Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

What condition is Kattrin Holt's body in? Is it aging rapidly into dust, or is it still intact?
If intact, is Gard taking it away, along with the effects?
Because there's almost certainly magical hazmat on her.

It appears to be... mummifying, which is a really strange thing for it to be doing with all the water around, but that is what it is doing, it resembles a body that has been at the bottom of say a salt mine for centuries.

Actually we need to know this before any xp spending.

@DragonParadox Have you decided exactly are we using for crafting and stuff.

V20 rules? The beta supplement by the same guy as the crossover book? Sorcery Paths?

Are the crafting charm from the book relevant here/and if so, how good are they to the other options, and or being implemented.

Both the sorcery paths and the crafting charm to get access to the system in the beta text
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Naked Wicked Souls is, unlike some of our effects, not absolute though.
Someone like Mab or Lasciel can propably roll more on Wits+Subterfuge than we can easily beat with Perception+Empathy.
True, but that's what difficulty reducers are for. Assuming we are physically trapped in a cold area while wet, we'd get -3 difficulty from Cracked cell Circumvention, -1 Difficulty from Boiling Sea Mastery, and get +2 dice from Without Honor, Without Hope.

The maximum initial difficulty is hard capped at 9, as I understand it. So, after reduction we get 5. With two addition dice, the chance of not succeeding is 1/4, even if the initial dice pool is zero, which it isn't. Throw excellency at it, and we could definitely at least ferret the deep dark secrets of the fallen angels.
Firstly, I don't think we'll ever get a social situation with all those buffs stacking.
Secondly, while 9 is the upper limit for actual rolls that doesn't mean it's applied before reductions.
Firstly, I don't think we'll ever get a social situation with all those buffs stacking.
Secondly, while 9 is the upper limit for actual rolls that doesn't mean it's applied before reductions.
I mean, that entirely depends on our prep. Make a shock collar/bracelet/anklet with GPS and HMP it, so we could trigger CCC at will by commanding the demon to shock us if we move than X meters unless we succeed or X time passes. Make an enviromental suit / commission / make a magic bauble that would chill us until WHWH triggers. Upend a bottle of water on our head (or some oil so it doesn't evaporate) to trigger BSM. All those are easily doable.

EDIT: Not to say that your arguments don't have a lot of merit. There is a reason I am torn on what to take. A combat monster path is definitely something worthy of pursuing. I just thought that branching out into more investigative paths could be worthwhile.
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Fool Moon had a rogue FBI team get murdered on Marcone land and the video of Dresden facing down a loup garou.
Grave Peril ended with the fire department finding double digit Reds burned to death in Bianca's manor, and multiple decades of people buried on the grounds.
Death Masks had Shiro's torture murder, and multiple Denarian cultists shot and stabbed to death on the train/near the airport.
Blood Rites had a homeless shelter with Renfields and Darkhounds and Blampires shot and burned to death.
Dead Beat had Quintus Cassius' corpse at the museum, hundreds of zombies on the streets, multiple trashed cars from dinosaur stomps, and Sue running around before ending up several miles from her museum.

Dresdenverse Chicago is no stranger to sweeping shit under the rug.

2)Nah, I doubt this gets them funding.

The Daedalus dudes have zero clout, and those in the know will actually quietly point out that its probably not a coincidence that most of this went down when they put the only wizard in the city in jail on trumped up charges.
And frankly, if Dead Beat didnt get something set up more or less openly, this wont.

Question is whether cultists or serial killers get the blame.

Alchemy is magic crafting. So is Enchantment.
The ranks gatekeep what an Alchemist or Enchanter can do, so a character with Alchemy 3 can make things rated 3 dots and below with a properly equipped lab.

Our magic crafting charm does not care about ranks as far as I can tell; at worst, you buy the first dot (Alchemy 1, Enchantment 1)to unlock the Path. And Tool Constructs supplies lab equipment. Because Exalted are cheating cheaters who cheat.
Just buy individual recipes/rituals if the GM says its necessary.

Someone who Mab wont call on the mat to justify themselves?
Because there were low hundreds of hobs there in a public attack. Someone is going to justify themselves to Mab, or be turned into an object lesson for everyone else.

