Oh right.

So how much longer will the Regency War go on for? Can you give us an estimate?
I think that depends very heavily on Nod's decisionmaking. It's likely to run on until Kane calls a halt, or until all the warlords collapse from exhaustion and decide they need to go eat a sandwich or something.

This is basically a free goal, because there is only benefit from getting more STU production and income, especially when GDI can use it to help deal with the massively increasing population that is flooding in from the refugees by providing more resources to fund jobs to integrate them into the economy.
The problem is that it commits us to a really big income increase. Realistically, everything we do with our Tiberium dice is important, and it's likely to increase income, but it's not a good thing if we end up in trouble because we 'only' increased income by 175 RpT between now and the end of the Plan, instead of 250 RpT, because we 'got distracted' trying to optimize for Red Zone mitigation instead.

I prefer that we keep our freedom of action.

Also, this overlooks the long-term value of actually finishing the refineries that the current version of the target would require. Building more refining capacity is good because it positions us for further income increases, and insulates us against economic disruption if Nod blows up any one refinery. Sooner or later we'd have to build those refineries anyway, to keep GDI's economic growth from coming to a halt.

Completing Chicago's final phase is a far better option and useful enough to take to complete by the end of this plan and not have to complete all 5 phases of Karachi instead, because it can be done during the war and improve it's defenses to further protect against attacks such as the ones that have already happened.
It's very much not obvious that Chicago Phase 5 is going to be significantly better defended against Nod attacks than Chicago Phase 4. And doing this would make your proposal to change the refining target entirely redundant anyway, because even Chicago Phase 4 would get us most or all of the way to hitting our "raise the refinery cap" target.

I think this would be worth taking. Enterprise 5's capstone is two more Bays, but Starbound's political support is mainly in promising off-world housing, which Shala and Columbia provide. We only wanted Enterprise this Plan for its Station Bay discount - and speaking of dice discounts, we can very much fit in the Station Bay along with doing the first three phases of the other stations:

-[] Station Bay 0/400 4 dice 80R 9%, 5 dice 100R 49%, 6 dice 120R 85%, 7 dice 140R 98%

-[] GDSS Columbia/Shala with Station Bay (Phase 1+2+3) 0/520 5 dice 100R 7%, 6 dice 120R 42%, 7 dice 140R 80%, 8 dice 160R 96%

With the Station Bay taking 5 dice on average, and each Station's three phases taking 6.5 dice on average, it would cost us about 18 Orbital dice to do them all. In comparison, finishing the Enterprise would also take 18 dice on average. It wouldn't cost us extra dice to do all this, and the Columbia and Shala together start our Science stuff ticking along for figuring out orbital habitation much sooner than we'd otherwise do.
I dunno. You're not really wrong here, but the problem is that finishing three projects makes it considerably more likely that some will go over the line and cost extra dice, because there's no rollover between the projects.

For instance, the optimistic case is that we put five dice on the Station Bay, then six each on Columbia and Shala, and everything finishes. This optimistic case has a 0.49*0.42*0.42 equals roughly an 8.6% chance of happening. By contrast, the chance of a more pessimistic case where the Station Bay takes six or more dice to finish (likely spread out over two turns) and both of Shala and Columbia take at least seven dice to finish through Phase 3 has a 0.51*0.58*0.58 = 17% chance of happening.

So we're roughly twice as likely to need 20+ dice to finish this set of commitments than we are to need 17 or less. By contrast, Enterprise Phase 5 is a straight shot. There's less risk of a high-variance bad result screwing us over either due to time constraints (forcing us to inefficiently dump a ton of dice at the last minute to make sure it finishes by 2061Q4) or due to good results in one project not carrying over to another (us rolling amazingly well on the station bay and realizing that this gives us nothing direct to aid in our completion of the stations themselves)

@Ithillid I believe this needs to be clarified? Unless you've changed it, Chicago now uses HI and Infrastructure dice, and requires at least one HI dice to be activated. Which is... very significantly more limiting than it requiring Tiberium dice.
Y'know, if we're taking the Heavy Industry shift, it's not really that limiting? We will almost certainly have some wiggle room in our Heavy Industry dice in 2061 if we swap things out so that we're not committed to churning out Nuuk. Maybe not much, but some.

