Yeah, the big question I have is really what art will fight best next arc in the Foreign Quarter discussions.
My feeling is that Winter's Crown works fine in either arc. Boundaries Untrodden to a degree depends on what's going on with the espionage plot, though also arguably fits worse with everything coming to a head (if that happens in the final arc and not this one)?
In terms of the discussions my feeling is that Boundaries Untrodden probably fits better here in the transgression of boundaries through cultural and information sharing maybe?
Also not sure what the other art options would be for next arc anyway. FFS is fine, but most of our arts don't really fit well here or we want to do elsewhere imo? Maybe Fortress of Tsu 2 given the whole bringing people together thing Tsu had? But also tbh BKSD will have a great time in the War arc anyway, and it's about the wolf god that we've already largely failed to actually show off so doing it again in another non-violent arc wouldn't be great, and finding good sneaky-time opportunities for LFWT meditation is harder than you might think.
So idk I'm kind of inclined to go with Boundaries this section on the grounds that it's probably a better place for it and Winter's Crown should be good next section?
My feeling is that Winter's Crown works fine in either arc. Boundaries Untrodden to a degree depends on what's going on with the espionage plot, though also arguably fits worse with everything coming to a head (if that happens in the final arc and not this one)?
In terms of the discussions my feeling is that Boundaries Untrodden probably fits better here in the transgression of boundaries through cultural and information sharing maybe?
Also not sure what the other art options would be for next arc anyway. FFS is fine, but most of our arts don't really fit well here or we want to do elsewhere imo? Maybe Fortress of Tsu 2 given the whole bringing people together thing Tsu had? But also tbh BKSD will have a great time in the War arc anyway, and it's about the wolf god that we've already largely failed to actually show off so doing it again in another non-violent arc wouldn't be great, and finding good sneaky-time opportunities for LFWT meditation is harder than you might think.
So idk I'm kind of inclined to go with Boundaries this section on the grounds that it's probably a better place for it and Winter's Crown should be good next section?