Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] First thing's first, get Izzy and Alec to some kind of medical facility, you can deal with the rest of this later.

[x] Plan Taking Charge and Status Report

Getting even more reminders of why I fucking hate Exalted as a setting you guys. Seriously even if Molly needed to sit on Her Throne to activate Mercy in Servitude for her worshipers, it was Izzy and Alec getting hurt that started this sequence of events. Let's make sure they are okay as much as we can.
[X] First thing's first, get Izzy and Alec to some kind of medical facility, you can deal with the rest of this later.

[x] Plan Taking Charge and Status Report

Getting even more reminders of why I fucking hate Exalted as a setting you guys. Seriously even if Molly needed to sit on Her Throne to activate Mercy in Servitude for her worshipers, it was Izzy and Alec getting hurt that started this sequence of events. Let's make sure they are okay as much as we can.
bro we have zero skill in medicine and don't have directions for the presumably small city sized palace. We are in the throne room and high chances we are being observed. Wtf do you want us to do lick their wounds?

Worst case scenario someone arrives in 5 minutes. Probably faster since this is the palace where elites and the government stay.
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bro we have zero skill in medicine and don't have directions for the presumably small city sized palace. We are in the throne room and high chances we are being observed. Wtf do you want us to do lick their wounds?

Worst case scenario someone arrives in 5 minutes. Probably faster since this is the palace where elites and the government stay.

Which is why I'm also voting for Plan Taking Charge and Status Report. I just want Izzy and Alec taken care of first.
Its probably safe to assume the throne is cursed for anyone whose not us right? Since you know no ones presumably tried to use it in recorded history and named themselves queen of the crystal palace?
Given the fact that (AIUI) our arrival has been foretold for quite some time, that wouldn't merely take brass balls, but giant green flaming brass… hold up.
That will be expanded on next update, but yes claiming to be the Empress is not as easy as just sitting on the throne, it has to react a certain way.
Whatever it is I suspect it involves our crown manifesting.

I am just imagining at some point we are giving a speech and various randos in the crowd are super excited and muttering to themselves "Do the thing! Do the thing!" only for us to flare our anima at a dramatic moment and the crowd goes wild.
[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl

As I see it, ascending the throne immediately means that the people we deal with will be reverent and willing to do just about anything Molly asks without complaint or suspicion - including helping Izzy and Alec. Trying to get medical help before bona fides are established means instead everyone is likely to be assumed to be potentially dangerous trespassers - not the best for them after they've already gone through stress.

Having the cream of the crop of the most militant faction act as palace security by centuries-long tradition is likely to be relevant.
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Given the fact that (AIUI) our arrival has been foretold for quite some time, that wouldn't merely take brass balls, but giant green flaming brass… hold up.
at least over ten thousand years yes we've been long foretold.
Which is why I'm also voting for Plan Taking Charge and Status Report. I just want Izzy and Alec taken care of first.
In fairness thats less people not caring and more people voting for the first option presented and not usually waiting for write ins.
Catching up:
We can make a pocket realm peer to this with the baseline crafting rules without even killing anything impressive for it.

The scale does matter for the impact it has at a high level in multiple ways. It's a materially bigger deal.
Politically at the minimum the scale factor changes how other powers will treat us as a power.
I dont recall seeing any thing on the order of "make a Horizon Realm the size of Ukraine"

2)I am reasonably sure thats not how power in the Dresden Files works.
The White Council doesnt hold enough territory to even count as a city-state.
Ditto Odin.

The number and quality of our followers matter, as well as what they can do.
But just empty land has as much impact as winning Alaska in the US popular vote.
Probably less.
Prior to population you were arguing against the same idea on the basis of not picking something too outsized for the setting.

Maybe I was misinterpreting things this whole time, but nothing you've written on this has read like anything other than an argument for building a city state tier hell moving across different domains of the design.
1)I dont think I ever did that. Population yes, size no.

2)Yeah, you were either misreading me or I wasnt doing a great job communicating.
Possibly both.
I think I threaded that needle. The native Great Labyrinth tribes are in the, well, Great Labyrinth (Ancestral Prison, etc). They will respond with hostility if approached, and we'd have to work on correcting that (we were told that diplomacy is possible to correct the flaw after the world's creation). But I didn't write them as expansionist. As others have mentioned, this is a flaw on the scale of deadly flora. Deadly flora can be avoided. So can these guys be, if voters aren't interested in this. I made them as an opportunity.

