An Unending Appetite: Sphere 001 spoke of an endless hunger: when its followers had approached it, it had refrained from draining them, telling them instead to bring it livestock and healthy and hale plants, opening up, seemless surface parting like a maw filled with razor sharp teeth as it devoured these live offerings whole. It seemed to prefer a way of obtaining life force, it seemed, and preferred to glut itself on lesser feed instead of consuming the rich lifeforce of Tekket. Many believed that by crafting facilities designed to raise livestock enmass for feeding to the God-Machine, the Directorate could help it sate its hunger, or at least earn some of its favor. 1/10, generates Living Metal, establishes Court of Hungers
A Discerning Wisdom: Mother spoke of a discerning taste: her hungers were not prodigious, but they were refined. Encoded into the lifeforce of Tekket were hints and whispers of their memories, mere tastes of their experiences. She had carefully savored each and every one of her adherants essence, sipping from them the same way one might sip at a glass of wine. In exchange for plentiful flavors to sip from, she might be convinced to part with knowledge. 0/10, generates Warp, establishes Court of Whispers
A Harsh Bargain: YALDABOATH had simple terms: a great deal of lifeforce only once. He had drained them near dry, and then allowed them to rest in specially arranged personal quarters, where they were attended to by the Tomb Guardians that served the god machine, providing the Demiurgic cults food, water, and assistance with their hygiene should they be unable to move. Many of his cults wished to create infrastructure such that this tithe could be repeated (to a...less extreme degree, of course) without pilgrimage to the Pillar, and no doubt Yaldaboath would be appreciative. 0/10, generates an Artefact, establishes Court of Bargains
GodTek Emulator: A proposed idea by the Calculators was using a GodTek artifact to design an AI Emulation Drive using occult principles capable of serving as a vessel for one of their deities. This would, if it worked like the Calculators though, allow for them to receive direct communication from their gods. While they lacked the Artefact, they had opted to move forward regardless, even if the AI Emulation Drive they would produce will likely be of more questionable quality. 2/15, establishes GodTek Emulator 0 - The Path, generating CUL, 5 Network and accelerating Calculator Research. Cost 1 Artefact.
The Heart of The Assembly: The Assembly wanted to create a massive MagTek Altar and glut it on copious, copious amounts of life-force to create what can only be described as a ritual reactor, capable of generating its own energy from the Bond-Spirit housed inside the Heart. If it worked, they promised to allot some of the energy to meet Teklia's growing needs. Many had opted to pool their resources to create a number of Sacred Herds they were using to move forward, but without investment by the Directorate as a whole, the final product would likely be severely inferior. 2/15, establishes the Heart of the Assembly, generating EXP, 5 Nuclear Material and accelerating Assembly Research. Cost 1 Warp.
Temple of the Lanternkeeper: The Lanternkeeper was famous as a symbol of light struggling to survive in darkness. Many wanted to build a temple in one of the gods Holy Places to the Emberlight Firekeeper where they could give their respects and offerings, and where they could erect a Great Sacred Lantern in the gods honor. 0/10, establishes Lanternkeeper Temple, a Holy Site that grants your people increased resistance to despair and hopelessness.
Huntek Workshop: A proposed expansion to the Temple of the Huntsmaster was an expanded workshop where the Hunteks of the order could research and develop higher quality technology and more easily manufacture the tools of the hunt, allowing for the average Huntsmasters equipment to improve dramatically. 0/10, establishes Huntek Workshop, increasing ACD and improving the gear of the Huntsmasters.
Hunters Shrine: An older practice among the Huntsmasters was the taking of trophies from their prey as offering to the Huntsmaster. Skulls, hearts, spines, processing cores. The practice still continued, with most Huntsmasters using Wyld-Shrines for the purpose. Some wanted to expand the Temple and create a shrine dedicated to the Huntsmaster attached to his temple for the express purpose of sacrificing trophies of slain prey to the god of hunters. 0/10, establishes Hunters Shrine, increasing FTH.
Rites of the Huntsmaster: Lifeforce. The Huntsmasters wanted a ration of it. A large ration. They wanted to attempt to develop rites and rituals to more efficiently invoke their patron diety, in the hopes that the blessing of the Huntsmaster might allow them to content with the fiercest monsters of all. 0/40, grants Least Divine Rites of the Huntsmaster. Unknown Effects. Can be reduced to 0/10 by spending 1 Warp.
Temple of the Old One: The Old One was historied as a lord of knowledge and mysteries. Many wanted to build a temple to the god in the abyssals of the sea where its monks, few in number but each of them powerful Mysteks, could assemble a great library where they could delve into the secrets of the cosmos, dedicated to the pelagic lords honor. 0/10, establishes Old Ones Temple, a Holy Site that increases the power of your Rites.
