Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.

Ah so our gifts were Lobo corp's symbol?
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
X: "Daughter of the Sun and the Moon"? But wait, the only two Abnormalities I can think of that fit the description are Yin and Yang!?
And then X was a dragon.
Angela and Roland when they hear yet another Sun like figure in someone's life: Ah shit, here we go again.

On the other hand. Nice. We got compatibility with Yin and Yang(so does our parents it seems).
*Not to be confused with Sun from the Palace of Greed, El Dorado Quest (Also in Project Moon verse), because she broke up with their moon
Thanks gods Ayin isnt as pathetic as that guy.

Right dads? (Abel's nihilism depression, Abraham's guiltsick depression, Adam's Wrathful depression and Ayin's resigned depression)
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
After reading some words of gods about wonderlab, I learned something interesting:
Rose is still there and able to communicate via emotions from inside of the staining rose EGO. This is important both because, well, the trio still can be reunited in their entirety, but also, and more important for this quest, this increase the chances of not losing the girls inside NT just via it's implications
I would insert the third trumpet theme, but I'm on mobile and it would be a pain. :V

Here you go, just as asked.

Anyway, I wonder why Madoka was able to see them (the ID cards)? Can other non-magical girls also do that? Or is it strictly Madoka/people with magical potential?

[X] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[X] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
[X] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[X] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.
Anyway, I wonder why Madoka was able to see them (the ID cards)? Can other non-magical girls also do that? Or is it strictly Madoka/people with magical potential?
I think anyone could see them, it just that only Madoka has any reason to point them out to us. It seems like Sayaka, Homura, and Mami could all see the cards just fine, they simply didn't anything was unusual about them.

Granted, by that logic X should've been able to see them as well, but she's been drinking pretty heavily from the cup of denial and part of her nature as an Abnormality seems to be a mental block that stops her from acknowledging herself as an Abnormality. Wouldn't surprise me if that block prevented her from seeing the cards
[x] Tell Madoka the symbol is from the place you worked in, which should be impossible since it shouldn't exist anymore….
-[x] Go ask the girls if you can look at the cards.

Congrats lep, you managed to make me choke on air with that little revelation
If I didn't have proof of x being an abnormality
Here it is
An EGO gift........ wait that begs a question
Can we try calling upoun our own EGO armor and weapon, Are we already wearing the armor ie the labcoat, if so what is the weapon then?
EGO Armor and weapons are usually weaker variants of the genuine article.

Although I'm pretty sure our EGO Armor and weapons are the EGO Armours and weapons of the abnormalities we already have.
So X's weapon would probably be something like this.

Aleph - Lobotomy
Close range
Fast attack speed
4-7 White damage
(This hits multiple times. 2 for each employee and 1 for each abnormality up to 15)
The more Agents within the room the more powerful the weapon became.
The weapon had a small chance to stun enemies on hit (4% chance on hit to restart the enemy's attack pattern, does not work on certain enemies)

She hated what she had done to others in the past and so she seeks redemption by saving others to break the chain of violence

Aleph - Lobotomy
.4 Red .4 White .4 Black 1.0 Pale

When wielding the corresponding EGO weapon abnormalities would always target this agent above all others in the room.

After forcing others to go through great pain she vowed to protect as many as she could and the only way she knew that could stop them was giving them a target.
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..... well so very accurate
Which also makes it depressing because I have no doubt many of us wished we could personally protect some of our agents
Page of Muse Of The Depths
Muse Of The Depths

HP: 800
STG: 400


Shimmering: Each Scene, exhaust all Pages in the Hand and Deck and add new Pages to Hand. Reduce their Cost to 0.

Tide Bringer: Alternates between granting "Low Tide" and "High Tide" to all Allies every three Scenes. Upon entering High Tide, uses a Special Combat Page. Upon entering Low Tide, purge all Status Conditions from self.

Fortississimo: At the start of each Scene, inflict 1 Antirecovery, 3 Paralysis, and 3 Fragile to each Librarian who Clashed with this Character last Scene.

Mermaid's Flesh: Whenever this Character loses HP, they recover HP equal to the amount lost. Reduce this amount by 1 for each time this ability triggers in the same Scene.

Whenever an Ally dies, gain Antirecovery for a number of Scenes equal to the number of Allies that have died this Act.

Justification: Whenever an Ally is killed, gain 2 Strength and Endurance next Scene and gain an additional Speed Die for the rest of the Act.


  • Dive
  • Seafoam Shield
  • Warsong
  • Duet
  • Sharp
  • Flat
  • Joust
  • Melodious Cry
  • Crashing Pressure


HP: 280
STG: 180


Amour Courtois: Speed Dice slot +1. Pages played on this Die do not cost Light and target the Character who dealt the most damage to the Muse of the Depths last Scene.

Mermaid's Flesh: Whenever this Character loses HP, they recover HP equal to the amount lost. Reduce this amount by 1 for each time this ability triggers in the same Scene.

Whenever an Ally dies, gain Antirecovery for a number of Scenes equal to the number of Allies that have died this Act.

Justification: Whenever an Ally is killed, gain 2 Strength and Endurance next Scene and gain an additional Speed Die for the rest of the Act.


  • Dive
  • Seafoam Shield
  • Seafoam Shield
  • Duet
  • Knight's Conduct
  • Riptide
  • Riptide
  • Joust
  • Joust

Low Tide: Gain three additional Counter Dice (Evade 7 - 10) each Scene.

High Tide: The first Offensive Die played by this Character on a non-Mass Attack Page each Scene is rolled twice.

Released in response to Ls Shadow. Yep, looks like I'm actually going to run out of these before the end of Act 1. I'll have to come up with something else soon…
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