Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
[x] Long-term plans involving the Library

I really want to help Angela. She's done a lot to help X by providing the Distortions disguises and sanctuary for the soul gems. We owe her a serious favor for all this.

We know from the game's True End that Angela is planning on taking down Carmen. But she can't really do much on the Outskirts, unless she's interested in going through the ruins for something to help her. So, I'm curious if she's planning on eventually returning to the City.
Not much else for us to vote is there?

Hm... @Lepidoptera Do we have time to do both Explanations and Long terms plans?

I don't particularly see any reasons to vote for one or another if we can do both.

However, if we are forced into one only. The long-term plans would be best. Since X would get all the needed information on the escaped Abnormalities.
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Not much else for us to vote is there?

Hm... @Lepidoptera Do we have time to do both Explanations and Long terms plans?

I don't particularly see any reasons to vote for one or another if we can do both.

However, if we are forced into one only. The long-term plans would be best. Since X would get all the needed information on the escaped Abnormalities.
You may vote for more than one.
[X] long term plans involving the library
[X] inquire Angela about the nature of distortion, and. If possible can we reverse it or mask the distorted individual as human

Since I can't Google out what this is, I'm just gonna take a wild guess.
Although we somewhat make the voice of: I'm not worth it, I should die and I'm not strong enough died down a little, She still have that mindset in her.
So although not as extreme as homura, She is going to act like gebura before the meltdown.
So it is good that we have someone on our side that can deal with that stuff.
It's that right, gebura?
We should probably look for a way to let Kyoko fight without having to worry about Saintless Pyre.

It would be quite a funky moment if she was fighting an Abnormality and suddenly light the entire city on fire.
Ok, first:

*Look at most of the conversation*

My, it's almost like getting Mami to talk would probably have gotten better results given how most of it was about her and how Kyouko failed her, funny that.

Do you know why I left? It's 'cause I wasn't good enough. I was dragging her down. I couldn't hunt as well as she could, and with her killing Familiars before they could grow there weren't enough Witches to support both of us. She was going to kill herself for me, and neither of us even knew it. So I left.

Oh, look, it's almost as if her *strong eat weak* philosophy was complete bollocks she used to hide her true feelings, how unexpected./s

Acter everything she did for me

Typo: after

"Is that really what you want, then?"

"It's what I deserve. If I were stronger, if I'd made better decisions, then… well, who knows?"

And what about Mami? Does she deserve to lose you again?

She's strong, she'll be alright. Besides, you'll be there for her, won't you? You're strong enough to stand with her.

And yet, in case you forgot, I needed your help to save her.


I'm not asking for you to give up on anything you've just told me, not now. But I am asking you to be here for Mami. Can you do that for her?

This might not be ideal, but this is far more of a healthy outlook than the disaster we probably would have had if Carmen had been the one running the show here, Kyouko would've stayed put on the false idea of the strong eating the weak, and that she was weak, instead of at least a modicum of accepting that it doesn't works like that and that she should be there for Mami.

Kyoko Sakura is a glass centaur.

Well, you know, Glass Centaur, Candle Dulhahan, close enough, right? :V

Also, Glass Centaur, just like her *philosophy* is fragile like glass when you look closely.

Well, that could've gone much worse. If there's anything you believe you should tell Mami and Kyoko right now, or anything else you wish to do with Angela, bow's the time. Otherwise, we will just continue as we are.

Ok, well:

First: Typo, now.

Second: Yes, it was relatively good, as I said, we could have gotten a kyouko unwilling to accept that her philosophy is wrong and stuck in a depression spiral, I still think getting Mami to be the one to talk could've ended better, but we got something that was explicitly centered around her being here for Mami and staying alive, that's a great first step, now we just have to do 2 trough 10.

Now, for the vote:

[] Explanations

This is the most pressing thing, long term plans are long term and can wait, leaving is out of the question, and I don't have ideas for a write-in.

You may vote for more than one.

Well, in that case:

[x] Explanations
-[x] Then long term plans involving the library
[X] Plan: Discount Sunlight
-[X] Explanations
--[X] Truth about X being an Abnormality. Ask Angela and Mami for help in explaining it to Gebura and Roland.
--[X] Distortions.
--[X] The Shark Woman cannibal, and more personal information on the Distortions, Angela has available.
--[X] Information on the Abnormalities that weren't within the Lobotomy HQ.
--[X] What happens to Sapling'ed Abnormalities?
--[X] Gebura for pointers on how to wield Mimicry efficiently.
--[X] Ayin and X's dissolution, and the whereabouts of Enoch
-[X] Long-term plans involving the Library
--[X] Magical Girl rehabilitation center.
--[X] Giving Angela light from X as fuel.
--[X] Potential help regarding other threats that might appear.
--[X] Research into Distortions and how one might reduce their harmful effects on those around them.
--[X] Ask Roland for training on how to wield multiple weapons at the same time to their maximum effects.
-[X] If you can, try to socialize with Angela, Roland, and Gebura. It would be nice to get an update on what happened after the SoL is completed.

Hopefully, we can find a way to make sure Kyoko doesn't burn the entire world to ashes...

Like holy crap is she strong. That's Xiao's level of power. Maybe even more...Though we don't exactly know for sure how strong Xiao is when translated to a storytelling pov.

Anyhow, I tried to include everything you would need for the vote.

Perhaps, it's a bit demanding to Angela, but I feel like it is for the best.
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Since I can't Google out what this is, I'm just gonna take a wild guess.
Although we somewhat make the voice of: I'm not worth it, I should die and I'm not strong enough died down a little, She still have that mindset in her.
So although not as extreme as homura, She is going to act like gebura before the meltdown.
So it is good that we have someone on our side that can deal with that stuff.
It's that right, gebura?
I am pretty sure its meant to be Thagirion, the qlipha.

Edit: No I was just wrong.

Thagirion was a different one with a similar name. What Kyouko has is the Qlipha of Tipheret.
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Uh...anyone got anything else you think we should ask?

Oh right. We should probably ask Gebura about how to handle Mimicry too.

She got the most experience with it.

Maybe train with Roland regarding multi weapon wielding? The man is the legendary Orlando after all.
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That is true.

But Gebura has experience with it more than us, given that the girl basically worship the ground Geb walks on.

She could advice us on whether a range form of Mimicry is worth it or not for example.

So vote for my plan!
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Um, meme what do you mean by this? Multiple what?
Probably weapons, that's the Black Silence whole shtick after all.

That is true.

But Gebura has experience with it more than us, given that the girl basically worship the ground Geb walks on.

She could advice us on whether a range form of Mimicry is worth it or not for example.

So vote for my plan!
Your convictions convinced me!

Spending more time with Geburah is always good.

Roland is also loads of fun, less so now that he went through the shonen school of therapy, but it doesn't diminish him that much.

[X] Plan: Discount Sunlight with Confession

Almighty Head, I'm so sleep deprived.
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While I am certain that E.G.O teaches you how to use them effectively.

Using multiple E.G.Os in conjunction effectively is an entirely different matter. And if there's anyone who is an expert, it would be Geb and Roland.

However, the reason I don't want to call on Geb for this is mainly...well...way back in LCorp, even though she did wield multiple weapons at once, her usage was more of a berserker state than anything.

In this regard, I just decided to play it safe and go ahead asking for Roland's expertise. It would also be a good chance to interact more with the man.

Almighty Head, I'm so sleep deprived.
Just go to sleep.

It's never good to miss out on sleep. Trust me. It just makes everything way more frustrating.
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Perhaps so. But I am not sure whether we would have the time for that...

Eh, couldn't hurt. I will include it in the plan as a social option.