Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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1.6.11 - Invitation
Chapter 74 - Invitation

Time crashes around you. The rushing sands grind against your flesh, trying to drag you back. You can't go; not yet. It's unlikely your shell would reform, so it's likely that the world will end up exposed to your presence again if you allow yourself to be pulled along. Fortunately, your strength is not yet degraded enough to not give you a choice in the matter. You stand against the sweeping tide even as your world cracks and fractures. Nothing There writhes beneath your grip as you tear them open, incomprehensibly ancient limbs your clips and scalpels with which you dig through the Abnormality's body. Your body cracks open, spilling chemical slurry onto the sterile earth. It doesn't matter. You're almost done. As long as you can hold it together for a moment longer-


You are adrift.

It seems the strain was too much for you. Your transformation is still incomplete. Abnormalities are not meant to be half-formed as you still are, not bound to a single shape. Given that instability, it's no wonder everything fell apart when more outside influences were introduced. You can still feel the constant pull of time around you, dragging you towards the desired moment even now. Homura's Magic, perhaps? If it is her, then that's a good sign. Magic isn't supposed to last once its user dies, so she must be okay. You don't see Nothing There, so they've probably already been taken back. At least you got what you needed first.

Kyoko's Soul Gem is present, somewhere. The others, too, and still within your reach. Not that you're quite sure where you are right now, so how comforting that is is still up in the air. If anything, it reminds you of when you were dead. Almost dead? Abnormalities aren't supposed to do that, but you're already an exception. Death might very well be a possibility for you. That said, you don't think that you've actually died. This would be a very underwhelming hell, and the kids probably wouldn't be here with you.

So, what to do? You've delayed Homura's Magic, but with how weakened you are now that's only a temporary measure. Once the time comes, you'll be dragged back to Mitakihara. Unless you can fix your shell by then, that'll be that. You know your presence did something last time, and you're not eager to repeat it. There's just one problem.

You can't do anything.

You spent the last of your energy digging out Kyoko's Soul Gem. You simply don't have the strength left to pull together another seal, and even if you did have that strength you're not completely sure how you made the first one. On the other hand, staying like this really isn't an option. How irritating. You had hoped to leave these kinds of no-win scenarios behind you when you left the Facility.


"Left the Facility".

If you left, why does everything feel the same?

The Corporation was a terrible place, and it was best for everyone to leave. To go out into the world and live their lives. But you know what the City is like. Your colleagues ended up under Angela's command, fulfilling whatever goal she was seeking. The only person who found somewhere "better" was you, and you had been the person you cared least about saving.

Even in Mitakihara, your life isn't much different than it was before. You have people you care about that you need to guide and protect. You are responsible for keeping those around you psychologically stable. There are monsters that must be fought for the protection of humanity. It's all part of a scheme to extract energy from humanity in the name of some higher purpose. What really changed?

And so you drift further, through the void.


You open your eyes to a plain grey ceiling above you. You're lying on an operating table in a small room, well-illuminated despite the lack of any visible lighting. At your side are two carts of operating tools, neither of which seem to have been used or even touched. A nearby window reveals a rolling expanse of blue-green clouds with the sun hanging just barely above the horizon. Not the outside though, judging by the second window showing a lush jungle in the dead of night. Not pictures, cameras maybe? Portals? Pocket dimensions? There are people rich enough to use that sort of technology for fancy art installations.

The Soul Gems are placed carefully on the table to the side of you. All quiet, all safe. You breathe a sigh of relief. If everything had ended up being for nothing…. well, it would have been deeply frustrating.

You pause. Something about that feels… different.

Your body is human. Whether you created a shell again and simply weren't conscious of it, like last time, or somebody else is responsible, you're not entirely certain. While you wouldn't even consider the latter option normally, things have clearly gone off the rails. Homura's Magic still claws at you, assuring you that she is still alive. There's maybe half an hour left before it takes effect. You'll just have to believe in your kids until the remaining time runs out.

You stand up, appreciating the lack of adjustment time required to go from six legs to two. Not everyone from the City is blessed with such a smooth transition between bodies. Before you can do much more, the door opens.


Which voice greets you?

[] "Uh, Angela? I think they're awake. Just a hunch."
[] "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer."


Big Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 3/3
Punishing Bird's Sapling - Observation Level 2/2
Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
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So either Carmen/Ayin or Roland...

Either the Light or the Library. While I believe that Roland is probably the nicer choice for X, whoever the light user is, is likely to be the more beneficial choice for the present.

