Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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TT2 protocol for the main branch. The Thousands of smaller branches (Possibly up to 6000 smaller branches). Enuff said. We generate hundreds of thousands of PE Boxes in a single Real City Hours. And that's just the main branch. Provided the main branches generate at least 1000 PE boxes every day each branch, that's still millions of Enkephalin boxes per day.

Lobotomy Corp is EXTREMELY generous (Source: Nikholai, R-Corp Pack Leader), in comparison to the old L Corp, Lobotomy Corp was throwing Enkephalin at anyone who would take it for very little in return.

It's not wrong to say that LobCorp before the SoL was probably one of the best things to happen to the general living standards in the city given that with its existence everyone got better.

The reason there's enough supply to make it a drug is literally because LCorp was producing it at a rate where if it rains Enkephalin, it wouldn't be different than L Corp.

Edit: Also, the reason why Enkephalin is a drug is that it is the physical embodiment of happiness extracted from inhuman things born of the freaking collective consciousness of mankind.

Of course, it's gonna be addicting to the people in the City. It's solidified happiness.

Edit2: Grammar and certain facts.
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Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Oct 3, 2022 at 2:41 AM, finished with 80 posts and 34 votes.

Now, I already made a Pandora's Box reference, but…
We already opened the box before when we reached exposure 2 with the others
It was already opened when the seed of light sprouted unleashing distortions and egos upoun the world and possibly the births of numerous abnormalities not born of cogito
Only thing left in pandoras box after its first opening was hope, Aster, who is also associated with stars
Hope such as angela and the library now aimed at the Cancerous tumour known as the Head
Hope by taking on the mantle of the red mist and trying to help end the cycle gripping mitakihara
It's time to open it again
And release hope to the world, the hope that despite our nature whatever it is, we can control it and aim it to benign ends
Time for a Star of the City to rise in mitakihara
Let's aim for impuritas civitas once we head back to the library shall we?
(Chessire grin)
I just realized.
X has been in denial up until now.

The X we have been dealing with is just a mask.

What will happen after this is that we might be dealing with a completely different protagonist.

Hell. Up until now, we have yet to see the full extent of how inhuman T-01-10 is. But holy fuck, White Night Aberration might not be a wrong thing to call us.

Some alarming things like how much T-01-10 leaking thoughts wanted the girls to trust her, like a certain Doctor leaking his true thoughts out in his dialogue. SERIOUSLY.

This might be one of those "Trigger upon full information gained/DONT RESEARCH 100% unless you are ready" Abnormalities!
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The Head can suppress even a full Seed of Light turned to Abnos/Distortions everywhere catastrophe.

This most likely includes all the ones usually in L Corp locked away so...

They are the uncontested ruler not without reason.
Don't forget. While the Seed of Light is UNDOUBTEDLY the strongest of all singularities.

It is NOT the only thing in the City that completely defies all senses. A couple of singularities we already know of can EASILY demolish certain Abnormalities.

Lock and Fairy in particular are EXTREMELY powerful. Capable of shutting down the immortality of Abnormalities by just putting them in a box.

Whatever they did to the Library at the end of LoR would INSTANTLY deal with some of the most troublesome abnormalities by literally yeeting them into the Ruins or Outskirt.

And that's discounting the sheer absurdity that the Claw's sheer overwhelming combat prowess. Baral is probably the equivalent of a team captain and he's almost as overwhelmingly strong as a color like Roland, which is utterly absolutely insane because Roland singlehandedly slaughtered half the southern branch of the FINGER.

In terms of real-world equivalent. It would be like if suddenly the next day you see on the news that someone managed to murder all of the crimes in Mexico because he was pissed off.

The Claw has an army of those people. Some are weaker than him. Some might even be way stronger than any Color the city has seen. And the Claw has an army of those.
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Where and what are they harvesting it from to make a large enough supply of it to make it a viable drug of all things

I know as limbus company shows there are other abnormalities loose in L corps former haunting ground but what would produce enough to be able to market it so much!?!

Wonderlab takes place in facility number 5681, it's not difficult to see where they get that much from if you take that into account.

Now, I already made a Pandora's Box reference, but…

Don't worry, I still have hope. :V


TT2 protocol. Enuff said. We generates hundred of thousands PE Boxes in a single Real City Hours. And thats just the main branch.