This is new from the preview. I don't think it is currently necessary, but that calculation rests on Blue Zone Arcologies Consumer Goods and on finishing all the current Food producers, which still looks likely because:
Good news is, we can be reasonably assured of getting at least +12 Consumer Goods one way or another.

+4 from Drone Factories offsets the +4 if we don't do the arcologies. We're overwhelmingly likely to do Fertilizer Plants. And Chicago Phase 4 is likely to get done by the end of the Plan as well, which would apparently be a +Consumer Goods project. We can hit this target.

If we were worried, then it would be better for us to commit to Vertical Farms than Ranching Domes anyway, because that would enable us to more easily hit the current target (along with Light Industry investment), and provide us with +Food instead of -Food.

Changed in that it is now the Shala and the Columbia instead of just one. In this case I would prefer to finish the Enterprise as I'd rather start the Shala and Columbia with both the Station Bay and the Leopard II Factory, and the Dice are such that we'd need more dice to accomplish that.

Continuing, I think it would be best if we kept the Lunar Mines goal as we really need that Lunar exemption income to help jump start the early part of next plan and I'd rather not do anything to jeopardize that.

[] Plan Attempting To Adapt
-[] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[] Complete SADN Phase 2 (ASAT)
-[] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[] Commit to completing five phases by end of next plan (Karachi)
I'm hesitant about the ASAT-SADN swap. The Military dice requirements are rough, though we CAN make it...

I was thinking of taking some orbital reductions but now it looks like we might lose the space revenue...

I'm now thinking we need to stick to our regular goals if that keeps the income.

Then we can knock out the new orbital cargo ships and the station bay for the discounts, make the last two bays the two space ship ones, then go hog wild on the last two stations without being forced to start the two stations this plan.

We might have to dump some free dice into orbital if we get some bad rolls but being able to get max discounts on the last two stations and even more moon mining revenue probably make the original orbital goals our best bet.
If we stick to the regular goals, it would require massive Free dice investment to be assured of having both the station bay and the Leopard II yard before the next Plan starts.

Excellent points.

We do want SADN but not if it hamstrings us in other ways. The recent discounts help but we have tons of military goals already without throwing more on the pile.

And if we get really good rolls nothings stopping us from putting spare dice onto SADN if we can. It is definitely on the priority list.
To be fair, SADN is legit important enough that we may want to do it EVEN IF it hamstrings us in other ways. Do not forget that nuclear cruise missiles could hit us at any time, as could massed barrages from something like Gideon's shard missile gambit.

Honestly, the more I think about that, the more I worry, and it's not like I've ever hesitated to put Free dice into Military before.

[X] Plan Attempting To Adapt
-[X] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[X] Complete SADN Phase 2 (ASAT)
-[X] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[X] Commit to completing five phases by end of next plan (Karachi)
[X] Plan Space is the Place
QM is telling us we're starting to hit the limits on how much orbital industry we can support with just groundside logistics. We need to start getting orbital support facilities up, even without the possibility of a baby boom.
If we stick to the regular goals, it would require massive Free dice investment to be assured of having both the station bay and the Leopard II yard before the next Plan starts.
I just meant sticking to the current plan then making the bay and leo2s. It's certainly not feasible to try and get all that done before the next plan. Just before we start the next stations which I assume are next plan goals.

[X] Plan Attempting To Adapt
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I had a thought on figuring if we did take the Shala/Columbia renegotiation and we wanted to finish both the Leopard II Factory and the Station Bay, how many Free Dice would we need.

Shala & Columbia Phase 1-3: ~7 dice * 2 = 14 dice
Station Bay: ~5 dice
Leopard II Factory: ~5 dice
Lunar Rare Metals Mines Phase 1-2: ~4 dice
Lunar Heavy Metals Mines Phase 3: ~2 dice
Lunar Regolith Harvesting Phase 2: ~4 dice
Total: 34 dice
Total Dice remaining in Plan: 5*6 = 30 dice

So about 4 Free dice, which if we used Erewhon would take up most of that (assuming Erewhon is worth ~2/3 of a normal Orbital or Free die, we would need ~6 E dice over the remainder of the Plan, we have 5.)

