Any reason we're not using some of the dice we have an excess of do do Unions or Co-ops?
Because we want to hit it with three dice at once so that it rolls high and we clear the high DCs? I'm pretty sure this is a "you get one shot, how high you roll equals how well you do" thing not a "progressive completion" thing.
Several of us have been talking about grabbing that before the results for Q1. There is a meme plan based around shoving all the dice at it and 2 of the other 4 proposed plans have 3 dice and a 3rd plan has 2 dice on it? Where did you get the idea we were ignoring it?
@marids ' posting history, I think he's convinced that the reason we do anything other than throw all Free dice and Resources at tiberium literally every turn is because we're all idiots who don't understand that tiberium is dangerous.
Wow, that is a lot of planned cities we now have available.
And we finally have a multi-phase project dedicated to giving Capital Goods. Which is going to be needed given that we now also have to supply multiple phases worth of Zone Armor factories. Probably more effective than building Phase 4 Boston. A bit of a surprise it's being set up in Greenland though.
Boston Phase 4 is a fairly high-efficiency Capital Goods project; I see no reason to assume the lower phases of Nuuk will be more efficient. 1200 Progress for +16 Capital Goods (plus +8 Consumer Goods, which isn't irrelevant even if it's not a big deal) is pretty good; Nuuk
might beat that but I kind of doubt it'll be overwhelmingly better, just that the individual phases will be cheaper at first (160 for +0, 320 for +X, 640 for +2X, probably).
But the first three phases alone will have cost comparable to Boston Phase 4, so unless Phase 2 is worth at least +5 Capital Goods and Phase 3 is worth at least +10, it's not gonna be competitive.
The thing stopping us from building Boston Phase 4 isn't that it's inefficient, it's just so goddamn expensive that it's going to take a full year of intensive investment of Heavy Industry dice to complete.
4 dice is overkill. The problem with deploying the Wolverines was that we'd have run into trouble if the refit hadn't finished in two quarters. Not one. We can take it slow for the first quarter without any problems; going down to 3 dice (or even 2 dice) is better since we'll still have a good 76% chance to finish on 3 dice this turn, and if not we can easily make up the difference next turn. We don't need to overspend to get it done in one quarter.
The idea behind the 4-die plan is to get that done so we've checked off enough Deployment projects that we can do major tiberium mining expansion projects next turn finally. But that requires actually being assured of
completing both projects, since failing either one kind of screws things over.
I'm not sure I support this, but I understand the logic.
Given how NOD is going to attack this reclamator hub, I feel extremely unsafe only spending 1 die on it. Failure is not an option here, since if it doesn't complete the NOD attack on our completely isolated hub could see it completely destroyed, along with all the refugees living near it. Only spending 1 dice here instead of 2 is completely neglectful and is asking for us to lose the entire project and all the progress we've put into it. (Not to mention the political blowback.) I refuse to vote for any plan that doesn't invest 2 dice into YZ-5a's MARV fleet. It's as blatant a problem area as we've ever gotten. Do not ignore the narrative text, or rely on good luck to ward away such an obvious problem.
Yeah, me too.
That is information that should be included in the turn summary, darn I had dice on that since it was so cheap
I'm pretty sure I remember hearing it mentioned before.
The problem is, it's Resource-cheap, but in terms of Resources spent per unit Energy returned it's still not that great. Just doing
Blue Zone Power would net us +16 Energy for about 80 R, while
Yellow Zone Power is +3 Energy for about +20 R. Finishing
Tidal Power Phase 2 would take about +30 more R for +8 Energy, meanwhile, but that's in a different category and not competing with the Heavy Industry options.
Honestly, leaving dice on
Yellow Zone Power fallow so we can consolidate Resources and squeeze out one more die on a major priority project might well be the better choice.
Are inhibitors really that good? They're not anti-mutators, so they only help with abatement. In terms of abatement, seems like we could abate normally and get paid for it, or inhibit and just have to pay for it.
No way to know until we at least prototype it and find out, but trading +Energy for +Mitigation could be pretty damn good depending on how expensive the project is.
