Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Speaking of Hitomi, I'm pretty sure the Light explosion we did is responsible for the sudden change in her potential. We might have made humanity as a whole considerably more potential-efficient on average - this was, after all, what the Light was supposed to do in the first place.
... I just had the mental image of the Kyubeys contracting eachother to stave off the end of the universe instead of needing a third party if enough light gets introduced.
... I just had the mental image of the Kyubeys contracting eachother to stave off the end of the universe instead of needing a third party if enough light gets introduced.
That might not work, with the merging of cannons it seems Kyubey's method of harvesting potential via humanity is their way of unknowingly drawing from the Well, like what L corp did with Carmen as the bucket.
And the Well seems to be something spiritually connected to humanity and since the incubators lack a connection to it as well as the emotions that it resonates with they might never be able to harness it themselves, and untimely I think they're comfortable in their role as contractors and will take steps to improve their process and method of generating energy before changing themselves.
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That might not work, with the merging of cannons it seems Kyubey's method of harvesting potential via humanity is their way of unknowingly drawing from the Well, like what L corp did with Carmen as the bucket.

Kyubey's Contracts don't interact with the Well, they're just similar in effect. L Corp's Singularity used Cogito as a medium to access the Well and draw things from it. The Incubators use Contracts to convert Potential within creatures with emotions into Magic. It's also possible that since the Incubators are a hive mind, their species as a whole would only be able to Contract once.
... I just had the mental image of the Kyubeys contracting eachother to stave off the end of the universe instead of needing a third party if enough light gets introduced.
It's one of the hypothetical 'plan' we have for dealing with Kyubey.

Which is to 'make'/'create' individualism a thing for their species.

We don't know how a "hive mind" will deal with the light after all.
It's also possible that since the Incubators are a hive mind, their species as a whole would only be able to Contract once.

While they seem hive minded in some ways, the ways Kyubey explains to Madoka that to them *emotion is a rare occurrence*, as well as the fact that they talk about getting more of them there to observe Homura in Rebellion implies that they do have several consciousness in their species, we just don't know how many and how they manifest.

But then, we also don't know for sure that the bodies we see aren't just drones created for the purpose of interaction with the real Kyubey looking different and never going on earth.
Fictional authors usually have a hard time putting enough weight into the concept of a "Universal Civilization" and Kyubey is definitely one of those.

It's rather hard to imagine that little furry is something infinitely greater than the entirety of the Milky Way.
Today's Chapter will be delayed due to the difficulties of writing large portions of dialogue and also exams. Sorry about that.

Feels like I give this message a lot now. Ah well, it is what it is.
This is That and That is This :V
(Am I using it right?)

But nah, Same, Also have School stuff to do here that prevent me from pursuing interests
Feels like I give this message a lot now. Ah well, it is what it is.

Quite a lot of authors are talking about exams right now, don't worry.

Makes me feel old, while I do care about exams still, it's as the one preparing the experiments for the examinee, not as one myself (I'm a laboratory technician for a high school, in charge of preparing the chemistry benches with everything needed).
2.2.13 - Bringing To Light
Chapter 109 - Bringing To Light

"…and so dad bought the dress anyways, but never told mom. So he just kept it in his office. If it weren't for the fact that the old Facility has pretty much completely ceased to exist so that the Library can replace it, you would be able to check his office and it'd still be there." you say with a chuckle, prompting a chorus of giggles from the Sephirot. Of course, Yesod doesn't so much laugh as he does smirk slightly and incline his head down, as though trying to hide any sign of happiness on his face under that scarf he isn't wearing anymore. Netzach, on the other hand, nearly falls off of his chair. While the former Security Head has stayed clean of Enkephalin since you last saw him, alcohol is apparently still fair game.

"I had no idea Ayin was so… awkward. It just doesn't fit in with the person I knew at all." Hod says once her mirth has subsided.

"My father was a genius, yes, and you would be hard-pressed to find an area where he wasn't an expert. Unfortunately, emotional intelligence and human interaction are two such areas. And we've all seen the consequences of that firsthand," you say, the smile falling from your face with that last sentence. Calling Angela's relationship with your father disastrous would be an insult to disasters. He neglected and abused your sister out of his own grief and ignorance for literal centuries, most of which he spent completely absent. At least you got some closure and acknowledgement for your efforts in the end.

Looking around the table to see the downcast expressions of your coworkers, you decide to change the subject. "Speaking of my sister, what ever happened to that feather dress she had? Not that there's anything wrong with her current outfit, I'm wearing it myself after all, I'm just curious." you ask, prompting blank stares from the others.

"She's asking about what Angela wore during her rebellion. The one with all the black feathers. I haven't seen her wear it since then," Netzach adds before going back to his drink. The other Sephirot stare at him for a second before returning to the conversation.

