Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I also kinda
Hang on. Could you expand on this? Like, I accept what you're saying, but can you just lay out for me all the information you have and how you know what you know?

I must have missed something here.

The thing is, we're going to be forced to keep working on Augustgrad, so we need those cost reductions sooner rather than later. I don't know what the SCV benefits are actually going to be, mechanically speaking, but I'm willing to spend about one and a half turns knocking off a different project first.

The Keresh mines also increase our Resource income, which is important if we don't want to spend down our whole stockpile and then be force to leave dice idle because we can't pay to activate them. Our budget is a bit thin, even when we deliberately go out of our way to choose cheap projects.

Again, my own argument is that the "Refill the Upper Echelons" project isn't so urgent that we need to concentrate both free dice on rushing it to completion in the first turn. I could be wrong.

I mean, it gets us more dice in general. Right now we don't even have remotely enough dice to really succeed at our task.

...of course we should be wary about tunnel vision, since ultimately our goal is build up opposition to Mensk and potentially put a stop to him, not just try to efficiently enact his will and soften the blow. But in the short term, and both of our plans reflect this, we have a lot to do.

It's also not about rushing it to completion first turn... it's about making it so that it can be easily and casually completed Turn 2, without having to dip into Free Dice and with being able to start work on things like Idealistic Truth and Reconciliation.
Hang on. Could you expand on this? Like, I accept what you're saying, but can you just lay out for me all the information you have and how you know what you know?

"The space above the core world of Brontes was host to no less than three pitched naval battles between various combinations of the Confederacy, the Sons of Korhal, and the Zerg. As a result, planetary orbit is thick with debris, some of which may very well still be alive."

As far as Augustgrad goes, yeah, just put 1 die in it per turn to keep the boss happy until we can focus it. I suspect SCVs will be across the board construction bonuses or requirement decreases, which are extremely good for us.

And for the Refill stuff, I was thinking a total of 3 dice in Bureaucracy. 1 to get the ball rolling there, and then 2 on the Vice-Chancellor pick.
Looks like we're overseeing the cultural transition from Confederate rednecks to Dominion blackshirts. This should be interesting.

So a lot of Confederate citizens are mostly illiterate? That's hilarious. I can just imagine our people having constant arguments with the voice interfaces on their critically-important computer systems. Can you imagine reconfiguring the IFF system on your missile turret like that?

On that note, I am a little concerned about how many guys we're throwing down onto Korhal while it's still a radioactive tomb world and we're critically short on SCVs and good safety standards, but I guess we can palm some of this job onto the military and make it largely Duke's problem. No time to demobilize, we've got a throne world to build! Marine armour was designed for NBC warfare anyway, so the military is perfect for this.

Hey, is that why you guys wanted to prioritize founding that military academy? That's actually a pretty good idea. If we're bringing the officer corps to Korhal, they'll be obliged to make themselves useful. If they don't, they'll have to live on a useless rock for that much longer.
The secret play is to use the new military academy for officers as a breeding ground for secret dissent, since we are an ex-General and we do want to overthrow the shit out of this Emperor. But to do that we first need an officer school. :V
I am more for reining in arcturus bad habits then overtrhowing him better to stablise the mengks dynasty and this new nation the boss is not immortal his son will succeed him one day

Arcturus is like any bad paranoid roman emperor you weather him out

And this is me the monachist at heart speaking
"The space above the core world of Brontes was host to no less than three pitched naval battles between various combinations of the Confederacy, the Sons of Korhal, and the Zerg. As a result, planetary orbit is thick with debris, some of which may very well still be alive."
Ah. So that's not a confirmed "some of the Zerg are still alive" thing, but it's a plausible concern.

Most importantly, there's a gap between "crippled Zerg spacegoing organisms," "Zerg ground combatants still alive in the husk of a dead warship," and "reproductively viable drone/larva/whatever units starting to turn into a feral Zerg population in planetary orbit." Three different levels of urgency to worry about. I can see it, though.

At the same time, the arguments you advance about the SCV plant also apply to Nephor II. An industrial world as a whole sounds like a big asset for the campaign to rebuild stuff, for the same reasons that SCVs are.

As far as Augustgrad goes, yeah, just put 1 die in it per turn to keep the boss happy until we can focus it. I suspect SCVs will be across the board construction bonuses or requirement decreases, which are extremely good for us.
Hmm, if we keep it down to one per turn, the mines matter less in principle, I guess.

And for the Refill stuff, I was thinking a total of 3 dice in Bureaucracy. 1 to get the ball rolling there, and then 2 on the Vice-Chancellor pick.
Well yeah, but we don't want to screw up the personal assistant roll (e.g. we kind of want to make sure we don't get a toady who informs on everything we do in the worst possible terms). So that means no free dice elsewhere. Are you cool with that?

