I'm mainly looking at these in terms of rhetorical negotiation. How could we pursue these matters in terms that Dzintara would find understandable, sympathetic, or worthy of respect.
[ ] Rites or rituals which could be used to keep the mindless Zmeya away from work sites.
Hard to know where they might take offense, but it's probably not too hard to spin it as the fools living in the jungle really not needing another threat plaguing them, even if they are fools. Other than that, I gotta think that Tangled Pine rites would involve Polar Nations sentiments. Probably sacrificial/bloodletting involved in there. I wouldn't expect any of Sun's army to shrink from what's required, but injecting a bit of Polar Nations sensibilities into their midst? Maybe not hard to convince Dzintara of the wisdom of that.
[ ] Information on the ranges and habits of the mindless Zmeya which the Sun could use to avoid their ire.
This could maybe be spun as helping to pressure the Sun away from the Tangled Pine cultivation/sacred sites. But only
if the Zmeya have a higher incidence near those sites, which isn't something we're actually aware is true or not. This one does kind of have the downside that it'd let the Sun formulate their expansion efforts more coherently, both in terms of land claims/bids and in terms of operating outside of those.
[ ] Let it go for now, exchanges can be negotiated at the map table.
Obviously nothing we need to do rhetoric about with this option. Does cede an opportunity to warm Dzintara up to negotiating with them. Direct talks could be kind of fraught, so having an established something at the ready isn't a small thing to be giving up.
I don't really feel strongly about any of it right now though. Feels like I had something more clever to say about it earlier, but the thought fell out of my head 8 hours ago or something and hasn't fallen back in since so eh.
Edit: voting after all, apparently
[X] Rites or rituals which could be used to keep the mindless Zmeya away from work sites.
@Aurelian convinced me, mixed with my own thoughts. We just kind of want momentum on stuff. Feet in doors. Staking territories is one thing, but demonstrating to the Sun that exchange with the Tangled Pines, in this case knowledge, is also valuable? That's valuable to
In multiple ways, frankly. It hopefully reduces the chance of the Sun pulling a gamer move and invading south. If relations go okay, it could potentially lesson some of the existential strain the Sun are under. Good for everyone. And having the Sun dialogue with Tangled Pines boosts the legitimacy of our project.
I'm just going to ignore all the horrible potential outcomes.
Edit2: Also, thinking about it, won't these same kinds of things and potential insult be in play when we reach that map table later, anyway? Might be a good idea to get ahead of that now, so we can handle it carefully later. There
is a potential tradeoff here -the Sun stepping in it versus us- but I think Ling Qi can weather a bit of extra grump here better than our
objectives can, if that makes sense. We can contain a blowup here, with Jaromila's help. A blowup in strategic talks could spiral out of our hands pretty quick. And empty hands is not how you want to find yourselves in a career-making
heist diplomatic summit.