Side note, keeping to the current goals and finishing the Station Bay and the Leopard II Factory we would need 38 dice total. A commitment of 1 Free die and Erewhon each turn.

This is doable but it is a significant investment of Free Dice, especially with all we want done in Military. So if we keep the current orbital goals its probably best if we focused on finishing them over grabbing the Station bay or the Leopard II Factory.
I dunno. You're not really wrong here, but the problem is that finishing three projects makes it considerably more likely that some will go over the line and cost extra dice, because there's no rollover between the projects.

For instance, the optimistic case is that we put five dice on the Station Bay, then six each on Columbia and Shala, and everything finishes. This optimistic case has a 0.49*0.42*0.42 equals roughly an 8.6% chance of happening. By contrast, the chance of a more pessimistic case where the Station Bay takes six or more dice to finish (likely spread out over two turns) and both of Shala and Columbia take at least seven dice to finish through Phase 3 has a 0.51*0.58*0.58 = 17% chance of happening.

So we're roughly twice as likely to need 20+ dice to finish this set of commitments than we are to need 17 or less. By contrast, Enterprise Phase 5 is a straight shot. There's less risk of a high-variance bad result screwing us over either due to time constraints (forcing us to inefficiently dump a ton of dice at the last minute to make sure it finishes by 2061Q4) or due to good results in one project not carrying over to another (us rolling amazingly well on the station bay and realizing that this gives us nothing direct to aid in our completion of the stations themselves)
I think the variance is small enough that I wouldn't say it would cost even an extra 0.5 extra dice on average. If the rolls say we end up needing to spend an extra die or two, that's not any different if we do or don't take the plan change. And even if we end up over-shooting on Shala or Columbia Phase 3, the extra progress is still going to be useful in eventually getting the 4th Phases done. In contrast, any extra progress on Enterprise Phase 5 is wasted progress.

Taking or not taking the plan change is effectively the same dice commitment. And that aside, I'm far more interested in building the Shala and Columbia. I've always viewed them as far more narratively interesting stations than the Enterprise, and ten years in to this quest's runtime, I'd like to actually get them up and running now when the opportunity to do so has been opened to us.
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Based on the renegotiation plan outlined here:

[] Plan Attempting To Adapt
-[] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[] Complete SADN Phase 2 (ASAT)
-[] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[] Commit to completing five phases by end of next plan (Karachi)

I am going to re-draft my plan.

985/985 R
7/7 Free dice

+15 (Projected Existing Surplus) +16 (Fusion Phase 7) +1 (Bergen Phase 1)
-1 (Freeze Drying) -2 (AMA) -6 (Firehawk Drones) -6 (Shark Yard) -5 (Carrier Yard) -4 (Railgun Harvesters) -2 (Anadyr?)
End Result: +6 Energy surplus in worst plausible case, but with enough rollover to easily take the next fusion phase in 2061Q1.

985 R baseline
+7.5 RpT (Green Zone Intensification Phase 6)
+5 RpT (Railgun Harvesters Porto)
85% chance of +5 RpT (Railgun Harvesters Bissau)
82% chance of +7.5 RpT (Green Zone Intensification Phase 7)
67% chance of +7.5 RpT (Yellow Zone Harvesting)
67% chance of +5 RpT (Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting Phase 1)
36% chance of +20 RpT (Lunar Heavy Metals Mines Phase 3)
32% chance of +15 RpT (Lunar Regolith Harvesting Phase 2)
8% chance of +7.5 RpT (Green Zone Intensification Phase 8)