Toy Makers Workshop: The Toy Maker was fabled as the patron of children and faeries both. His temple and its sacred toys had been observed to reduce feelings of unease and terror during Warp-Jumps: some wanted to expand his temple by providing it with additional facilities and resources to train priests and manufacture sacred toys. 0/15, upgrades Toy Makers Temple to Toy Makers Workshop, a Holy Site that grants your children additional protection against malign influence.
Faerie Shrine: The Fae Folk. Spirits of the Dreamland, many of them swore themselves to the Toy Maker, according to your lore. Perhaps by establishing a major shrine dedicated to them at the Toy Makers Temple, priests of the Toymaker could invoke them to ward the dreams of the Directorate. 0/15, upgrades Toy Makers Temple with Faerie Shrine. Unknown effects.
Toy Makers Rites: Some priests of the Toy Maker had requested access to a great deal of occult resources and research: they wanted to develop rites to allow them to directly invoke the Toy Maker more efficiently and call upon his blessings. It would be a massive undertaking, but with the advent of bloodless lifeforce offerings it was somewhat less daunting. 0/40, grants Least Divine Rites of the Toymaker. Unknown effects. Can be reduced to 0/10 by spending 1 Warp.
Temple of the Dancer: An old Tekket art goddess, the Dancer had seen increased attention as of late, with many a TekArtist calling on them for inspiration for their works. Some had proposed constructing a temple for them where artists could make direct pilgrimage and ask the Dancer directly for their blessing, as well as serve as a sort of art-school for aspiring creative Tekket. 0/10, establishes Dancer Temple, a Holy Site that increases CUL.
Temple of the Roadguide: A Tekket god of travel and vehicles, the Roadguide was said to protect wanderers and explorers, mechanics and pilots. For obvious reasons this was more relevant than ever, especially as the Booug menacing your ships were the dream-spawn of the Roadguide: perhaps by invoking his favor via orbital temple-shipyard, your vessels could receive some degree of protection. 0/10, establishes Roadguide Temple, a Holy Site providing ships with slightly increased resistance against malign influences.
Temple of the Peerless Immortal Functionary: A secular god of bureaucracy born of mortal stock, the Peerless Immortal Functionary serves as the overseer, according to his followers, to the celestial bureaucracy, elevated by the gods to their rank in order to organize the myriad minor spirits of the world in order to ensure the realm functioned correctly. The followers of the Peerless Immortal Functionary had requested the formation of a secular temple dedicated to the Peerless Immortal Functionary capable of serving as a headquarters for his followers, a collection of bureaucrats and form fillers looking to optimize the Directorate via the Functionaries teachings. 0/10, establishes Temple of the Peerless Immortal Functionary, increasing EXP.
Enshrined Spirits: An old custom from long before the Destroyer War, ancient shrines occasionally served as more than simply places where the spirits of the region could be given offering to. Occasionally, they were said to contain specific machine souls enshrined within, serving as sort of guardian spirits that could ward against malign influences. A number of Shrine-Keepers want to see if they could recreate the process, develop a means by which every Shrine of note could house a Guardian Spirit. 0/10, upgrades Shrines with Guardian Machine Spirits, providing protection against supernatural phenomenon.
Nuclear Ritual Engines: Mag-Tek Altars had proven an effective way of amplifying the effects of Mystek Rites. Some theorized that they could be improved further via nuclear reactor bloks, providing the Altar spirit with additional surges of power to channel into occult motion: to that end, they wanted to apply Mystek principles to nuclear design. 0/20, Mag-Tek Altars upgraded with Nuclear Ritual Engines, unknown effects, costs 2 Nuclear Material.
Name of the Booug: The Booug were, ultimately, spirits. According to Occultek lore, spirits each had their own names that could be used to gain control over them: through research they theorized they might be able to divine the true name of the Booug in order to help drive them off. They would start with part of the Name of Influence, used to weaken and repel and strengthen and control. 0/10, TekGrimoires upgraded with First Name of Influence of the Booug, allowing them a very limited degree of power over the Booug beyond what their rituals might allow.
WarpTek Altar: Warp-Space, according to your discoveries, was extremely rich in arcane energies. By redesigning your MagTek Altars, perhaps they could be upgraded to siphon power from Warp-Space and catalyze Mystek Rituals. 0/20, MagTek Altars upgraded to draw energy from Warp-Space, increasing Warp by 1.
