Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Our people won't and can't stand up to close scrutiny anyway.
They are all Formor with cyber-implants, if they aren't spider-people in the first place.

Just get them any kind of paper that can stand up to a fleeting glance and leave the rest up to Molly if any individual is actually investigating.
I'm fairly sure we have people without cybernetic enhancements in our hell. Also our humans count as formor?
I'm fairly sure we have people without cybernetic enhancements in our hell. Also our humans count as formor?
We have some with minimal enhancements, propably, but if we want a team ready for some action, they will be augmented.
Otherwise we might as well hire mortal mercenaries.

Also yes, everyone with implants complicated enough to require a machine-spirit counts as a Bakemono or Formor.
And even without that all our people are Creatures of Darkness.
[X] Working with the Workshop to sell rather than buy precious metals and funnel those funds into accounts you can spend without questions from the government

It does not but if you had the charm and you rolled that I would have given you the option of an artifact capstone with the rest of the rebuilding action this month.
So, what exactly would it take to get the option of purchasing CCoP midarc like we did with our hell?
[X] Working with the Workshop to sell rather than buy precious metals and funnel those funds into accounts you can spend without questions from the government

So, what exactly would it take to get the option of purchasing CCoP midarc like we did with our hell?

Getting to a point where Molly needs to forge an artifact as some kind of emotional imperative, for example one of your siblings is dying of something right in front of you and there is a pile of scrap in the corner that you could turn into a Device to stabilize them.
She felt like a mini darkhallow two essence levels and a demon planet ago. I wouldn't be totally surprised if Molly is generating a lot more noise right now.
She feels like this up close. We have never observed her being detectable from beyond sight range.
We should probably split the difference if we can. Having them all come from the same region is a pattern that can be worked with.
Oh, sure. A mix works best of course. Some Brazil, some post-USSR, some from several african states that had violent revolutions recently, some from some island micronations, etc.
As to Winter not talking about the exorcism; we specifically had votes at the time focused on the premise that if we didn't conceal ourselves the event would generate considerable faerie gossip. We elected to lean into it for more rep gain.
I checked, actually, and we got everyone out before we started the exorcism:
Useful as it might be to be known, to be feared the last thing you want out of tonight is to win the enmity of the real Maeve which dealing with her... problem in front of her crew might well get you. On top of that you do not want say the pixie over there with a cloak made out of bacon to be able to recount how this looks like to any interested parties. His choice of wardrobe does not engender confidence.

Surrounded by Winter's monsters and caught between two of its Queens, something boils out from behind your eyes, material and spiritual Invisible and intangible, but as demanding as the kiss of a branding iron on bare skin for those without the relevance to warrant acknowledgment.

Lost 3 Essence and 2 Willpower -> now at 7/12 Essence and 7/9 Willpower

Thus you reach out a hand for the tools you know will be there. Unlike like so many others before it, this was no mechanical monstrosity, even hell, even the Wicked City can appreciate the virtue of simplicity in this. At exactly five and one half feet long, stands an exactly straight bar of steel. Every angle unnaturally perfect from the flattened cap to exactingly sharpened tip. The first tool, and first division of natural chaos into shaped order Held just above the floor as she turned, it seemed to almost drag the shadows inwards without touching them, whispering secrets at your feet.

Thus you speak "Best to clear the room".

Rather than go they all freeze in place. Where before there had been chatter, necks craned at unnatural angles, the flash of rimefrost mirrors even to spy the spectacle ' round corners now there are only eyes wide in dread, breath caught in scores of throats.

"Leave!" the Queen of Air and Darkness bids, her voice like a crack of thunder in still air... and still about a third of them don't move. "Leave this place and leave at once!" she repeats, the third time driving ever the most awestruck to sudden frenzied action fast as their hooves, wings and in one case really overpriced ugly sneakers can take them.

"Oops, didn't mean to do that," you ver carefully apologize without apologizing so as not to add a second faux pas to the first as you continue to take out the rest of the stuff from your purse.

"They were too lightly cowed," she waves the matter off with a sigh. "Those here are among the least disciplined of all Winter regardless."
Winter fae who are not Mab, Maeve and Odin (who was likely told by Mab) knows that we were doing something with Maeve, but not what exactly.

Also, it's important to note that Mab still hasn't asked us to purify Leanansidhe.
I really doubt anyone mortal knows about the exalted. At most they might have found it looking into the situation around Molly, but even that's a stretch. We're not talking about easy to acquire lore here. It's a topic separated from the modern world by a nearly immeasurable amount of time and multiple independent apocalypses.