[] Plan Anadyr Also Alliterates
Infrastructure (+34 with Gulati) 6/6 Dice 80 R
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6) 112/300 (2 Dice, 40 R) (47% chance)
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 2+3+4) 28/480 (4 Dice, 40 R) (85% chance of Phase 3, 4% chance of Phase 4)
Heavy Industry (+29) 5/5 Dice + 3 Free Dice 240 R
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plant (Phase 7) 153/300 (4 Dice, 80 R) (99.99+% chance, median result 186/300 on Phase 8)
-[] Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Development 0/80 (1 Die, 10 R) (70% chance)
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 0/320 (3 Dice, 150 R) (10% chance)
Light and Chemical Industry (+24) 5/5 Dice 90 R
-[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 1+2) 71/285 (2 Dice, 60 R) (Phase 1, 13% chance of Phase 2)
-[] Civilian Drone Factories 0/380 (3 Dice, 30 R) (3/5 median)
Agriculture (+24) 4/4 Dice 50 R
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 126/200 (1 Die, 20 R) (56% chance)
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 3+4) 30/280 (3 Dice, 30 R) (99.85% chance of Phase 3, 42% chance of Phase 4)
Tiberium (+39) 7/7 Dice 110 R
-[] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 10) 174/350 (2 Dice, 40 R) (67% chance)
-[] Intensification of Green Zone Harvesting (Stage 6+7+8) 46/300 (2 Dice, 30 R) (Stage 6, 82.3% chance of Stage 7, 8.2% chance of Stage 8)
-[] Tiberium Processing Refits (Phase 5) 6/100 (1 Die, 20 R) (61% chance)
-[] Railgun Harvester Factory (Bissau) 0/70 (1 Die, 10 R) (85% chance)
-[] Railgun Harvester Factory (Porto) 44/70 (1 Die, 10 R) (100% chance)
Orbital (+26) 6/6 Dice + EREWHON!!! 140 R
-[] Lunar Heavy Metals Mines (Phase 3) 217/375 (1+E Dice, 40 R) (36% chance of Phase 3)
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 50/320 (3 Dice, 60 R) (32% chance)
-[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1) 0/150 (2 Dice, 40 R) (67% chance)
Services (+27) 4/5 Dice 75 R
-[] Automatic Medical Assistants 101/300 (3 Dice, 60 R) (83% chance)
-[] Hallucinogen Development 0/60 (1 Die, 15 R) (88% chance)
Military (+26) 8/8 Dice + 4 Free Dice 200 R
-[] Railgun Munitions Development 0/60 (1 Die, 10 R) (87% chance)
-[] Ablat Plating Deployment (Stage 5) 54/200 (2 Dice, 20 R) (70% chance)
-[] Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Development 0/30 (1 Die, 10 R) (100% chance)
-[] Firehawk Wingmen Drones 215/450 (3 Dice, 60 R) (57% chance)
-[] Shark Class Frigate Shipyard (Melbourne) 172/300 (2 Dice, 40 R) (82% chance)
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Nagoya) 0/240 (3 Dice, 60 R) (54% chance)
Bureaucracy 4/4 Dice
-[] Interdepartmental Favors
-[] Security Review: Bureaucracy (2 Dice, also -1 Bureaucracy die)

Infrastructure: Whatever happens, I want to slow-walk this phase of Fortress Towns and pivot to really nail the Housing crisis. Even if we don't take the apartment commitment, we need those apartments anyway, so four dice this turn helps.

Heavy Industry: Very aggressive fusion rollout to keep us ahead of the booming demand caused by doing so many Energy-intensive war factories. Three dice on Anadyr is very expensive, but might complete the project, and positions us well to slow-walk it to completion in 2061Q1 and, in the worst probable case, 2061Q2.

Light Industry: Continued investment into Bergen, as much as is supportable while also investing heavily into Anadyr. The remaining Light Industry dice go towards Civilian Drone Factories (desirable for a number of reasons, cheap per die, provides +Health, provides +4 Consumer Goods if we need it to hit the Consumer Goods target)

Agriculture: This lays groundwork for hitting the Stored food target. Freeze-drying will improve efficiency of future granaries and free up +5 Food from the existing granary system. Aquaponics is probably our most efficient bet for mass-producing Food in a hurry so that we have enough to feed the refugees and still manage the granary expansion.

