If you want to hedge bets you(Edit: Addressed at the thread in general) might also consider Roman wand wood but average/supple/phoenix feather for an all rounder with that wood type.

Edit: Going for this for the moment.

[x]Wand of the Maestro(5 Gnosis)
-[x]Affanc Hair
-[x]Very Short
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[X] The Promised Wand [5 Gnosis]

I think even in canon "Automatic casting" is pretty rare ability for wand.

I want to know how holly wand work in this verse.
[ ] The Promised Wand [5 Gnosis] - A simple wand, nice and supple; eleven inches long, made of holly wood, and possessed of a phoenix feather core. An uncomplicated grip made from uncarved wood in the style of an ordinary tree. However, this wand seems to possess an extraordinary affinity for you...

First thing's first, let's think a bit on the reason why this choice costs five Gnosis. It is entirely possible to make this wand in the Design Your Own section, without spending a single shred of Gnosis, even, so presumably it is not any of the components, whether alone or in concert, that have caused the price tag. The next thought is that it could be the possibility of Priori Incantatem, like other posters have described. Being able to greatly tilt the odds in our favor the first time we fight a You-Know-Who with access to His wand is certainly a boon we'd probably be willing to pay more than 5 Gnosis for, in the moment, so picking it up now would be a bargain.

However, I don't think that's it. Or at least, not entirely it. Note that last bit there: "this wand seems to possess an extraordinary affinity for you". It's important to remember that wands are, in a general sense, alive. They display an awareness of their surroundings (switching allegiance based on the results of duels) and both form and act on opinions (wands liking/not liking different personality traits in wielders and/or styles of magic). Someone's personal wand will perform better for them than a wand they get from someone else in pretty much all cases. In my view, it's better to think of wands as closer to the likes of Pokemon or Digimon than as simple tools. Having a good relationship with the one you have is just as if not more important than having a 'good' or 'powerful' one, as that bond you share can motivate it to go above and beyond what it's supposed to be capable of.

So my thought as to why this option costs Gnosis is that bit about the wand having a really good affinity for us: it likes us and genuinely wants to work with us, making the task of spellcasting much easier than if the wand was merely indifferent.

That's my thought on it, anyway.

I broadly support saving Gnosis for big purchases, given that big purchases should be the more cost-effective option as compared to many little purchases. That said, the chance to pick our first wand only comes once, so I'm willing to splurge here. I'm undecided on whether that means The Promised Wand, Affanc Hair, or Ancient Roman Wand Wood, however.

But now, time for some fun with and/or thoughts about the wand design section:

Dragon Heartstring + Even Longer + [Insert Flexibility Here] + Ancient Roman Wand Wood = UNLIMITED POWER!

The Flexibility doesn't really matter, but the other three options make this what-the-fuck tier powerful. On the upside, this thing'll probably let us rearrange landscapes with ease. On the downside, said rearrangement will probably be done solely through explosions, at least at first. But that amount of power, properly harnessed? Goodness gracious would that be amazing. And if anyone is going to be able to harness this monstrosity, it'd be a thrice-great, at least in an area of their expertise. Probably not gonna go for this, but the explosion memes are tempting, not gonna lie.

Phoenix Feather + Short/Average + Supple + Holly = Cheapskate's Promise

So yeah, the discount canon build I mentioned earlier that costs zero points. Presumably we lose out on some benefits getting it this way without spending the Gnosis, but it's possible to make.

Affanc Hair + [Length] + [Flexibility] + Holly = I Spent An Afternoon Studying It

I see that it's been mentioned by others, but I feel it bears repeating that Holly's property of boosting core properties presumably comboes quite well with a core that has enough benefits it costs 5 Gnosis. Presumably means that we can pick up new magic much quicker, although I'll note that because it specifies "picking up new magics" presumably the core boost doesn't help when training existing capabilities.
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Dragon Heartstring + Even Longer + [Insert Flexibility Here] + Ancient Roman Wand Wood = UNLIMITED POWER!

The Flexibility doesn't really matter, but the other three options make this what-the-fuck tier powerful. On the upside, this thing'll probably let us rearrange landscapes with ease. On the downside, said rearrangement will probably be done solely through explosions, at least at first. But that amount of power, properly harnessed? Goodness gracious would that be amazing. And if anyone is going to be able to harness this monstrosity, it'd be a thrice-great, at least in an area of their expertise. Probably not gonna go for this, but the explosion memes are tempting, not gonna lie.

I don't know about rearranging landscapes with ease but it certainly is a build that focuses all on power. I would actually use the Ancient Roman Wand with supple and average length. We don't need to go all in on a power build. A wand that is decent at both power and subtle magic is ideal in my opinion.
What need is there for a stick when we can waggle our hands and stuff happens? With the flick of our fist, things explode?

Don't listen to that Ministry of Magic propaganda! Wandless sigma grind is the wae!

'But' I can hear you say, 'Everyone and their granny takes notice of the spandex wearing madlad! And, if we go wandless yet still can bodyslam death eaters into the grave- will be a clear threat for the Ministry at large! Or some pure blood fanatic might cry out we're cheating or somethin' and try to kill us early.'

