Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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What's the deal with Lapin, Corbeau and Minou? I don't know anything about them.

Ok, then here's an explanation:

All three of them comes from Tart Magica, who is a spin off about, well, Tart, more likely you know her under the name of Joan of Arc.

In the story, Tart is contracted when Kyubey tells her that there is currently a thing that is threatening France, and he needs helps to stop it, he is accompanied by a magical girl who becomes Tart's best friend when doing so.

During the manga, it turns out that the thing he talked about is a collection of strange brainwashed magical girls, that all works under three masked non brainwashed powerful magical girls, these are Lapin, Minou, and Corbeau.

These girls are not good persons, as in, Corbeau is responsible for the black death and proud of it. Her power is that anything that would hurt her, instead hurt someone else in the vicinity, that includes getting grief in her gem. Lapin and Minu requires more explanation before I talk about their powers.

So, the thing is, all these brainwashed magical girls as well as the three big ones have one thing in common, they didn't contract with Kyubey. The actual big bad of Tart Magica is Isabeau de Baviere, a *magical girl* (more on that later) that wished to have everything that Kyubey has in terms of powers, including his ability to grant wishes, she adopted Lapin, Minou and Corbeau, and they consider her as their Mother.

The thing is, Isabeau wasn't immune to the increasing grief in her soul gem, and she transformed into a witch in front of her daughters, this led to Lapin wishing that *she would get back to how she was before*, simultaneously turning back Isabeau to a semi sane state while still being a witch (named *Crepuscule de la reine*, or in English, Twilight of the Queen) and giving Lapin the very annoying power to turn back from being a witch as many times as she wants, allowing her to do suicide tactics that use too much of her magic constantly.

As for Minou, she decided that since their Mother was now a witch, her natural enemy was magical girls, and so she made a wish that made Isabeau immune to them.

At the end of Tart Magica, Corbeau has been killed by Minou because she apparently stopped working for Mother but instead was only thinking of her sisters, Lapin is defeated thanks to Tart's friend using a dangerous forbidden technique to seal her in a different dimension with lots of other witches, and Tart beats Isabeau by becoming something that is halfway to being a witch and using a reskinned version of the aforementioned technique from her friend (whose soul gem she has on her at the time, this is how she reached her new state) to seal Twilight of the Queen in the same place as Lapin and lots of witches.

Notably, this is almost certainly the source of Walpurgisnacht.

Minou is still alive by the end, but her gem shattered and she lost her powers due to her having gotten them via Isabeau.
I don't know about the walpurgisnacht bit but yeah the adult decided to resurrect the 2 and released lapin
And assuming isabeau and the other witches got lapins reversion treatment and aren't part of walpurgisnacht as nearly suggests
Then adult has an army of questionable sane puella who likely are on her payroll
minou Kyoko and homura can handle
Lapin is going to be the most annoying to deal with in a straight fight
Corbeau is a gimmick boss
Red damage will be shafted along with pale and likely black weakness
Likely to be white damage due to it being purely mental in nature............. and even if not it likely drive her allies cuckoo instead for the most part, some of it splashing on our side but considering how indiscriminate her ability was...... willing to bet she could unintentionally screw the adult over by bypassing factors and shifting damage to her
Isabeau being a contractor will be able to grow the adults army by contracting their own puella, and I have no doubts she can use adults ego
I don't know about the walpurgisnacht bit but yeah the adult decided to resurrect the 2 and released lapin

Not release, Lapin was in the same dimension as Isabeau, and is almost certainly part of Waluigi too, so she too is a resurection.

As for why they are the main candidate for making Walalalalalalalalalala, it's simply because this is the only example of witches being forced together that isn't The dawn of Hyades (with the dawn showing that you have to force it, it doesn't happen spontaneously), as well as the aesthetic of Walmart being from the same period (and most people though that Tart was going to become Walimoutofnicknames for most of Tart's running), and the door of the dimension also looking like the base of Huehuehuenight.
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I can see your point
Though the thing I'd consider is whether any witches were likely strong enough to resist it thus remain separate
Or able to just simply survive the darn thing by lapin restoring them to a puella state
I digress but you've brought up an interesting point but only the author knows how this iteration of them came about
Though the thing I'd consider is whether any witches were likely strong enough to resist it thus remain separate

Several things about that:

First, walpurgis has been compared to a storm by the authors, telling that if she met another similar witch, they would fuse, so no *staying separate* possible.