Rite of War: A proposed rite that would allow for the enchantment of various ship weaponry in order to generate short term bursts of high performance, allowing for increased reactivity in combat situations. It would likely require a great deal of lifeforce, however, both to perfect and be easily utilizable in the field. 0/20, Mystek Ritual Compartment upgraded with Rite of War, very slightly increasing the damage of all weapons and in combat situations allowing one weapon system an additional increase of performance. Costs 1 Warp.
Rite of Soul: You can make the spirits more awake. Could you increase the shine of their soul? A heady proposition: some believed that by experimenting with God-Machine technology, more advanced versions of the Rite of Anima could be developed. No one was entirely sure what the results of this would be, however. 0/20, unlocks Rite of Soul, increasing EXP and FTH, Costs 1 ART.
Rite of Communion: Others had suggested an idea: the Rite of Anima required a form of Communion between a Bond-Spirit and a lesser machine spirit. Could the same rite be adapted to let this dance take place between Tekket and Bond-Spirit instead? Such a thing would be monumental, certainly. 0/20, unlocks Rite of Communion, increasing FTH and CUL, Costs 1 ART
Occult-Talismans: Shrine-Talismans weren't only good offerings, they could also be used to strengthen certain rituals. A number of Occulteks believed that by developing specialized ritual Talismans that they could reduce the need for blood offerings by providing an alternative. 0/10, Occulteks gain Occult-Talismans, increasing FTH and providing 1 Warp.
Holy-Talismen: Talismans could also be used as a form of protection, especially when dedicated to a holy diety: some priests wanted to form their own Talisman Maker orders so as to manufacture these hallowed trinkets and study how best to invoke the divine using said talismans. 0/10, provides FTH and slight protection against malign influences. Strengthens most religious orders.
Hallowed Shrine: Another proposal had been to spend resources to develop a more advanced, theologically oriented shrine and accompanying rites to fully dedicate the Shrines and their offerings to specific gods. While these shrines wouldn't benefit the machine spirits of an area, they would likely very much please whatever deities they were connected to. 0/20, Shrines upgraded to provide FTH.
Shrine-Rites: This was an era of Mystek ascension. Give the Shrine-Keepers access to plentiful lifeforce to study: allow them to develop their understanding of the potent energy that the God-Machines had given access to and allow them to use it to develop rituals to further increase the potency of the TekShrines. 0/25, upgrades TekShrines with Rite of Motive Offering, increasing EXP given by TekShrines by two, cost 1 warp.
Advanced TekShrines: A proposed way to further improve TekShrines was to utilize God-Tek to increase the overall efficiency of Shrines as well as increase the power they generated. A bold proposal, but one the Shrine-Keepers themselves believed would work wonders as a way to empower the spirits they served. 0/25, upgrades TekShrines with GodTek Generators, increasing EXP given by TekShrines by two, costs 1 artefact.
Lifeforce Batteries: With more advanced understanding of lifeforce came the proposal to develop a method of actually storing lifeforce. This would likely be a difficult undertaking, but it would allow for much more novel methods of using Lifeforce and allow for it to be stockpiled for use. It would also mean less overall reliance on blood sacrifice. 0/10, develop Lifeforce Batteries Artefact, generating 1 Warp and EXP.
Lifeforce Healing: Lifeforce had strong correlations with vitality and energy: so far it had been sacrificed to fuel your spirits and rituals, but what if it could be transferred from Tekket to Tekket? Potentially, this could allow for improvement to the already excellent healthcare system utilized in the Directorate, but to what degree was sadly unknown for now. 0/25, develop Rite of Lifes Breath, increasing EXP and FTH, costing 1 Warp.
Sanguine Catalyst: With the understanding that blood was no longer required as a medium, some had proposed attempting to learn how to use it as a catalyst instead, improving the quality of the lifeforce they offered and making it more potent as a way to further improve on Tekket understanding of the supernatural energy. 0/50, develop Tekket Blood Magic, increasing points in all categories and generating 3 Warp.
Gremlin.EXE: Gremlins. Lesser spirits of mischief that cropped up from time to time from the darkest corners of the Network or Teklia's shadowy underbelly, they would possess machine spirits, infecting them like a virus. Some times, this relationship was beneficial: the machine spirit would grow stronger or be given strange powers, adding the Gremlins power to their own in exchange for giving the Gremlin an occasional vessel. Most of the time, this turned out terribly, as the Gremlin provoked the machine spirit to malfunction and glitch, taking delight as havok was created, forcing a Teksorcist to perform long, time consuming rituals that left the unfortunate machine with long lasting damage. With the development of the TekGrimoires, some Occulteks sought to imprison the minor troublemakers in order to prevent this, forcing them into empty DroneTek bodies layered inside and out with occultek binding. 0/20, develop Gremlin-Drones, created by taming mischievous data-spirits.
