Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I also think Harry, as a magic nerd who blows things up with his mind, would find an enchanted foci for blowing things up harder more interesting and useful as a gift.
Too close to work. I am trying to avoid work-related gifts as much as possible.
For Lydia I think Heels of Action Heroine would be a funnier gift than video games. A 1-2 dot prodigy pair of heels that act like a pair of high quality boots (possibly with some sort of weapons bonus if she's using kickboxing while brawling?) so that her mechanically optimal combat footwear is a pair of stilettos.

In reply to her teasing Molly about being a magical girl.
Possible, I guess. Maybe a wardrobe quick-swap talisman pre-loaded with a magical girl outfit?
Isabella is a tricky one, since we don't really know what she does for fun. If going for something custom I'd be tempted to try making a despair accumulator, so she can carry a sippy cup and eat proper meals instead of doing the equivalent of licking peanut butter off of spoons. Absent that? Ray gun. Everyone likes ray guns and she's already basically always armed anyway.
Too work-related, I feel.
For Thomas I'm thinking a ring of "I'm not touching you" that works one of two different ways.

1) full body force field that acts as a technical contact blocker for hand holding activities but is too fragile for combat bonus purposes.

2) we steal something from the story we heard about Merlin and Mab by giving him a 2-3 dot prodigy (brought to 2 dot price by adding a flaw like requiring blood points to activate) which brings up to 2 people touching it on activation into a shared lucid dream.

Only thing I can think of that he really wants beyond the generic is to be with Justine again, and this would sort of do that.
Maybe, but I'm not sure we can easily pull it off.

Oh, and I forgot Murphy. Adding her in, also as a blank - not sure what to get her.
I'm terrible at coming up with gift ideas. My go-tos are normally gift cards, or just making someone pick out their own gift.

Is there any IC way we could finagle a meeting with Justine, perhaps as part of trying to find a good gift for Thomas, that would lead to us checking her for Nemesisitis?

[X] Yog
Too close to work. I am trying to avoid work-related gifts as much as possible
Magic is his hobby as much as anything else.
Possible, I guess. Maybe a wardrobe quick-swap talisman pre-loaded with a magical girl outfit?
I'm trying to keep it to things that are useful as much as gags and are simple to enchant so that we have time to make them all.

Outfit swapping is higher on the totem pole as I read it than more baseline effects like being super shoes.

Too work-related, I feel.
It's basically the equivalent of getting her fancy kitchen equipment. White vamp isn't her job, it's what she is.
Maybe, but I'm not sure we can easily pull it off.

Oh, and I forgot Murphy. Adding her in, also as a blank - not sure what to get her.
I think we can. The canon samples include stuff like someone who only had the crafting charm making effective matter duplicators and time machines as long as the limits and prices line up.

Part of what we get in exchange for the system being as annoying and expensive as it is on multiple levels is that we can make all sorts of weird shit based primarily on how much it messes with the plot instead of what backgrounds we have justifying it. Or that's my read of it anyway.

Murphy would definitely enjoy a ray gun. Sure it's also work related, but I don't see the point of avoiding that. People spend a significant portion of their time working, making it easier is one of the more helpful things you can do for someone.
I'm trying to keep it to things that are useful as much as gags and are simple to enchant so that we have time to make them all.

Outfit swapping is higher on the totem pole as I read it than more baseline effects like being super shoes.
A compromise - morphing shoes that can transform from sneakers to high heels while always providing support
Murphy would definitely enjoy a ray gun.
Not sure about that. Giving her a raygun is not very responsible and might irk her as a cop. And might get stolen from her. Alternative suggestion for now: a set of law textbooks and treatises dealing with mortal-spirit crime. Something for her to read about, she might find the perspective useful. And yes, it's work related.
Magic is his hobby as much as anything else.
True, but I'm not sure the man has a fridge right now, much less a TV. We are already feeding him Deep Lore (tm) constantly.
It's basically the equivalent of getting her fancy kitchen equipment. White vamp isn't her job, it's what she is.
True, but apparently whampires can store their meals for a long time (decades, as White King demonstrates). So, not sure how helpful it would be to her. I'll keep her open for now.

Shared lucid dream is a good way for Thomas to get infected by Nemesis. That's a risk I am paranoid about. A contact forcefield is a good idea, but we don't know about his issues IC, I think.
Should the Queens of Winter be included?
We're on good terms with Mab and Maeve personally, and we've reached a point where engaging with them in such a manner from one royal to another that we have a relationship with is an understandable thing for us to do.

If we do engage in an exchange of Christmas gifts with Winter, then do we want to also do so with Summer?
We've started to form a friendship, friendly relations at least, with Winter, and Summer can feel compelled to balance that out. Friendship with Winter could be balanced by opposition from Summer, or we could try to balance it on our own terms by creating an equivalent friendly status with Summer so that we're just on good terms with Faerie in general rather than favoring one over the other.

How is he going to use a computer?
It works in canon. Butters hooked him up. He loves the internet in all of its porn filled glory.
How is he going to use a computer?
If it's court based, it would be adapted for spirit control. If it's Earth based, voice activated controls If he can't directly manipulate it.

Should the Queens of Winter be included?
We're on good terms with Mab and Maeve personally, and we've reached a point where engaging with them in such a manner from one royal to another that we have a relationship with is an understandable thing for us to do.
They are under the "everyone else" category near the end of the list. We are going to do a lot of things as it is, and we gave them an early present anyway.

Maybe send Mab or Maeve a bottle of good wine?
A compromise - morphing shoes that can transform from sneakers to high heels while always providing support

Not sure what the added value is, but that's probably less expensive and more useful than an outfit swap. Works for me.

