3 Dice MARV Plan
Infra 5/5 50R +15
-[] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 278/450 5 dice 50 R 99%
HI ?/5 45+ ??R +20
-[] Yellow Zone Power Grid Extension (Phase 3) 71/???
-[] Kure Machine Works 78/280 3 dice 45 R 68% (High Priority)
LCI 4/4 60R +15
-[] Chemical Precursor Plants 115/200 1 dice 15 R 46%
-[] Personal Pharmaceuticals Plants 0/180 2 dice 30R 22% (High Priority)
-[] Johannesburg Personal Robotics Factory 0/250 1 dice 15 R 0%
Agri 3/3 30R +15
-[] Yellow Zone Purification Facilities 0/320 3 dice 30 R 0%
Tiberium 5/5 75+??R +35
-[] Mecca Planed City? need to try and take advantage of the opportunity before NOD does
-[] Red Zone Containment Lines (Phase 3) 8/180 3 dice 75R 98% (6% Phase 4)
Orbital 3/3 +1 dice 70R +15 (5 Fusion dice)
-[] GDSS Enteprise (Phase 3) 183/385 3 dice 60 R 57%
-[] Orbital Cleanup (Phase 3) 43/90 1 dice 10 R 85%
Services 0/4 0R +30
(cheap projects to save resources for other categories elsewhere)
Military 5/5 +5 dice 90+ ???R +15
-[] Reclamator Fleet YZ-5a (Super MARV) 159/210 1 dice 20 R 95%
-[] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7N (Super MARV) 0/210 2 dice 40 R 7%
-[] Remote Weapons System Deployment Predator 0/240 3 dice 30R 30%
-[] Anti Missile Laser Deployment (should be a Steel Talon project) 0/??? ? dice ?? R ??% (want this 70%+)
If dice left- 10 R per dice high priority projects
Bureau 3/3 +15
-[] Cooperative Focus 3 dice 97% for highest DC level
Free 6/6
5 mil, 1 orbital
PS 55 -10
We have been told YZ power will have changes including increased resource per dice thanks to fusion finishing, there are also new projects popping up, changes to existing projects and the follow up to the Steel Talon laser that given the news of NOD activities is Very High Priority even if not marked as such
F You NOD and take some MARV fleets to the face because you are not getting anywhere near our operations now
Infra 5/5 50R +15
-[] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 278/450 5 dice 50 R 99%
HI ?/5 45+ ??R +20
-[] Yellow Zone Power Grid Extension (Phase 3) 71/???
-[] Kure Machine Works 78/280 3 dice 45 R 68% (High Priority)
LCI 4/4 60R +15
-[] Chemical Precursor Plants 115/200 1 dice 15 R 46%
-[] Personal Pharmaceuticals Plants 0/180 2 dice 30R 22% (High Priority)
-[] Johannesburg Personal Robotics Factory 0/250 1 dice 15 R 0%
Agri 3/3 30R +15
-[] Yellow Zone Purification Facilities 0/320 3 dice 30 R 0%
Tiberium 5/5 75+??R +35
-[] Mecca Planed City? need to try and take advantage of the opportunity before NOD does
-[] Red Zone Containment Lines (Phase 3) 8/180 2 dice 50R 63%
Orbital 3/3 50R +15 (5 Fusion dice)
-[] GDSS Enteprise (Phase 3) 183/385 2 dice 40 R 10%
-[] Orbital Cleanup (Phase 3) 43/90 1 dice 10 R 85%
Services 0/4 0R +30
(cheap projects to save resources for other categories elsewhere)
Military 5/5 +6 dice 130+ ???R +15
-[] Reclamator Fleet YZ-5a (Super MARV) 159/210 2 dice 40 R 99%
-[] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7N (Super MARV) 0/210 2 dice 40 R 7%
-[] Reclamator Hub Yellow Zone 5b 20/105 1 die 20R 46%
-[] Remote Weapons System Deployment Predator 0/240 3 dice 30R 30%6
-[] Anti Missile Laser Deployment (should be a Steel Talon project) 0/??? ? dice ?? R ??% (want this 70%+)
If dice left- 10 R per dice high priority projects
Bureau 3/3 +15
-[] Cooperative Focus 3 dice 97% for highest DC level
PS 55 -10
2 dice on 5a which is going to rollover, 1 dice on 5b hub to try and catch that rollover and further deny NOD recruits and further secure SA as well as build up more mit, 2 dice on 7N to make that finishes no later than Q3 and avoid the problems we are having in 5a by our minimum funding choices there because NOD is going to try and hit NA north before that fleet is in place. Once again the Steel Talon AM Laser is the highest priority missile project for me. Super MARVs are the best defensive option we have as the GDI, they in effect deny areas for NOD operations. They also increase our income allowing us to pursue more expensive options and provide mitigation to try and turn our currently losing war vs tiberium. This 2nd plan is very much a doubling down on defending existing operations (and thus free up some of the forces defending those operations for use elsewhere) while also working on mitigation to try and stop the constant losses in the war vs tiberium.
On Super MARVs from the QM- I have bolded the part of how important Super MARVs (not normal MARVs those should not be built as they do not have the same armor and firepower of a Super MARV)
From the RZ Hub section
While separated by thousands of kilometers, the two Hubs will serve to protect GDI operations across the middle of America. Much like the Evanston Hub, it is not in an optimal position for a MARV hub. And like the Evanston Hub, it is a decision dictated by the other investments that GDI has made in the North American Red Zones. Protecting those, especially in light of the ever improving Brotherhood of NOD, is the highest priority and something where MARV fleets are one of the best weapons in the Initiative arsenal for the job. While not capable of threatening NOD on the offensive, MARVs can make it unacceptably expensive to attempt to drive these harvesting operations into the nearest body of water.
On why I think the AM Laser is Very High Priority even if it is not marked that way:
From the ablat deployment section here is how NOD is responding to our counter
most notably the mass use of Tiberium cored missile systems, with multiple warlords, including both Gideon and Stahl, loading at least two missiles onto each of their laser armed Scorpions. This refit offers the staple NOD war machine a significant first strike capability, capable of stripping off much of the ablative armor at a minimum and if they're lucky, outright mission-killing an entire Predator tank.
From the AM laser section
However, the development has not proven to be as effective as the Steel Talons desired. While plausibly effective, the system is too large and power intensive to replace the railgun arrays on a standard Mark 3 Wolverine. The system has not been abandoned though, with the Talons moving towards a dedicated antimissile schematics instead. While not all the programming kinks have been worked out, as an antimissile system, it has had a significant impact in testing, shooting down streams of missiles with abandon, although struggling against massed salvoes. In initial testing, it could reliably shoot down two missiles from differing angles, a third and fourth simultaneous launch depending on location. Though unable to even reliably intercept launches from five or more different approachesThe system can intercept up to twenty different missiles from a single approach- a simulacra of the alpha-strike pattern of the dreaded Stealth Tanks- with no more than two missiles leaking through. Typically this comes from very tightly bunched launches, where the laser completely overheats due to continuous fire. Though this will often use up the ablative layers, this is an unprecedented improvement over the standard scenario of the destruction of any given GDI vehicle with all souls inside lost.
NOD is using missiles in a major way to counter our ablative armor efforts. On the other hand we just developed an anti missile laser, a laser that we can refit onto Super MARVs, tanks and mechs. Something that is going to counter there new missile focus. Something that lets our Super MARVs continue to be highly effective area denials, something that is going to keep our current forces alive longer and thus keep experienced soldiers in the field with good gear.
Also depending on the effective range of the AM laser the Super MARV may be able to act as an AEGIS cruiser for some or all of the escorting forces