Second, the first point doesn't really matter anyway, Isabeau is head and shoulders above other witches, as in, her barrier covers the entirety of France above them. The only comparable individual witch we ever see is Kriemhild Gretchen.

Third, and I have to thanks you for reminding me of it via this comment, is that there is another particular thing to say about all the witches in that situation that influence how they would react: every single one of them is a magical girl made by Isabeau, and aside from Lapin, none of them has their own will, and Lapin, the second most powerful witch here, wouldn't resist her Mother.


Oh, and Lapin can only restore herself from being a witch, not others.
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Guess I misremembered her limits
Thanks for the correction
Hopefully the adult hasn't tinkered on that power of hers in a limiter removal way then
I'd say that the "Keep in mind we are being watched. Be careful how you ask this question." statement almost guarantees that Lapin, Minou, and probably a whole lot more of deceased magical girls are part of what the Adult's cooking. It's interesting to think about how her EGO page in LoR is crippled by the abnormality having control, with cases like Argalia and now these two in mind; Revival is possible, beyond a doubt, but the Adult is someone who would take it away as soon as it became wonderful or began to look up.

...I'm wondering if the wild stuff going on here can't be turned to our advantage. Obviously, she doesn't have complete control over her resurrections, or else Argalia would be gone, and the fact that X started spreading the Light in the world and both Carmen and Ayin's voices seem to be taking proactive measures is obviously quite a bunch of spanners thrown in her works.
My Form Empties. Those of you who have seen it in action will know why.
Hm, we really don't have good brainwashing countermeasures for our allies do we? It's a Waw like Big Bird, and our best strategy for that was not bringing susceptible people and using X to go bludgeon it quickly.

And as for fighting zombie family members, I really don't see what purpose MFE would serve that the Adult can't already do better.

Lapin is going to be the most annoying to deal with in a straight fight
Corbeau is a gimmick boss
Lapin by herself should be straightforward, she can return from being a witch but nothing about her powers suggests she can return from her soul being destroyed (barring the Adult's intervention). Corbeau's plague is likely to be more annoying with some wide area black damage and her grief transfer abilities, but we can avoid most of that by staying at a distance.
Hm, we really don't have good brainwashing countermeasures for our allies do we?
Magical Girls do seem to have some resistance to mind-manipulating effects, given all the extra abilities that Witches have that don't work on them under most circumstances (Witch Kisses, life draining, that sort of thing). It seems dependent on their state of mind and isn't insurmountable, but it's there. MFE specifically uses a curse for its mind control, so that might fall into a similar zone.
Lapin by herself should be straightforward, she can return from being a witch but nothing about her powers suggests she can return from her soul being destroyed (barring the Adult's intervention).

Lapin actually does possess a very annoying property if she witchout during the fight: Her witch automatically takes control of all the weapons in her vicinity, and the range is big enough to cover an entire army that was staying a little away from the fight.
I wonder what mikoto was doing with whatever she was trying to do with her witch.

And I just remembered, oh my god, we're going to face Sana! Why is fate so cruel to us?
Today's chapter will be delayed as I have some college work to deal with. My apologies for the lateness.
2.4.3 - I’ll Fill You In For A Meeting At Eleven
Chapter 126 - I'll Fill You In For A Meeting At Eleven

With your breakfast ending on an anticipatory note, your children head off to their various places of education. Yuma comes first, since you need to speak with Hitomi when she meets up with the primary group and confirm with her that you're speaking with her parents today and need to have time to intercept them on the way to school. You could technically do that first, since Yuma's school doesn't actually start until after Mami's, that would mean leaving her alone for an uncomfortable period of time. Though you know full well that Yuma can take care of herself, it just feels like bad parenting. And you refuse to be a bad parent.

Instead, you drop Yuma off early. There are several other kids there already, as apparently many parents leave their kids here for most of the day while they work. It's very convenient, and thankfully not to the point of some Nest schools which practically raised their students on their own while the parents attended to more important matters. There's a notable haze of resentment around memories of school that explains a surprising amount about your father's total failure in any and all social environment.

After a short goodbye to Yuma, you reach out mentally and pinpoint the cluster of familiar emotions that is your remaining children. A chain of teleports spaced and angled to obfuscate your destination, and you arrive at the route to Mitakihara Middle School.

At this point, you could just walk up to the kids and get things out of the way, but…

That'd be letting an opportunity go by.


