Attempting to Subvert the Plan: Dominion Edition

Retcon: Should General Horner (the MC) have been The Magistrate (Starcraft 1 PC)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 43.8%
  • No

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • This does not matter to me

    Votes: 16 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[x] General Charles "Chuck" Horner

QM just asking is your Nod Kane quest still alive?
Cause you seem to have a few other quests, do you have the time to do them(cause I see most of your other past quests short except the german republic quests)?
Sorry for asking I am just worried that the Nod quest and this quest will be dropped or something.
At the risk of sounding like an asshole, I don't particularly care to be questioned on my time management or hectored about updating this or any other quest. I run quests until I run out of inspiration or they prove non-viable. This means a lot of them don't make it past a couple updates as I learn what works for me and what doesn't. If that bothers you, I completely understand; feel free not to mention it in the future and go elsewhere.
At the risk of sounding like an asshole, I don't particularly care to be questioned on my time management or hectored about updating this or any other quest. I run quests until I run out of inspiration or they prove non-viable. This means a lot of them don't make it past a couple updates as I learn what works for me and what doesn't. If that bothers you, I completely understand; feel free not to mention it in the future and go elsewhere.
Understandable, thank you for answering me at least.
[x] General Charles "Chuck" Horner
Military stuff is going to be real damn important in a few years and I like the infrastructure and resource bonus; with luck his penalties will be negated before long too.

Hopefully we have enough time to turn the Dominion into an actual fighting force and not a bunch of conscripted criminals in overbuilt power armor with barely any combined arms support and overcomplicated yet still bad looking vehicles.
Great turnout, thank you to everyone for your votes and discussion. I'll give it a couple more hours before closing the vote.
[X] General Charles "Chuck" Horner
I don't think Chuck is very strong of a choice with a -10 on every thing, so hopefully the Paranoia reduction pays dividends.
For the scientist, I don't like the idea of a management quest becoming an artifact hunt at the detriment to the political story and milItary ethics parts.
The Senator has the problem of 5% unavoidable chance of quest ending every turn(?) is just too much, even though I otherwise like him and his goals.
[X] Doctor Zenobia Aldine

Setting unpopular characters in positions of power to get crap done is a Plan Quest classic. Why stop now?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Etranger on Nov 4, 2022 at 11:36 PM, finished with 44 posts and 35 votes.
Q3 2506: Budget Allocation
June 12, 2506
Imperial Villa
Tyrador IX

Being kept waiting is a novel experience for you, but you strongly suspect you're going to have to get used to it. Your former CO is now Emperor of the Terran Dominion, the absolute ruler of civilized space, and as Most Important Person he naturally has many demands on his time. Or he could just be playing head games again. You never really know with Mengsk.

Fortunately, you had spent years in the man's company, and dealing with his little foibles was second nature. You had just picked out the most comfortable-looking chair in the plushly-appointed waiting room, settled down into it, and allowed your face to go safely blank. Like you were thinking about football, or a pretty girl, or something.

About half an hour later, during which time the muffled sounds of shouting had grown increasingly loud from within the office, the double doors bang open and the fussy little man who was the prior appointment goes scurrying out. What was his name – Histler? Fistler? Whatever. He breaks into a run and doesn't stop until he's intercepted by the black-clad Dominion Security Service boys out front. You make a mental note to forget his name.

Another bodyguard in black fatigues and a black beret, the red Dominion emblem its only adornment, emerges to greet you. "Please, General. His Majesty the Emperor will see you now."

You nod amiably, as though the prior little scene had never played out, and rise to your feet. Unlike Hisser, you know that you cut an imposing figure. 6'2" and broad-shouldered, with hard brown eyes and gray hair cut extra-close to the scalp. You don't quite have a Marine's physique anymore – a half-decade out of the armor will do that to you – but you keep in pretty good shape anyway. The Sons of Korhal may not have had a dress uniform, but the Terran Dominion damn sure does, and you're wearing it, all black and red and shiny. You can hardly even notice your neck tattoo, or all the scars.

