A Hellfish flys again! ( a Simpsons X DVV CK2 Quest)

[X] Plan "Wholesome and old-timey"

We at Old Abe's Family Emporium know the key to success is hard work, good, old fashioned know how, and American ingenuity. So come buy our locally produced electricity, made by Americans, for Americans.
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Tbf, I am hoping to bring back the *good* old time values only and leave the more unsavory bits behind in the dust

Family, integrity, hard work, all that stuff?


Stuff like that, yes - preferably *without* all those conservative, bible-thumping trappings of hetero-normative conformity.

Instead, I´d like to go for the kind of "angle" *Mrs. Doubtfire* ended on:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81Ns7ZR0UgA

An angle where *all* can find their place in the big family of Old Abe, you know?

So you could say that Abe......

....is a Family Guy, right?
Heh, that certainly sounds like the kind of thing you might expect a DVV corporation to say. Sounds positive, but if you look at it in the right light you could be forgiven for thinking it sounds just a bit sinister XD

I know, but at least I intend us to be perfectly genuine about our "homely" PR - basically, a male Mom from *Futurama* who actually practices what s/he preaches

But yeah, expanding that phrase to make it come off as less unintentionally sinister
What A Way To Make A Living (canon!)
What A Way To Make A Living

As he walked into the Springfield power plant at the start of his shift, Carl Carlson got the distinct feeling that something odd was going on. It wasn't so much a general feeling as the fact that, as he walked to his station, he seemed to be getting a lot more odd looks than usual. It was odd for sure, but he put it out of mind until he stepped into a restroom and found out the reason why when he looked into the mirror; For the first time in a good, long time, Carl was smiling at work!

No wonder people were looking at him funny, that kind of thing never would have flied back when old Burns ran the place, and a lot of staff were still half expecting him to show up out of nowhere, declaring that the last few months had been a test to see just who among them had been having thoughts of treachery on their mind! He and Lenny had thought the same for a bit, but the Union negotiations had put (most of) those fears to rest. If Burns had still been in control, that would have been the time to reveal himself.

Still, Carl thought as he made his way back to his station, a lot of things sure had changed in the time since the senior Mr Simpson had taken over; while most people who'd been working here for longer than a few years at the plant had had all the hope beaten out of them for a long time, there was a general feeling of cautious optimism that things might not be a complete dumpster fire for much longer. He figured he was more realistic though; no matter how good Mr Simpson was about a lot of things either he'd be corrupted by the power he now had (some of the staff whispered of ancient curses spoken in the last breaths of those Burns had had eliminated for one reason or another, but he didn't believe any of that crap unless he could scare Lenny with it) or else Burns would find some way to crawl his way back into the big chair. As long as the fossil was alive, he'd never quit, Carl knew that much, even if some of his more foolish coworkers didn't.

About an hour later Carl was deep in his workflow when he was suddenly interrupted by a knocking at his door, and he turned to see that one of the new eggheads was standing outside. The safety operation supervisor waved him in, and in moments Professor Frink was standing next to him.

"How can I help you professor?" Carl asked, temporarily pausing his work to give Frink some of his attention.

"Well, I was hoping that we would be able to talk about a few things," Frink began, idly waving a folder in the air as he spoke, "As you may know Mr Simpson plans to make the plant less of a, and I am directly quoting him here, 'Chernobyl meets Five Mile Island meets the Hindenburg waiting to happen.'" Frink paused, an expression on his face that told Carl that while the wording was blunt he didn't disagree with it. "And given the…Extensive nature of the situation, I felt a meeting with the safety team was called for."

There was a look in Frink's eyes as he said those last few words, one that Carl recognized. It told him that Frink had already taken a look around the facilities and was wondering just how long they had before things went mushroom shaped. It was a look he'd seen a fair number of times before, on the faces of brand new inspectors who, shortly after, either walked away with much heavier wallets or were never seen again for what were surely normal, non-murdery reasons.

Carl drummed his fingers on his desk for a moment, as he wondered how to deal with this. He'd seen this kind of thing before, when Burns thought one of his employees might be getting thoughts of blowing a whistle on the typical practices here. It was stupid, and he'd seen guys get fired (at least) for far less, but deep in the most cynical part of his heart there still existed a shred of hope that he could go to work without ignoring literally everything he'd learned when working towards his Masters. "Alright, all cards on the table? I might have something that can help you with all that." He turned and bent over towards the bottom of his desk, pulling out a rectangular, metal lockbox, blowing off a bit of dust that had gathered on it since he'd last brought it out. Pulling a key out of his pocket, Carl opened up the box with a degree of reverence.

