Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
-[X]Stunt: Slurping at the straw of your large Coke, you roll your eyes at Harry. "Dude, like it or not I'm already involved. Im sure the gentleperson with the rifle remembers my face as well as the Winter half of Faerie. Id prefer to cooperate so we dont waste effort, but," one finger taps your temple suggestively "I am going to be looking anyway. With or without you. Wouldnt you be happier knowing where I am?" Smiling winningly at him, you steal one of his fries and pop it into your mouth, then make a face. "Y'know Wendy's has better fries than BK right?"
Being past legal consequences was probably a bad turn of phrase. The point I was trying to make is that if the cops find evidence of us being involved in shooting someone it doesn't matter the platform the gun is on. The US doesn't have any laws about this particular thing now, and didn't in 2006. We'd be open to charges related to owning the gun and using it, possibly including a negligence charge for "unsafe modification". Though if it got that far they'd probably write one to cover this.

Your evidence demonstrates my point; that getting involved in fights like this is inherently risky, and going old school is no guarantee it won't bite you in the ass.

Having mooks who aren't people actually defends our associates to an extent. Pictures of our death droid can potentially be used as blackmail against us, pictures of Dresden shooting a vampire for us screws us both.

On the smart gun stuff, there's a difference between a surgeon's assistant pasting around tools and actively correcting their work. If a cyber devil can do that I see no reason why it can't also operate the thing at a basic level if the mechanisms exist for it to do so.

It's like claiming that the default option of putting a cyber devil in your car requires letting to go to driving school before you can use it.

The point I was making about botching was that any minion we get can do that regardless of source. If we summon murder demons and give them ww1 shotguns they could still botch. Minion grade is the determining factor in how likely that is.

You have a point on RoEs, but again that goes for any minion we use.

My main issue with sandblast is that it feels like a dead end. It's better than most of the others, but it's still exp for something we can't get additional use out of. It also still consumes our actions to use, so while it does have things to offer it doesn't operate in the same space as minionomancy.

You have very strong opinions about her themes for such a new character going through so much upheaval. I was the same way with magic, and still am to an extent, but it isn't accurate to say Molly is already fixed in her ways. The area where she's applied the most direct forethought to the application of her powers has been through craft, and devil summoning looks like it may end up being the same way.

It seems perfectly reasonable to expand in that direction instead of pruning it, the difference being taste instead of inherent quality of the characterization.

You're not wrong about the value of relationships, but that doesn't invalidate the utility of the devils either. We don't need to invest effort in gaining loyalty the same way.

Our timelines on when we'll be established and what that means may also be a little off from each other. Having our own hell dimension seems further off than having our own companies, minions, and power base in the supernatural community.
1)It does matter.
A convincing self defence plea gets you off shooting someone with a Glock or AR. You are in another whole heap of trouble if you used illegal weapons like a claymore mine, or which you were not entitled to legally possess like a Browning M2 HMG.

The US very much has rules about homemade explosive devices, as well.
And Im reasonably sure that the FAA has strong opinions about people arming flying drones and RC aircraft in US airspace.

2) Having mooks with human judgement protects us better from misjudgements.
And if you're drawing on First Hell's resources, you have the option of cycling teams through on tours of active duty if any of them is actually a subject of criminal investigation. Or just giving them all a disguise while in Chicago.

Note that forensics is a bitch.
You leave a lot more info on stuff you built and stored than you expect.

3) Not correcting your work, buffing it. Significant difference.
You are still rolling Dex+Firearms; the spirit is either adding bonus aim dice, reducing difficulty or extending range.
Depends on the smartgun build

4)OOC, it would be an exploit of something that doesnt seem to have really been designed as a combat tool.
IC, a gun cant wield itself any more than one of the wardens' magic swords can.

A car can drive itself. So can a boat or a plane. Even a tank.
A smartgun cant use itself, a chainsaw cant wield itself.

5) Im not sure why we have to get extra utility out of a combat charm.
We dont expect to use the demon sword for cutting vegetables in the kitchen, nor do we expect Transcendent Anathema to do anything other than kill shit extra dead for its 6XP cost.

6)I do have strong opinions on her themes; its an urban fantasy, not an epic fantasy, so Im trying to play it that way.
Forget that society has rules, and you get Interesting problems. Plus her charms best support some styles of play, and not others; she's not a Twilight Solar.

