What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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If one looks at the writing I did, then one shall note that the troop transport is only a requirement noted for a non-exterminatus solution to the Orks in one's local neighbourhood.

It's hard to use a burning cinder as an FoB of course. Which is the point, we need to get the Front Line pushed out of our core.
It's so we can parry-and-riposte. The next system in the chain only recently fell--strategically speaking--and if we can bait in a major offensive, we'll have a short window where we can push forward and seize a foothold--if not repulse them entirely.

Because all the Orks are going to be on the fleet that we'll hopefully manage to take out when it rushes us, leaving just the weaklings and the low-totem pole ones to defend the previous ground. Giving us an opening to push the frontline out of our heartlands--but for that, we need a dedicated assault ship.

If one looks at the writing I did, then one shall note that the troop transport is only a requirement noted for a non-exterminatus solution to the Orks in one's local neighbourhood.

...right, that makes sense.

Sorry, I was assuming that these Orks were more entrenched in the next system over than they apparently are, so I was discounting the possibility of a counter-invasion of that system being feasible for a long while yet.

I still think we should hold off on building a transport until aftee this next wave is repulsed. We can get it 'for free' using the design action anyway after next turn-tho I guess it's unlikely that one frigate would be enough to carry all the forces we would need to commit to retaking the planets of the next system over in a timely fashion.
Sorry, I was assuming that these Orks were more entrenched in the next system over than they apparently are,
I...I did include a section in the update where the Imperial Fleet moved through Droma and informed you they're abandoning entire systems to note they'll bomb the shit out of the Orks systems, right? Right?

I am seeing it, can someone please confirm I am not imagining things?
Will admit, it's very frustrating seeing large chains of votes for the option that only gives our Navy half the ships it requested just to recoup our HI investment earlier, which unlocks nothing because we've had it before

Even if meeting their request is winning, it's by an uncomfortably small margin.
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I...I did include a section in the update where the Imperial Fleet moved through Droma and informed you they're abandoning entire systems to note they'll bomb the shit out of the Orks systems, right? Right?

I am seeing it, can someone please confirm I am not imagining things?

*shrug* You probably did, but my memory isn't the best, and I'm also not the best at actually understanding/comprehending what is being said at times. Don't worry to much about it, I'm just dumb.
Essentially, but they do start to perform horrendously worse far faster in prolonged combat where they can't catch a resupply or repair their stuff. They are here to have a good time, not a long time.
So immediate strike, pull back and knuckle up, then all out?
But isn't a WAAAAAAGGHH! a issue to let them get some steam?
[X] Preparing for the Long Haul
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Feb 29, 2024 at 4:16 PM, finished with 74 posts and 32 votes.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 29, 2024 at 9:54 AM, finished with 76 posts and 34 votes.
165.M42 - A Beacon For The Fleet
Having taken the urgent requests of the military to heart, work begins immediately on a massive expansion of the Candle Keeper's Void Navy, four new Aries-Class ships slowly emerging from nothingness as their skeletons, then muscles, and finally fat and skin are constructed and applied, their sleek white forms bristling with deadly intent and soaring swiftly across the void with their siblings in arms. Shakedown cruises begin the second they are free to leave, and their crews are staffed by those volunteers from SDF ships and recruits, old hands guiding the next generation on the systems of these ships, and every soul within eager to prove themselves worthy of the trust given to them.

Yet, while these ships will undoubtedly become the backbone of the coming war against the Orks, even if the discussed re-fits are authorized and designed, a new vessel was slowly emerging from the belly of the shipyards, one created to stand as a beacon for the fleet, grand in purpose and grander in design.

