So, one of the leading plans...
Let's get voting!
[] Plan A Tank Load of Military Development
-[]Infrastructure 5/5 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 1/2 AI Dice: 0/1 70R
--[] Blue Zone Arcologies (Stage 5) 150/450 1 dice 15R 0%
--[] Rail Network Construction Campaigns (Phase 6) 221/245 1 admin die 15R 99%
--[] TransAmerican Railroad 68/120 1 die 10R 99%
--[] Drone Logistical Integration 0/240 3 dice 45R 60%
Hmm. F0lkl0re, I think it might actually be better to prioritze
Construction Drone Centralization rather than
Drone Logistical Integration this turn. My reasoning is that for Karachi, we're going to be doing a huge amount of construction, well within missile range of Nod forces. This is a good time to be doing a lot of the actual construction with swarms of tele-operated drones controlled from a safe distance away, preferably in a bunker.
And that's the construction drone project.
The logistical drone project, while offering larger +Labor payouts up front, is going to have more effect on our ports and railyards. This is nice, but less immediately urgent given that we already have the ICS in place and have since 2058-59 or so. I'm heartily in favor of it, but I don't think it's our immediate priority.
-[]Heavy Industry 5/5 Free Dice: 2/6 Admin Dice: 1/2 AI Dice: 0/1 105R
--[] North Boston Chip Fabricator (Phase 5) 1265/1805 7 dice 105R 90%
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're putting five Heavy Industry dice, two Free dice, and an AA die on this one project, right?
So that's... 7+AA dice... let's see, seven times thirty-four is 238... 16d50+238. Since the target number is 1805, factoring in the omake completion bonus, I think you're comfortably past the 90% probability of completion line. Up to 98.3%, I think, which means it's very,
very likely that you're overkilling the project by one or more dice.
6+AA dice would give you 74.85% chance of completion, which I personally would find acceptable (3/4 chance of getting it, 1/4 chance of needing, realistically, one more die next turn).
Just plain 7 dice, moving the AA die to something else, would give a 90.3% chance.
So I'd like to at least suggest this possibility, because while we absolutely want North Boston completed, it's now very clear that we have more than enough Labor-saving options that aren't gated behind it, so it isn't a hair-on-fire crisis situation if the project finishes in 2064Q4 instead of 'Q3.
-[]Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 90R
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 425/1140 2 dice 60R 0%
--[] Civilian Drone Systems 0/150 2 dice 30R 80%
Respectable. Bergen isn't an urgent project, after all.
If it was me, I might put the AA die from North Boston here, because 1+AA dice would give the
Civilian Drone Systems project a reasonable chance of completion while letting us focus the more valuable Light Industry die on Bergen or another project.
-[]Tiberium 7/7 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 200R
--[] Deep Red Zone Tiberium Glacier Mining (Stage 4) 168/190 1 die 30R 100%
--[] Xenotech Tiberium Processing Plants (Stage 2) 16/300 1 die 40R 0%
--[] Liquid Tiberium Power Cell Deployment (Phase 3) 4/125 2 dice 40R 100%
--[] Forgotten Experimentation (Tech) 0/260 3 dice 90R 87%
Hm. Interesting balance. I could get behind this.
-[]Orbital 7/7 Free Dice: 0/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 1/1 210R
--[] GDSS Columbia Bays
---[] High Density Housing 255/295 1 die 20R 100%
---[] Assembler Bay 0/255 2 dice 40R %
--[] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 2) 5/250 4 dice + Erewhon 150R 99%
I like this, given that the assembly bay falls under "important but not urgent." I understand why people want to hurry up and finish the second species restoration bay, but I feel like a bit of a lag while we shift focus to something else might be for the best. Among other things, the scientists working up there will need time to get the hang of what they're doing, and giving them twice as much room to screw up in won't necessarily be a net benefit.
-[]Services 4/4 Free Dice: 2/6 Admin Dice: 0/2 AI Dice: 0/1 180R
--[] Autodoc Systems Deployment 0/280 2 dice 60R 0%
--[] Transhuman Technology Deployment 0/300 4 dice 120R 93%
Not gonna lie, I'd really like to shift Free dice here from something I think is less essential. Reducing North Boston to 6+AA dice, or skipping out on one or two of the military development projects, would make me happier, because it'd free up more dice for rollout of
Autodoc Systems Deployment before Karachi. Alternatively... well, the
Transhuman Technology Deployment project is great, but a three-die rollout (23% chance completion, near-certain completion in Q4) might actually be fine, and Services is a tightly dice-constrainted category right now.
-[]Military 6/6 Free Dice: 2/6 Admin Dice: 1/2 AI Dice: 0/1 160R
--[] Tib Core Missile Seeker Analysis (Tech) 0/60 1 die 5R 99%
--[] Military Particle Beam Development (Tech) 0/100 1 die 20R 55%
--[] NovaHawk Development (High Priority) (Platform) 0/40 1 die 15R 100%
--[] Thunderbolt II Missile Development (Platform) (Munitions) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
--[] Next Generation Armored Vehicles (Platform) (Merged) 0/160 1 die 30R 0%
--[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 1) 16/285 2 dice + 1 admin die 60R 14%
--[] Phased Plasma Weapons Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 15R 85%
I respect what this is trying to do, but I think it overfocuses on development projects, including stuff that would not do any harm if it waited another turn or two, at the expense of a relatively light commitment to the zone armor project. We have six turns left on that, counting this one, and it needs fourteen dice or so. I'd rather not put things off any longer.