Note that I wasnt voting when chargen happened.
I didnt have a hand in her current build, and I think some of the choices were suboptimal. But I still dont think the investment required to upend a lot of that is warranted.

7) Our own hell dimension is something I expect to have running by the end of the year.
Its that fundamental, IMO, to setting up Molly's powerbase.

Somewhere to recruit reliable human-size minions?
To evac critically injured allies for medical care without answering awkward questions at Chicago Medical Center, or having go defend against attack like happened in the Congo? Somewhere we can intern prisoners while deciding what to do with them?

Thats a lot harder to acquire.
Money is relatively easy to get by comparison

As an addendum, here's one of the most powerful RCs I can find

Now consider exactly how much trouble it would take to weaponize and transport something that size, let alone multiple of them.
Or for it to navigate its way around anything that isnt flat, dry concrete.

That is just fluff the about where the devil come from. The charm is clearly referencing the ritual of awaking werewolfs use. Assume their capabilities are the same for the weakest possible outcome form he ritual.
Did you actually read the text of the charm? Here it is:
Hollow Mind Possession (••)
Pouring her Essence into a "smart" device, the In-
fernal usurps whatever is made in false imitation of a
mind and makes it into her servant.

System: The Infernal spends a moment focusing
on a computerized device within her line of sight, such
as a networked computer or a car with onboard GPS,
then spends 1 Essence and rolls Charisma + (higher
of Computer or Technology) against difficulty 7. Suc-
cess briefly awakens the spirit of the targeted technol-
ogy and makes it into the Infernal's slave. While this
Charm remains in effect, the targeted technology is
essentially "alive" and obedient to the Infernal's com-
mands. Hollow Mind Possession's duration lasts as
outlined on the following chart:

Successes Duration
1 One day
2 One week
3 One month
4 One year
5+ Permanent
Nowhere does it reference anything about W20 spirit awakening in the fluff or mechanics.
And the QM has not said anything of the sort.
So if Im missing something, I would appreciate a reference.
4)OOC, it would be an exploit of something that doesnt seem to have really been designed as a combat tool.
IC, a gun cant wield itself any more than one of the wardens' magic swords can.

A car can drive itself. So can a boat or a plane. Even a tank.
A smartgun cant use itself, a chainsaw cant wield itself.
Self-driving car even in 2006?

I mean, you can certainly possess a GPS to give you demonic guidance for your driving, but that won't actually allow the device to drive, unless the mechanics for that are in place.
While putting demons in satellites when they pass overhead is a great idea, and something we should certainly do.

It's a lot of work; but we should also look at possessing the city's mobile phone masts, as that would be a. Rey useful source of information and we might want to block or spoof calls at some point.

Harder to get to, but potentially very valuable would be Chicago Police department's server farms. There's an awful lot that can be done with read and write across to their data.
1)The satellites would be hilarious. And actually legal by RAW.
Might bring more heat than we can handle right now, and currently of dubious utility to us.
Still hilarious.

2)Cellphones and internet involves walking into the exchange buildings for the Chicago area.
This is information thats publicly available. If Molly really wants to bug Chicago, she can do that by impersonating someone, walking in and out.

Noting that she has decent Subterfuge but terrible Stealth, I would suggest waiting until she has better skill or charms to do this.
Or just buy Allies dots and build yiur own hacker collective.

3)CPD depends on the GM's ruling.
Under one interpretation, we can walk into the CPD HQ, look at the receptionist computer, and put a cyberdevil in the receptionist computer and from there we own the network.

If the GM rules thats not enough, we wait till school starts, join a student tour of the HQ and do it to the computer of the CPD chief when we walk past their office. If the GM rules we must physically see wherever the servers are located, we buy Anonymity Through Propriety and walk through the HQ at night.

