Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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HAH! I KNEW WE SHOULD'VE ASKED KYUBEY! Nice one QB! You are a great friend!
[X] Reach inwards
This is a really good idea considering we can't really tell if Kyubey is watching us or not. Although I can only remember two such abnormalities. Schadenfreude, which reacts when more than one person is looking at it, and The Burrowing Heaven, which we've ditched twice so far in favour of Despair Knight and Der Freischütz.
Burrowing Heaven honestly would be insanely powerful if we know how to use it.

Have Homura deposit us in stopped time behind the enemy. Tells Homura to turn around too. Profits (Hopefully X can control herself and not turn Homura into a cloth hanger)

Burrowing Heaven basically has infinite speed too (and a mysterious connection with Carmom). So it wouldn't be difficult to murder someone with its extremely high attack.

Also another technicality. Burrowing Heaven usually doesn't get stopped by Agents, Clerks, or Rabbits looking at it. So who knows? Maybe it can synchronize with X's "gifts" and the girls can't disable us.

And its story. Well. Its story kinda spells it out that it is the embodiment of Ayin's inability to look at Carmen's brain in a jar, isn't it? So maybe in reality. It is only his gaze that can disable us/Carmen's (like) third doppelganger. Plus extra integration ease from our close relation with mom.
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[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
"Madoka, will you need an escort home? I'd like to talk with the other two."

Your command is phrased as a question, polite and without force, but it isn't. Maybe it was the reminder of your life that led you to fall back into old habits. Maybe you're worried enough that you feel it necessary to assert your control. Maybe the shock has just unsettled you enough that the words slip out on their own. Whatever the reason, the order is given.

Hmm, seems like there might be more than just our cards who have elements of mind control, this little part seems to imply our speech can do it too.

It's never a good sign for somebody to start getting defensive about a strange item that appeared out of nowhere. You learned that well enough from the doctor.

Ah yes, I can see it from there:
"The doctor's blessing is harmless, don't worry. There is nothing to fear, all is well."

A visceral sense of disgust ripples through you, and you must resist the urge to retch. Why does this scene feel so horrible? As disturbing as it is, you've seen far worse.

Maybe because we're the one responsible for this one.

Wearing one, especially one from a particularly powerful Abnormality, could have side-effects.

*Look at Friedsomething outright calling us Aleph*

Yeah, powerful abnormality indeed.

What one Abnormality could all three of them have been in contact with long enough to receive a Gift?

Which one indeed.

"I had initially believed you were responsible, given the similarities in composition to your own body. It was a much closer match than any of the other Abnormalities we have observed so far. Is that incorrect?"

Other Abnormalities.

No, that's… Kyubey has less knowledge about L Corp's Singularity than you do. You'll need to do your own testing before jumping to any conclusions.

Seems like we finally be began working trough the implication, it only took Kyubey outright calling us an abnormality.

At this rate I think we should change our name, I heard the nile is a good river to take inspiration from.

And yet, some part of you reject the idea of leaving yourself as an unknown. You have to known what you are.


[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.

Oh and by the way, this could very well give us the anguish part of the sapling at this rate, win win!
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[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
Oh...I think I might have an idea of what X's little gift do.

Shes basically a mind control abnormality. Anyone with her gift will be mindcontrolled to do her exact bidding I think.

Similar to how Agents have to absolutely follow our orders unless they are going bonkers. Its not complete mind control I think.

Its more like, they are more likely to listen to our orders. Like usually Sayaka would never willingly work with Homura and will throw a fit if forced to.

But if X was the one to gave the command, not request or asking but commanding her, Sayaka will probably go ahead and do it with little complaints.
[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.
Shes basically a mind control abnormality. Anyone with her gift will be mindcontrolled to do her exact bidding I think.

Actually, as shown by the previous time we gave Kyubey an order and this time where we gave one to Madoka, we don't need the gift to mind control you, we just need to use *the correct tone*, basically, we are the manager, you will obey.

You seem to have been onto something when you called us a possible White Night Aberration, we do share the authority over other and salvation at all costs themes, I would even say we might even be in our *plague doctor disguise* equivalent right now, the main difference is that we are probably way more genuine when we say we like to save villages and such.

I don't think unlocking our *full glory mode* will be easy if we actually are in *disguise* right now though, probably need enough Saplings unlocked instead of enough *blessings*, we give the cards like candy, after all.
I don't think unlocking our *full glory mode* will be easy if we actually are in *disguise* right now though, probably need enough Saplings unlocked instead of enough *blessings*, we give the cards like candy, after all.
Do we? We are giving away cards at a much much slower rate in comparison to Dr. Carmen.

Our girls need exposure level 2 to get the card. While Plague Doctor only needs someone to be a really good or bad human being for him to slap a blessing onto.

Our fully glory mode, if similar to Manager of L Corp, would require us to have 10 employees or 10 Abnormalities for 10 sephirahs.

Which in comparison to how quick the Doctor can snowball, takes wayyy longer.

Provided, we arent aware of our status at this point so who knows.

Also. I really hope we dont have to get fucking smited by OneBro(Or is it OneSis in our case?) In order to stop X when she flip her shit.