"-is that not all aliens can be this terrible! There have to be at least a few cool ones!" Sayaka insists, the other children deep in thought pondering this important philosophical question.

"If I remember, I heard somebody developed a mathematical formula to determine how many different species exist in the universe." Mami adds. Sayaka shakes her head forcefully.

"You can't use math for aliens! Aliens are exciting!"

"Math can be exciting. Once you get past the basics, the more advanced concepts are very interesting." Hitomi intercedes. Her tone is polite and calm, without any remaining signs of the nervous wreck she had become in the wake of her being attacked. It's good to see her fully comfortable. And furthermore, to see she has respectable opinions regarding math.

"It's true, once you get to a certain level you can do some really funny stuff." you add in, appearing suddenly beside the group. The reaction is immediate.

Madoka, Sayaka, and Hitomi jump at your surprise appearance. Madoka nearly trips, but is caught and pulled back to a standing position by a blank-faced Homura. The two more veteran Magical Girls don't react. It's apparently some sort of dangersense that they develop, as Mami explained to you at one point. It's interesting that 'mild shock' counts as danger, though you'd rather it activate when it doesn't need to than not activate when it does need to.

Putting aside that idea for now, you sort through the various shocked greetings the kids give.

"That's right, it's me." you say with a faint smile. "I'm just here to check in with Hitomi about her parents. They're in today?"

"Yes, they are." Hitomi confirms, anxiety returned to her voice. Hopefully, you'll be able to prove it unfounded. A child shouldn't have to fear judgement from their parents for something outside of your control. "I will call ahead so they know to expect you. You should not need an appointment, but be sure to arrive soon."

"Right, I'd better get to that then. Sorry for dropping in so abruptly, but I've got a lot to do today. Have fun at school."


Madoka's house was impressive. Hitomi's goes a bit beyond that and into excessive.

It's a literal mansion.

You're fairly certain you've seen smaller apartment buildings in Mitakihara. Hell, you're pretty sure you're living in one of said "smaller apartment buildings" right now. It's entirely unnecessary, too, since Hitomi never mentioned anyone but herself and her parents living here. Unless they have staff who also live here, which seems fairly likely given the expected upkeep costs for such a structure.

Most people would probably feel intimidated, walking up to such a building in the stark mid-morning sunlight, armed with nothing but a good poker face and a nice uniform somewhere between a suit and a doctor's outfit summoned out of literally nowhere. You are not most people.

It takes hardly a second from ringing the doorbell before a man in a very stereotypical butler uniform greets you.

"Good morning. You must be the doctor Miss Shizuki spoke of." the man greets. There's a hint of lingering exhaustion buried beneath the staunch professionalism in his voice. Telltale signs of overwork in a job that demands you always present yourself with a certain standard. Some things never change, it appears, no matter what universe you're in.

You wouldn't want to make the man's job any harder, so you nod and say "Yes, that's correct. I'm here to see the Shizukis regarding a recent incident with their daughter."

"Of course. They are currently relaxing in the main study. Please, follow me." the man says.


Walking through the Shizuki residence is an interesting experience. You can learn a lot about somebody by their living space, and the manor's interior is certainly very telling in what kind of people Hitomi's parents are.

It feels more like an art gallery or some old-fashioned exhibit than a place people could actually live in. It's pretty much a perfect encapsulation of the Mitakiharan aesthetic in that sense. The decor is obviously very expensive, all silk and velvet with gold and jewels everywhere and a few modern art pieces added in for good measure, but without any personal touches. Everything from the furniture to the silverware (which has been left out visibly in the open) is in practically new condition, showing zero signs of use. You feel an immediate pang of pity for whoever has to spend their time cleaning all this stuff only for it to go unused.

"If I may, it is good that you have come here of your own initiative." the butler says, slightly quieter than before. "The Shizukis have already chosen not to seek aid for Hitomi's vices. They have determined that there is nothing to address, and chosen not to potentially disgrace themselves or their daughter with unnecessary treatment. I wish you the best of luck in convincing them to enlist your services."

…Well, that sure is a statement. You're not certain exactly how much this man actually knows and how much he's assuming, both about you and about the current predicament, but it doesn't paint a pretty picture. You can't make any judgements without meeting the people themselves, but it's safe to say your impression of Hitomi's parents at the moment is somewhat poor, to put it nicely.