Have no fear! We are still getting something out of the 'wand' shop.

[X] Get close so I can strangle them with my sticc!
-[X]Dragon Heartstring
-[X]Very Long
I'm going for a Roman Wand Wood plan now. Though I have no desire to go all in from a power standpoint. Vacillating between Phoenix Feather/Dragon Heartstring
Quoth the Birdsie on Discord
Sometimes, the talent of the cultivator is limited.
Sometimes, you must simply pick a better breed of wood. :)

Indeed, the safety of Cedar alongside one of the more powerful-yet-unstable cores should be considered!

Also consider longer wands very carefully.
Very Long and Even Longer can make Transfiguration almost impossible.
An Even Longer wand can make you into a combat monster but will pretty much make you a dunce at any other spell. And you definitely won't be participating in the dueling club, because your stunner jinx will blow holes in the floor.
It's the
Desert Eagle of wands.

[x]Plan Ambition
-[x]Phoenix Feather
-[x]Ancient Roman Wand Wood
[X] Plan Knockoff Elder Wand
-[X] Create your own
--[X] Unusual Core ( Thestral Hair )
--[X] Wand Wood ( Elder )
--[X] Wand length ( Average )
--[X] Wand flexibility ( Flexible )

Most likely not going to win, but I thought it would be fun for us to get a Knockoff Elder Wand. Also, love, love, big fucking love for Geist, basically calling himself the 'Antichrist' was funny as hell.
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New Birdsie Musings about Affanc Hair/Ancient Wood in Discord
Affanc Hair has a secret effect you are not aware of.
Or a secret perk, perhaps, rather.
Although a relatively minor one, compared to the power of something like the Ancient Wood.
The Ancient Wood was ancient during the times of Merlin.
And already running out back then.
[x]Plan Ambition

Changing my vote to Ancient Wood. I've been tempted by how hyped up it is being. Plan Ambition offers a fairly good setup combining power and and the ability for subtle magics with the Ancient Roman Wood.

What it does and where it came from is secret
It is not secret that it's incredibly powerful
The King of Wand Woods

Affanc Hair + Ancient Roman Wood would be absurdly strong but the gnosis debt is a bad bad idea lol.

An item second perhaps only to the Elder Wand.
[x]Plan Ambition

[X]Mystery Box of Power
-[X] Dragon Heartstring
-[X] Long
-[X] Supple
-[X] Ancient Roman Wand Wood

I definitely would like the roman wood, but I like this plan more. Depends on what plan with the wood is more liked I guess

Edit: Is voting for mutliple plans still a thing?
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[X][PLAN] Deathstick 2.0
-[X][CORE] Thestral Tail Hair
-[X][LENGTH] Long
-[X][WOOD] Elder
[X]Mystery Box of Power
-[X] Dragon Heartstring
-[X] Long
-[X] Supple
-[X] Ancient Roman Wand Wood

Does anyone know what the Gnosis debt threatens?
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Adhoc vote count started by Gabriel97 on Feb 23, 2022 at 5:04 AM, finished with 41 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] The Promised Wand [5 Gnosis]
    [x]Plan Ambition
    -[x] Phoenix Feather
    -[x] [LENGTH] Long
    - [X] Ancient Roman Wand Wood
    [X]Mystery Box of Power
    -[X][CORE] Dragon Heartstring
    -[x] [LENGTH] Long
    - [X] Ancient Roman Wand Wood
    [X][PLAN] Dance, Magic Dance
    -[X][CORE] Dragon Heartstring
    -[X][LENGTH] Average
    -[X][FLEXIBILITY] Very Flexible
    -[X][WOOD] Vine
    [x] Plan Triumph in Adversity
    -[x] [CORE] Hydra Fang
    -[x] [LENGTH] Long
    -[x] [FLEXIBILITY] Subtle
    -[x] [WOOD] Blackthorn
    [x] Plan versitile wand for interesting times
    -[x] Phoenix Feather
    -[X][LENGTH] Average
    -[x] Hawthorn
    [X] Plan: Little wand with a big punch
    -[x] Phoenix Feather
    - [X] Very short
    - [X] Ancient Roman Wand Wood
    [X] Design Your Own
    [X] Get close so I can strangle them with my sticc!
    -[X][CORE] Dragon Heartstring
    -[X]Very Long
    [X] Plan Knockoff Elder Wand
    -[X] Create your own
    --[X] Unusual Core ( Thestral Hair )
    --[X] Wand Wood ( Elder )
    --[X] Wand length ( Average )
    --[X] Wand flexibility ( Flexible )
    [x] Plan Subtle and Esoteric
    -[x] Sphinx Tail Hair
    - [X] Very short
    -[x] Sycamore
    [X][PLAN] Deathstick 2.0
    -[X][CORE] Thestral Tail Hair
    -[x] [LENGTH] Long
    -[X][WOOD] Elder
Changing my vote to buff the leading ancient wood plan.

[x]Plan Ambition
-[x] Phoenix Feather
-[x] [LENGTH] Long
- [X] Ancient Roman Wand Wood