This could either be Ayin or Carmen. But either way, we will likely receive some answers regarding why the abnormalities are there and what whoever the light user is, is planning.

[X] "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer."


Two Pieces of the greater whole have been completed. Let's see whether we will be able to obtain the last piece.

Edit: Never mind. I'm a moron. It's between Angela and Roland.
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Uh oh
I am getting the sinking feeling we are going to be in for a very unpleasant scenario with that chapter name
[X] "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer."
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Our vote here seems to be whether we talk to Roland or Angela first (we have half an hour to get more advantages out of things and brief them on what's going on)

Also, where did X get the information that the Abnormalities were retrieved?

E: I think we are in a Book now guys, we "died", right?
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Given the tone of the "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer." vote. I am expecting this to be Carmen.

Ayin seems more like the "Oh, you are finally awake." type of person.

Are you sure Angela would be in a color similar to Carmen's and not one that is colored in a color similar to her theme like you know? Blue?
More likely binah is 2
Seems very binah to say
Could be tiphereth by coloration possibly but could be wrong
Took me a while since my brain is apparently smoother than a sphere.

This is the choice between our sister and Roland. Do we want to get the "My Sister's Boyfriend" experience first, or the awkward "Rival Sisters' Reunion" experience?

I choose the other option because I thought it was Carmen, but this is likely to be Angela.

E: I also just realized something.

This meeting would be "in line" with the timeline of my Omake...huh...neat. If it is indeed Angela.
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I've said it once, twice, now thrice
Won't know till lep opens the box
Could be angela or tiphereth
All depends on the meaning of yellow in this instance
Said binah since black (unfeasible here) and yellow are associated with her but I digress
All a matter of waiting for the smoke brick or yellow brick to fall and as they say
Follow the Yelliw Brick Road
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What could we gain with (first?) interacting with Roland?

We aren't exactly made of time here, and will go back to Distortion memes and things being on fire

Did Angela and co go Dimension fishing or something earlier, though (we are probably in a Book now)?

E: That, or we are in the Floor of Geography now
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Nah. Tiphereth would call Angela if something like this happened.

None of the Patron Librarians would attempt to handle this on their own without telling Angela.

The likelihood of this being our...wayward?...sister is high.
(we are probably in a Book now)?
Probably not. We stood up normally and Roland/(?)Angela opened a door.

It's probably a room in the Library.

And yeah.

Based on the time limit of 1 hour, meeting with Roland might not be the most useful...Meeting with Angela again would also help X with her current...mental instability...a bit.
His gloves are surprisingly useless when you compare them to the things we have now.

I mean. All of our weapons are basically superior versions of his. Roland Gloves are deadly because he's the mothafucking Black Silence.

The only thing taking his gloves would prove is that Angela REALLY is the grunt of the family. First, we took her abnormalities. Now we took her boyfriend's weapons too.


There are a couple of things I noticed in this chapter.

First, NT is still likely alive. We will return right to the battle with it.
Second, Der Fruityshooty sucks major balls.
Third, we probably don't need to worry about how things go if this is Homura magic. It seems like time is all wonky right now.

I can't fucking believe Big Bird got its requirements fulfilled BEFORE Der Fruityshooty. HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!
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"If you left, why does everything feel the same?"

Mmm. X, do you think that might partly be the massive trauma you have? Maybe just a bit? I think it might be trauma.

Tbh, the frame of mind that X gets in when full DoSaM seems very similar to how Homura/Homulily acted and thought when in a state of extremely fucked up and prolonged witchification. X ignoring her own PTSD in favor of worrying about the kids comes across as in character. Whether we take ourselves into account as voters or not, X has been placed into a situation that replicates a life that was Not Great For People. Right after leaving it. The concept of re-traumatization isn't an unknown and I'd say this counts.

It also has some parallels to Homura. Complete with stasis-containment barriers! Thanks, I love-hate it!
X: Don't ask about what's going on, Angela, please employ me to go back, thanks
If that doesn't work, please punch me for as the payment of fishing me from wherever I was and putting me in this room (can't explain right now)

More seriously, if the options are equal: Roland being an example of someone overcoming things might be useful here, and Angela is more handling the Abnormality side of things
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[ :V ] Angela, is The Price Of Silence/White Night around? Need to get rid of some pesky Time effects around me, thanks
Due to the fact that NT is likely still alive back home. And also the fact that we have no idea whether God Delusions, Last Helix, and Eternal Meals can go outside of DoSaM's world or not.

Even as a joke option. That is very bad.