Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
[] Take a break.
X just got over an 'attack', informed of their oncoming death, taking it easy might be called for in this scenario, plus, possibly talking to other sephirah.

-[] The gaze from the keyhole is
fixed on its target without ever stopping.
So, this might further help with the scrying situation, getting info, and may have easier conditions to fulfill

-[] All things in nature are blind to turn to dust one day.
Parasyte Tree
I'm not sure how helpful this would be and in what respect, it's another one of those 'I'm surely a benevolent being, here's my useful blessing but hey don't mind the price you'll be paying later'...which given the themes of madoka, just meeting them and getting a understanding of them may help with X understanding the incubators

-[] They cared about each other from the bottom of their hearts.
Melting Love
Aleph class abno that is immune to red....we may have already fulfilled some of the conditions for this one, given the 'love' themes (mind, the love doesn't seem necessarily romantic in the story) and how 'spread thin' X is getting. It is another minion creating abno so it would help if X had to go army to army against the Adult for some reason.

-[] Pink is considered the color of warmth and love, but is that true?
Army in Black
Didn't we already get this one? Though I suppose getting a better understanding of them without an active threat can't hurt. Did we ever do a 'sapling' for them?

-[] Fall beyond the bounds of convention.
[CENSORED] I assume, unless this is some other abno outside the lob corp game ( in the game and I just aren't thinking of them like fragment of the universe)

X could theoretically subject themselves to Censored via observing them directly thus fulfilling the hypothetical 'subjecting someone to a traumatic truth' condition of [CENSORED] if that's a condition.

I kinda want to visit One Sin For their experience in deleting god-like entities Sanity healing capabilities for when we need to drop the truth bombs
"Any decision made in this area will be one for the future, not immediately. Episodes like these will slowly become more common over the course of several years, eventually reaching a point where you will have to chose to either die as a human or live as an Abnormality."
Hm, an interesting development. It makes me think of the kinds of abnormalities whose concepts revolve around an inherent contradiction or a story that cannot normally resolve. The protector that destroys the forest, the mercenary wanting revenge on the wolf, the shell seeking humanity, and now the solvent that dissolves itself.

-[] Fall beyond the bounds of convention.
Wait I thought we already did the reception of Censored?
-[] All things in nature are blind to turn to dust one day.
Typo: blind -> bound

[X] Receive…
-[X] All things in nature
are bound to turn to dust one day.

In a past vote I said this was thematically relevant. Now that's doubly true.
Dear fellow, the adult already knows that, every goddamn abnormality comes from the well and they knows that already.
it is not sensitive information or knowledge that should not be known by anyone. It is common Knowledge for those abnormalities.
We are either going to Tell them the witch bomb or this for CENSORED since this is Very very mind breaking Information that can potentially kill someone, we just need to tell it to someone that's actually have the mental strength to not break down.
well then, shit.
You know what...after this...

[X] Take a break.
-[X] Inform Angela of the situation with Argalia and the Adult.
-[X] Ask her about how to watch out for these 'episodes' in the future.
-[X] Go and ask Gebura about letting Sayaka join in on the training.
-[X] Talk to the folks on Briah if possible. Socialize a bit.

X doesn't really need any of the Abnormalities being offered right now. And honestly speaking, we should probably enjoy the time more.

Our goal before this was to inform Angela about our side of things, alongside telling Geb that Sayaka will be joining us on the training. So the derailment of X's sudden mortality shouldn't make us deviate from what we planned.
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"No, you are right that such an outcome would be… unfavorable. I would definitely miss these little talks of ours." Angela agrees. "Any decision made in this area will be one for the future, not immediately. Episodes like these will slowly become more common over the course of several years, eventually reaching a point where you will have to chose to either die as a human or live as an Abnormality."
Worrying, I'd defiantly prefer X to live, but X's Abnormality form is both based on White Night and an Aleph; others could contain her, but Alephs are still threats to humanity, and even well-meaning Alephs end up on a path of destruction.