But it's Scrintech, and those guys know their tiberium. We have to at least
[ ] Plan Mitigation, Income, Enterprise and Double 5a
Infra 5/5 50R +15
-[] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 278/450 5 dice 50 R 99%
HI 5/5 55R +20
-[] Blue Zone Microgeneration Program (Phase 2) 54/120 2 dice 10 R 99%
-[] Kure Machine Works 78/280 3 dice 45 R 68% (High Priority)
LCI 4/4 55R +15
-[] Chemical Precursor Plants 100/200 1 dice 15 R 31%
-[] Personal Pharmaceuticals Plants 0/180 2 dice 30R 22% (High Priority)
-[] Johannesburg Personal Robotics Factory 0/250 1 die 15 R 0%
Agri 3/3 30R +15
-[] Perennial Aquaponics Bays (Phase 2) 123/350 3 dice 30 R ??%
Tiberium 5/5 125R +35
-[] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 1 die 20 R 0%
-[] Red Zone Containment Lines (Phase 3) 8/180 3 dice 75R 98% (6% for phase 4) (High Priority)
-[] Tiberium Inhibitor Development 0/60 1 die 30R 91%
Orbital 3/3 +1 free 70R +15 (5 Fusion dice)
-[] GDSS Enteprise (Phase 3) 183/385 3 dice 60 R 57%
-[] Orbital Cleanup (Phase 3) 43/90 1 dice 10 R 85%
Services 1/4 25R +30
-[] Vaccine Development Programs 59/150 1 die 25 R 55%
Military 5/5 +5 dice 130R +15
-[] Reclamator Fleet YZ-5a (Super MARV) 159/210 2 dice 40 R 99%
-[] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7N (Super MARV) 0/210 1 dice 20 R 0%
-[] Remote Weapons System Deployment Predator 0/240 3 dice 30R 30% (High Priority)
-[] Ablat Plating Deployment (Phase 3) 91/200 1 die 10 R 22% (Very High Priority)
-[] Titan Mark 3 Deployment 0/170 3 dice 30 R 76% (High Priority)
Bureau 3/3 +15
-[] Cooperative Focus 3 dice 97% for highest DC level
Free 6/6
5 mil, 1 orb
PS 55 -10
Alternate version of my plan for those that prefer 2 dice on reclamator fleet 5a
I'm pretty sure we'd do better to consolidate points on
either RWS-Predator or Ablatives, because if we can get two Deployments done we unlock some good Tiberium options next turn. Whereas we get nothing from having two projects half-finished.
Do not be such a doomsayer about the narrative text-the threat is not as huge as 'losing the entire project and all the progress we've put into it.' I am sure that NOD warlords would love to push us into the sea, but I doubt they have the actual capacity, especially if we invest a bit more. 80% odds aren't worth spending tens of billions of credits to ensure your worst nightmares don't come true.
That's an isolated garrison surrounded by Nod territory, with Nod being in a great position to, say, fire big ol' liquid tiberium tipped rockets into the favelas surrounding the base. And we have
no idea how many tens of thousands of Nod troops they can smuggle into striking distance of the base.
There is absolutely no assurance that the base can hold for three more months as it is now, without significant damage to either the Hub, the MARVs under construction, or both. At which point we're being penny wise, pound foolish, because we end up having to spend more dice later to rebuild whatever damage MARV inflicted on the base, possibly up to and including "burnt to the ground and killed thousands of refugees."
I see the one-die option as giving us an 80% chance of completing the project and a near-20% chance of losing all the resources sunk into the project to date for nothing and getting humiliated, with a slim single digit percent chance of the base managing to hold on without taking enough damage to force completing it next turn to cost a second die and leave us right back where we started.
I don't like that gamble.
1 die is 80% which is not relying on good luck to finish.
It's not relying on good luck, but it's definitely relying on
no bad luck. Given that this project leads to tiberium mitigation which means tiberium hates it, and given how our tiberium rolls have been...
I don't like that gamble one bit.