The gruffs are Summer. Caith Sith rules the malks, not the hobs.
There is no highranking hob we are aware of, and none with the power to open a portal to a train station. Fae can crossover naturally, but for most of them its at places of natural sympathy, which a trainstation is not.
Mostly true though word of Jim is every type of fae has an eldest and that comes with a mantle which gets passed down as shit died. Note their not always great mantles their still more powerful than the average of their species though.
Has anyone considered that Lydia might have a good reason not to tell her father she has a boyfriend, and it might be considered a violation of trust to tell him?

[X] "I'm Molly, a friend of Lydia's. You can think of me as an amateur monster hunter."
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Oct 11, 2022 at 5:58 AM, finished with 119 posts and 22 votes.
[X] "I'm Molly, a friend of Lydia's. You can think of me as an amateur monster hunter."


Just out of curiosity, did that sunlight mantle come across the way we wanted it to? I don't think the chapters have really mentioned it, but it might be relevant now to how Arawn responds. Being 100% Big Fiend seems like it'd make a huge who's job was to protect souls (before his last gig with winter) pretty hostile, even if he turns out to be a corrupt asshole or something.
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[X] "I'm Molly, a friend of Lydia's. You can think of me as an amateur monster hunter."


Just out of curiosity, did that sunlight mantle come across the way we wanted it to? I don't think the chapters have really mentioned it, but it might be relevant now to how Arawn responds. Being 100% Big Fiend seems like it'd make a huge who's job was to protect souls (before his last gig with winter) pretty hostile, even if he turns out to be a corrupt asshole or something.

Right now? No, it's all burning all seeing eyes of nuclear hate-fire, the hint of gold is more aspirational not something you get from your first Shintai transformation.
It appears to be... mummifying, which is a really strange thing for it to be doing with all the water around, but that is what it is doing, it resembles a body that has been at the bottom of say a salt mine for centuries.
Time magic backlash, maybe? Maeve didnt shrivel that way, and neither did Quintus Cassius who was considerably older than Kattrin was before she got killed.

Still must ask Gard about body disposal. I suspect a necromancer could do nasty things with Holt's body or body parts, and leaving any of her magic paraphernalia is asking for the Daedalus ppl to get into trouble with it.

We definitely want to loot her cellphone at a minimum.
Put a spirit in it, grab everything in the contacts and previous activity list, and access her emails, her answering machine and any social media or pictures she has. There's a lot of information there that might be useful.

And if we get Allies/Followers 2 Cyberdevils, we can us the phone information to keep an eye on her financial accounts to see who tries to steal them as news of her demise gets around, or even hack them ourselves and donate it elsewhere.
Woman was driving a hundred thousand dollar Mercedes AMG; she definitely has Swiss/Cayman Islands bank accounts.
Has anyone considered that Lydia might have a good reason not to tell her father she has a boyfriend, and it might be considered a violation of trust to tell him?

[X] "I'm Molly, a friend of Lydia's. You can think of me as an amateur monster hunter."
Fair point.

[X] "I'm Molly, a friend of Lydia's. You can think of me as an amateur monster hunter."
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[X] "I'm Molly, a friend of Lydia's. You can think of me as an amateur monster hunter."


Just out of curiosity, did that sunlight mantle come across the way we wanted it to? I don't think the chapters have really mentioned it, but it might be relevant now to how Arawn responds. Being 100% Big Fiend seems like it'd make a huge who's job was to protect souls (before his last gig with winter) pretty hostile, even if he turns out to be a corrupt asshole or something.
Its not the sort of thing that would have any mechanical effects.
And sunlight does not translate to benignity.
He knows she has a boyfriend, but he doesnt know we know that he knows about that.
And we dont want to advertise our ability to scry on people in their privacy.
So we should probably keep that fact to ourselves.
Its not the sort of thing that would have any mechanical effects.
And sunlight does not translate to benignity.
This is something I'd say is a fuzzy area. Sure it doesn't have a mechanical benefit, but the form we take should impact what people think of us even independent of appearance.

It's less the mechanics of how well we're presenting a message and more the message we're trying to present.

In any case it's not actually present right now, so it doesn't matter.
We really need to get Awareness and Alertness to at least one dot, just so DP can roll them, and we have more chances for XP.
Opportunity cost at the moment suggests otherwise.
And we already have Usum reducing the DC of Alertness rolls by -2.