Familiars: Many naturalists theorized about natural spirits of the wilderness. Some druids and neo-pagans had experimented, finding that certain beasts and plants did in fact have some spiritual presence. Some Mysteks wished to explore the possibility of transfering the spirit to a Drone-Class vessel: after all, if you can do it to a toaster, why shouldn't it work on an equally old tree or turtle? 0/20, develop Wyld-Drones, Drone class automata formed not from ascended machine spirits but the souls of beasts and plants of sufficient soul strength.
Lunar MegaShrine: A proposed manner to quell the wrath of the Lunar Spirits was a singular great shrine in their honor, one that would be fed obscene quantities of lifeforce and attended to by countless druids and priests in a constant ritual of appeasement. So long as nothing else is done to provoke them, this should help obtain a degree of peace. 0/20, establishes Lunar MegaShrine, increasing FTH and EXP and reducing Quartzbug aggression. Cost 1 Warp.
WyldTek Totems: A number of druids wanted to study GodTek in order to create a device that would collect lifeforce and redistribute it, enriching ecosystems and allowing for even healthier, verdant enviroments, both artificial and natural. It would also help appease the spirits, of course. 0/10, grants the WyldTek Totems Artefact, promoting healthy nature and improving relations with wildlife even further, increasing the EXP bonus of WyldShrines considerably. Costs 1 Artefact.
Rite of Natures Harmony: Proposed by some Mysteks, they wanted resources to be used to develop a rite utilizing Mag-Tek Altars that could be used in a pinch to appease angry wildlife. 0/10, grants Rites of Natures Harmony, reducing the aggression of wildlife and the hostility of flora and fauna, increasing EXP.
Bond-Technomata: No Bond-Spirit was nearly mature enough to achieve a third metamorphosis yet, but potentially this process could be accelerated with sufficient amounts of Life-Force, and many Mysteks were salivating over the possibility: Bond-Machina had the ability to generate energy far in excess of their power systems and the ability to use that energy to strengthen and manipulate machinery. Who knows what powers their evolution would have? 0/40, create Bond-Technomata, advanced psyker machine spirits. Cost 1 Warp.
Delve into the Tomb: The complex where the God-Machines were located was, according to the expedition that found the God-Machines, impossibly vast. A select number of Monks wished to establish a temple atop it. It's purpose? To plumb the depths and obtain ancient technology. 0/10, Establish Tombdelver Order, a Society which generates Artifacts (ART).
Cthonic Lifeofferings: A number of Mysteks with interests in the macabe had begun donating small amounts of Life-Force to the TekMausoleums, believing it a method to perhaps appease the spirits interred there. It was an interesting proposal, certainly: by organizing volunteers to donate, perhaps the merit of the idea could be tested. 0/10, TekMausoleums receive regular donations of lifeforce. Unknown effects. Cost 1 Warp.
Mystek Protective Wards: The dimension that the Warp Drive seemed to connect to was deeply terrifying and very obviously dangerous, and a number of Mysteks had wanted resources to put into the development of Occultek wards to drive out malign influences in the hopes that the general safety of Warp-Jumps could be increased. 15/40, Mystek Compartment upgraded with Exceptionally Crude Protective Wards, costs 1 Warp.
ShipMind Shrine: A proposed method of improving your Ship Shrines even further was the addition of GodTek derived computers in order to create a sort of centralized AI core to house at least part of the ships oversoul: in essence, granting your shipspirits a degree of intelligence and willfullness. 0/20, Ships upgraded to include ShipMind, somewhat increasing performance. Cost 1 Artefact.
ShipBrain: Others suggested that instead of simply improving performance across the board by studying them, the Directorate could instead utilize GodTek as components to create a singular, relic grade GodTek supercomputer to serve as a vessel for the ships spirit, which would likely accelerate the shipsouls growth considerably. 0/20, select one Fleet to receive a ShipBrain, a relic class AI core that moderately improves ship performance that will automatically be upgraded when new technology is developed.
NeuroChoirs: A proposed theological application of the Mind-Machine Interface, the NeuroChoir would help coordinate and amplify prayer and spiritual meditation and, more importantly, allow for far easier donation of life energy for ritual purposes. 0/15, increases FTH, religious orders gain NeuroChoir artifact, costs 1 ART.
Shrine of Keeping Mt. Wander The F!@#$ Asleep: If Mt. Wander woke up again you were probably boned. As such, a number of priests had advocated erecting a shrine on Mt. Wander and developing special rites specifically tailored to keep the living mountain dormant and appeased, with the understanding that if it woke up, your current nuclear stockpile was DEEPLY ineffective. 0/25, Mt. Wander stays the F!@#$% Asleep