Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

-Interesting. I didnt realize Molly could sense when MiS started working on someone.
-Poor Thomas is getting whipsawed.
-Interesting comment about changing a demon's nature. I wonder if VEE could do it.
Thats something else to add to the list of things we need to look into

Turning a hunger demon into something less demonic would be more than VEE alone can do, it would basically be the White Court version of Golconda although there are probably intermediary steps between his present state and 'I can now be sustained by love', temporary immunity and the like.
Turning a hunger demon into something less demonic would be more than VEE alone can do, it would basically be the White Court version of Golconda although there are probably intermediary steps between his present state and 'I can now be sustained by love', temporary immunity and the like.
If offered by a proto-Yama King, it more seems like Irish Bulb Commerce or another way of getting demonic investitures for the low, low price of a slice of your soul is the way.
Turning a hunger demon into something less demonic would be more than VEE alone can do, it would basically be the White Court version of Golconda although there are probably intermediary steps between his present state and 'I can now be sustained by love', temporary immunity and the like.
Fair enough. So ancient sorcery then.
Sorcerous working, probably. Something for the future

I think False Spings Beckon would work at removing the True Love vulnerability, but would need to be reapplied every (Essence) weeks when it lapses.
Because they are really useful. Just about any job he does having a cyberdevil help him should make him better at it. From financial to spying. Or just visiting Harry.
Thomas has a web of tangled loyalties.
He is brother to Harry, an undercover True Venatori, and is still a member of House Raith and takes orders from his elder sister.
There are good reasons why he wouldnt want a cyberdevil on his phone.
Turning a hunger demon into something less demonic would be more than VEE alone can do, it would basically be the White Court version of Golconda although there are probably intermediary steps between his present state and 'I can now be sustained by love', temporary immunity and the like.
VEE doesn't have any stated limits. It likely has limits somewhere, but unless you are the storyteller you have no way to know them.
If offered by a proto-Yama King, it more seems like Irish Bulb Commerce or another way of getting demonic investitures for the low, low price of a slice of your soul is the way.

The idea would be to use arcane means less intimately linked to the exaltation like alchemy

Hmm... Would our cyberdevils be up for establishing a non-profit organization legally?

Sadly no, they have no understanding of mortal law and would quickly mess up in some potentially dramatic manner

VEE doesn't have any stated limits. It likely has limits somewhere, but unless you are the storyteller you have no way to know them.

It does. For instance:
  1. It can give you one dot of ability at a time but not two
  2. It can give you one dot of background at a time, but again not two
  3. It can give one merit or remove one flaw
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Reassessing I guess I will switch my vote to Financial Manager. The cyberdevils aren't up to setting up a non-profit organization, but Thomas may be. And once things are set up/we find someone better for the job he can switch to just paying a tithe. Even if he isn't great at the Financial part of the job, he should be good at the HR part and dealing with people.

[X] As an financial agent, not that he has much experience in such matters, but 'not much' is still more than your none

Though having people pay a tax to solve soul crushing curses seems a little gauche to me. But I guess it's better then the usual prices people pay.
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Well he would certainly be better at it than the discorprorate cybernetic intelligence born of rage, alienation and spite, but he has never done so before. It would be about on par with trying to make him your financial agent.
He would likely do it better with a discorprorate cybernetic intelligence born of rage, alienation and spite working for him.
I mean, it doesn't really matter how fast he is at doing it right? Just that he is working on it and giving it genuine effort.
Plus he doesn't have to do everything himself. He can hire people who are more familiar with the paperwork and legalese.

He dosen't have to keep a cyberdevil on his person all the time for it to be useful anyway. Just stick it on his "Work laptop" or something.
He is keeping other people's secrets.
A covert operative for the Venatori, fighting the Oblivion War, cannot afford to have cyberdevils on his shit.
But cyberdevil's supply better cyber security then money can buy! Viruses depend on the things they inflect being fundamentally dumb. By having a cyberdevil in his phone we would be keeping out any other spyware.
[X] As a spy, there are a lot of things you would like to find out about the White Court, many of which they would rather keep a secret, assuming that role should be more than enough to satisfy the requirements of true and loyal service
I should note Molly does not know about that and with what you are offering here... well let's just say that Thomas is not looking very hesitant right now.
Oh sure.
A man who has been dying of thirst in the wildnerness does not stop to consider the risks of waterborne disease at the first stream they find.

[X] As an financial agent, not that he has much experience in such matters, but 'not much' is still more than your none

1)We dont need a spy in the White Court.
We have other options, from cyberdevils to the Crown of Eyes to potentially summoning spirits or talking to wyldfae and animals and ghosts.

Furthermore, using the White King's son as a spy in the White Court is the sort of thing that leads to political crises if/when he's caught.We dont want that. Lara and House Raith is the best current option for leading the White Court as far as Humanity and the White Council of Wizards is concerned; we dont want to destabilize them such that Skavis or Malvora get to stage a coup.

2) We dont need a military adjutant yet.
And we dont want (this) one. Hiring the black sheep son of the White King at the same time when we appear to be recruiting renegade Whites and ghouls in Undertown is a very Bad Look.

We dont want to kick off a small war in Chicago by mistake. Sure we'd win, but the collateral would be horrendous.
And it might make us miss Prom. Or distract us from other stuff, like Odin.

3)Thomas is a successful small business owner.
He drives a Hummer and a Jaguar. He owns a boat on the Lakes. He has employees, he runs payroll, he rents real estate for business, he manages expenses. He has bankers to handle his financials and accountants to balance his taxes.

He knows who to call and who to talk to about money. And he has the charm to get people to do stuff for him.
He is a much better fit as a financial agent than as anything else.
At least in the short to medium term.

Also, the son of the White King doing business with us is not going to cause a supernatural war with the White Court.
Its lowkey, and has no direct political implications.
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Why as a spy? It's more risky to him then other options and we need a spy less then we need a financial officer.

Edit: Ninja
[X] As an financial agent, not that he has much experience in such matters, but 'not much' is still more than your none
You can no more undo the curse of a being which does not do your will than a planet can grasp a body beyond it's Hill Sphere, be that planet ever so large. Even mighty Jupiter has its limits.

Jupiter named for the king of the gods... You flinch away from the thought so hard you almost knock the empty cup off the table.
That would be interesting if Jupiter was still alive and powerful as ever, no more able to effect earth then we can release the curses of those who do not serve us.