Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

And then we are back to "invest in supernatural powers".
Magical Armor is fine and dandy.

I find both of these options great, I just don't like breaking the rules for mundane armor that the setting-balance has.
I don't know if they are good rules, but if the designers made them this way they might be sensible?

I see the danger, but it would feel rather disappointing to say 'you got 10 successes that will be a really swanky leather jacket'. At that point I would much rather explain how you made radiation cured synthetic chimera leather and made the jaket out of that that looks both menacing and stylish. I would have it give it a small but meaningful buff, again not just more soak rolls.
I see the danger, but it would feel rather disappointing to say 'you got 10 successes that will be a really swanky leather jacket'. At that point I would much rather explain how you made radiation cured synthetic chimera leather and made the jaket out of that that looks both menacing and stylish. I would have it give it a small but meaningful buff, again not just more soak rolls.
Bonus on Appearance or Intimidate would be nice in such a case.

Or the ability to attract Vampires that want kill you and take it as a trophy.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

Large scale construction? Sounds like I N F R A S T R U C T U R E to me!
Infrastructure sounds more like a minion issue, as in minions we'll pay to do infrastructure stuff for us after we cheese a lottery win.
[X] Leatherworking (Includes light armor and clothing)

Works with Molly's fashion sense, and has only -1 penalties to blacksmithing, jewelry making, and making clothing? That's most of what we'll want to do in the early game before boosting our craft to five dots. This feels like a no-brainer to me.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

I guess for shields we are using Dark Ages Vampire 20?

Are the parry rules the same of ExWoD?

Parry: The character uses a weapon to deflect a brawl-
ing or melee attack. Roll Dexterity + Melee to parry.
When parrying an unarmed attack, if the defender
rolls more successes than the attacker, apply those
additional successes as a successful attack against the
attacker. The attacker may not roll to defend against
this attack; she may only soak. Shields and certain
weapons can be used to influence parry attempts (see
the chart on p. 350).

Item Parry Difficulty Attack Penalty Notes
Small Shield 4 +/ -0 —
Standard Shield 6 +1 —
Dagger 5 +/ -0 —
Sword 6 +1 Penalty only
applies to hand-
to-hand attacks
Attack penalty is for people attacking you if you use Full Defense as your turn.

Parry Difficulty is the difficulty of your parry roll when using the shield.

Don't know how this would work in ExWoD rules. Or does it just work natively?

This is because I don't think shield rules exist for V20. And W20 only has stuff like using a trashcan lid as shield.

Interestingly, Dark Ages also has more varied melee weapon stats with stuff like armor piercing, great weapons doing up to STR+4 dmg, armour not being so restrictive...

Its weird that they didn't use Dark Ages as base more, when Exalts are probably using lots of "medieval" technology like swords.
[X] Leatherworking (Includes light armor and clothing)
[X] Tailoring/Dressmaking
My apologies if it seems like Im singling you out, but I dont see how these write-ins make sense in relation to either the setting or our character sheet.

This is a modern setting. 21st century Chicago, with magic.
You can buy clothes off the rack, cheaply. They're mass produced. You dont invest your Craft skills in something that a machine or a minimum wage worker in Bangladesh will do just as well for a fraction of the cost. Tailoring is a skill of little value to Molly.

And no one uses leather armor in the Dresdenverse because it is inferior to both modern materials and magic bullshit.
Yes, Dresden uses an enchanted leather trenchcoat as his primary protection, but Susan bought it for him off the shelf before he layered magic on it. And its superiority is because he can wear it 24/7 without drawing attention from normals.

Other Wardens wear modern armor when necessary.
[X] Blacksmithing (includes weapons and armor as well as pre-industrial tools)
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

Weapon and armor blacksmiths are rare and expensive in the 21st century.
A full suit of medieval steel armor can cost 15,000 to 50,000 dollars to commission, and a month to make.

FAQ | mysite-24

And Mechanics encompasses everything from motorcycles to aircraft and even bigger
All the machinery of a modern society.
These are valuable skills that are hard to acquire and hard to hire people for.
[X] Blacksmithing (includes weapons and armor as well as pre-industrial tools)
[X] Jewelry-making (includes polishing and cutting gems; working with precious metals)
There is no infrastructure worth building ourselves that isn't magical in nature, and that is not only beyond our current capabilities, it's also something we can probably pay for when we're rich.
I'm hoping we get to the magical infrastructure stage later. Getting some fun crafting scenes early on is IMO a good idea to achieve this, because it makes people more likely to vote for more magical crafting upgrades later. And once we can craft magic stuff, "magic infrastructure" is IMO as likely to win votes as "magic forcefield" is.
I'm hoping we get to the magical infrastructure stage later. Getting some fun crafting scenes early on is IMO a good idea to achieve this, because it makes people more likely to vote for more magical crafting upgrades later. And once we can craft magic stuff, "magic infrastructure" is IMO as likely to win votes as "magic forcefield" is.
I am not sure what kind of magic infrastructure we could make that isn't solved by demons.

Artifact creation is not a thing, and the pdf DP posted about Wonders and Prodigies is very much personal scale.

Edit: Actually, there is an example in ExWoD pdf, but it uses Technology, I think. Since that bypasses the "no super magic artifacts anymore". Its just super time consuming and expensive even by full Exalt standards.
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Infrastructure sounds more like a minion issue, as in minions we'll pay to do infrastructure stuff for us after we cheese a lottery win.
Minions capable of doing Infrastructure stuff are expensive and rare.
Let alone those who can do it to the competence levels of an Infernal with an Excellency and a speed booster, or who are willing to work in proximity to supernatural stuff. Or who you can trust to keep a secret.