Tiberium: Two dice on Yellow Zone Harvesting to complete the current phase (hopefully) at a more reasonable pace, because I doubt we'll move ahead to Phase 11 in the immediate future. The die thus freed up is flipped to working on the refinery refits, helping us polish off that project. Overall I am trying for a low-cost turn focused on wrapping up ongoing projects, because a lot of the budget is going to Anadyr and tiberium projects tend to be expensive. I'm hoping we can stage Red Zone Offensives in 2061Q1.

Orbital: I'm not planning any changes to the space goals. It's theoretically slightly less than optimal to build more moon mines without the Leopard II yard, but we really cannot spare the dice for the yard in this Plan without banking on heavy Free dice investment, either now or later. Thus, plan is unchanged- try to get the moon mines up and running quickly, then put all remaining dice on Enterprise Phase 5. Trying for slow-walks here to avoid burning dice unnecessarily.

Services: Plans have changed. The medical situation with the refugees is worse than I feared, and Automated Medical Assistants became significantly more valuable than it was before, since it's now roughly 150% more effective and the cost hasn't changed appreciably. This becomes the main focus of Services. In hopes that the hallucinogen research will turn up a +Health project, I do that too. One Service die is left fallow. I don't like it, but I can't push Bergen and Anadyr without that. Anadyr hungers.

Military: I grudgingly accept a 'slow-walk' on Firehawk drones (four dice to three, 93% chance of completion to 57%) for dice efficiency's sake. This turn is purely focused on plan requirements or near-requirements, and keeps up a level of dice investment that keeps us ahead of our 'schedule' even if we're doing SADN in 2061.
I don't really have a horse in the CapGoods race, but a lot of people are in favor of Anadyr and lasers, so that's fine with me.

Based on the dice math, I think I'd rather stay with Enterprise commitment, and possibly mines as well. Extra RpT after Allocation is a fine leverage. Starbound understands Treasury well. :D I'll happily commit to 4-5 phases of Shala or Columbia or more next Plan and see if we can't get them complete by end of 2065.

I don't feel in favor of any Mil shifts. We have 13ish spare dice in Mil. We'll have less with SADN Phase 2. Can we guarantee enough free dice to handle Plan goals + frigates + Firehawk wingmen if we have 5 less spare dice to work with? Particularly when we're going to have to push to make sure we get the +18 Stored Food done in 5 turns or less while also not running out of regular Food. Especially when "medium" priority Mil projects get shoved in as well each turn.

I'll go with 3 phases of Apartments. If we can squeeze in an Arcology anyhow, fantastic. But I think Apartments helps the Housing better short term.

It sounds like we'll need 14-15 dice just for food stockpiling and another 6ish minimum for Food increasing, and only 20 Agri dice left. Ranching Domes would eat Agri dice at a time we're needing to push for +18 Stored Food during a refugee situation, and we might not have that free between Space needs and Mil needs. I dunno.

I'll go with this for now.

[X] Plan Budget Balancing
-[X] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[X] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[X] Commit to completing five phases by end of next plan (Karachi)
So why can't we use the same for anti-shipping missiles?
We can, and we do, but:

1) Many Nod warships are submarines or at least submersibles, so antiship missiles are not as effective against them.
2) Nod warships carry heavy ECM and cloaking suites, much more so than a typical frontline random Nod ground target.
3) I suspect that Nod warships from a first-rate opponent tend to have their own point defense lasers already- Bintang's ships didn't just all explode and die under missile fire at the Battle of the Natuna Isles, for instance, which is either due to (2) or to this. Remember that Nod has had our current level of laser tech much longer than we have.

I think the variance is small enough that I wouldn't say it would cost even an extra 0.5 extra dice on average. If the rolls say we end up needing to spend an extra die or two, that's not any different if we do or don't take the plan change.

And even if we end up over-shooting on Shala or Columbia Phase 3, the extra progress is still going to be useful in eventually getting the 4th Phases done. In contrast, any extra progress on Enterprise Phase 5 is wasted progress.

Taking or not taking the plan change is effectively the same dice commitment. And that aside, I'm far more interested in building the Shala and Columbia. I've always viewed them as far more narratively interesting stations than the Enterprise, and ten years in to this quest's runtime, I'd like to actually get them up and running now when the opportunity to do so has been opened to us.
Most of this... I dunno, I don't feel like arguing about it. My one grumble is that I was hoping to get the Leopard II yard up and running before starting those stations, but eh.