Anyone even loosely aware of it should have a damn good reason they even knew what questions to start asking instead of justifying it with deep modern occult knowledge.
Basically knowing about Exalted without having had any reason to research them would be a 15 success result. There is no way they were in any way relivent information for anyone before this year. It's more likely for people to know what Abraham Lincoln ate for his 16th birthday.

Now Angel bro seems to know but he likely also knows what Abraham Lincoln ate for his 16th birthday.
This depends on if Dragonblooded families are a thing somewhere in the background. If they are some sort of obscure asian thing, Ancient Mai is the one best suited to know about them (or, hell, for being related to them).

Getting to a point where Molly needs to forge an artifact as some kind of emotional imperative, for example one of your siblings is dying of something right in front of you and there is a pile of scrap in the corner that you could turn into a Device to stabilize them.
That would be Latter Day Devil Implants, I think. CCoP would be needing to repair an orbital space station before it makes reentry, or to heal a god of some kind maybe (god forging), or to repair Outer Gates amid invasion of Outsiders.
We have some with minimal enhancements, propably, but if we want a team ready for some action, they will be augmented.
Otherwise we might as well hire mortal mercenaries.

Also yes, everyone with implants complicated enough to require a machine-spirit counts as a Bakemono or Formor.
And even without that all our people are Creatures of Darkness.
Shapeshifters and mages without stuff probably exist.
Getting to a point where Molly needs to forge an artifact as some kind of emotional imperative, for example one of your siblings is dying of something right in front of you and there is a pile of scrap in the corner that you could turn into a Device to stabilize them.
Then let's hope that this arc lasts just long enough.
Arc 9 Post 8: Time Stretched Thin
Time Stretched Thin

19th of November 2006 A.D.

Between you and Iris' data banks it is resonably easy to get Thomas up to date on the Fivefold Courts with a focus on the City of Endings, home of the Amethyst Hand and likely the first agents you will be bringing over to earth. "Cyborrgs...spider cyborgs... not where I thought this was going," he mutters under his breath a time or two, but he seems for the most part unshaped by the the fact that he is talking to the queen of an alien world which is really nice to be honest, all the more so as he is not faking it. For Thomas Raith you realize nothing you could do or be could ever match the act of taming his Hunger. Not to say that he does not have questions, he does from local cultures, norms and laws, aptitude with language. Among other things these questions lead to learning about the traffic laws in the Five Cities with even the most stringent, the City of Law being considerably laxer than the US traffic code. After all fatal accidents aren't.

Certain forms of property crime are more harshly punished than murder, but not nearly as much so as abuse in all its forms. A skilled medic can regrow your hand or replace it, but trauma lingers though the turns of the Wheel. Abuse of children in one's care while not unknown is viewed as one of the most horrifying crimes imaginable under both secular law and the doctrine of the Covenant which in Iris' words 'recognized the neuro-plasticity of the young.' Two verses from the Canticle of Sorrows, a thousand year old book of religious and legal commentary, linger in the mind:

Let one who would twist minds not yet grown into themselves be twisted in flesh
Let one who would rot still tender hearts be shown to all the world rotten in flesh

While systematic breaking of bones and allowing them to heal wrong and the use of slow narcotizing poisons to induce a state akin to leprosy are not a part of modern legal practice in the Five Cities for the same reason people are not stoned to death or hanged anymore the moral outrage against those who perpetrate mental and spiritual harm children is bone deep. Not that you can blame your subjects for it it, but it is a good thing Thomas brought up cultural norms now and not when an agent's discipline cracks at the sight of some asshole slapping their kids around in a Walmart and tasers them into a coma.

When it comes to IDs Thomas is confident he can get a dozen or so that will stand up to decent scrutiny on relatively short notice, but after that you will need your own forging operation, including on the digital side.

"Digital," Iris does not scoff, but you can hear the contempt in the way she stretches out the assailable. "As soon call the run-off of a broken pipe a river as this sloshing mess of dead data a no-sphere. It shall not be a concern soon."

With that boastful, but you suspect not inaccurate statement you bit farewell from new friends and old and head out to meet a very much 'unfriend'. Broken Seeker had your number and he must have had another phone from somewhere but he is unfortunately not willing to do serious planning over the phone so a meeting it will have to do, but you are not about to let him choose where.

"The old US Steel lot, by the river."

