Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Not at the moment, though if you guys want to take him out into social or physical combat I can come up with something
Well it'd be nice if it eventually existed I'm sure he has some stats well beyond ours and other stuff. Mind you I can wait a month or three. We are talking about a being who makes lasciel seem like a kid in age.
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For the second, the reason I think it could work is that you can awaken the Po soul while they're still alive.

You can also have Po souls that are fully sapient and quite sophisticated, such as canon ones that want to embrace modernity and reject traditional values, or ones that want to do the opposite, etc. A Legalist Po is driven to obey the orders of superiors and is enraged when inferiors refuse to do so. A Sage Po wants you to follow the wisdom of the ancients and is enraged when it's proved inaccurate, etc

Like I said it is not that they are simple in their natures, it is that they are basal, obsessive, hard to change.
[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl

The situation with our friends is important but stable, and doing this right matters too.
[X] Roll down some screens -you know how to do that somehow- figure out what is going on from a non-Usum perspective

Need to make sure we aren't streaming this live; if 5 billion people are currently watching this scene, I'd probably want Molly to react accordingly, but if no one has realized yet what just occurred (pretty unlikely but possible) maybe we can deliver Molly's friends to a hospital first before putting dibs on Molly's throne.
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Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Aug 11, 2023 at 5:16 AM, finished with 41 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl
    [X] First thing's first, get Izzy and Alec to some kind of medical facility, you can deal with the rest of this later.
    [X] Roll down some screens -you know how to do that somehow- figure out what is going on from a non-Usum perspective
[X] Roll down some screens -you know how to do that somehow- figure out what is going on from a non-Usum perspective

Need to make sure we aren't streaming this live; if 50 billion people are currently watching this scene, I'd probably want Molly to react accordingly, but if no one has realized yet what just occurred (pretty unlikely but possible) maybe we can deliver Molly's friends to a hospital first.
uh even if we could this is a highly elite, highly protected, very fuck large palace. We're talking recruits from among the best in a world where being a few centuries old doesn't mean shit among a population of billions apparently. Even if many of those are likely new machine spirits, spirits in general, and other stuff. We're still talking the elite of the elite in a united society with pretty much all centuries of experience and anyone who doesn't have that much time and is here is either here due to nepotism or more likely extreme talent. This is a society with at least cyberpunk 2077 levels of tech so cameras everywhere and things more advanced than camera, a place with magic defenses, a place with elites of the elites. We have zero in stealth lol.
funny thought we get one of the dragons working in the palace to tell our friends they've been summoned as the heroes to save this world. Maybe throw in high wizards of the palace! Don't appear for a bit and then tell them surprise. :p
Ah, man, that was another great chapter, @DragonParadox. Loved the imagery and Usum's introduction.

Thanks @Yog for your efforts to flesh out our Hell so well. @myrix, too! And honorable mentions for @Yzarc and @uju32, of course. I hope DP finds inspiration from your proposed Hells to incorporate into this one.

[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl

I am truly curious - who is freaking out more right now, Harry or Lash? I mean, Harry is likely more out of his depth - Lash probably remembers the act of Creation by White God. On the other, Lash understands more than Harry and has more mental capacity to grasp the magnitude of the event.
Lash: "Kneel before Molly!"

Harry: "What the Hell is going on here?"

Lash: "Exactly! Hell! Prostrate yourself like the worm that you are, and pray that She has not taken offense at your spurning of Her advances!"

Harry: "Wh-

Lash: <sighs loudly> "Why do I even bother?"
[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl
Ah, man, that was another great chapter, @DragonParadox. Loved the imagery and Usum's introduction.

Thanks @Yog for your efforts to flesh out our Hell so well. @myrix, too! And honorable mentions for @Yzarc and @uju32, of course. I hope DP finds inspiration from your proposed Hells to incorporate into this one.

[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl

Lash: "Kneel before Molly!"

Harry: "What the Hell is going on here?"

Lash: "Exactly! Hell! Prostrate yourself like the worm that you are, and pray that She has not taken offense at your spurning of Her advances!"