Because OneBro has the habit of being late. And WN usually racks up a kill count in the dozens before he show up.
Our girls need exposure level 2 to get the card. While Plague Doctor only needs someone to be a really good or bad human being for him to slap a blessing onto.

Look more closely, all the girls reached said exposure level 2 as soon as we turned our actual attention to them, the only reason they didn't all get it on the first day is that we tend to concentrate on some over others, reminder that it has been less than a week, we began on the first day of the show, march 25 and we have until may 1 till walpurgis. More than enough time to give 10 cards if we are actually trying.
Considering we are a "child of sun and moon" would that technically in terms of religious themes and celestial theme respectively
An eclipse ie blocks the light to cast the world into darkness for a short duration
And a nephalim, a child of an angel ie divinity (sun/carmens light) and a mortal (moon/ ayins mind)
This is still all under speculation.

Hell, our "I am your Savior" form might not be as bad as Ayin's 10 person temper tantrum or Carmen's "Do not Deny Me" level of insanity, so OneBro might not need to smite us.

Thats a joke by the way, given how the family do (Ayin, Carmen, Angela), our temper tantrum will definitely be spectacular.

Well, if things get too bad with Nothing There's 30+ girls, we can just apostle the Megukas and command them to forget about the whole thing.
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Just had an idea, with the amount of mind screw we seem to operate under, and the SEP fields of the cards as well as our clear mental influence, adding to it us calling the girls our children and seemingly wanting a family, there is another abnormality we could be an aberration of: CENSORED.

Let's hope we never lift the cognition filter that is clearly built in if that's the case. :V
Just had an idea, with the amount of mind screw we seem to operate under, and the SEP fields of the cards as well as our clear mental influence, adding to it us calling the girls our children and seemingly wanting a family, there is another abnormality we could be an aberration of: CENSORED.

Let's hope we never lift the cognition filter that is clearly built in if that's the case. :V
Probably not related to us. That thing is far too inhumanly cold. Plus, the mental influence it has is less "Obey me" and more "WHATTT THHHEE FFUCKKKKKKK ISS THAATTTTTT!!!!"

We are probably more similar to Melting Love if we want to use a different Abnormality than Whitenight.
...no, I think we are not censored.
First CENSORED will break anyone who sees it and it don't control them, We are actively meddling with someone's mind, Not breaking it at first sight.
Second, CENSORED don't want to a following, it want a army of miniature size of itself(maybe)
We are not making baby Xs That thinks 100% like us and act 100% like us.

EDIT: On second thought, the Last sentence could be wrong.
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We are making baby Xs. They just arent miniatute copy of ourselves and dont think like us.

They also dont listen to our advices as much as we would like them to.

They will learn to worship our wisdom soon enough.
Which in comparison to how quick the Doctor can snowball, takes wayyy longer.
Hell, our "I am your Savior" form might not be as bad as Ayin's 10 person temper tantrum or Carmen's "Do not Deny Me" level of insanity, so OneBro might not need to smite us.
Carmen's effects on people and the world was generally fast due to insane personal charisma making gathering people easy, and the effect was far reaching.

In comparison our "effort" is probably the full 10k years or whatever precise number the manager was around for, so takes longer.

On the other hand, I expect a "glory mode" to either be a full facility complete with Abnos we have EGO of, our new Sephirot and maybe AiB Agents/Clerks now as Manager technically did suppress basically all other Abnos and made use of them.

Another thing I could see it being if its as bad as WN, would be not the facility but the "seed of light flowering". Whether this is supercharging Abnos, another potential White Nights and Dark Days (maybe smaller) or something else is still...well, probably spectacular.
Eh, I dont think we will have anything even close to Ayin's Facility.

Not to underestimate X, but Ayin, Carmen and Angela are on a completely different dimension in terms of light based manipulation.

Mainly because Ayin is an EX+ on the intelligent scale (And also technically 4 people), Carmen is part of the light (Da Bucket) and Angela hold a large part of the light.

X is also part of the light. But I highly doubt whatever we have can compare to the rest of the family.

We might get something like Ordeals, or Sephirah Meltdown abilities tho.
Mainly because Ayin is an EX+ on the intelligent scale (And also technically 4 people), Carmen is part of the light (Da Bucket) and Angela hold a large part of the light.

X is also part of the light. But I highly doubt whatever we have can compare to the rest of the family.

We're literally made out of Ayin unless I am wrong, and were inside the Light and are made out of it.

We don't hold nearly as much as Angela but we're literally constantly scattering Light as ephemera everywhere. If we're not a bucket, we're at least a hose or leaky pipe.

Cogito Ephemera: You scatter the clinging embers of the Seed of Light around you. These fragments of Light are only visible to you, and give some insight into the emotions of other Humans within their reach. An ordinary person would only be able to go this far, but your knowledge means you can use this resource to its fullest capacity.
This together with Refracting and just pulling EGO out of seemingly nowhere, and also calls to our knowledge of L Corp Singularity and Light stuff (I think) in making use of it, so probably around that knowledge level, if maybe probably a bit lower.

Edit2: I guess there could be an argument whether we are indeed that related to Ayin, as we seem to be more of an Abnormality now, and this may also skew the Light body stuff. We aren't made with an EGO like Angela's stuff (probably??) so...
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