If anyone is interested in writing Omakes for this quest, well… First, Thank you for the time and effort given! We appreciate your contribution and that your decided to write something for this project! You have no idea how much it means for us. And that leads us to our second point, how we will reward omakes.
The reward to an Omake will be similar but a bit different to how other VV Quests have handled it.
Instead of giving XP that is transferred to a bonus to national actions, we will reward the omake writer with a bonus they can use to next turn dice rolls, but the bonus might be specific regarding the contents of the omake.
For example, let's say someone write an Omake of Flanders passing time with his family or doing shenanigans with on the Power Plan, we will reward the writer with a +5 or +10 to a National action roll that has Flanders as the hero unit designed, or instead a bonus to his next Personal action.
We will do our best to tailor the rewards with the created. In case someone writes an omake that has nothing to do with Abe and Springfield, we will do our best to assign a reward fitting to it, like bonus to a roll in the Martial or Learning Category or the like.
For those omakes we consider that go far and beyond, we will reward them with what we consider is a more interesting reward. We will allow them to ask us, the QMs a question. It can be about anything they want, from what a particular character is doing right now to something that happened in the past. We will do our best to be concise with what's being asked.
Just to make it clear, we can veto certain questions if we think it will be too spoilery or might give too much of an unfair advantage.
This information written by Co QM kingster.