-Going to note that the boss akuma had to have felt Molly noshing on his shadow, but it apparently didnt change his fighting strategy at all. Looks like IC confirmation that instructions override survival instincts.
The naagloshii, for example, would have bailed, or tried to bail once it took Agg damage to the soul.
-Lydia successfully broke the Wall? Now thats worth bonus XP in its own right for her.
It was a longshot that Im happy to see worked out.
We need to get her a lot more Occult, though.
-Three akuma dead in the sniper hide that got shelled by the heavy weapons squad.
Three akuma that Molly crippled, who are currently on the floor. Two akuma and two bakemono still unaccounted for. Probably guarding the Jade Dogs.
Unless those akuma crossed over into the NeverNever to keep Harry, Michael and their mercenary escort occupied.
And got shanked.
-Speaking of Harry and Michael, judging from their state, looks like the summoned reinforcements I expected the akuma to have ended up on their side of the Wall, and ran into Amoracchius.
Hail the Fist of God.
-The public cover story for this is going to be interesting. As will the ramifications.
Recovered hostages, yes; between J and the girl bakemono, there's missing people to show to the rest of law enforcement, even if we manage to keep most of our people out of it.
But what of the perps?
For one thing, akuma bodies rot in sunlight, so the only person whose body is going to be left is the bakemono who tried to shoot Deborah and got shot.
Maybe we're going to have to drop explosive charges on the bodies and make it look like they had suicide charges
Or just leave the akuma bodies and have it assumed they were using some sort of suicide drug/carrying some sort of chemical that made their bodies rot on death. Hydroflouric acid, maybe?
-Then there's the larger reputational issues for us.
We're certainly getting a visibility increase on the human side of the supernatural; anyone who is anyone, and a lot of the smaller talents are going to be aware that we were part ot a warparty against "vampires and demons".
Daedalus is probably going to get word that something spooky happened here. Might even get some Talents here to look at the site. And given that this site links to Undertown, where the boss akuma claimed territory, the local supernatural world are going to know of the goings on here pretty quickly. The Little Folk, ghosts and malks will probably know the akuma are gone.
Marcone will certainly get his hands on the official report as soon as Murphy files it.
Gard and the Einherjar wont disseminate details on clients as a matter of policy, but he'll get the broad outlines of what happened as soon as, if not faster than the rest of the supernatural community.
-We certainly want the sword.
Because we might be able to reforge it, and because we might get XP discounts for Enchantment and Exalted Crafting from studying the magical techniques used to make equipment that was assigned to a greater akuma.
At worst, its a crafting component, or we can gift it to Monoc after studying it, or as part of our obligation to make them weapons.
Or just give it to the Jade Dogs.
-The body is harder to explain.
We dont need it as a Crown focus, since we've seen the man's face, but we might be able to use it as a Divination focus.
Plus, IC, we can study the body for insight into the magics that helped boost the akuma, as well as any additional vulnerabilities, for the next time Emma-O or one of his rivals sends another greater akuma to town. And IC our Exaltation can probably take pointers on how to make bakemono.
The problem really is storing it safely and securely.
@Goldfish said, this isnt exactly stuff we can leave outside or stash under the bed,
We dont have any Summoning/Warding.
I think we need to use the exp of this adventure and use to max our crafting, get the solar crafting charm and craft ourselves city god.
Empathy 5: 4 xp
Hellscry Chakra: 8xp
Ancient Sorcery: Sapphire Circle Exorcism: 10xp
Total 22xp.
My opinion, anyway.