"I do not believe Angela has worn anything aside from the clothes she is currently wearing since the formation of the Library." Yesod adds. "There was one recent incident in which Roland commented on her lack of wardrobe variety. Isaac found her trying on the Library's various EGO outfits later that day."

"Wait, really?" you half-sputter through barely-repressed laughter. "I'm definitely filing that away for blackmail material."

"Who would you tell? Everyone in the Library already knows. Angela just ignored it really hard for a while and everyone mostly forgot about it." Malkuth responds. You shrug. It's not as though you have much more you actually want out of your sister that you would need to blackmail her over. Still funny to know about, though.

"Well, it's about that time." you announce, checking a nonexistent watch on your wrist. "I have no idea what time it actually is here, but I have a significantly less pleasant conversation to get to."

"You sure you can't put it off? Nobody here would blame you for wanting to take a break." Netzach asks, gesturing with a mostly-empty bottle of wine.

"Sorry, but this is important. My work is never really done and all that." you reply. Malkuth and Hod flash you a look of pity while Yesod nods solemnly.

"Be sure to return soon. Proper rest is essential to functioning at full efficiency."

"He says to the lady who literally doesn't have to sleep." you joke as the first particles of Light begin to coalesce. "But yes, I'll be back. You can bet on it."

And with those words, you are whisked away to Mitakihara, to prepare for a long-overdue debriefing.


In the bright afternoon light, the Kaname residence would fit perfectly in an architectural exhibit. The building is unusually geometric and mostly glass, surrounded by a massive yard that probably doesn't need to be nearly as large as it is. You walk along a paved path past a small fountain and a planter filled by a slightly oversized bush. Mami trails quietly behind you, taking in the surrounding affluence with wide eyes. Reaching the path's end, the two of you stop just in front of the home's entrance. You raise a hand to the clear glass door and, with a patient smile, knock twice against the transparent surface.

An answer comes almost immediately. Through the door, you can see Madoka's father approaching to welcome you in. You stand patiently as the man reaches out and opens the door.

"Good afternoon! What brings you here?" the man asks cheerfully. You can see the resemblance with his daughter already. Though you can see some key differences. Between the plain shirt and glasses, though, he doesn't exude quite as much enthusiasm as Madoka does. His posture is relaxed and gentle, with a distinctive lack of energy compared to the younger girl. That must come from the other side of the family.

"Ah, did Madoka not tell you we were coming? That's unfortunate, I feel a bit like I'm imposing now that I'm just dropping in out of nowhere." you answer with an embarrassed tone. In truth, while you are most definitely going to be imposing on the Kanames, your embarrassment is mostly just to make an impression.

"Oh? Do you know my daughter?" the man asks, cheerful as ever.

"Yes, she is a good friend of mine. We spend lunches together on most days, along with her other friends." Mami jumps in, seeing a chance to enter the conversation naturally. Madoka's father smiles brightly at her.

"Is this your daughter? Tomoe Mami, if I remember correctly. Madoka has talked about you. And that would make you…" his brows scrunch as he stares at you, trying to remember something. "…X, was it? Apologies, my memory isn't what it used to be."

"It's more of a nickname if anything else. That said, I would prefer you use it over my real name. Pretty much everyone I knew called me that for a while, and now it just doesn't feel right to use something else." you answer jovially. "Though, for the record, my name is Alexandra Thrones. Er, Thrones Alexandra. Sorry, I only arrived in Japan about two weeks ago. I'm still getting used to things."

You didn't actually get your naming orders wrong. You don't think you actually can unless you try to, with the way your magic auto-translate works. But acting a bit sheepish and out of your element will provide a good balance to the upcoming conversation. A little levity goes a long way to making the unbearable bearable.

"Kaname Tomohisa," says Madoka's now-named father. "Please, come on in. I've made the two of you wait outside for long enough."

You and Mami follow the man inside, taking a moment to remove your shoes at the door before progressing into the Kaname Residence. The inside of the house is just as avant-garde as the outside, with something like half the walls made of glass. Perhaps you're just too used to cramped labs and small apartments, but Madoka's house feels overly spacious and exposed. That said, there is a definite homeliness in every corner of the building. Toys, children's drawings, old trinkets of sentimental value, all sorts of memories built up to fill the empty space.

You round a corner and arrive in the dining room, the main table unoccupied and unprepared at this time early in the evening. There are far more chairs set up than the family has people; the Kanames must have large groups of guests over often. That, or somebody just likes collecting chairs. Most of these designs don't seem entirely practical.

Proceeding further into the house, Tomohisa calls out. "Junko! We have guests!"