You reach a large pair of doors, which the attending butler slowly begins to pull open. He shoots you a hopeful glance, and you see Hitomi's parents in person for the first time.

The pair sit a good ten or so feet apart, each relaxing on a separate couch opposite one another at a large glass table. Two cups of steaming hot tea are set out in what looks like very expensive china. The man's cup is already half-empty despite the fact that the drinks must be practically boiling right now. Both parents are still dressed in what is obviously business attire, plain grey suits and white ties with a few personal adornments like necklaces and watches. The mother looks like Hitomi grown up, with the same shoulder-length wavy olive hair and composed expression. The father has darker green hair pulled back in a bun and a notably tired expression.

Both turn at the sound of the door opening, seeming apparently surprised to have visitors. Were they not called in advance?

"Shizuki Haruka, Shizuki Asahi. This is a doctor Miss Hitomi found and called about. She believes they have relevant information to her current situation and will be able to provide assistance without any expenditures."

The explanation does not appear to have helped. To be fair, you can see how such an offer would seem suspicious. The mother, Haruka, looks skeptical. Asahi, on the other hand, looks actively disgusted at you. The distaste in his expression isn't broad either; it feels personal. Like you've done him a disrespect just by showing up here.

"Well, doctor, while I'm sure you have convinced my daughter that your expertise would be invaluable in resolving our current situation," the man says, not even bothering to hide his contempt, "there is nothing that requires your services. Hitomi is fine, and whatever rumors you have heard regarding her are baseless. Your offer is appreciated, but you may leave."

"If I may," you protest politely, "I am not here on the basis of any rumors, and I haven't come here to try and drag you into something. My daughter is a friend of Hitomi's, and I was asked to try and offer my support as an act of goodwill."

The father has restrained his disdain somewhat, but the mother on the other hand has gone from hesitant to hopeful in the span of a few sentences.

"Though I hope it's not improper to state this," she begins, "you are clearly not a Kaname. Nor are you one of Miki's parents. You must be the mother of that other girl, then? Hitomi's new friend."

While you internally roll your eyes at the complete diplomatic fumble that is calling somebody daughter "that other girl" in front of them, you aren't petty enough to actually care about it. It's technically accurate, and you'd prefer to keep things moving forwards in this conversation.

"Yes, that's correct, though I have had the pleasure of meeting Kaname Junko and Kaname Tomohisa." you say, the implications of such a statement not lost on you. Though you don't know the specifics, you are aware that Madoka's parents, her mother in particular, are generally considered to be very important people in Mitakihara. "My name is Thrones Alexandra, Tomoe Mami is my adopted daughter. I took her in not long after I moved to Japan."

"Tomoe Mami, was it? I've heard many good things about her. She is a respectable girl, isn't she? Hitomi mentioned her a few times, if I recall correctly. She's an upper-year student, at the top of most of her classes." Asahi says thoughtfully, his disdain for you having faded into a careful consideration. You can feel him judging you, weighing you, deciding what merit you can have for him and his family. Determining where you fall in terms of social status. Estimating the risks and rewards of associating with you.

Capitalizing on this point, you confirm "She's a very accomplished young girl, yes. I couldn't be prouder of her. Your daughter is quite impressive as well, as I've heard. However," you pivot verbally, joking from that confirmation to the real issue at hand, "that is not why I'm here today. While it's true that I am a doctor, my exact specialty is one uniquely suited to this whole situation. That's why I'd like to ask for some of your time today while we discuss things."

"Will you be able to offer treatment discreetly? You understand how rumors like this can affect somebody, surely…" Haruka says, the desperation held back from audibility but still apparent in how she rushes through her words.

"While I can certainly provide such a thing," you say, "that is not the core issue here. You see, this entire matter is actually rather more complicated than people are making it out to be."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Asahi asks pensively. There it is. You have your opening to begin the real conversation.

"You see.."


You'll have some time before school ends after this conversation is done. You should probably talk with…
[] Argalia
[] Kyoko
[] Kyubey
[] Write-in

You'll also have some time for a personal project, like…
[] Witch Experiments
[] Cloning Machines
[] EGO Testing
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 1/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

Nothing much to say here. I started a new fic for the First Chapter contest, but that's another "low priority" project. Still, check it out if you want another ~3k words of something I wrote.
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[X] Cloning Machines

No strong feeling on who to talk with, very strong feelings on helping Nothing There's victims.