You give the bodyguard a friendly nod and smile, then step inside, taking your hat off and tucking it underneath your arm. Once inside, with the doors closed behind you – unlike what's-his-name, you get a private meeting – you stand at attention awaiting the storm in front of you to calm down.

Mengsk is wearing imperial finery: red silk with gold epaulettes and embroidering, the picture only somewhat spoiled by the lit cigar clamped between his teeth. He's straightening the papers he presumably struck in a moment of pique and visibly calming himself from what sounded like a pretty intense rant even for him. After a minute or so, he exhales a plume of smoke and looks up at you, expression immediately shifting to a broad smile. "Chuck! By God, it's good to see a friendly face. How's Carla?"

You return the smile and nod your head appreciatively. "She's doin' good, Your Majesty. Settling in well. Sends her love. I'll tell her you asked."

Mengsk waves a gloved hand dismissively. "None of that 'Your Majesty' crap from you, Chuck! We're old friends! Come on, take a seat. Have a cigar."

Propping your cap up on the back of your chair, you take the indicated seat, allowing your manner to relax from formal... to semi-formal. This is a classic Arcturus test, telling you to relax and let your guard down so he can see just how far you're willing to unbend in front of him. It's led many people to make unwise mistakes, thinking themselves in friendly company.

You take the cigar and begin the process of cutting and lighting it. No third-rate smuggled trash for the Emperor of All Mankind. This tobacco smells amazing. "Sure thing, Boss. So, what can I do for you?"

Judging by the brief flash in his eyes, you know you've hit your mark, having calibrated perfectly for "friendly, but respectfully so." Sticking with "Your Majesty" would have ruined your personal relationship. Of course, if you'd tried calling him "Arcturus," you'd probably be headed wherever they were taking that one guy – you know, him.

"Well, Chuck, here's the long and short of it. I'm putting you in charge of the Treasury."

"Say what now?"

Mengsk has himself a genuine belly laugh at your no doubt baffled expression. You almost drop your cigar.

"You're my new Imperial Chancellor. Like the job title? It comes with a patent of nobility, estates, the whole package. With you at the Treasury, Duke running Defense, and Warfield heading up the Imperial Guard, I've got all my best people ready to pitch in."

Well, not all of them. He left his best woman back on Tarsonis, and his actual best man stole a battlecruiser and lit out for unknown space. But that one falls well within the cabinet of Stuff We Never Talk About, so you forget it and move on.

"Boss, I don't... I mean, I'm honored. Hell, it's an incredible offer. I'm just not sure I'm the guy for this. I didn't even pass pre-calc!"

Mengsk smiles and shakes his head, clearly undeterred. "Chuck, Chuck, I don't need a number-cruncher. I've got ex-Confed bureaucrats by the score beavering away at the numbers. I need a man with character in the bird-dog seat. Someone with integrity. A man I can trust."

Right, of course. A reliable crony who'll do what he's told. That poor bastard from before probably didn't bring in the right numbers, so now Mengsk's brought in someone who will, and damn the torpedoes.

You nod slowly, face a perfect picture of stupefied concentration. "I see... Hm..."

"There's a lot that needs doin', Chuck. The sector's in ruins. We lost half the Core Worlds to Zerg or Protoss. Tarsonis is gone. Anywhere there's not smoking ruins or scorched earth, there's refugees and panic. I need someone to come in, take charge, and fix this."

Mengsk takes a puff from his cigar, leaning forward. There's the barest hint of an edge in his voice as he speaks. "And besides, I'm not offering anything. I'm tellin' you, you're my new Chancellor."

You disguise a heavy exhalation behind a cloud of cigar smoke. "...Well, when you put it like that, Boss."

His Majesty Emperor Arcturus I, Sovereign of the Terran Dominion and Defender of All Mankind, hereby grants you the title of Imperial Chancellor, with full authority over the Treasury of the Dominion and its subordinate personnel, and grants you all necessary resources for carrying out your duties...

You carefully re-roll the faux-antique scroll carrying your new patent of office. Rebuild the entire sector... in five years? There must be heavy metals in those cigars he's smoking. For sure he's going to have you shot.