"I'll be out in a moment!" a polite voice calls back. Madoka's mother, Junko Kaname, you presume. Madoka has spoken a little bit about her, universally in a positive manner and often in comparison to you, Angela, and even Homura once. That certainly paints a picture, but you'll reserve your judgement until you've properly met the woman. It would be impolite to make assumptions, after all.

A door opens, and Junko Kaname steps out. Madoka's mother is a tall, purple-haired woman still wearing her work suit. She stands with a measured confidence, the kind you only get after having successfully asserted yourself over the world around you. If you could see how Madoka's kindness and tendency to apologize came from her father, the girl's determination and stubbornness are definitely inherited from her mother's side.

"So, Tomohisa, who is our guest? I wasn't expecting anyone, and Madoka is in her room with her friend."

"She's the mother of one of Madoka's friends. She only arrived in Japan recently, so I thought I should make something as a welcome." Tomohisa says, to your mild surprise. That's awfully kind of him for somebody he only has the faintest connection to. Junko's gaze drifts from you to Mami, who immediately steps forward slightly to introduce herself.

"Tomoe Mami, I'm a friend of Madoka's. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kaname." Mami says with a deep bow. Junko smiles approvingly, then returns her gaze to you.

"It's a pleasure to meet the two of you as well. If you're here to speak with Madoka, she's in her room with Homura right now. Our son, Tatsuya, is sleeping in the next room over." Junko says.

"Actually, I have some important information to share with you and your husband. Madoka and Homura should be present as well. This does concern both of them." you reply. Something in your tone of voice makes Junko pause. The easy confidence slides away, leaving a cold professionalism that reminds you of Yesod or Angela.

"What do you have to discuss?"

"It's a rather complicated discussion, but to establish a basic premise: Are you familiar with the Many Worlds Theory?"


…and that's how we've ended up here. Again, apologies for not informing either of you earlier. Circumstances did not allow me much in the way of good opportunities." you finish, raising the cup of tea Tomohisa prepared for you around halfway through the conversation to your lips. You're not familiar with the type, though something calming was definitely in demand. Though both of the Kanames hid their anxiety well, the gradual stilling of Junko's posture and the increasing frequency with which Tomohisa asked if anyone needed more tea or something to eat were a dead giveaway. As far as you're concerned, this is an appropriate reaction to learning your daughter was very nearly conscripted as a child soldier and was recently involved in a battle against a body-stealing monster that could level continents.

Knowing that another monster of similar power is currently holed up in a nearby city and was able to do so without a single word getting out is certainly another cause for worry, if a less personal one.

"I see." Junko says solemnly. "Thank you for looking after my daughter, Miss X. I owe you a great debt."

"I don't believe I've done anything beyond what any responsible adult would do in my position. In fact, one might say I have been irresponsible in allowing any of my children out on the field at all." you reply, then scoff. "Not that I think any of them would accept that. Speaking of, you have a decision to make in that regard."

You can feel Madoka's tension rising from across the table. You're not sure what she'll do if Junko chooses to hold her back. She isn't a rebellious sort of kid, but you also can't imagine her sitting out of a conflict even if there's not much she can do. Fortunately, it doesn't seem like it will come to that.

After a man uncomfortably long pause, Junko speaks slowly. "Madoka. Is this important to you?"

Madoka freezes. She glances to Mami, then to Homura, then to you. Steadying her resolve and taking a deep breath, Madoka raises her head and answers her mother.

"I… I'm not sure what I can do to help. I know I can't fight, and I don't want to become a Magical Girl." Homura nearly collapses into herself in relief, though it goes mostly unnoticed. Madoka isn't finished. "But I won't be able to be satisfied if I just keep standing on the sidelines. I could do something, I know I could, I just… yes. It's important. This is something that I have to be a part of."

Junko lets out a long, reluctant sigh. "I can't say that this makes me happy. I wish you wouldn't put yourself in danger. But if you really do think this is something you need to do, then… I won't stop you."

Mami releases a breath you don't think she knew she was holding. Homura jolts to alertness, frustration apparent in her bunched posture despite her lack of facial expression. Sitting beside his wife, Tomohisa turns and gives Junko a worried look.

"Junko… are you sure about this?"

Before the discussion can escalate, you sit up. You have other arrangements to get to today, and this conversation doesn't need you looming over it. At its core, this is a family matter for a family you don't belong to. Mami can mediate and provide context just as well as you can, and Homura will probably be a part of the family sooner or later. They'll be able to sort this out between them. Until then, you have the answer you needed.

"Apologies, but I must excuse myself. I have other people to speak to today, after all. This conversation is becoming personal anyways, and I'd hate to intrude. Please, continue as if I was never here."

A round of farewells reaches you as your teleportation surges. What a nice bunch of people.