We probably won't agree on this, same as how I am fervently opposed to overpouplation, which I view, based on the text as written, as far worse than the rebel faction, and you think it's not that bad.
I dont agree.
But thats fine; we wont agree on everything.

The Infernal spends long hours in meditation on
the time before time, the epoch before light and law
first blighted the universe, and the remnant impossibilities of that strange and pitiless mythology. From the
scraps of such madness, she may uncover the deeper
secrets of sorcery.
System: Upon purchasing this Charm, the Infernal permanently lowers the cost of all ancient sorcery
spells by 1 Essence (to a minimum of 1), and lowers the
difficulty of all ancient sorcery rolls by one.
Mechanically this charm sort of sucks. 16 xp and Ancient sorcery is usually cast as a ritual when time and essence isn't that important. However, narratively it makes a great justification for homebrew Sorcery.
IIRC, -1 difficulty from this charm also applies to Paths. Still not great, but.
Look at the spell list again.
There's a whole bunch of spells there that are viable in combat time because of Pentacle's discount.

I think it was ruled that it also affects Paths magic, but your point stands, for a 4 dot charm, a 1 point dc reducer on stuff we need to pay large quantities of xp to get is underwhelming.
Its not just the DC reduction, its the Essence cost reduction for both Path Sorcery and Ancient Sorcery that makes combat magic viable for Molly in a way it wasnt previously.
Let me do it this way:

Burning Eyes of the Offender: 2m
Cirrus Skiff: 2m
Death of Obsidian Butterflies: 2m
Flight of the Brilliant Raptor: 3m
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze: 2m
Trees Many Branches: 2m
Wood Dragons Claws: 2m

It makes a whole lot of Ancient Sorcery combat spells that were previously just a little too expensive, into things that you can use mid-combat without burning through your whole pool.
Just being able to toss off Death of Obsidian Butterflies for 2m changes the game in large unit engagements.

Plus, while the charm says that Ancient Sorcery still has a minimum cost?
It doesnt say that Path sorcery has a minimum cost.

Being able to discount Path sorcery costs all the way to 0m is not a trivial benefit, especially since we are going to buy Summoning/Warding/Binding and Hellfire.
Probably Divination.

That sounds more workable, you are right that charm is rather under-powered especially for this world which is more high magic than base WoD.
Then discount it; to a 3 dot/12XP charm, or a 2 dot/8XP charm.
You can even make it free if you want.
Thats the simplest remedy and involves the fewest moving parts.

Thats my two cents.
Catching up:

I dont recall seeing any thing on the order of "make a Horizon Realm the size of Ukraine"

2)I am reasonably sure thats not how power in the Dresden Files works.
The White Council doesnt hold enough territory to even count as a city-state.
Ditto Odin.

The number and quality of our followers matter, as well as what they can do.
But just empty land has as much impact as winning Alaska in the US popular vote.
Probably less.

1)I dont think I ever did that. Population yes, size no.

2)Yeah, you were either misreading me or I wasnt doing a great job communicating.
Possibly both.

I dont agree.
But thats fine; we wont agree on everything.

Look at the spell list again.
There's a whole bunch of spells there that are viable in combat time because of Pentacle's discount.

Its not just the DC reduction, its the Essence cost reduction for both Path Sorcery and Ancient Sorcery that makes combat magic viable for Molly in a way it wasnt previously.
Let me do it this way:

Burning Eyes of the Offender: 2m
Cirrus Skiff: 2m
Death of Obsidian Butterflies: 2m
Flight of the Brilliant Raptor: 3m
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze: 2m
Trees Many Branches: 2m
Wood Dragons Claws: 2m

It makes a whole lot of Ancient Sorcery combat spells that were previously just a little too expensive, into things that you can use mid-combat without burning through your whole pool.
Just being able to toss off Death of Obsidian Butterflies for 2m changes the game in large unit engagements.

Plus, while the charm says that Ancient Sorcery still has a minimum cost?
It doesnt say that Path sorcery has a minimum cost.