Harry: "Wh-

Lash: <sighs loudly> "Why do I even bother?"
I'm always a bit sad harrys unlikely to seduce the seducer in this quest like he did in canon.
[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl
I am truly curious - who is freaking out more right now, Harry or Lash? I mean, Harry is likely more out of his depth - Lash probably remembers the act of Creation by White God. On the other, Lash understands more than Harry and has more mental capacity to grasp the magnitude of the event.
Lash remembering sounds like more reason for her to flip if anything. It's one of those things where more details don't make an event easier to handle.

On Harry's end he's basically just been told he's in something like a nevernever kingdom of appreciable size. More specifically the throne of its god-Empress. That almost never ends well for him even when he knows them personally.

… Especially when he knows them personally.:V
So guys what do you think our people will think about us worshiping an even higher god? Not that we're a puny god. Will it just be like yeah that makes sense or do you expect an existential crisis?
Off the top of my head 500.000 people, enough to count as a small city by our standards though of course this world of mega-cities does not have such a concept. A lot of its functions are automated though. Palace Security Guardian of the Brazen Flower SUTRA for instance counts as one person, but they do a lot of work.
huh thats nice thanks dp.

Hey @Yog when you made the prison people you imagined them as people while savage, cruel, and even prone to trickery people of honor right? Like they have to be right for leaving to be the greatest crime of the prison and the fact that they WILL submit if we prove cunning, powerful, and tested right?
Anyway, interesting points:
1) The name on the throne is Molly's name, but seemingly isn't written in Old Realm, and is a translation of her human name. I am guessing there are deeper mysteries still. These are her titles, not her True Name as a Primordial, like Perfected Principle of Consumption is a name.
2) Usum is using the exact same term for the process as Lash did. Now, this might be a coincidence or a limitation of English language, but it also might mean that Lash truly understands now (like, seriously, I am super-curious about what she's telling Harry right now - I am fairly sure this is the biggest cosmic event Harry has ever been witness to, by far. Stuff like that leaves marks)
Lash remembering sounds like more reason for her to flip if anything. It's one of those things where more details don't make an event easier to handle.
Which is exactly why I wonder who of them is more freaked out.
So guys what do you think our people will think about us worshiping an even higher god? Not that we're a puny god. Will it just be like yeah that makes sense or do you expect an existential crisis?
"Notice me senpai!" is how Molly's worship of White God might look on the cosmic scale. That, or considering White God a respected and even revered elder.
Hey @Yog when you made the prison people you imagined them as people while savage, cruel, and even prone to trickery people of honor right? Like they have to be right for leaving to be the greatest crime of the prison and the fact that they WILL submit if we prove cunning, powerful, and tested right?
It's in DragonParadox's hands now, but if I was to venture a guess - they are not united. The Labyrinth is large. The tribes in different sections, levels and such are not all the same.
[X] Ascend the Throne, he's right you can handle the rest of this later, but if people are waiting, if people are watching they should see a ruler, not a confused girl
Anyway, interesting points:
1) The name on the throne is Molly's name, but seemingly isn't written in Old Realm, and is a translation of her human name. I am guessing there are deeper mysteries still. These are her titles, not her True Name as a Primordial, like Perfected Principle of Consumption is a name.
2) Usum is using the exact same term for the process as Lash did. Now, this might be a coincidence or a limitation of English language, but it also might mean that Lash truly understands now (like, seriously, I am super-curious about what she's telling Harry right now - I am fairly sure this is the biggest cosmic event Harry has ever been witness to, by far. Stuff like that leaves marks)

Which is exactly why I wonder who of them is more freaked out.

"Notice me senpai!" is how Molly's worship of White God might look on the cosmic scale. That, or considering White God a respected and even revered elder.

It's in DragonParadox's hands now, but if I was to venture a guess - they are not united. The Labyrinth is large. The tribes in different sections, levels and such are not all the same.
were the ones described that upper world people met pretty accurate to my guess though? Not that it means much a tribe could be a fuck ton of people and then have a thousand more tribes. I wonder how many levels there are.
were the ones described that upper world people met pretty accurate to my guess though? Not that it means much a tribe could be a fuck ton of people and then have a thousand more tribes. I wonder how many levels there are.
I would guess that the "difficulty" of conquest increases as you go deeper in the Labyrinth. As to honor - no one is a villain in their own story (well, almost no one).