"I've got a few folders here that might be what you're looking for," Carl began as he reached inside and pulled out a green one, "Green is stuff that probably needs to be looked at but could probably wait a minute, or else it's the rare few things that Burns was willing to take care of semi-recently so could wait a bit longer before it needs any more tuning up." He placed the rather thin folder on his desk and reached back inside.

"Yellow is stuff that should be looked at sooner than later but if you're in a pinch could probably wait a little longer," With that Carl dropped the, noticeably thicker, folder on top of the green one.

"And last is red," Carl began, and with a grunt began lifting the thickest folder yet out, dropping it on top of the others with a heavy thud that shook the desk. "This is stuff that should have been done a while ago, but Burns was too much of a skinflint to ever do more than cosmetic fixes at most. If he was feeling generous."

At this point Frink's eyes were wide behind his glasses, and he reached over to try and lift the folders but they were so heavy that even a much stronger man would have had trouble. "How in the world did it get to this point?"

Carl couldn't help it, he let out an unimpressed snort. "Come on, you can't have missed what Burns was like. Back when I first started I brought most of this to my supervisor and the next day I got a visit from that lickspittle Smithers. You want to know what he told me?" The supervisor put a pair of fingers on the sides of his nose and began to speak again, this time in a rough imitation of Smithers' rather distinct voice. "We hear what you're saying, and are going to put our full effort into determining a path forward. For the time being do not proceed on any of these solutions until we have decided on a way forward that is in line with our company's values." Carl finished with a deadpan look that sent the message home.

"And you never heard back about any of this?" Frink asked despite clearly knowing the answer.

"Not a single word," Carl replied, "Turns out our company's values weren't exactly pro-safety, whodathunkit? And a good chunk of the red folder was in the green one when I first made it. At this point I was just keeping it updated with new issues and such just in case Burns ever tried to throw us under the bus in a lawsuit." He let out an aggrieved sigh, "I think Lenny might have some stuff too, but we never really talked about any of this out loud in case any snitches were paying attention. You might check with Homer too, maybe he noticed something we didn't." To his credit Homer did occasionally have moments of insight that were helpful for their team, perhaps a handful in a given year, and that was usually enough to justify keeping him around in his opinion, but honestly Carl didn't expect too much on that end. His own notes were pretty comprehensive after all.

"Well thank you, this should greatly help with the project," Frink replied, placing an awed and perhaps a little fearful hand on the stack of papers, before hesitating. "...But I might need to come back with a cart." And with that Frink began all but sprinting out the door, eager to get all of the information back to his own office where he could go over it all properly. Carl waved him off, getting back to work. He wasn't usually one for hope when it came to his work, and he'd been a pretty cynical guy even before starting his job at the plant, but if nothing else it certainly felt good to be listened to after so long. Hope was all well and good, but he figured he liked vindication much more.

There is no doubt in my mind that a solid chunk, probably even a majority, of the plant's workers are just planning on enjoying the time they have with Abe at the helm before Burns makes his triumphant return. They'll really miss him when he's gone, and most probably still expect status quo to be god and for it to happen any day now...Yup, for sure.
[] {Spymaster} The Finale:
At the start of each turn, The Finale will do an opposed Intrigue roll to try and find any intruders or hidden factions in Springfield. (Roll would be applying only The Finale Stats. Basically The Finale rolls Intrigue, and thats the DC, every person or faction hiding in the city has to roll and pass that DC to not be found by him).
The Finale is the old sniper guy, right?

No, the REAL fun came from some hecklers in a seat that Jasper couldn't see. They seemed to be pros at it!

A few people seemed annoyed, and the performers especially were, but for the most part people seemed to agree with Jasper's take they were livening things up.

Jasper went to make small talk with them, but he just missed them, hearing one last quip beforehand.

"We'd better get going while the going's good."

"If that was the case, we'd never get going at all!"


Reward: Jasper has a decent time at the theater. Personal Action "Try to Talk to the Mysterious Hecklers" unlocked.
