Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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One of your soldiers is currently holding a small child with green pigtails in a firefighter's carry. Judging by her outfit, she's probably not a Magical Girl. Her clothes are old and worn out, covered in dirt in some places. She lies limp in the soldier's arms, not nearly as nervous as you'd expect from a child in this situation. Around her neck is a small gold chain attached to what looks like a tooth of some kind.
Wait, didn't we have a side story whereee... Uhhhh... How is the green girl that was treated badly by her mother called?
Well, that girl, her mother was eaten by smol birb.

EDIT: It's Yuma... I think

EDIT2: Yup, Yuma from the first side story. Didn't think that Yuma would be that happy of talking about a literal monster, moreso if she saw it kill her mother (I mean, her mother was a piece of shit, but it's still her mother. Seeing her get eaten alive should be a little traumatic... Maybe?)
The good side of all this? She didn't contract!!! It only took a monster beyond human understanding eating her mother.
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[X] Hear out the strange child.

So, I went over to X's page, and apparently this dive made a few more changes because they now have cosmos for hair. What exactly this means is unclear, but given X is quite possibly a White Night level abnormality I imagine it means something.
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[X] Hear out the strange child.

"So the punisher is learning to sooth wounds it had inflicted on good people. Let me go to meet him as both manager and alchemist"
[X] Hear out the strange child.

Wait wasn't White Night supposed to be Carmen? I always assumed that it and One Sin were supposed to be metaphors for Carmen and A.
Oh boy! New info on T-01-10! Surprisingly no one's done a proper analysis of this yet, so I'll toss in my thoughts I guess.

Lobotomy: Capability to modify the "self". Works faster when applied to those who are emotionally vulnerable or with stable personalities and self-awareness. Modification are incredibly precise and will never have unintended side-effects. Stipulations can be added to modifications such as conditions, time-delays, or durations.

Can be used to remove mental corruption and either increase or decrease resistance to it.

Usage invariably exposes a person's Self to Cogito Ephemera on a deeper level, furthering the progress of their Exposure.

Interpretation: Capacity to extract from thought into existence. Can replicate EGO when given a proper template. Requires use of existing thoughts and beliefs.

Synchronization: N/A
...Holy shit, dude. Where the hell do I even begin??? From the top, I guess??
Google Fu says Alkahest is the theoretical Universal Solvent Alchemists were after. Considering what Cogito does to people, and what Lobotomy did the few times we used it... Yeah, that. That sounds about right.
Modification are incredibly precise and will never have unintended side-effects.
So in short: X's control is absolute. The only way we're hurting anyone with Lobotomy is if we decide to, or are pulled away before we're done. But if you ask me, that isn't even the best part.
Stipulations can be added to modifications such as conditions, time-delays, or durations.
So. Let me spell out what I'm thinking, personally. Lobotomy can purge Grief. Lobotomy can essentially program in systems to go "If X, then Y." Is. Is there anything stopping us from turning our lovely little Universal Solvent on Grief Generation? "If Magical Girl Generates Grief, Then Purge Grief." WE COULD GIVE THE GIRLS INFINITE MAGIC! And there's probably a thousand other things we could do that I haven't even thought of yet!
Can be used to remove mental corruption and either increase or decrease resistance to it.
Or we could just. Spike this shit as high as it'll go, I guess. Though wait, would that translate to increased Prudence? I mean, admittedly the only Abno I can think of that outright 'hates' high prudence is the scarecrow and the scarecrow isn't exactly a threatening abno for its rating, but even still that... hm.
Usage invariably exposes a person's Self to Cogito Ephemera on a deeper level, furthering the progress of their Exposure.
This, perhaps, is the main concern against us doing anything huge with Lobotomy. We still don't actually know what Exposure even is.

Considering Cogito Ephemera refers to X's ability to perceive and wield Light, ideally it exposes people to Carmen's ideal, and allows them to manifest their own EGO. In practice, I suspect there's a possibility for people to Distort instead if mishandled.

Which would make the Pages we've been getting in Apocrypha a currently unloaded Chekov's gun. Interesting! Fun. In that "This isn't fun in the heat of the moment, just stressful" kind of way.
Interpretation: Capacity to extract from thought into existence. Can replicate EGO when given a proper template. Requires use of existing thoughts and beliefs.
And this is probably the biggest thing, lore/plot wise. If I'm reading this right... X is effectively her own 'Well', 'Bucket', and so on. A 'tiny' slice into The City's Sea of Thought. I'm not certain I truly understand the implications of this. I only know that it's... It's big if I'm reading this right.

I tip my metaphorical hat to you, QM. You've given us a lot to think about.
So in short: X's control is absolute. The only way we're hurting anyone with Lobotomy is if we decide to, or are pulled away before we're done. But if you ask me, that isn't even the best part.

So. Let me spell out what I'm thinking, personally. Lobotomy can purge Grief. Lobotomy can essentially program in systems to go "If X, then Y." Is. Is there anything stopping us from turning our lovely little Universal Solvent on Grief Generation? "If Magical Girl Generates Grief, Then Purge Grief." WE COULD GIVE THE GIRLS INFINITE MAGIC! And there's probably a thousand other things we could do that I haven't even thought of yet!

Without a means to remove the grief themselves I don't think that would work. While we could it's a massive time investment, not suitable outside of downtime or for multitudes of clients. On a semi-related note we may be able to "program" witches since they do have a neural network, just an ugly one.

Now that I mention it, how many people can we operate on at a time? While it wouldn't save time actually editing anything we do see the contents of anyone involved.
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[X] Hear out the strange child.

You didn't have to take my metaphors so literally
From metaphorical mortal angel hybrid ie child of a fallen angel
To a literal fallen angel that made a 'shell' to eclipse it light and power
Bravo on using uno reverse though
And what a fitting name for X, it being alkahest and all or is that the name of his Ego?
And I figured the labcoat was an ego but Not the entire damned body, let's hope X isn't planning on dating someone or we are going to risk pulling off the same effect as Zeus in au natural
Edit:wait can we extract our ego from ourselves to give to the girls?
I'm torn between laughing at the sheer absurdity of it all and doing a spit take that would soak the living room, I must admit I truly am torn
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Don't know anything about alchemy so, from what I searched in google the alchemists thought that Alkahest dissolved everything into it's most basic form, their astral form. So a person becomes a soul (isn't that the same as dying?).

My question is: what did the alchemists gain from getting Alkahest? Did they become omnipotent? Is it just a nice way if dying?
An easier tool to create a philsophers stone and assuming mystical significance
The ability to do pure alchemy by mixing energy state essence, no need to drain resources or worry about radiation when you can simply mix and merge energy to get the desired structure
The trick is getting it back to physical
Turn matter into energy yes..... turning it back is something alchemists never contemplated as far as I'm aware