This isnt Creation any longer.
We cant just whip out Demon of the First Circle and call up a workforce from Malfeas when we need to build a house out in the wilderness somewhere, or to fortify a discovered Dragons Nest against attack.
I'm leery of locking ourselves into a specialisation we won't get much use out of, just because what we're using it for now now now is armour (for which we can use Charms to supplement - we should still craft armour, just saying we shouldn't go all-in such that armour is the only thing we can usefully make, which leatherworking kind of does).


[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

Vehicles, power tools (for others to use), plumbing systems, home appliances, siege weapons, mechanised golems… yeah, way more applications here.
[X] Leatherworking (Includes light armor and clothing)

Although I wouldn't mind the blacksmithing winning, the leatherworking does offer the opportunity of gathering social power through fashion scenes as well as the practical benefits and options for wealth.

With regards to the benefits of modern materials, there's nothing preventing us from incorporating said materials into the armour Molly makes, leatherworking will also let her put the best of her ability behind harvested magical materials from creatures we kill that don't just dissolve into goo.

Kevlar can be incorporated with leather just as well as anything else, plus it's fairly easy to disguise leather armour as Goth and Punk gear, certainly much easier to go about with leather armour than metal for example.

Could we look at an internet video of something and use the crown of eyes on things in the video?

I am imagining how its made video or the like giving us knowledge of how to craft so much...
In terms of infrastructure while you will not be getting Exalted Manses ready made with mutant pops and trees with golden fruit that grow on little floating islands and such that is not to say you cannot do any kind of large scale magical infrastructure. If you really want to go that way. A lot of the crafting in the doc actually needs a Dragon's Nest for one and for even more stuff I will even plumb the dark depths of Mage books for inspiration.
Minions capable of doing Infrastructure stuff are expensive and rare.
Let alone those who can do it to the competence levels of an Infernal with an Excellency and a speed booster, or who are willing to work in proximity to supernatural stuff. Or who you can trust to keep a secret.

This isnt Creation any longer.
We cant just whip out Demon of the First Circle and call up a workforce from Malfeas when we need to build a house out in the wilderness somewhere, or to fortify a discovered Dragons Nest against attack.
But there are the Svartalves, and they are for hire.

I would rather focus on personal power and wealth acquisition, then use that new wealth to hire the peerless supernatural crafters of the DF setting.

Could we look at an internet video of something and use the crown of eyes on things in the video?

I am imagining how its made video or the like giving us knowledge of how to craft so much...

Crown of Eyes is limited to one question per subject or situation so it would not be the fluff here. As with many of the skills you got post-Exaltation they were simply attached to either the exaltation itself or the demon, though the difference is largely academic .
There is no infrastructure worth building ourselves that isn't magical in nature, and that is not only beyond our current capabilities, it's also something we can probably pay for when we're rich.
Thats inaccurate.

Ask Dresden about how bloody difficult making the basic cottage on Demonreach habitable was when he moved there, because not just anyone could work on the prison island of magical fuckery, and it doesnt like most people. Or ask Marcone about the trouble he's had keeping the security arrangements of his safehouses secret.

There are a lot of things where the problem is that you dont have workers who are willing to work there,
Or workers who can keep the details of construction secret when someone buys them a lot of drinks in a bar, or simply has them kidnapped from their home and tortured until they talk.

The Carpenters have the White God looking out for their children and family home.
Molly has to consider she might not.
Although I wouldn't mind the blacksmithing winning, the leatherworking does offer the opportunity of gathering social power through fashion scenes as well as the practical benefits and options for wealth.
-Seriously, Molly is the sort of girl who wears a distressed skirt and ripped fishnet stockings.
High fashion she is not.

-Dressmaking does not make big money.
Short of people who work in haute couture, fashion is in volume, not in artisanal oneoffs. Even costumiers for movies dont make that much. Modern society, not medieval.
But there are the Svartalves, and they are for hire.
I would rather focus on personal power and wealth acquisition, then use that new wealth to hire the peerless supernatural crafters of the DF setting.
The Svartalfar are expensive as fuck.
And not just in cash.
They dont take many jobs either; they dont have to.

Note that Dresden didnt have them build him a house on Demonreach after he became the Winter Knight.
And that Molly didnt either.

Personal power acquisition includes stuff like securing real world locations because of their mystical significance.
The Red Court, for example, has held Chichen Itza for centuries, and its valuable because of its magical geography. Same with the White Council and Edinburgh. Same with Petrovich and Archangel, iirc.

Ditto with Demonreach.

If we stumble into a Dragons Nest in Chicago, it WILL have to be secured, and we will want to keep as much knowledge of its internal defenses and construction private, so noone can kidnap any workers and then murder them to get information. Or suborn them and get them to plant something onsite during construction.

Molly is now Interesting to many, many people. This sort of thing is stuff she has to keep in consideration.
I'm still on the fence in regard to the crafting specialization stuff. I get wanting concealable armor, but I'm tempted to vote for machining or something so that we could make ridiculous meme guns to patch our difficulties with ranged combat.
I'm still on the fence in regard to the crafting specialization stuff. I get wanting concealable armor, but I'm tempted to vote for machining or something so that we could make ridiculous meme guns to patch our difficulties with ranged combat.
We would be really bad with guns due to Firearms 0.

Buying Skinned Alive speed Charms and By Rage Recast repurchase to go 195 m/s and just rushing down people and invalidating their ranged efforts sounds better to me.