Chosen with aforethought and no small amount of malice the place where you had fought and killed the Will of Kakuri. But you had not killed him alone, you well recall. But dad would probably find it very hard to deal peacefully with a Naagloshii, temporary though the alliance might be and Harry has enough on his plate right now, you reason

Turns out you did not know the half of it, just as you are getting in the car to head over there you get a call, it says 'Burny' on the screen, but it's not Mouse on the line.

"The Merlin of the White Council is in town," he sounds about as enthusiastic about the fact as a man heralding a convention of dentists, clowns or dentist clowns. "He is looking for whoever caused every seer in the Midwest get bad dreams yesterday. I tried to cover for you, but you are not hard to spot with magical senses so I had to confirm that it was you in the context of being the one who helped Ebeneezer this summer."

"What else did you tell him about me?" you ask confused that he would jump right to that.

"Nothing, no reason for the Senior Council to come knocking on your door," he proclaims proudly.

He was protecting me. The realization sinks in slowly. Marry Mother of God he was protecting me by not reporting anything about me since this summer to the organization he is part of "

The desire to protect another person past the bounds of sense, 'wrap one in bubblewrap' I think the term is'might be a sign of romantic interest Majesty,"
Usum offers very much ill timed encouragement.

"I tried to reassure him that it was all good here in Chicago, but he didn't buy it, he wants to talk to you..."

"Now?" You try not to sound testy, you really do.

"He's planning to just go look for you... Like I said you aren't hard to trace for a Senior Council member and a team of Wardens."

"Harry just give him the phone," you sigh.

"The phone with the you-know-what in it?" he asks still with excessive emphasis.

What do you do?

[] Put off the meeting with Broken Seeker, go see what the Merlin wants
-[] Write in stunt (Optional)

[] Just talk on the phone, demon in it or no, it is not going to make a worse first impression than you will
-[] Write in stunt (Optional)

[] Write in

OOC: Harry did his best to distract Langtry and he rolled well enough that said Senior Council member is still at Harry's place and not already off looking for you though the city.
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[] Just talk on the phone, demon in it or no, it is not going to make a worse first impression than you will

Leaning for this option, but I also wanted a bit of a write in about what topic to discuss.

Which made me draw blanks because, well, I just don't know what to talk about with the Merlin.
[X] Write in - "Fine then, DON'T hand him the phone. See the little button that looks like an old timey microphone? Press that, put me on speaker. We can ALL talk this out. Or better yet, Burny, put me on speaker please!"

Somehow we need to shoehorn in "Listen, I just had Uriel in house having coffee with my mother to talk about the changes special girls undergo as they grow up. How much worse can Merlin be?"
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[] Just talk on the phone, demon in it or no, it is not going to make a worse first impression than you will

If we talk with Langtry on the phone for a minute, then we can arrange a time and place for a proper meeting later.
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[X] Write in - "Fine then, DON'T hand him the phone. See the little button that looks like an old timey microphone? Press that, put me on speaker. We can ALL talk this out. Or better yet, Burny, put me on speaker please!"

Somehow we need to shoehorn in "Listen, I just had Uriel in house having coffee with my mother to talk about the changes special teenage girls undergo as they grow up. How much worse can Merlin be?"
I don't think that'll keep the Merlin from noticing the demon in the phone.
I don't think that'll keep the Merlin from noticing the demon in the phone.
No, but it means Harry doesn't need to talk him into TOUCHING the demon infested phone. He can stick it in a little circle if he wants. You can tolerate a number of things contained across the room that you can't trust pressed up against the side of your head.

I also want Harry to be involved in the conversation we have with The Merlin. He adds a degree of chaos that I think we can exploit. If the phone is not on speaker Harry is cut out of the conversation.
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[X] Write in - "Fine then, DON'T hand him the phone. See the little button that looks like an old timey microphone? Press that, put me on speaker. We can ALL talk this out. Or better yet, Burny, put me on speaker please!"
-[X] Arrange a meeting later on neutral ground, like Mac's.
-[X] Explain that you are currently arranging a hit on a Red Court noble with what is at best can be called "an unreliable enemy of my enemy", and you'd rather not let the opportunity slip past.
-[X] Etiquette Excellency, ATB to read his voice
[X] Write in - "Fine then, DON'T hand him the phone. See the little button that looks like an old timey microphone? Press that, put me on speaker. We can ALL talk this out. Or better yet, Burny, put me on speaker please!"
-[X] Arrange a meeting later on neutral ground, like Mac's.
-[X] Explain that you are currently arranging a hit on a Red Court noble with what is at best can be called "an unreliable enemy of my enemy", and you'd rather not let the opportunity slip past.
-[X] Etiquette Excellency, ATB to read his voice