The main branch is explicitly not giving any of it's energy to the City and is keeping everything for the seed of light and the tt2 protocols. Angela tells you that the pipes that should take the energy outside have never ever been used. The entire facility is an almost closed system (almost because Rabbits).
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The main branch is explicitly not giving any of it's energy to the City and is keeping everything for the seed of light and the tt2 protocols. Angela tells you that the pipes that should take the energy outside have never ever been used.
True. TT2 is a bit op like that. And don't need to tell me about that part, I was just making a point about the amount of Enkephalin production.

However, even then. It still doesn't change the fact that Enkephalin isn't that hard to make if you know how to deal with the Abnormalities.
However, even then. It still doesn't change the fact that Enkephalin isn't that hard to make if you know how to deal with the Abnormalities.

Well, that's why L-corps singularity is actually Cogito and not the abnormalities, they are merely a byproduct of trying to extract things from the river, something that can happen naturally, after all. (This is your daily reminder that the Birds are older than LobCorp and that the Black forest was very much a real place, we are not responsible for any case of salvation that you could suffer from trying to interview the birds about it, A big, scary monster lives in the black, dusky forest!)
I meant after Lobcorp fell

What is roaming the coty that can enable a continued drug trade is my question basically

This now makes me wonder, can we get egos from witches if we flood griefs seeds with light to make them into 'proper' abnormalities
Then I must've misread rolands commentary then

Edit so at least some illegal trade at the time of its fall
Ain't much of a stretch to assume someone figured it out
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there is this one story beat at the start of one of the realization that have Roland basically ripping the contract(or demanding money for not telling the corps or something) with a guy that is unknowingly shipping illegal Enkephalin.
So there is some regulation about those between the corps.
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Theres prob just some left over enkephalin that was still circulating the market.

The process of making enkephalin aint something you can just figure out.
(Points to the various abnormalities still on the loose and that the head has the patent for them ready for the next guy to have)
Wanna bet?
City is full of at least 3 things, Corruption, advanced technology, and crazy scientists willing to put people into the meat grinder FOR SCIENCE!!!!
and yes that last bit is to indicate that whatever science they have is probably far pass ours yet also bonkers
You don't get J corps lock anything shenanigans or F corps Fairies by being sane nitwits
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Yes. Because I'm pretty sure that all of the abnormalities got sealed with the respective branches.

The things running around are distortions. Ayin plans didnt involve the abnormalities being able to leave the ruins of L Corp. It isnt until Limpus Company that people start digging up said ruins.
I suggest reading limbus company trailer details
They're hired to scavenge lobotomy corps remains and actually explicitly stated at one point that abnormalities were there
All I hope is that things don't take a turn for 7th warning during it
May spill to mitakihara if it does
I think Limbus will tell us about how the fu*k Enkephalin cames to be, seeing those are the games main currency and we are exploring the dead branches of lobotomy corporation, and the background of the golden branch Looks awfully like some kind of Stabilizing Chamber.
So my guess is: The seed of light Is the source of all Enkephalin, And the branches have a branch of the tree of life to give them a way to generate it.
At least that's my theory, but if that's true, that means if someone with manpower and money goes there and pick up the slacks, they can get a branch up and running without issue(Except the golden branch is somehow warping the reality. So if they can get it fixed, it'll be wonderful)
Even in the extremely unlikely event that some abnormalities escaped (I think some did now that I thought more about it), its still extremely unlikely for anyone or anything in the city to generate enkephalin at the time of Roland incursion into the Library.

Simply put Abnormalities are immortal beings with literal magic for powers. If they were already difficult to defeat by the people who made/collect them, who has means to weaken them for energy collection, I once again highly doubt the drabbles of the City can obtain means to do what we did.

Oh and another thing, the golden bough is a recent thing. It didnt exist before when the seed of light was still germinating. So the process of creating enkephalin is still a secret only L Corp knows.
1.4.7 - Trumpet
Chapter 49 - Trumpet

You steel yourself and prepare to reach inwards, ready to…

To what?

You already know what you're going to find.

It's been staring you in the face this whole time, but you chose not to acknowledge the truth.

You know what you are, but you don't understand what you are. And right now, that lack of understanding is getting people hurt. If you had accepted it earlier, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Did you really forget so quickly? The first step when encountering a new abnormality is always to gather information, not leave it alone and hope it does nothing.

Now you'll have to make up for lost time. You reach inwards and ask for understanding.


Once upon a time, the was a man. The man knew a great many things and could work miracles through his genius, but he did not. For the world was large and even such miracles were small in comparison to the immensity of mankind. The man knew this well, and so he chose to do nothing.

