifts do not lend themselves to healing, but that we might be able to put her in contact with a gifted healer.
-[X] Empathy Excellency
-[X] Stunt: It is not difficult to detect the spark of desperate hope that has kindled in Helen's normally cold, nearly emotionless eyes. Truth be told, that intensity coming from Helen, of all people, is somewhat disconcerting. Best to tread carefully here, you decide.
--[X] "Unfortunately, healing is not my forte. I'm more about transformation and empowerment. I may be able to put you in contact with a true healer, if you can tell me what you need? I would not want to give you false hope by promising more than my associate can provide."
[] Regretfully explain that you cannot heal
Is this strictly speaking true?

We could buy psychic disciplines and sorcery to an extent during the rebuild, and these are a thing:

Psychic Healing

The psychic can heal wounds and other injuries with the power of their mind. [13]

  • The psychic can sense what the patient lacks.
  • The psychic can accelerate the natural healing process of their patient, sending them into a sleep after which most minor illnesses are cured.
  • The psychic can mend wounds and banish more obstinate illnesses.
  • The psychic can mend broken bones and banish more serious illnesses.
  • The psychic can remove cancer or infections.

Empathic Healing

The psychic can establish an empathic link that allows them to influence the healing process of another person. This extends to psychic ailments as well. The psychic takes these injuries onto themself and has to cure them at a normal rate. [9]

  • The psychic can soothe grief and similar minor ailments.
  • The psychic can mend surface injuries.
  • The psychic can heal acute illnesses or mend broken bones.
  • The psychic can mend internal injuries.
  • The psychic can heal severe psychic damages, including derangements and harano.
Psychic powers seem particularly suited for this purpose, because they seem more things you do than ones you know. The teleportation ions even calls out that the users don't know or care how it actually works.

Psychic healing can handle physical issues up to major damage, diseases, and cancers. Empathic healing does physical stuff and mental ones.

A mix like that seems like it could handle brain damage among other things. That plus merits for making healing more effective could do a lot of work.

Alchemy 4 is supposed to be a big deal too right? Probably not enough to do the job itself, it's still essentially conventional mastery just shy of the best mortals can do with it. So if we rebuilt her to heal and then gave her magic steroids and her daughter supplemental healing would she be able to do the job?

If that wouldn't work, essence vessels are a thing. Could we pop out her soul and then stick it into an arcana body like a lower grade Lash?

Maybe as an emanation so it won't cost as much and we can include complementary immortality and reset the kid to her mental age. Instead of leaving an 8 year old in a 19 year old's body, which I don't think Tiffany's healing/pacts can fix.

Sure we can't exorcise her from her own meat suit, but I don't think we'd need that many successes to dice a vegetable with Usum.

Sorry about the dots on those paths by the way, SV had a fit when I tried to post the quotes because they were image links for some reason and I had to remove them. They follow the usual order.
[X] Explain that you do know a magical healer if she wants one

Tiffany could use more Faith. And, damn, we might as well open a marketplace: "new powers offering magical services in exchange for faith". Lydia can probably do something like this with ghosts, I guess.
We know Lash can fix the kid, assuming she isn't in a coma due to irreparable brain damage, but IC Molly doesn't. And we shouldn't be spreading information about Lash willynilly without doing a bit of investigation.
We wokld faciliate a contact between Tifanny, who can possibly help, and this woman.

Everything Lash wants to reveal after that is her business