Sure, I just have to think how to put those in.
Appropriate Backgrounds
When creating your Infernal, all of the following
Backgrounds are appropriate choices:
• Allies (V20, p. 111)
• Alternate Identity (V20, p. 111)
• Arsenal (Hunter: The Reckoning, p. 120-121)
• Backup (M20, p. 306-307)
• Contacts (V20, p. 112)
• Cult (see p. 290)
• Destiny (M20, p. 311-312)
• Fame (M20, p. 313-314)
• Familiar (see p. 293)
• Fetish (W20, p. 137-138)
• Influence (V20, p. 114-115)
• Magic Artifact (Kindred of the East, p. 87)
• Mentor (V20, p. 115)
• Resources (V20, p. 115-116)
• Retainers (V20, p. 116)
• Secrets (W20 Changing Breeds, p. 212)
• Spies (M20, p. 325)
• Totem (W20, p. 140)
• Wonder (M20, p. 328)

I would suggest Spies or Retainers.
Self-driving car even in 2006?
I mean, you can certainly possess a GPS to give you demonic guidance for your driving, but that won't actually allow the device to drive, unless the mechanics for that are in place.

Electronics have been a part of most cars since at least the 1980s, and things like electronic fuel injection dates back to the 1960s.
The problem has not been the effectors, its having something smart enough to drive the vehicle and make the right decisions.

And specifically, by the rules of Hollow Mind Possession, if the vehicle or device is computerized, the spirit can operate it.
You dont need it to be a Tesla or something.
Electronics have been a part of most cars since at least the 1980s, and things like electronic fuel injection dates back to the 1960s.
The problem has not been the effectors, its having something smart enough to drive the vehicle and make the right decisions.

And specifically, by the rules of Hollow Mind Possession, if the vehicle or device is computerized, the spirit can operate it.
You dont need it to be a Tesla or something.
At least we would have to add the mechanical connections by hand, to allow the car-spirit to drive and break and such by itself.
Since those are not build-in, I assume.
Self-driving car even in 2006?

I mean, you can certainly possess a GPS to give you demonic guidance for your driving, but that won't actually allow the device to drive, unless the mechanics for that are in place.

Self driving cars are complicated, but you should keep in mind that this is not an actual human made AI, it is a demon possessing something, much like no one programed your phone of make a black fiery eyed Clippy on it a car can do things that are not in the design specs.

For instance say you are in a normal modernist car. The driver pulls the wheel to the left. Does that ennact some kind of mechanical gear that goes all the way to the wheel, or is it an electrical impulse, one that the onboard computer can read as well if only so it can turn warning lights on if the wheel does not return to neutral. If it's an electrical impulse the demon can make it go the other way, it can think 'turn left' at the wheel sensors. The wheel would not actually turn, no mechanical impulse, but the car would
At least we would have to add the mechanical connections by hand, to allow the car-spirit to drive and break and such by itself.
Since those are not build-in, I assume.
Apparently we dont, by RAW. Text of the charm:
Hollow Mind Possession (••)
Pouring her Essence into a "smart" device, the In-
fernal usurps whatever is made in false imitation of a
mind and makes it into her servant.

System: The Infernal spends a moment focusing
on a computerized device within her line of sight, such
as a networked computer or a car with onboard GPS,
then spends 1 Essence and rolls Charisma + (higher
of Computer or Technology) against difficulty 7. Suc-
cess briefly awakens the spirit of the targeted technol-
ogy and makes it into the Infernal's slave. While this
Charm remains in effect, the targeted technology is
essentially "alive" and obedient to the Infernal's com-
Hollow Mind Possession's duration lasts as
outlined on the following chart:
At least, thats my understanding. No electronic nervous system necessary.
Spirit, not AI.

Ninja'd by QM.
Last edited:
I just realized that we could bring safe and effective self-driving cars to the market a decade or more before they even really started to be somewhat viable IRL. Of course, no one would be able to figure out how the hell they worked, but that would just make them even more desirable.

Do y'all think calling the cars Diablos would be a bit too on the nose?
I just realized that we could bring safe and effective self-driving cars to the market a decade or more before they even really started to be somewhat viable IRL. Of course, no one would be able to figure out how the hell they worked, but that would just make them even more desirable.

Do y'all think calling the cars Diablos would be a bit too on the nose?
I'm not confident that passes muster.

We can't exactly build a fabric for these cars, we can't show anyone how the AI works.
And also the cars will still drive with a mortal level of skill and that's just not enough. People will never accept a self-driving AI that makes roughly as many accidents as a regular driver.
I'm not confident that passes muster.