I don't really have a horse in the CapGoods race, but a lot of people are in favor of Anadyr and lasers, so that's fine with me.

Based on the dice math, I think I'd rather stay with Enterprise commitment, and possibly mines as well. Extra RpT after Allocation is a fine leverage. Starbound understands Treasury well. :D I'll happily commit to 4-5 phases of Shala or Columbia or more next Plan and see if we can't get them complete by end of 2065.
Oh, we can easily get Shala and Columbia done by 2065Q4 if we aren't burdened with any other really massive space commitments or some disaster. That won't be a problem.

I don't feel in favor of any Mil shifts. We have 13ish spare dice in Mil. We'll have less with SADN Phase 2. Can we guarantee enough free dice to handle Plan goals + frigates + Firehawk wingmen if we have 5 less spare dice to work with?
You saw me run the numbers. I think "yes, yes we can."

Also... SADN is important if Nod warlords start going vicious on us, and we've just kicked their asses and taken territory from a bunch of them, so that's likely to happen soon. Something like Indianapolis landing on another target that's more critical would be really bad.
[X] Plan Budget Balancing

I'll approval vote for this one. I don't think the extra dice required for SADN Phase 2 will do us any favors. We might still build one (or even two) phases of SADN, but we've got lots of other Military projects we need to do, and the extra commitment might cost us near the end of the Plan.

[X] Plan Space is the Place
Ooooh. Something to consider. Because we could really use those funds in 2062.
I'm not sure how this impacts the idea of GDI renegotiating the station goal, though, because trading Enterprise Phase 5 for Shala Phase 3 and Columbia Phase 3 might actually be better from Starbound's point of view.
But its not better from the Treasury's point of view, as far as I can tell.
Because that industry sets them up for next turn.
Being able to take down 8-10 antiship missile salvoes in single target mode is still pretty impressive, to be fair.
That's superlative.
Lasers are supposed to be only one element in a multi-element defensive array, preferrably paired with missiles and ECM.

If you have two lasers, one fore and one aft as your final defensive element, that gives you the abilitity to shred 16-20 missiles in a wave.If your SAMs and ECM is at least as effective, you're looking at a single ship with two discoball lasers accounting for at least 50 missiles at a time.

And unlike SAMs, Nod cant make you run out of lasers.

Oh yeah, we are definitely working on the light carrier yards.
After frigates hopefully.
I dont think we can afford to spend more than 6 Mil dice on the Navy in Q4, and frigates build faster and thus represent a better immediate priority for solving the Navy's problems.

Start on the remaining carrier yards in Q1.
Gonna be real, I am not convinced by replacing the 200 remaining points of ASAT IV with 750 mandatory points of SADN considering there are a bunch of other shit we have to do in Military atm and that we will need ASAT IV anyway at some point if we want to upgrade the capabilities of the whole weapon system to counter disruptors.
I actually agree with you.
170-some points of ASAT IV vs 600 points of SADN? It makes no sense to swap in SADN.
We can build SADN without it being a plan goal.

It is not just you, the GDI now controls more territory then NOD does. The GDI controls 20.56 + 2.65 = 23.21 % of the Earth's surface. NOD controls 22.65 %.
Thats going to be a significant psych shock to Nod.
Renegotiation is supposed to reduce commitments, not to add them.
Adding SADN as a plan goal to replace ASAT IV just seems spectacularly overconfident a year before plan end
And failing to complete ASAT IV is IMO a mistake.

If you want SADN, build SADN. Just dont make it a plan goal
[X] Plan Budget Balancing
-[X] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[X] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[X] Commit to completing five phases by end of next plan (Karachi)
Yeah, I'll vote for this one.

[X] Plan Budget Balancing
[X] Plan Budget Balancing

Yeah OK I'll vote for this plan. We should still try to finish both Chicago and the Ranching Domes as soon as possible, but we shouldn't make them plan goals if we don't have to.