[]Plan: Setting up for the auto completes.
--[] TKK Endeavor
TKK Accomplishment
Red suns was built turn 12: warp-Space . so do the expansion to it next turn (12,13,14,15,16) so on turn 16 it should generate the 5th ACD, which would cover the full expansion. doing local search, since I would rather explore the expanse's thing with the combat ship.
Expansion: 39/39
-[]Construct Valiant Class Ship
--[] 0/40 --> 22/40
-[] Orbital Defense Arrays
--[] 8/10 -->10/10
-[] Perpetunite Production Facility
--[] 7/20 --> 20/20
-[] Deep Space Monitors
--[] 0/2 --> 2/2
Cul: 22/22
-[]Compulsory Secondary
--[] 5/10 --> 10/10
-[]Arbor Guardian
--[] 0/15 --> 15/15
-[]Zoological Educational Facilities
--[] 0/10 --> 2/10
Faith: 25/26
-[] An Unending Appetite
--[] 1/10 --> 10/10
-[] GodTek Emulator
--[] 4/15 --> 12/15 (8 progress, + the ART cost)
-[] The Heart of The Assembly
--[] 5/15 --> 13/15 (8 progress, + the WARP cost)
-[] Mystek Protective Wards
--[] 20/40 --> 21/40
Since According the the QM (from discord) If we pay the majority of the progress, and the cost, we get the reward, even if it auto completes. which is why I'm specifying paying the costs.
ACD: 25/25
-[] Commander Class Machina Platform
--[] 0/10 --> 10/10
-[]DestroyerKin Physiology
--[] 0/10 --> 10/10
-[] You're Orange Now
--[] 0/5--> 5/5
Prof. Gebb
Went with the low costs here. Could remove the commander class, and Destroykin Physiology. In return for grabbing Extremely advanced nukeTek/other 20 costs. But I figured getting the Destroyerkind studied would be good, and then I figured completing the 10 cost for getting superheavy infantry would help.
Gebb, because that's what a quick vote/poll went for
Nuclear Material: 2 --> 1 --> 6
Art: 2 --> 1
Warp: 0 -> -1 --> 0
living metal 0 --> -1 --> 0
Network 3 --> 1
Also something to keep a look out for:
Deep Space Monitoring System: A Fleet initiative that utilizes a great deal of surplus processing power to scan the sky both to map it out as well as detect incoming threats before they arrive, giving early warning to the Directorate against hostile threats. The phenomena in the Expanse seemed to be slowing down, but concerningly, o
bserved trajectories indicated that it was slowly travelling in a path that would bring it to the Directorate eventually. Several among the Fleet had advocated for sending the Accomplishment on a fact-finding mission.
[ ] Exploring the Expanse: A region located to the Galactic West of Teklia. Mostly dead, but perhaps additional focused exploration of the region might reveal some manner of secret. Locations of Interest found: 1/???. Outpost Level: 1.
-- [] Arbor Guardian 0/10 --> 10/10 -- Grants another Warp, which the Tekket need, and further improves their shrines.
Cost's 15.
0/15, Shrines upgraded with Arbor Guardian, increasing EXP and Shrine Effects substantially. Generates 1 Warp.