Edit: Eh sure, poke the cabbit.

[X] Kyubey
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There's a notable haze of resentment around memories of school that explains a surprising amount about your father's total failure in any and all social environment.

Well, the City being the City, this is no surprise at all.

And furthermore, to see she has respectable opinions regarding math

Told like a true multi disciplinarian genius! :V

Madoka's house was impressive. Hitomi's goes a bit beyond that and into excessive.

It's a literal mansion.

Have to make sure people know they're rich.

You wouldn't want to make the man's job any harder, so you and and say "Yes, that's correct. I'm here to see the Shizukis regarding a recent incident with their daughter."

Heh. It is true, we definitely are a doctor, and we are there to talk about what happened to Hitomi.

It feels more like an art gallery or some old-fashioned exhibit than a place people could actually live in. It's pretty much a perfect encapsulation of the Mitakiharan aesthetic in that sense. The decor is obviously very expensive, all silk and velvet with gold and jewels everywhere and a few modern art pieces added in for good measure, but without any personal touches.

That's not good signs….

The Shizukis have already chosen not to seek aid for Hitomi's vices.

That's a very bad sign, if the butler is not trusting the young lady, there is a problem in communication with the staff, and probably some resentment given the turn of phrase.

The distaste in his expression isn't broad either; it feels person. Like you've done him a disrespect just by showing up here.

Great, now, is it because he hates doctors or because he is tired of the allegations against his daughter? Because that's a very different picture depending on which one.

She is a respectable girl, isn't she?

Red flag.

"Will you be able to offer treatment discreetly? You understand how rumors like this can affect somebody, surely…" Haruka says, the desperation held back from audibility but still apparent in how she rushes through her words.

Prefer the mother to the father right now, it's still not great priorities, but at least she cares for her daughter.

Kyubey: *please do not*

[X] Kyoko
Strike while the Iron's still hot? :V

[x] Cloning Machines
I rewatched pre-battle dialog Roland/Argalia and Argalia bought me.
He can stabilize Distortion and wants to Distort all City. It is the other way to make the City free, more radical that Ain's plan, but not a very.
This fight is a confrontation between the way of thinking outside the lines and the way of thinking of a citizen
more radical than Ayin's plan
: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as they say.
: How the heck did you get access to this forum!?
: You can never escape me for long Ayin!

Kyubey is a pain in the ass to talk to at this stage, maybe after the Witch Bomb we can call him over for a philosophical debate on using vulnerable little girls as fuel to defeat universal entropy, and maybe try to increase his exposure level.

Currently, it's a split between Argalia and Kyoko.

On one hand, Kyoko is important because she's Kyoko, she's rather important. We can ask her to help make a plan to calm the girls ahead of time.

On the other hand, she's way more fragile than she used to be, so the house might burn down this time around.

Argalia is obvious. He has experience with being a charismatic leader who can calm people down at the drop of a hat if need be.

He managed to make his entire (should be) dysfunctional group work together like they are the best of friends (which they are), asking him for more advice on this would be a good idea, given that X's other sources of advice on this one are of the less 'charismatic' variants.

The kids are the ones we are dealing with in the first place, so they are out.
Homura herself wouldn't be in her current condition if she had that level of charisma and experience.
Angela and Roland are still learning, with the former being a 1 million year shut-in and the latter being a fairly (ex)depressed assassin contractor. They got better but they aren't "Making the Ensemble work together like best friends" good.
The Sephiroths are fairly decent for this I'll admit (outside of Binah because she isn't exactly skilled at calming panic as she is at causing it), but they can't appear on the call for the relatively short time we have left.

It's a pity, we didn't get the chance to see Leonia in the chapter, I wonder how she's doing since that would make a great conversation starter for the Argalia talk.

[X] Argalia
-[X] His experience in leading the Ensemble

[X] Cloning Machine

Cloning machine? I guess we could start it early and then talk to Hokma and Angela about it later.

And won't that be strange? Hokma was X and Angela's adopted father/friend. I can already feel the awkwardness!
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Argalia is obvious. He has experience with being a charismatic leader who can calm people down at the drop of a hat if need be.

He managed to make his entire (should be) dysfunctional group work together like they are the best of friends (which they are), asking him for more advice on this would be a good idea, given that X's other sources of advice on this one are of the less 'charismatic' variants.

Argalia genius. Why Ensemble work? Why should interests collide? It is only lines.