AtP is a lot of fun. We got the Archive to call it frightening and we weren't even trying. If we want to play that game here we can reveal ourselves to one person without anyone else noticing and blast them with our full dice pool.
I wouldn't bet on him in that parking lot, but of the common supernatural species on earth rampires are noted to have significant control issues with their hunger even relative to everyone else dealing with that issue.
With street level vampires like this all it'd take would be finding one the next time they're feeding, having sex, or are intoxicated and pushing them into a frenzy. He doesn't even need to touch them or do anything to draw their attention.
By the time they notice what's going on he could easily have their willpower pool drained, leaving them hopelessly suggestible to someone with social powers even if the physical damage from the drain isn't enough to burn through all the blood they just drank.
If a whampire gets you like that you better hope they're very skilled and only want you dead. Cause a clumsy or deliberately malicious whamp getting you into a state like that is the DF's entry level fate worse than death.
Reds have their own fairly straightforward win conditions, but it's still not the greatest idea to piss them off if they're in your weight class.
In a fight maybe, but whamps are at their most dangerous outside of it, especially if you underestimate them. The Dresden Files doesn't exactly hand out mental defenses for free, even people like powerful wizards have to get by on willpower and maybe some baby's first rote level stuff.The incubus' eyes flash silver, but he doesn't make a move. One of the Red Court would be hard enough to deal with for most of his kind, never mind s pair
I wouldn't bet on him in that parking lot, but of the common supernatural species on earth rampires are noted to have significant control issues with their hunger even relative to everyone else dealing with that issue.
With street level vampires like this all it'd take would be finding one the next time they're feeding, having sex, or are intoxicated and pushing them into a frenzy. He doesn't even need to touch them or do anything to draw their attention.
By the time they notice what's going on he could easily have their willpower pool drained, leaving them hopelessly suggestible to someone with social powers even if the physical damage from the drain isn't enough to burn through all the blood they just drank.
If a whampire gets you like that you better hope they're very skilled and only want you dead. Cause a clumsy or deliberately malicious whamp getting you into a state like that is the DF's entry level fate worse than death.
Reds have their own fairly straightforward win conditions, but it's still not the greatest idea to piss them off if they're in your weight class.