- Location
- washington
My point was not that their meaningless that they don't matter to the greater world or even chicago. They could all die and the city would move on. I said its not fair for most at least cause harry may as well be the chosen one for how much hes saved. I'm complaining its been a real god damn year and if we disappeared today the setting would not be all that different without us. A few wizards would survive, some things would have consequences in about a decade in the winter court, Chicago would never know or care. I just want to do more and I'm a bit tired we haven't been after an entire real life year we've not even completed minor projects or change. We could do a lot lot more than we have. We've done a decent bit of murder. I want more.I'm confused about what your specific complaints are now.
You started complaining that Molly hasn't changed the setting enough.
Multiple people pointed out several things Molly has done that are impactful--both of the direct murder kind and the social kind.
You dismiss her social achievements as being meaningless (Cauldron) and that the killy stuff is also unsatisfying since it's just preserving the status quo. You amend your initial complaint to specifically reference that she hasn't made as big of a splash as Dresden
People then point out how Dresden has been in this for muuuccchh longer. Even then his broader social impact isn't really that much larger than what Molly has done in months and most of his achievements are focused on killing shit that seeks to disrupt the status quo (by killing people)
Your response is that's its okay for Dresden since he's the "chosen one" but not for Molly? I'm seriously scratching my head here. I'd think you viewing Dresden as a chosen one would mean your expectations are higher, not lower
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