There's a few solutions for this related to the emanation end of things.
My build right now uses some other flaws, but my point about the symbiotic purpose of the spirits making some flaws a strength still stands even under the current ruling.
If we take 7 points of Geas as bindings placed on their nature at the time of creation binding them against betraying us, or perhaps requiring them to work against any wielder who we don't give our blessing to, then the one ring comparison becomes a lot more uncomfortable for thieves.
Certiorari for example would be a real bitch to rely on if the god inside only played along until it could feed you poison advice and get you killed.
I dont think it matters.
Its a Wonder/artifact. Its features are not fiat-backed the way Charms are.
I can think of at least half a dozen factions in this setting who cant make something like this themselves, at least not easily, but have the resources to hack or repurpose features if they get their hands on it, from gods and demigods to the Red Court all the way to the Denarians. Even wizards.
I mean, two different Hells managed to get significant use out of a dormant Celestial Exaltation in this setting beyond its design intent and purpose, and thats pretty much one of the best protected examples of artifice in this AU setting.
Hence my point about making stuff that's too valuable, or versatile, or portable.
Someone's gonna make a grab at it, successful or not, regardless of what and who they break in the process.
Dresden keeps Bob secret for a reason.
Looted tokens of power or whatever seem like a fine stand in. Not literally bodies unless we make a zombie, but something our exaltation claims in victory in terms of authority to push the world around.
Kill a modestly powerful vamp == power equivalent to that guy's place in the web of fate as influence. Which would also be nice because it's easy to extend that to our past loot and make it actually useful instead of glorified trophies.
Keeps the balancing element without the unfortunate body part stuff.
Stuff like splendors don't even actually use the bodies you sacrifice as physical components of the items, so it's not like you're changing anything from the end product with a ruling like that.
That would be character-compliant with Molly's characterization, if it goes that way.
I can think of no objections off the top of my head.
[JK] As Kris Kringle, The Gift-Giver, The Toy-Maker, The Old Elf of The North Pole and Master of The Workshop.
What, it's not wrong.
(Srsly tho, of his aspects, Saint Nick is maybe the kindest, but it's an unlikely pull anyhow. Don't think we're anywhere near Christmas. We're not exactly working on the sleigh either.)
Worth noting that it was his Kris Kringle aspect that was one of the hunters leading the Wild Hunt in Cold Days beside the Erlking iirc.
Could we craft stuff as an implant?
@Yog's ring, for example, could we knock out the recipient, cut them open and slip it firmly upon a rib, then pour a healing option down their throat and have it function as if it was being worn?
Can we? Yes.
Like I've mentioned before, my preference is to go Blue Beetle enhancile over Green Lantern power ring, where the power is
Thing is, if its valuable enough, people will be willing to fillet you like a fish to get it. See Quintus Cassius when he was torturing Dresden in Dead Beat in order to get his hands on Lasciel's Coin, and straight up mentions cutting him open to check iirc.
Its an additional security measure, nothing more.
Not necessarily. Sure, it's safer to assume more involvement than less, but Monoc could just be in tight with a small black ops program, easily bribed general, etc. Having access to heavy ordinance and a decommissioned military base doesn't take the full weight of the MIC to make happen.
Its the computer access that clinches it.
The access to classified weapon platform specs suggests rather more than a small black ops program or single bribed general. That speaks to organizational links.
Technically that pain ray is only nonlethal if kept in a certain power range and pointed at people who aren't covered in significant amounts of metal. It's a really inefficient way to kill outright, but disabling equipment and anyone near it is a different matter.
If you blast a group of guys it's going to heat up and electrify anything metal on them. Like say their guns/all the bullets in them.
Also worth noting all the biological/quasi-biological hostiles without wound penalty negators.
A Red Court vampire, or an Ick demon who doesnt have a wound penalty negator, is likely to do poorly in a fight if it feels like its burning at the same time.
It is useful against certain kind of supernatural beings whose pain threshold is higher than their heat resistance
I think you mean the other way around.
IE whose pain threshold is lower than their heat resistance.
I'm not sure how stolen that was. I wouldn't be shocked at all if that one was as given as it gets with Mother Winter.
Still, look at the The Warrior short story, where a renegade priest tries to steal two Swords, and actually gets off with them temporarily. Or when Lea took Amoracchius and left, then gave it to the Red Court.
And that set of artifacts was specifically set up for someone to claim.
Set up for someone to steal if they could get through all the protections.
[X] As Donar Vadderung, Head of Monoc Security
Ehhhh, the metaphysics here is slightly unclear, "soul" is one of those words that fantasy settings sometimes use as technobabble plot filler, and crossovers end up talking about two different things with the same word. I have been grumbling about this for a while.
Because there's a serious case that Molly can't destroy the soul of a person in the Christian sense, at all, as in it's literally impossible. The soul is also written in the book of life in Heaven. (Possibly a separate book of the wicked too, depending on how one reads certain passages.) Whatever you're stabbing, whatever immaterial stuff you're eating, it's not erasing what's written in the book. It's sort of like going to a theatre, murdering all the actors, and incinerating their bodies - you still haven't destroyed Hamlet. No amount of angry Exalted power applied at one theater is going to destroy the play, because it's targeting the wrong place.
Essentially this.
In canon DF, Bob talks about souls as both a regenerating entity and a jar/container for something else.
Dresden doesnt know enough about it to have an opinion.
In Exalted 2E, you have two types of souls, the hun and the po.
In World of Darkness, different game lines have different theories.
Werewolf and Vampire appear to treat it as one entity, Mage appears to treat it as two, Kindred of the East describes two, Wraith has three souls/parts of souls, Mummy has six or seven.
Even in this quest, we see Molly and Bob talking about hun and po souls as discrete and separate entities
Soul physics/metaphysics is something that has never really been nailed down in most fantasies.
Especially since Christian mythology, which DF leans hard on, deals with both the soul and the spirit, without really defining either.
While that could be the case in Christian theology, in Dresden files that is not the case. As the soul in the verse can be burned into soul fire, harmed by numerous methods, destroyed and consumed in rituals such as the Dark Hallow or what the hags were doing in their rituals. Their is a reason why Father Fortnil has an Angel of Death being assigned to protect his soul after he dies in order for him to reach the afterlife safely as otherwise the numerous dark forces he faced can and would do actions that would imperil his soul. Indicating that the soul is vulnerable to permanent destruction.
That a bodyguard was assigned to guard Father Forthill's soul only means that there is a risk it could be attacked or diverted.
Nothing in that scenario suggests destruction.
We know that Yama Kings divert souls from the afterlife to their Hells whenever they can.
Also, see my previous blathering
[X] As Donar Vadderung, Head of Monoc Security