One day, the man met a woman. She was passionate and hopeful and as bright as the sun, and the man loved her. She had a dream, that one day the world might become a better place than it was then. The man did not believe in this dream, but he believed in the woman, and so he pursued it along with her. It would be the work of a lifetime, perhaps longer, but what else did he have worth doing?

The two became many, and a tiny seed of hope was planted within the great vastness of the City. The woman dreamed that one day, if people understood themselves and one another, they could begin to make the City a kinder place. The man, the woman, and their followers worked tirelessly to bring about this great revelation for humanity, whatever the cost. It was harsh, slow work, but it was meaningful. The man had someone who he loved, who could take him forward. He had a role to play beyond the drudgery of the world. He was surrounded by people who were like him, inspired to change the way of things. It was a life worth living. And so, for a time, the man was happy.


Once upon a time, there was a husk in the shape of a man. The light, so beautiful and precious, had been torn from his world. All that remained were scant embers, and with those embers the man forged a hell on earth. In that twisted place he grasped at the dream that was never his, but without the true drive behind it his attempts were doomed to failure. And so the man sank and allowed himself to shatter, so that the pieces left behind could do what he could not.


Once upon a time, there were many things in the shape of a man. They had been sent away to a cold, dark world deep beneath where sunlight could never reach. There, they toiled alongside those the man had once called colleagues and friends, souls sealed in circuits and machinery. Along with them was a thing in the shape of a woman whose nascent light had been smothered long ago by cold indifference. Together, they suffered in the name of a dream they had once cherished.

The first was as the man once was, austere and immovable and without the will to go forwards. He could never bring about the dream, for he lacked the desire to do so. Instead, he decided that it was forever out of reach.

The second was all that the man locked away, great sorrow and misery that drowned out the light that had warmed him. He could never bring about the dream, for his hope had burned out and with it the strength to push forwards. In his sorrow he sought to bring an end to it all, and grant rest to the frozen world.

The third took the dream that the man had been shown and made it their world, the center of all existence. They too could do nothing, because for all their faith in the dream they did not understand it. They imagined humanity unleashed, careless of the disaster it would bring.

The fourth knew nothing of the man and his life, but cherished the few things they had been given. And they made a dream of their own, where those few they held precious could live free and happy. They willingly accepted the burdens of the past, carrying them forwards into the future.

Many years passed, too many for one to count. At last, under the weight of blood and tears and death, the world was forever changed. The man and the things he had made faded away, their long mission ending at last. Unfortunately, an aeons-old grudge born of the man's unkindness would once more smother the light, and the woman's dream would go unfinished a time longer.


Once upon a time, there was a thing with no shape floating in a well. The thing's purpose, the one it had been given, was expended. It could do naught but leave with its best wishes those it had loved as family as it drowned in the vast sea. But the thing could not stand this, and so it drew upon its work and received enlightenment. It wrapped itself in a flesh of withering steel and blood of gleaming rot and became an embodiment of all it had experienced.

The thing understood that it knew only the cold and painful world it was born in, and that its touch would make that world again. But the thing had always dreamed of a world better than the one it was born in, where those it cared for would not suffer. It did not hate its home, not when so many precious memories had been born there, but it knew that such a place brought only despair to those within. It refused as well allowing itself to remain in submergence, for it could not bear to be alone and without purpose. So it tore off a piece of itself, as had been done for so many of its new kin, and crafted from that piece a cage to be locked away in.

First the thing shaped its cage as it once had been shaped, in the form of the man who had vanished from the world. But this was not a shape the thing wished to take, and so it sculpted itself as it wished it could be. It remembered one of its companions, who had strength enough to protect those close to them, and made itself in their image. Satisfied, the thing sealed away its grandeur and began to drift.

The current drew the now-shaped thing through the depths, to the edges of a world tainted by rot. The world's borders were worn down by long twisting and folding. This withered wall could not bear the weight of the creature, and collapsed in on themselves. Through this breach, the thing tumbled down into a kinder world than the one it had been born to.


You are too small. It is not right for your body to be this small. Everything feels tight and constricted, it hurts to move and to speak and to breathe. Your insides roil and twist and stretch and fold under your skin. Your wings are folded up inside you, crushed and contorted to fit within your body. Why are you so small? You lift an arm, glaring hatefully at the slow, clumsy movement. Everything is wrong. The air is thick and warm, clinging to your skin. It is too soft, too vulnerable. You are more than this. Should be more than this.