New Weapons:
(Each cost 2 DP to Install.)
Medium Macro-Cannons - These up-scaled Macro-Cannons use internal munitions to create kinetic impacts to deliver damage to the enemy. Thundering and impactful, they are a favorite of many a captain. However, they are prone to miss over large distances and thus waste their damage potential, as they must hit an evading enemy to deliver said damage. A feat that requires either an outstanding gunnery crew or close-distance shooting.
Medium Lances - Pumping enormous amounts of energy into specialized focusing lenses and through overbuilt capacitors from the ships' reactor, Medium Lances are limited in their firing duration by what their often overstressed cooling systems can deliver. Thus slow to shoot, they nonetheless make up for that by boasting a nearly 100% accuracy rate as they fire at the speed of light.
Medium Missiles - Deceptively sized, deceptively agile, deceptively hard-hitting, and very versatile, these enlarged missiles can deliver a lot of hurt quickly, but they can be shot down or evaded and are best used in close-quarter brawls to minimize that risk. Thanks to their vicious Machine Spirits, most fired at the enemy will hit if not distracted or destroyed beforehand.
4x80m Torpedos - These gigantic missiles are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy ships of far heavier classes than the ship that shot them within moments after impact. This variant comes with eight shots stored. They can only be installed at the front of a vessel.
Prow Ram - A massive ram designed to break an enemy ship's spine, able to outright rip apart smaller ships if equipped on large vessels.
Light Rotary Macro-Cannon - With several tricks of space-saving measures, logistical contortions, and the sacrifice of easy maintenance, a Rotary Macro-Cannon delivers twice the pain at only a bit more expenditure.
Light Prow Lance - Lances fire coherent beams of energy siphoned directly from the ship's reactor and are only limited in their cooling systems for firing duration and hurt delivered. Prow Lances takes that concept to a concerning level, sacrificing the ability to aim in exchange for more power pumped through their titanic catalysts.

New Equipment:
(Each cost 2 DP to Install.)
Small Troop Compartment - Enough space and Life Support Systems to transport four ground military units through the Warp.
Dedicated Ortillery - Able to deliver munitions against the foes of its controllers, dedicated ortillery has none of the downsides of aiming a ship's main guns at a planet as it can aim without a margin of error measured in kilometers.
Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations - Like a leaf through the wind, a tear within the rain.
Enhanced Supply Generation - Internal factories and mining shuttles capable of gathering and manufacturing limited maintenance supplies for a ship on extended patrols.
Light Teleportarium - Imperial Teleporters can only send a roughly Ogryn-sized object through the Warp in a straight line, often blocked by more than five meters of solid matter. Yet, the versatility of surprise boarding troops outweighs the drawbacks.
Emergency Maneuver Engines - Inertia is a force not rapidly brought to heel. Yet, needs must, and a ship that survives damage is a ship that can be repaired instead of salvaged after being struck by enemy fire it couldn't evade.
Armored Bridges - The Captain of a ship is, arguably, the most critical component of its machinery, as losing them leads to mass confusion and a drastic loss in efficiency.

You have 7 Design Points.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Frigate Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1.600/1.700/1.800/1.900/2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 350/400/450/500/550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Single Hull/Single Hull/Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull/Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - Singular Emitter/Two Emitters/Three Emitters/One Array/Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
Since we want this ship to have troop bay I say we go for a missile frigate with a troop bay plus the Missile Swarm equipment from when we were designing the Destroyer.

Edit: Something like this:

[] Pilgrim-class Frigate
-[] Length
- 1.700
-[] Width - 400
-[] Acceleration - 5.5
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters
-[] Weapons - Medium Missile Batteries, Medium Macrocannon Turret -4 DP
-[] Equipment - Missile Swarms, Small Troop Compartment -3 DP
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[] Righteous Fury Class Frigate
-[] Sketch N/A
-[] Length
- 1.600 Meters (+1 DP)
-[] Width - 400 Meters (0 DP)
-[] Acceleration - 6 Gravities (-1 DP)
-[] Armor - Single Hull (0 DP)
-[] Shields - Two Emitters (0 DP)
-[] Weapons - Light Rotary Macro-Cannon/Turret, Medium Macro-Cannons/Battery (-4 DP)
-[] Equipment - Small Troop Compartment, Auto-Loaders, and Gravimetric Engine Calculations (-4 DP)

Here's a design that's 1 design point in debt. I am quite curious how punishing the detriments can be as well so this will be experimental.

The design overall has average speed/mobility(even if not the best due to not taking the 2 dp engine upgrade), capable weaponry with a decreased reload time, and tolerable armor/shield/hull strength(though there is less mass then an "average" design but that's the cost so that it doesn't take 2 design points worth of detriments). The troop transport section exists as well.