Being able to discount Path sorcery costs all the way to 0m is not a trivial benefit, especially since we are going to buy Summoning/Warding/Binding and Hellfire.
Probably Divination.

Then discount it; to a 3 dot/12XP charm, or a 2 dot/8XP charm.
You can even make it free if you want.
Thats the simplest remedy and involves the fewest moving parts.

Thats my two cents.
I personally still have no fucking clue how sorcery works do we not have to buy individual spells, is that a separate option, is it at all worth it when we have charms with limited exp?
I personally still have no fucking clue how sorcery works do we not have to buy individual spells, is that a separate option, is it at all worth it when we have charms with limited exp?

Charms are a part of you, they are things Molly can do as Molly-the-Infernal-Exalted, aspects of her soul and mind. Ancient Sorcery is... sorcery, they are spells you can cast by making the correct gestures, speaking the right words and investing a cerrtain amount of Essence. Any Exalted could learn them.
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Charms are a part of you, they are things Molly can do a Molly-the-Exalted, aspects of her soul and mind. Ancient Sorcery is... sorcery, they are spells you can cast by making the correct gestures, speaking the right words and investing a cerrtain amount of Essence. Any Exalted could learn them.
Okay I knew that just I have no idea how useful they are for us with limited exp or how we buy them is it like per spell, types of magic, are there multiple buying method for different things?
[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl
Okay I knew that just I have no idea how useful they are for us with limited exp or how we buy them is it like per spell, types of magic, are there multiple buying method for different things?
Holden did not want to port Sorcery. He was literally forced. He dis not want exalted to have magic in ExWoD.

That should tell you everything.
[X] First thing's first, get Izzy and Alec to some kind of medical facility, you can deal with the rest of this later.

Important things first.
People who were in the hands of a naagloshii need vetting for both health and magic reasons.
I do not put it beyond Seeker to have left something behind in their bodies, just in case.
Yes, yes it does, indeed you have cameras installed in the throne room in expectation for the Arrival. While they did not have a date, they did have an obvious location for where it would happen, not specifically that you are going to step out of the air, but they at least knew you would have to claim your throne.
Smile, Harry, you're on MTV (Molly Television), the 24/7 live broadcast of Molly's throne room, one of the consistently highest rated programs in the FFCoF.

Don't scratch your ass, no matter how much it suddenly itches.
[X] First thing's first, get Izzy and Alec to some kind of medical facility, you can deal with the rest of this later.

Important things first.
People who were in the hands of a naagloshii need vetting for both health and magic reasons.
I do not put it beyond Seeker to have left something behind in their bodies, just in case.
I mean I chose throne because logically searching for medical attention in a hell palace that we've teleported into with it being the size of basically a city isn't smart. If we are on the throne and this place has cameras and sensors everywhere someone should be heading here right now. Someone who will likely listen to their queen. Its not even that big a logical leap right now.
behemoth riding woolly porcupine herding peoples
What. Giant domesticated PORCUPINES?

Could I see your math? Because mine worked out differently. I actually did calcs and the Cities were quite spacious:
Huh, yeah I missed a zero here and there, and looking at it now it's almost the opposite, which feels kinda weird. Mega cities feel a lot less 'mega' with so much open space.

Lol quintessential STEM experience right there. Missing a small, tiny amount of zeros, or a +/- completely fucking borks everything. Also we know not everyone lives in the cities! We have the exiled porcupine herders!
Very true. Obviously Molly's arrival is going to be a huge deal on various social and religious grounds, but as I understand it the place is much closer to a utopia than Dresden's earth by a LONG shot and not just because it lacks the Dresdenverse's monsters.

Molly will inevitably make changes, but it's probably a good idea to leave as much power as possible in the hands of those who have made responsible use of it up to this point rather than just grabbing for more control willy-nilly. If we find a problem, then maybe start interfering. She'll have her hands full with just the responsibilities already put on her by the religious position anyway.
Molly's social position in this society seems to be closer to god than king and gods are allowed to be far more hands off well still being thought to be doing a good job. Many gods are so hands off that it's hard to even find evidence that they exist and they still get higher approval ratings then presidents who work themselves into an early grave.
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