We can't exactly build a fabric for these cars, we can't show anyone how the AI works.
And also the cars will still drive with a mortal level of skill and that's just not enough. People will never accept a self-driving AI that makes roughly as many accidents as a regular driver.
Magic self driving cars are probably of interest to some people.
If a car has cruse control, it has enough electronic to put a demon in it, and drive by itself just fine.
If it has enough electronics to support a demon, it has enough electronics for Molly to wait for you to get in, put a cyberdevil in the car, have the doors lock, then drive it at topspeed into a wall, then make it explode in a fireball, sending the cyberdevil back to her anima and burning the poor sap to death.

Good thing Molly is not prone to homicide, eh?

Less morbidly, it also means she can, with a glance, put a cyberdevil in someone's car, and essentially track the person's comings and goings, as well as any conversations made in and around the car, for weeks or months at a time.
If they dont have the senses to notice the cyberdevil, they'll never be able to tell.
[X] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
-[X]Stunt: Slurping at the straw of your large Coke, you roll your eyes at Harry. "Dude, like it or not I'm already involved. Im sure the gentleperson with the rifle remembers my face as well as the Winter half of Faerie. Id prefer to cooperate so we dont waste effort, but," one finger taps your temple suggestively "I am going to be looking anyway. With or without you. Wouldnt you be happier knowing where I am?" Smiling winningly at him, you steal one of his fries and pop it into your mouth, then make a face. "Y'know Wendy's has better fries than BK right?"
If it has enough electronics to support a demon, it has enough electronics for Molly to wait for you to get in, put a cyberdevil in the car, have the doors lock, then drive it at topspeed into a wall, then make it explode in a fireball, sending the cyberdevil back to her anima and burning the poor sap to death.

Good thing Molly is not prone to homicide, eh?

Less morbidly, it also means she can, with a glance, put a cyberdevil in someone's car, and essentially track the person's comings and goings, as well as any conversations made in and around the car, for weeks or months at a time.
If they dont have the senses to notice the cyberdevil, they'll never be able to tell.

The caveat to that is that the demons are perfectly loyal not perfectly disciplined, I would roll to see if any watching demons did any poltergeist like mischief eventually. You are basically asking electronic gremlins to pretend not to be there.
Votes surprisingly one sided.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Aug 18, 2022 at 3:58 PM, finished with 98 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
    -[X]Stunt: Slurping at the straw of your large Coke, you roll your eyes at Harry. "Dude, like it or not I'm already involved. Im sure the gentleperson with the rifle remembers my face as well as the Winter half of Faerie. Id prefer to cooperate so we dont waste effort, but," one finger taps your temple suggestively "I am going to be looking anyway. With or without you. Wouldnt you be happier knowing where I am?" Smiling winningly at him, you steal one of his fries and pop it into your mouth, then make a face. "Y'know Wendy's has better fries than BK right?"
    [X] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
    [X] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
    -[X] Make sure to explain what you can do, so you can cooperate better.
    [X] Emphasize all the skills you would bring to an investigation
    -[X] Leaving aside the capacity for violence, which might come in handy when we actually find any Nazis, I've recently found a trick that will allow me to access almost any digitally-stored information. Since you can't even start a computer without burning it out, that seems complimentary. Also I'd like to gain some insight into investigative processes, might be useful in my future.
    -[X] Also offer the sniper's bullet. Either he can track down the owner, or we can use the Crown to get the shooter's name or current location, whatever is more useful in context.
[X] Point out that you are going to be involved in this anyway, he just gets to decide if it's where he can see you or not
-[X]Stunt: Slurping at the straw of your large Coke, you roll your eyes at Harry. "Dude, like it or not I'm already involved. Im sure the gentleperson with the rifle remembers my face as well as the Winter half of Faerie. Id prefer to cooperate so we dont waste effort, but," one finger taps your temple suggestively "I am going to be looking anyway. With or without you. Wouldnt you be happier knowing where I am?" Smiling winningly at him, you steal one of his fries and pop it into your mouth, then make a face. "Y'know Wendy's has better fries than BK right?"

Haven't been in much of a thinky effortposty headspace recently.
The caveat to that is that the demons are perfectly loyal not perfectly disciplined, I would roll to see if any watching demons did any poltergeist like mischief eventually. You are basically asking electronic gremlins to pretend not to be there.
So I guess that if we give them internet access, they will not have this problem as there are plenty of ways to shit post and start flaming people. :V:V:V