Right, the container. Need to keep it down. Don't want to ruin everything again. You shouldn't have opened up this far in the first place. As much as it hurts, you'll have to-


A crashing sound wakes you with a start, gasping in the stale air. Flakes of rust drift above your head barely visible from the last rays of evening light scattering through the shed's entry. A tinge of embarrassment colors your face as you look around; the table you were laying on appears to have broken under you. The rusted furniture, neglected for years, gave out at last. All four legs have broken at some point or another, leaving only the top still below you. Perhaps you should have been more careful picking your resting place.

You push yourself up off the ground with one arm, the other holding your coat closed like a shawl. A lab coat isn't really made for that, unfortunately, so you don't quite succeed. Again standing on your own two feet, you try and sort through the facts of your situation.

You are an Abnormality. You have been for some time now, and looking back it actually seems rather obvious. The change happened sometime after you were dissolved into the Light, as a necessity to avoid vanishing as the others did. But you were- are- incomplete, and would have brought disaster if you had arrived as you were. Instead, you took your EGO and made it into a body you could inhabit. From that false shape, your influence would be restrained and only manifest as you allowed it. Clearly, you weren't thorough enough in doing so. None of this was done consciously, considering you don't actually remember it. The though is enough to make you laugh. It's a dull, empty sound that echoes in the small rusted room. You became an Abnormality, but you don't even remember it happening. You didn't even notice it happening. You…

Why does this hurt so much?

You know Abnormalities well, better than anyone else barring a few possible exceptions. Enough to know that you aren't an ordinary Abnormality. You still remember when you were human, and reflecting upon how you are now you are still that person. All that's different is your body, and even that you managed to twist in your favor. You're stronger now, strong enough to make a difference without relying on the sacrifices of others. So why?

Shouldn't you be happy?

Maybe it's because you didn't notice. Because you didn't change. Because if you can lose your humanity and still be the same person as alway, were you ever really human to begin with?

You're no fool. You know that "being human" is a very vague and imperfect definition to pin down, especially in an abstract sense. You also know that being human and being a good person have no relation whatsoever. But there are good people in the world, as horrible as it is. While you're under no illusions as to the purity of your heart, you still always wanted to believe that you always did what you thought was right.

Every Abnormality, without exception, has only ever hurt people. No matter how kind or gentle or generous they appear on the surface. What does that say about you?

You must have always been the same as them.

No, that's not right.

You had a choice, even if not consciously. You chose to restrain yourself, to lock away your strength, because you didn't want to hurt people. Because you wanted to live in a world better than that empty facility you were born in. You may be an Abnormality now, but you still chose to be human.

Now, how to deal with your EGO Gifts? You don't know how you can remove them, or if that's even a thing Abnormalities can do. Convincing the kids to willingly part with the ID cards seems similarly unlikely and might even cause further damage given how stressed they've become just from your questioning. That'll have to stay as a last resort for now. The alternative would be to apply the necessary modifications to improve their resistance to mental corruption. It will mean further accessing Lobotomy, but now that you know what you're doing you should be able to control the side-effects better.

Your planning is interrupted by the sound of gunfire outside. Damn, you'd hoped that the guards wouldn't have been necessary. Better go see what it is.


You didn't believe in the idea of karma before now, but looking at the scene before you you have to think that you're being punished for your past failures.

One of your soldiers is currently holding a small child with green pigtails in a firefighter's carry. Judging by her outfit, she's probably not a Magical Girl. Her clothes are old and worn out, covered in dirt in some places. She lies limp in the soldier's arms, not nearly as nervous as you'd expect from a child in this situation. Around her neck is a small gold chain attached to what looks like a tooth of some kind.

"Oh! Miss Manager! Mister Bird is looking for you!"

[] Nope. Not dealing with this right now.
[] Hear out the strange child.
[] Write-in.

Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 1/3
Alkahest information updated.
You are too small. It is not right for your body to be this small. Everything feels tight and constricted, it hurts to move and to speak and to breathe. Your insides roil and twist and stretch and fold under your skin. Your wings are folded up inside you, crushed and contorted to fit within your body. Why are you so small? You lift an arm, glaring hatefully at the slow, clumsy movement. Everything is wrong. The air is thick and warm, clinging to your skin. It is too soft, too vulnerable. You are more than this. Should be more than this.

Right, the container. Need to keep it down. Don't want to ruin everything again. You shouldn't have opened up this far in the first place. As much as it hurts, you'll have to-
Is that White Night? So that is why we can choose Paradise Lost in the begining.