Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I'm going to point out that to me, it feels like whatever X did to the kids (hmm, our kids huh? This puts that phrasing in a new perspective) probably doesn't have an undo button. And we might not be able to prevent it from happening going forward. So we need to learn what these cards mean, and we need to keep it in mind for other interactions going forward.
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Technically speaking.

What is our gift's position? It should be neckwear or brooch right? But then again, from how Sayaka "took" it out, this thing might be another "Special" category gift.
I'm going to point out that to me, it feels like whatever we did to the kids (hmm, our kids huh? This puts that phrasing in a new perspective) probably doesn't have an undo button. And we might not be able to prevent it from happening going forward. So we need to learn what these cards mean, and we need to keep it in mind for other interactions going forward.

Yeah, I agree, at the very least, we can see that exposure level rises just by being close to us with Madoka reaching level II, with the implication that the cards are from reaching a high enough level of exposure, she is probably going to get one soon.

And the best thing to do about any new abnormality is always learning as much as you can about it, so learning about one that is almost certainly ourself is paramount.
Wait...I just realized something.

QB is right there. We should ask that asshole whether it noticed the cards too.

And if it did, did it notice when the cards appeared.
Wait...I just realized something.

QB is right there. We should ask that asshole whether it noticed the cards too.

And if it did, did it notice when the cards appeared.

Won't work, he'll just answer yes without any precision on when he noticed them, meaning he could simply be talking about having noticed them right now, he won't give a straight answer even if it'll kill him.
[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
Won't work, he'll just answer yes without any precision on when he noticed them, meaning he could simply be talking about having noticed them right now, he won't give a straight answer even if it'll kill him.
We can grill him about it. At least, then we would be more aware that he did notice them.

Not asking him at all is just negligence. Especially when we are suspicious of him already.

[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
-[X] Grill QB about whether he noticed the cards or not. When he noticed it. And if so, did he spot them manifesting into existence? Be extremely specific about it.
[X] Go hunting.
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[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
You follow the trail of shattered glass and the sound of gunshots, occasionally picking up Madoka to leap from one of the glass towers to another. She yelps in surprise the first time and clutches close to you and you soar through the air, her legs shaking as you set her back down.

"Ah… could you warn me next time, X?"

Madokami will remember that.

Speaking of the investigation of the cards, I kind of don't want to see it through to the end. If X finds out about his nature, it may not end well. And in the unlikely event that she needs to be suppressed, I don't think the girls will do well - psychologically, at least.
As for Kyubey... Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.

[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
-[X] Grill QB about whether he noticed the cards or not. When he noticed it. And if so, did he spot them manifesting into existence? Be extremely specific about it.
[X] Go hunting.
Speaking of the investigation of the cards, I kind of don't want to see it through to the end. If X finds out about his nature, it may not end well. And in the unlikely event that she needs to be suppressed, I don't think the girls will do well - psychologically, at least.
As for Kyubey... Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway.

The thing is, I don't think we have a choice about learning or not, delaying will only work so long and given that we only grow in power with time, would make an eventual suppression more difficult when it happens, there is also the fact that we don't know what the cards do except make themselves feel normal to have, for all we know, they will slowly lose their free will if we don't intervene, we don't know and one of the biggest theme of LobCorp is that not knowing about something is death.
The thing is, I don't think we have a choice about learning or not, delaying will only work so long and given that we only grow in power with time, would make an eventual suppression more difficult when it happens, there is also the fact that we don't know what the cards do except make themselves feel normal to have, for all we know, they will slowly lose their free will if we don't intervene, we don't know and one of the biggest theme of LobCorp is that not knowing about something is death.

Well, that's why I'm voting for the study anyway, possible problems aside. But we should perhaps tell more about our past to give them context for things. Although I'm not sure how and when to do it.
Uh...the problem of our past is a bit...heavy of a bomb to throw at them.

I think we should at least wait for a couple more days until we drop that particular information on them. According to the QM, it's only been like a week or two since we first met the girls.

@Lepidoptera how long has it been since the first chapter exactly?
Telling them we are the manager of a basically meat grinder that runs on human souls that tries to enlighten humans by mind control will be very, very....
We can, actually, it's not omnipresent nor omniscient, otherwise it wouldn't need a body to observe NT from afar, it is just very stealthy.
That's what I meant really. If he decides that us (Basically an abnormality from his point of view) is meeting up with the quartet (a very interesting gathering of magical girls connected to the literally holy grail of human energy that is Madoka), what ever we are discussing is something he NEEDS to know about, then he would just hide stealthily behind a...lamb post or something.

He would definitely attempt to eavesdrop on us.
... Can nothing there detect living things? because it seems that it just walk towards anything that lives and kills it, with out knowing that if there really is something there.
If it can, then we can use it to Kill any eardroppers.
If it can't...Then I guess we just have to find a big open room with no echoes.
Well...Nothing There seems like a threat that we would probably deal with...way later on at this rate. So we don't know for sure.

But given that it's the PINNACLE OF PHYSICAL PROWESS. I have a feeling that it can probably hear the breath of a person sleeping on the other side of the city.

I mean. It's Nothing There. In terms of "sneakiness", it's kinda the expert on the matter when it wants to be.

Uh. Guys. I think we are in the green in terms of things we need to do...Like seriously.

For the girls, this is probably the most hectic 4 days in their life.

When was it in the official timeline that Sayaka decided to become an MG?

I'm pretty sure her becoming an MG was at least a week later than when our version decided to become an MG right?
Welll there is one way to interpret X as an abnormality
The facility was made as ayins ego if I remember correctly so mayhaps considering the amount of X mixed into so to speak
Mayhaps that's why despite having an ego gift and possibly armor we don't have access to an innate weapon but instead can process and hold anomalies
Xs personality may have taken with him the facility or anpther possibility, He is the facility
Would explain both the lack of a personal ego weapon and the unasked question of where the egos and abnormalities are stored
Like an inverse witch
An noticeable avatar but immensely complex interior labyrinth structure