Well, nothing doing. You've got the job, whether you want it or not. Time to get things moving.

Just how much are you going to need to get this done, anyway?

[] [FUND] 20% of the Dominion Budget
This would represent a net reduction in the traditional Treasury allocation during the late Confederacy, allowing more funding to go toward increased military spending, internal pacification efforts, and the Emperor's other projects. Mengsk would be thrilled at such a helpful request, but you might run into difficulties actually getting things done. (-15 Paranoia, 100 Resources per turn)

[] [FUND] 25% of the Dominion Budget
During the final period of the Confederacy, the Senate would routinely allocate a quarter of the budget to the Treasury, a quarter of the budget to the security services, and the other half to the military, give or take a few percentage points. Maintaining this tradition would be seen as appropriate and not at all out of line, but it also fails to account for all the rebuilding that needs to be seen to. (-10 Paranoia, 125 Resources per turn)

[] [FUND] 35% of the Dominion Budget
A ten-percent increase in the Treasury budget for rebuilding efforts is the very least that can be done, and is what is more or less expected for a "normal" recovery plan. Unfortunately, using the Confederacy's standard for governmental achievement, this likely means slow-rolling more impoverished and less-productive areas while concentrating on the metropolitan core. (175 Resources per turn)

[] [FUND] 40% of the Dominion Budget
A fifteen-percent increase in the budget would naturally come out of the military's half of the pie and would not be universally well-received. They in turn would need to pillage the security services, which might make Mengsk... twitchy. However, it's probably enough to fuel a general recovery. (+10 Paranoia, 200 Resources per turn)

[] [FUND] 50% of the Dominion Budget
Sure, why not? Put in for half the budget for reconstruction. Korhal's in need of wholesale reclamation, multiple worlds need to be rebuilt or resettled, and the economy's in shambles. It's not an unrealistic ask, and it'll help a lot of people. Unfortunately, it will be massively unpopular with the rest of the Dominion government, and Mengsk will undoubtedly suspect you of empire-building or peculation. (+20 Paranoia, 250 Resources per turn)

And what are you prepared to promise?

[] [PLAN] Reconstruction
You are prepared to guarantee the bare minimum: that the pre-War standard of living and economic output will be fully restored. This is the least Mengsk is willing to accept in terms of commitments and is not considered terribly ambitious given how corrupt and moribund the late Confederacy was. It is also well short of the promises that he's been making. However, it is actually realistic, and would at least stabilize the domestic situation. (+5 Paranoia, all reconstruction projects finished)

[] [PLAN] Revitalization
It isn't enough to just return to the last days of the Confederacy. The Dominion not only can be stronger, fairer, and better; it must be. You will promise not just the restoration of pre-War economic activity and living standards, but a general improvement across the board. This would go a long way toward fulfilling the promises Mengsk made during his coronation, even if it's not strictly entirely possible by conventional measures. (-5 Paranoia, all reconstruction projects finished + at least one major improvement in each field)

[] [PLAN] Reclamation
Not only will the Dominion be better than the Confederacy, it will perform superhuman feats of heroism in the process. You promise not just to provide tangible improvements across the board for the average citizen, but also to fully reclaim the devastated throne world of Korhal. By the time the plan is complete, Korhal will be a world on par with lost Tarsonis, healed of its atomic scars, a monument to the glory and power of the Mengsk Dynasty. (-15 Paranoia, all reconstruction projects finished + one major improvement in each field + all Korhal reclamation projects finished)

A note: Regardless of whether you plan to take Reclamation or not, Mengsk will still expect a certain amount of progress to be made on rebuilding Korhal.

Also, these and all future Paranoia costs already include your Paranoia-reducing ability.

Vote's open!
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[X] [FUND] 40% of the Dominion Budget
[X] [PLAN] Revitalization

This gives us a budget... and revitalization can be a cover for creating institutions and prosperity that can exist outside of his grasp. It's a net +5, but we need that extra budget if we're going to get Revitalization, IMO.