Going from the Kaname residence to the Miki house is a bit of a shock. Not to say that Sayaka's home isn't nice, because it is, but the difference in social class is fairly obvious. Sayaka's house is part of a tightly-packed block, unlike the wide grounds around Madoka's. The building is clearly older in construction, both by the traditionalist design and the signs of wear and tear that have gone I repaired for some time.

You knock on the front door twice, careful not to accidentally cave it in. You've never had any difficulties controlling your body's strength, but the door does look like it go would crumble from a strong breeze. To your surprise, Sayaka is the one to greet you at the door.

Her, Kyoko, and Hitomi are all currently staying at the Miki house. Despite this, you had expected one of Sayaka's parents to greet you. That is usually the job of a house's owner. Sayaka, meanwhile, seems to have run to the door as fast as possible to open it. You can see her panting slightly, nervous energy filling her body.

"Hey, X… I don't think my parents are ready to talk today. We should… wait for later to do this."


[] are willing to wait
[] Would rather not reschedule


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

After what feels like an eternity… finally, this chapter is done. I can move on with my life. This was written half sleep-deprived, so please forgive any errors.
[] are willing to wait

Let's NOT intrude upon a possibly personal situation, please?
Edit: Vote changed to:
[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.
-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.
-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back.
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"…and so dad bought the dress anyways, but never told mom. So he just kept it in his office. If it weren't for the fact that the old Facility has pretty much completely ceased to exist so that the Library can replace it, you would be able to check his office and it'd still be there."
: Awww~
: 'X, you could have chosen a less embarrassing story to tell damn it!'
: Sooo...Do you still have that dress? Hm~?
: Ehhh...
: Well...I guess it wouldn't be too hard to recreate it from memories.

Her, Kyoko, and Hitomi are all currently staying at the Miki house. Despite this, you had expected one of Sayaka's parents to greet you. That is usually the job of a house's owner. Sayaka, meanwhile, seems to have run to the door as fast as possible to open it. You can see her panting slightly, nervous energy filling her body.

"Hey, X… I don't think my parents are ready to talk today. We should… wait for later to do this."

We should go more in-depth about it.

[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.
-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.
-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back.
"…and so dad bought the dress anyways, but never told mom. So he just kept it in his office. If it weren't for the fact that the old Facility has pretty much completely ceased to exist so that the Library can replace it, you would be able to check his office and it'd still be there."

Ayin in the background: ":facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::oops::oops::oops::oops:"

That must come from the other side of the family.

Actually, given that her mother has a tendency to need to be woken up by said daughter... I am not sure where that energy comes from.

Pretty much everyone I knew called me that for a while, and now it just doesn't feel right to use something else.

Yeh, ten thousand years of that or *Manager* can leave a trace.

I don't remember, did anyone propose Manager as a name back when we decided it? Pretty sure someone did, do wonder what would've happened if we had gone for it.

the Kanames must have large groups of guests over often. That, or somebody just likes collecting chairs.

Second one.

often in comparison to you, Angela, and even Homura once.

The comparaison to Homura was probably about being overworked and dedicated, wasn't it?

and I don't want to become a Magical Girl.

I was going to write *Collective sighs of reliefs are heard*, then I read the next sentence and, yeah:
Homura nearly collapses into herself in relief


"Hey, X… I don't think my parents are ready to talk today. We should… wait for later to do this."

What happened?

Is it about Hitomi?

Or Kyouko?

Or is it Sayaka getting cold feet?

[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.
-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.
-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back.
[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.

-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.

-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back
In fact, thinking about it a little, I give it a very good chance that it's Sayaka getting cold feet, her rushing to the door despite the fact her friends are there, plus her giving a very generic reason that won't stand to scrutiny looks a lot like it.
In fact, thinking about it a little, I give it a very good chance that it's Sayaka getting cold feet, her rushing to the door despite the fact her friends are there, plus her giving a very generic reason that won't stand to scrutiny looks a lot like it.
That's what I'm thinking of too.

But given that Sayaka's parents never appear in canon, I choose to be safe.
[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.
-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.
-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back.
[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.
-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.
-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back.
[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.

-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.

-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back
[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.

-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.

-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back
It could always be that she's embarrassed of her parents having a drunk fight or something. Though, that's probably the opposite of how you'd think they are if you looked at Sayaka herself.

[X] Ask Sayaka more about the situation.
-[X] If the situation is too serious, as in her parents aren't in the position to handle the information you are going to drop on them rationally, then acquiesce and reschedule.
-[X] If it's just Sayaka being nervous about her parents not accepting her, explain to her why leaving your parents in the dark about this isn't a good idea. Assure her that even if her parents don't accept her, you'll have her back.