X's health must also be accounted for, not only her physical health but her mental health; most Abnormalities are insane, self-destructive, and miserable. Those Abnormalities which aren't miserable are the Fairy Abnormalities and White Night: they tend to still be threats to the people around them, and major ones at that.

I think X is already aware of this; why else would she suppress her own nature in the first place?

I think when the time comes, and if X has completed all she wants to do, I don't see why X shouldn't say her goodbyes and let go; I'm not fond of this choice, but when I see the other options and the risks involved are too large for us not to take the potential consequences of our actions for all of humanity into account. Rather die as yourself than be warped into an eternally insane human monster.

On the topic of our next course of action, X should enjoy herself for now.

[X] Take a break.
-[X] Inform Angela of the situation with Argalia and the Adult.
-[X] Ask her about how to watch out for these 'episodes' in the future.
-[X] Go and ask Gebura about letting Sayaka join in on the training.
-[X] Talk to the folks on Briah if possible. Socialize a bit.
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The topic of whether X is to die or not should be left for when the moment arrives.

There's still so much for X to do after all.

Let us just continue X's life for what it is. The Adult still needs a beating, Argalia needs to be dealt with whether it's through force or words. Walpurgisnatch still needs to be defeated so that a promise is kept. X's kids still need her presence in their lives.
We won't know ahead of time when the next breakdown comes tbh.

It could be Walpur, it could be in the fight against the Adult, it could be when we are in a philosophical duel with Argalia (X's mind would disagree but DoSaM's nature would agree with him), it could be the next time one of our kids manifest E.G.O/Distort, or it could even be something as calm and nice as X cooking with Mami and Yuma like how it happened this chapter.

This is basically having a terminal disease that could kill you/cripple you at any moment.

It fucking sucks. I dislike mortality. And these kinds of things are the chief reminders that human life is so awfully vulnerable.
Well, while it's sad, X's situation is actually better than for regular Abnormalities. She can try to change at least a little in the short time she has left before completion. The rest didn't have that luxury.

[X] Receive…
-[X] The gaze from the keyhole is fixed on its target without ever stopping.

We need options to fight, although I hope we have time to talk after that.
[X] Receive...
-[X] Fall beyond
the bounds of convention.

I like [CENSORED], isn't it just so [DATA EXPUNGED]?
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[] Receive…
-[] They cared about each other from the bottom of their hearts.
Let's get slime girl EGO for that mundane utility + Red damage immunity
(Wonder if we'll be able to become invulnerable to all damage types someday? Maybe that will at least delay the episodes?)
Edit: nevermind
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I am not really a part of this quest but having read over everything I have to ask: Does winding Homura's Key shorten X's deadline till her condition reaches its critical stage?
Does winding Homura's Key shorten X's deadline till her condition reaches its critical stage?
We don't know.

One of the big things about Big Abnormalities is that they are immune to time shenanigans, so rewinding time might just rewind X's physical body, but the deadline will still approach X as if it was usual.

After all, X is still aware of the time rewinding the last time it happened.

As for the people thinking we can become immune to a damage type and overcome the deadline that way...

That's not possible. Because I'm pretty sure the damage X is doing to herself is Pale damage. As she is suppressing her literal conceptual completion.

And not even Whitenight is immune to Pale damage. Resistant to it yes, but even he cannot shield himself from the damage to one's soul.

There is maybe one entity who can help us out with protecting from this kind of thing, which is the Apocalypse Bird, whose Long Arms holds supreme manipulation of the soul.

There are 2 others that can also help us out with this of course but I doubt they will. Being Ayin and Carmen in the light.
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Does winding Homura's Key shorten X's deadline till her condition reaches its critical stage?
That's a good point, I would think so given that the price of the key is life span, and X was just revealed to not be as immortal as she thought. "Dying" and having to reform the shell would probably also weaken the boundary.

There is maybe one entity who can help us out with protecting from this kind of thing, which is the Apocalypse Bird, whose Long Arms holds supreme manipulation of the soul.
You're forgetting the hidden ace in our corner. We need only indulge in The God Delusion and pray to its pale altar. Just hope that we don't suddenly get a "For the sake of not crumbling in on oneself. The idea that they may impossibly exist, or that they are unreachable and forever enigmatic no matter the path. Unacceptable…" voice mail.

