To be frank in terms of balance we keep taking options that will piss of the ministry or at best, only slightly appease them. I went through the last 10 pages or so of story updates and on the project as far as I can see we have only one action that has resulted in ministry approval: our choice to bend the general's proposal, where we rolled the success to make the ministry approve (slightly according to the vote description).I think we go no here for a number of reasons.
So yeah, overall I think the update is very much slanted to making just go with it as the obvious path forward.
- Renxiang has already gone with it and we'd need a good reason to say otherwise, which frankly I don't think we have.
- Momentum: it ties in with the immediate concerns about negotiating with the Meng that have just been raised
- The safety concerns I don't feel are that significant. Ultimately while yes, the Xiangmen facilities are "safer" no-one has really raised this as a major issue. Moreover, it must be noted that we're only third realm, and if we're able to handle the Starlight Labyrinth then investigating any materials under the supervision of the Fourth Realm Astronomer Wu should be relatively safe.
- I don't know if the "Meng like this" and "MoI like this" aspects are really balanced here. It feels like this gives more of a bonus for the Meng that also ties directly into the question of negotiations over the use of this facility, while for the MoI it's just a general sense of idk slightly better vibes about us from us playing things slightly safer and more conservatively? Or maybe, since what was actually raised was that the MoI had expressed some interest with the implication that this could help us getting access to the Xiangmen labs, it would involve them doing us a favour. Getting people to do you a small favour is a legitimate way of getting them to like you more but I'm also not sure how much it helps us right now.
- Timing: the ultimate thing is that the impact of this on the immediate future is limited since this isn't something we'd be looking at until after the summit. At least with the Meng it's something that we could plausibly bring up when we're talking to them in terms of opportunities for developing the facilities here and bringing us all more prestige. With the MoI though? I don't see any reason why it would help us in the here and now, though obviously managing our relationship with them is also a long term thing that will continue beyond the summit. Like what are we going to say? "oh we're going to be getting some star stuff to investigate in a few months but don't worry we'll be sending it to the Capital because we care about safety!" Seems weird.
By contrast, we kept their advisor at as much arms length from the project as possible. We voted for shared construction. We voted for the knowledge exchange last vote which we knew would anger them.
I feel keeping throwing the Ministry bones where possible is important. . I would much rather have some built up credit (or at least less defecit) with the Ministry so we can further push things elsewhere. Especially since I expect that we will continue to push back against the Ministry's preferred course of action in future votes. Particularly on the actual outcomes of the summit, where I believe we will need to actually push harder.
Edit: To be clear, we did have some positive interactions with the Imperial Ministries (including the MOI in a limited/arms length way) when we found out Yan Renshu was alive but I don't think it has too much bearing our our project.
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