So a lot of Confederate citizens are mostly illiterate? That's hilarious. I can just imagine our people having constant arguments with the voice interfaces on their critically-important computer systems. Can you imagine reconfiguring the IFF system on your missile turret like that?
I'm not sure the UED has it much better. Remember the seventh Terran mission in Brood War?

"It says... hit... any... key. Well, which one's the any key?"
I am more for reining in arcturus bad habits then overtrhowing him better to stablise the mengks dynasty and this new nation the boss is not immortal his son will succeed him one day

Arcturus is like any bad paranoid roman emperor you weather him out

And this is me the monachist at heart speaking

Or we could not be ruled by unaccountable tyrants.

There's nothing sacred about his rule--I mean, there's nothing sacred about any dynasty's rule--but he's literally just a brutal regional strongman committing atrocities.
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Ah. So that's not a confirmed "some of the Zerg are still alive" thing, but it's a plausible concern.

Most importantly, there's a gap between "crippled Zerg spacegoing organisms," "Zerg ground combatants still alive in the husk of a dead warship," and "reproductively viable drone/larva/whatever units starting to turn into a feral Zerg population in planetary orbit." Three different levels of urgency to worry about. I can see it, though.

At the same time, the arguments you advance about the SCV plant also apply to Nephor II. An industrial world as a whole sounds like a big asset for the campaign to rebuild stuff, for the same reasons that SCVs are.

Hmm, if we keep it down to one per turn, the mines matter less in principle, I guess.

Well yeah, but we don't want to screw up the personal assistant roll (e.g. we kind of want to make sure we don't get a toady who informs on everything we do in the worst possible terms). So that means no free dice elsewhere. Are you cool with that?

I'm not sure the UED has it much better. Remember the seventh Terran mission in Brood War?

"It says... hit... any... key. Well, which one's the any key?"

Three different levels of urgency, and we have no idea which one is true.

Nephor II sounds like a project that will unlock projects. Valuable, yes, but not an immediate boost to our capabilities.

And yes I'm fine with our free dice going to bureaucracy and personal turn 1, I feel like it makes sense to put our initial focus on setting up the department and our own shadow administration to give us a firm footing moving forward.
Or we could not be ruled by unaccountable tyrants.

There's nothing sacred about his rule--I mean, there's nothing sacred about any dynasty's rule--but he's literally just a brutal regional strongman committing atrocities.
Instead you want so called accountable tyrants believe me i live in Europe we getting more a more sick of them

Nope better we lay the groundwork so that valerian on day sit on that chair
Instead you want so called accountable tyrants believe me i live in Europe we getting more a more sick of them

Nope better we lay the groundwork so that valerian on day sit on that chair

How about no. Monarchism is nonsense, bloodcraft inherently disrespects the value of human life and human rights.

I hardly think a liberal democracy or whatnot will be great, but it'll be better than any absolute monarchy, "enlightened" or not, and it's about what we have hope for--and about what might be in-character to actually want.
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How about no. Monarchism is nonsense, bloodcraft inherently disrespects the value of human life and human rights.
Democracy always lead to tyranny and terror
You have just to look up the Reign of Terror as a example of that the masses are offtern not smarten then a donky's ass

But lets not bring real world views to much into this yeah

Better to agree to disagree
Already using resources coming in for next turn, the budget situation is great. Sure hope we can purge adjust obsolete outdated formation to reduce drain, and start some cutesy regime loyalist lightening. There's gotta be some Mengsk forces that lost favor with command that we can quietly send to the mines right?

[X] Plan Attempting to Extinguish The Dumpster Fires
Three different levels of urgency, and we have no idea which one is true.

Nephor II sounds like a project that will unlock projects. Valuable, yes, but not an immediate boost to our capabilities.
I dunno, it's a planet full of factories. Having the workers in those factories able to work productively because the buildings have been fixed up sounds like a pretty immediate boost to me.

Already using resources coming in for next turn, the budget situation is great. Sure hope we can purge adjust obsolete outdated formation to reduce drain, and start some cutesy regime loyalist lightening. There's gotta be some Mengsk forces that lost favor with command that we can quietly send to the mines right?
To be fair, the economy's a wreck from having a major civil war fought while two separate forces of genocidal aliens were running around.

There's probably a lot of low-hanging fruit we can pick to significantly revitalize the economy and get our budget going, so this is honestly a good time to be spending down our cash reserves in hopes that the investments will pay off later. It would be very unwise to sit on a big pile of money and industrial assets at a time like this, when everything we can put into action to accelerate the reconstruction is likely to have multiplier effects later.