Not sure about that. Giving her a raygun is not very responsible and might irk her as a cop. And might get stolen from her. Alternative suggestion for now: a set of law textbooks and treatises dealing with mortal-spirit crime. Something for her to read about, she might find the perspective useful. And yes, it's work related.

If you can't give guns to the law who can you give them to? I'm not too concerned about additional exposure here, since we're already putting the things in the hands of the council and their close allies. Leaks are basically inevitable, but I doubt anyone will be able to make their own at any reasonable scale or anything. Reverse engineering is really hard, especially with a complete lack of common tech base.

True, but I'm not sure the man has a fridge right now, much less a TV. We are already feeding him Deep Lore (tm) constantly.
He has an old school ice box and a large fiction library. Dresden is super stubborn about his habits, so I'd be surprised if he substantially changed his lifestyle even if we got him some of those modern conveniences.

True, but apparently whampires can store their meals for a long time (decades, as White King demonstrates). So, not sure how helpful it would be to her. I'll keep her open for now.
The point was less storage for preservation and more so she could build up a bunch of drips into a supernatural big gulp cup and then drink it all at once. Which is mechanically useless, but addresses the complaint she had about how feeding herself by taking the minimum from any one target was frustrating.

I'm envisioning it as something like having to feed yourself by eating one peanut at a time every few minutes when you're living upstairs from a delicious restaurant.

Being able to eat your peanuts in meal sized blocks wouldn't fix everything, but it'd be a lot less maddening.

Shared lucid dream is a good way for Thomas to get infected by Nemesis. That's a risk I am paranoid about. A contact forcefield is a good idea, but we don't know about his issues IC, I think.
Maybe, but we've demonstrated we can detect and counter that. I'm not sure nemesis would want to risk that close of a connection. In any case nemesis isn't an STD. If it wanted him it could make an attempt when they're together for other reasons, which still happens. Thomas gets a scarf or something as a gift from her at some point, demonstrating that they're still together even if they're not physical anymore.

I think we're at least loosely aware of the situation. I believe his recruitment touched on him having someone anyway.


Maybe send Mab or Maeve a bottle of good wine?
If we do that it should be something super weird for our own amusement.

Wine brewed entirely in the perpetual cold and dark of the wastes from plants with no analog off of our world or something. Maybe fivefold distilled brandy based on Nohongata? Something that'd burn the eyebrows off of a mortal. :V

Or since it's technically a root vegetable some sort of waste-vodka equivalent?
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If we do that it should be something super weird for our own amusement.

Wine brewed entirely in the perpetual cold and dark of the wastes from plants with no analog off of our world or something. Maybe fivefold distilled brandy based on Nohongata? Something that'd burn the eyebrows off of a mortal. :V

Or since it's technically a root vegetable some sort of waste-vodka equivalent?
Thousand year cold brew samitic. Said to give people visions of their own past in greater clarity then their own memories allow for.

I wonder just how common cold endurance mods are among our people and if they are going to become more common when it gets around how Molly likes to work in the cold? Is Molly going to go places in her Kingdom and find that people have adjusted their thermostats to freezing to make her more comfortable?
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I'm not too concerned about additional exposure here, since we're already putting the things in the hands of the council and their close allies
Yeah but those guys live and breathe the masquerade. As a cop you literally can't fire a single bullet without having to file a report on it. Maybe it would be good for emergencies I guess but she wouldn't be able to use it on the job in any "official" manner.
Yeah but those guys live and breathe the masquerade. As a cop you literally can't fire a single bullet without having to file a report on it. Maybe it would be good for emergencies I guess but she wouldn't be able to use it on the job in any "official" manner.
Murphy does tons of off the books stuff, like rescuing Molly from Arctis Tor. Really, even when she's actually filing reports half of her job is to lie because people don't want to read reports about faeries and ghouls. We're talking about someone who's killed vampires with flaming shotgun rounds before without too much issue.

This would just be one more thing not to mention.
I'm kind of wondering about the potential of bringing something wholesome and innocent but harmless for our family that just doesn't exist on the normal market: We have an entire world with a history far better recorded and far longer than ours, part of the whole 'people don't die when you kill them' thing. So why not see what sort of multi-person board game or other tabletop experience develops over that much time? If you need to keep a whole passel of kids occupied and distracted from their own very legitimate worries, if you are worried about keeping the family together when everything is trying to tear them apart, when gribbly monsters are trying to tear mom and dad apart in a far more literal sense, its something that should be quite welcome.

Whatever the hell eons of development would produce in lieu of Scrabble or Settlers of Catan or whatnot would be one hell of a sight.
I also think Harry, as a magic nerd who blows things up with his mind, would find an enchanted foci for blowing things up harder more interesting and useful as a gift.

Too close to work. I am trying to avoid work-related gifts as much as possible.
Instead of blowing things up harder, we could give him a slightly less work related blasting rod of blowing things up more Chicago-esque, as a proof of concept for how his magic doesn't need to have techbane.
How about a vacation?
Spa-weekend in the City of Fountains maybe?

She does like to discover new things and such, that at least we know.

--[X] Murphy: A set of law textbooks and treatises from the courts regarding how mortal-spirit crime can handled
I really doubt that helps much in our world, the basic conditions are just too different.

Maybe we go to Bok's or ask Harry and get her some basic texts on magic as practiced on earth?
One of her major problems for the first few books was that Dresden never explained much to her.

Actually having an idea what is and isn't possible with mortal magic, buying a dot of Occult Library so to say, would be extremely helpful in figuring out minor cases without Harry's help and it would make her feel less dependent on outside support, be it the Library or Harry or us.

--[X] Daniel: Martial arts fiction from the Courts.
Didn't we say something about a car, eventually?