More seriously, in general I don't think it will be useful looking to any particular abnormality/EGO for damage immunities. Melting Love's armor does not give red immunity let alone absorption despite the fact that she does absorb red herself. Otherwise, we could just ask Nothing There's Mimicry to give us red immunity already. Similarly, Apocalypse Bird's armor is inferior to White Night's for pale protection despite the Long Arms egg existing.
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We won't know since Abnormalities E.G.Os usually provide X more abilities than usual, such as KoD's teleportation and Pale damaging rapiers/swords throw.

But I do agree that it's rather pointless to attempt trying to survive by obtaining E.G.Os.

I'm honestly a bit surprised the abnormality vote is winning compared to the socialization vote tbh. Given that our entire plan to come here tonight was mainly socially based instead of going Abnormality spelunking.
Adhoc vote count started by questioningmeme on May 19, 2023 at 11:09 PM, finished with 39 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X]Receive…
    -[X] They cared about each other from the bottom of their hearts.
    -[x] The gaze from the keyhole is fixed on its target without ever stopping.
    [X] Take a break.
    -[X] Inform Angela of the situation with Argalia and the Adult.
    -[X] Ask her about how to watch out for these 'episodes' in the future.
    -[X] Go and ask Gebura about letting Sayaka join in on the training.
    -[X] Talk to the folks on Briah if possible. Socialize a bit.
    -[X] All things in nature are bound to turn to dust one day.
    -[X] Fall beyond the bounds of convention.

Especially for these abnormalities too. Like...they aren't that good.

Have you guys forgotten what kind of 'minions' Melting Love make?
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To play devil's advocate, Mikihara(?) or whatever it's called probably has a lot of orphans and homeless we can use as materials for minions if it comes down to that.

Also yeah this batch of Abnos isn't really useful at all since we already have NT and the two most voted on Abnos give worse Red resistance.
also ideally we won't be harvesting homeless and orphans for minions, why do people like melting love anyways? she's kind of just a shitter.
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To make a better analysis, which actually takes into account how useful these will be.

[] Take a break.
The main goal here. We were supposed to just go here, inform Angela, and Gebura of the new info, and chillax with the Librarians for the night. We are literally moving away from the goalpost. And is taking away X's precious chill time to talk to an obsessively deranged slime.

-[] The gaze from the keyhole is fixed on its target without ever stopping.
Anti-scrying. Schadenfruede's whole thing is don't look at it otherwise it'll get stronger. It's arguably the most useful combat-type of the Abnormalities here. And it's losing.

-[] All things in nature are blind to turn to dust one day.
Parasyte Tree
Literally Melting Love but infinitely more useless.

-[] They cared about each other from the bottom of their hearts.
Melting Love
Actually bad choice. She's literally worst than bad.
What the hell is she going to do for X other than create a massive Slime outbreak? Because that's what Melting Love does. She doesn't make minions. She makes SLIME OUTBREAKS. How the FUCK is this vote winning? It's literally the embodiment of obsessive LOVE.

-[] Pink is considered the color of warmth and love, but is that true?
Army in Black
We already got this one. The vote here is probably to further develop our connection with Army in Black.

-[] Fall beyond the bounds of convention.
Further conversation with CENSORED. With the new knowledge we have.

Normally I wouldn't be opposed to conversing with new Abnormalities, but why is one of the worse options winning? Especially after what we just learned of X's sudden Mortality.
I voted for Melting Love because I like the Abnormality and rarely see her used in fan works (though I could be wrong on that last part). I don't really care if her E.G.O. is a terrible fit for us or not. I love seeing X interact with Abnormalities in general.
[X] Take a break.

We can harass slime girls later. The time for naps is now.
We probably want to be in good condition when dealing with her anyways.

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I get that. I just feel like doing it now, but that's a me thing. I won't be burned up if slime gurl doesn't win. Mildly annoyed at worst.