I do think our next crafting project should be a pair of glasses to help with night vision and Awareness rolls, as well as Clark Kenting. Not-Google Glass, but smaller.
Basically cyberpunk-style smartglasses.
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Time magic backlash, maybe? Maeve didnt shrivel that way, and neither did Quintus Cassius who was considerably older than Kattrin was before she got killed.
I guess it could be some kind of time magic effect, but probably not because of delayed aging. Maybe it's just a little known side-effect of extensive time fuckery that isn't normally an issue because it's such a rare occurrence? It might not be related to time magic at all, but instead a result of sacrificing other Valkyries for their powers.

Unless she lost her Valkyrie-based agelessness when she became Forsaken? That would make sense if some aspect of a Valkyrie's power is continually granted by Odin, or must be renewed regularly. Her forays into time magic and necromancy could have been motivated, at least in part, toward maintaining her youth.
Are we planning to get a prefect defense?
From what I understand it's either going to be really expensive, or have holes and exceptions for where it doesn't work.

30 exp is a lot, but spending most of it on a perfect defense would cut down a lot of other stuff we could buy.
Bloodless Murk Evasion is useful for more than just defense, we could have used it when Corpsetaker was possessing Lydia to teleport next to her.
About getting the White Vampires... Do you think that Molly, if she has a encant to help (Mercy in Servitude) will let various beings suffer while she can help? They're there because they don't want to hurt anyone.
False Springs Beckon does something similar, and is favored. The White Vamps are suffering primarily mentally, which is what FSB takes care of. If they had a physically degenerative curse as part of in MiS might be needed, but they don't. If we wanted to branch out to ghouls MiS might be needed though.

For myself I want more dots in Technology and Athletics. Tech because it would be useful in building the Dragon Nest to livable standards, and cause flubbing the HMP earlier was embarrassing. Athletics because our superhuman Shintai form have mobility within human range is just sad. Also Athletics are just useful in general when it comes to fighting.
Unless she lost her Valkyrie-based agelessness when she became Forsaken? That would make sense if some aspect of a Valkyrie's power is continually granted by Odin, or must be renewed regularly. Her forays into time magic and necromancy could have been motivated, at least in part, toward maintaining her youth.
In a lot of tale the Norse gods immortality, is from the golden apples, and other such things. And has to be continually renewed.
I guess it could be some kind of time magic effect, but probably not because of delayed aging. Maybe it's just a little known side-effect of extensive time fuckery that isn't normally an issue because it's such a rare occurrence? It might not be related to time magic at all, but instead a result of sacrificing other Valkyries for their powers.

Unless she lost her Valkyrie-based agelessness when she became Forsaken? That would make sense if some aspect of a Valkyrie's power is continually granted by Odin, or must be renewed regularly. Her forays into time magic and necromancy could have been motivated, at least in part, toward maintaining her youth.
I doubt she lost her agelessness on betraying Odin.
Thats a vulnerability in his followers I doubt he'd tolerate, because someone hostile would figure out how to spoof it at the worst possible time. And those types of strings breed resentment.

But it could be a consequence of sacrificing other Valks for power, or backlash from excessive use of time magic.
Or even from her use of necromancy.
Between Molly and Bob they could probably come up with a couple theories.

Dresden's report to the White Council on this event is going to make for fascinating reading.

For one thing, he knows there's Black Council infiltration, so his immediate inclination is going to be to limit what he says in an attempt to protect Molly. On the other hand, Molly went full incarnate archdevil in this fight before multiple witnesses, and I would be very surprised if people couldnt feel us going shintai from across the city, so he has to tell them something.

Not to mention decide what to say about EvilBob who is out there somewhere.
I do wonder if Kattrin's effects have enough information to point at other members of the Thule Society, and provide independent corroboration of Molly's naming of the C-suite.

The WC is going to have varying shades of alarm and relief.

Alarm that female mini-Kemmler survived the Darkhallow even after being shot in the presence of Wardens; anyone who was involved in hunting Big K down probably would prefer to avoid a repeat. Relief that a kill was confirmed this time by three independent witnesses, all agents of different Powers. Paranoia that she will pop up again.

I would not be surprised if Harry has to meet Luccio in the next week for a face to face.