Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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"I'll just have to move that part of the explanation up a bit. And for the record, I'm not a mad scientist or from space."

But you are a moth. :V

You repress the immediate urge to console your daughter upon hearing the coldness and bitterness creep into her voice.

We managed to get one of Kyubey's most prolific recruiter talks about him with bitterness, on one hand, it's good she can helps against it, on the other, *hug the Mami*.

"Most media manipulation is currently done by an assisting Magical Girl, Charlie Roswell, actually, but you are otherwise correct." Kyubey corrects you shamelessly, as though they aren't admitting to involvement in propaganda to conceal information.

Ok, notes the name, we're probably going to pay her a visit at one point or another, I am interested in hearing her story.

"I don't think that's right. Your parents deserve to know if you're in danger. What would happen if you were to get hurt, or worse, and they never even heard about what happened to you?"

Thanks you Hitomi for cutting through the bullshit, that's about what we were going to say.

Wonder if she noticed that at least some persons here are working with Kyubey because there's nothing else and at least two really don't like it now? She is perceptive, and we are not to Homura's current level of poker face.

Homura stares at Hitomi, muted surprise and gratitude rolling off of her despite the expressionless mask she wears.

As long as she doesn't begins to blame herself for not trying to get Hitomi's help in previous loop, it's ok, but I fear she will, and in that case I want to remind her that Kyubey does chose his targets with at least some care, and encourages not searching for outside help, we are less touched by this tactic because we are both far older, and we are not dependent on it for much, she did her best.

Missing Space here.

"Of course, sister. You're always welcome in my Library. Besides, you really should talk with your coworkers." Angela reminds you.

Why do I get the feeling her tone was dripping with sarcasm there? :V

[x] Briah

Finally explaining why we look like Kali to Kali!

Oh, and the magical girls too.
Finally explaining why we look like Kali to Kali!
Right. This is awkward.

"Angela, mind explaining why the Manager looks like me?"

Angela's face remains completely even, although her eyes tell another story. "I believe I informed you that X had produced a new body so as not to look like that man any longer?" Her voice too is perfectly innocent, as if she didn't anticipate this exact situation. You would've appreciated her giving either side some more advanced warning, but you can admit this is somewhat amusing.

You decide to interrupt before the awkwardness can stretch any further. You have a job to do today, and as much as you want to stretch this reunion out it would be wrong to make Mami and Kyoko wait any longer.

"Gebura, it's been a while. I hope everything's gone alright since I left?"
Technically we already did that.
I like asiyah, and i like netzach, but i do think its perhaps a bit more represented compared to

[X] Briah
Oh goodie, this quest and A Rat's Guide to Glory updated at around the same time.

[X] Atziluth

I'm curious to see how Hokma treats the distinction between X and A.
[X] Asiyah

Geburah and Chesed are aware of us, the Upper Floors are, well, rather intense, and we haven't interacted from anyone on the Lower Floors.
Let us start from the beginning, shall we?
So the choice between Malkuth and Tiphereth along with Gebura... Somehow this is probably the hardest choice for me in the whole quest.

You know what? I'll just vote for both.

[X] Asiyah
[X] Briah
On the one hand, Blockma and Binah
On the other, Hod, Yesod and Netzach
Can't choose so will do both

[X] Asiyah
[X] Atziluth
I realize it's been awhile since I posted about playing Lob Corp, but I know the reason X is called X for my playthrough...Because of making everyone work Overtime into multiple X Level Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Also, for the vote

[X] Asiyah
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Apr 19, 2023 at 12:51 AM, finished with 30 posts and 26 votes.

And that's that for this vote. On we go to visit some old friends!
We will have to visit Grandpa and Grandma once we get a chance to do this again.

But for now! Let's go say hello to BurnKuth, BluntSod, ProcrastiZach, and BleedHod.