I don't think that's how TLF works. We auto pass the rolls to support ourselves in wasteland, but that just means Molly warps the world to get the results she wants. Which is why it says she doesn't need to make survival rolls to get the benefits rather than saying she doesn't need those things in the first place.the fact that we don't really need to eat or drink since Transcendent Lord of Flies
We also don't spend enough time in areas of urban blight to stop Molly from relying on it full time.
Even if it doesn't work it seems like a decent way to try bonding with Charity a bit. I doubt she'd be happy to let Micheal in armor she hasn't looked at, even if she knows it's better, anyway. She's spent too much time responsible for it, and is a worry wart on top of that.True Faith was mentioned in context of collaborating with Charity when making Michael's new armor. She is his usual armorer, and @uju32 posited, with at least some evidence, that she uses True Faith (or some other supernatural ability) to make the armor better than a normal mundane armor made with resources available to her could be. We disagree on whether it's even possible to collaborate at all, but I am willing to try.