Is it possible to use personal attention on a action after it's already started? I don't particularly mind having the king destress, but I do want him to visit the Rus at some point during the 4 years.
On the diplomatic profile, we got nothing on the Rus. Hopefully, they are positively inclined will be moreso after the action takes place.
I wonder if we can hit them with favorable trade deals despite their lack of organisation. It's a form of diplomacy we can sorta do unilaterally by lowering our tarrifs and sourcing our own purchases from their settlements.
Any foreigner who ever visited a Ymaryn city always noted how clean it is, and yet despite the cleaniness, how "idle" the poor sweepers seemly are. However, their impression is misleading. As any administrative clerk knows, the lowly sweeper guild was able to keep everything clean because they are not always busy. When things are very busy, the street becomes dirty despite much effort. This is called slack capacity, and it is essential to have it for the busy times or for emergencies.

The sweeper guild illustrated the fact that the Urban Poor are the backbone of pre-industrial Ymaryn. They provided a ready source of labor for any public work projects, something that the urban poor are almost always eager to do since it benefits them, whether that's for a constructing additional housing, building new aqueducts, or building the public baths.

The Urban Poor are always on a look out for wage labors to supplement their income, with the bwyll ration empowering them to not take jobs that are undesirable. This is in contrast to the half exiles where abuses are ripe, and from which nobility scandals often transpire.

Some of the Urban Poor has made use of the bwyll ration to educate themselves, to learn how to read and write. As a result, they earned a little bit of status for themselves, with some becoming lawyers and clerks, writers and playwrights. The road upward is often extremely competitive and almost impossible to break into.

The biggest obstacle for advancement of the Urban Poor is that they cannot save the proceed of their labor. It is often inadvisable for an urban poor to save large amount of money lest they be robbed.They earned extra cash to spend on goods and services, to make life a little bit better, but their horizon does not extend beyond a few months, and they often spend all their money on each other to reinforce community bond. This is not suprising, given that the banking sector is preindustrial Ymaryn is undeveloped, due to the fact that the state provided most of the working capitals for the guilds and the economy.
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By the way, we were told that taking a Support Province action on Thunder Plateau would be a good idea IIRC, but were also begged by our Admin hero to wait until the Mass Levy finished demobilizing before we went about doing so.

Now that the demobilization is done (at least on our end of administration), should we see if we can spare an influence for that next turn?
Do half-exiles *not get the bwyll*, or do they *get the bwyll and also have to do unpleasant jobs*?

Everyone gets the bwyll. However, half-exile are Unfree labor even though they are paid.

By the way, we were told that taking a Support Province action on Thunder Plateau would be a good idea IIRC, but were also begged by our Admin hero to wait until the Mass Levy finished demobilizing before we went about doing so.

Now that the demobilization is done (at least on our end of administration), should we see if we can spare an influence for that next turn?

I thought we have to wait for administration to be established, not for the mass levy to be demob.
Canon called it the "Old Ymaryn Empire", seemingly as a proper name. Of course, this was post-collapse so revisionism isn't out of the question... but it's still a strange epithet if "Ymaryn Empire" hadn't been one of the recognized terms.

As such, my head-canon is that both are common enough for the average person to understand... probably as an import from foreigners who contextualized the Ymaryn against the Umean Empire.


Just finished reading through the vote, and it's a difficult choice.

On the one hand, Math Reform is our strongest reform stat/research-wise. At the same time, we can't fall into the same trap as the Old Ymaryn Empire, being obsessed with internal concerns to the exclusion of our neighbors. "Diplomacy Reform" is needed to become the diplomatic powerhouse of the Lightning Rounds and PoI, and there's a fairly strong argument that the Rus, in the next few years, are ideal for training up the pitiful 10% Build Ties.

First and most obviously, we've just done them a huge favor; they are quite pleased with us. Striking while the iron is hot would likely give best results.

There are both immediate-term and long-term concerns in establishing contact with the Rus:
  1. Long-term: diplo-annex the not!Ukraine natural boundaries
  2. Immediate-term: become a credible defender against Pulska, for protecting those same natural boundaries.

    We'll have much more credibility--and likely more capability--in deploying a War Mission/Banner Company, if we have diplomats on the ground telling them our intentions or just having access to them.

    (Mechanically, the Rus may come to us, much like Amber Road just did, so that we don't have to spend a casus belli action.)

    For that matter, diplomats on the ground give us a two-way channel: both for the Rus to tell us if war has erupted and maybe ask if we're interested, and for us to offer to help.

The circumstances themselves are great for training:
  1. The Rus are already positively-inclined toward us (as above)
  2. Despite that, they are split into multiple obvious factions, so our diplomats get training at deeper, multi-faction diplomacy
    1. As an "uninvolved" party--we essentially gave up our interests in the region, for free!--the Rus likely trust us to play the neutral role of arbitration, training us for precisely the canon Ymaryn role several hundred years early:

      " many places Ymaryn ambassadors found employment as they were considered more 'neutral' and 'trustworthy'. As such, they had access to all sorts of courts in Syffryn and the Khemetri..."
  3. Gets our diplomats more used to dealing with weak powers (hopefully, may open up more actions for them)
  4. The breadbasket conveniently has recently-abandoned farms, which the Rus may want to take over. We would have diplomats whom they can ask for support, or perhaps observe and comment that we're willing to offer support.
  5. Sacred Warding is on the minds of Western Wall rather than just an old normal; our diplomats are more likely to latch on this, offer tours, etc.
  6. The final hook: we suspect Pulska may attack sometime soon; this is a huge opening for diplomatic relations, from both ends.
Essentially, we have many possible hooks that are not available for Building Ties with any arbitrary nation (and so help in the process). Some of those hooks are likely time-limited.

Finally, we know that Western Wall will eventually become "angry", probably with the Rus (though not exactly when). It would be good to have strongly established relations before then, and to encourage long-term interaction to perhaps prevent the anger to begin with.

As for Math Reform itself... I was originally planning on waiting until after Calendar Reform, so as not to double-down on the upheaval chaos (don't know if there are narrative effects in that). Finishing the Calendar Reform would also give us 2 free Influence dice to use on Math Reform.

For these reasons, current vote goes to:

[X] Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding with Relaxation


I thought we have to wait for administration to be established, not for the mass levy to be demob.

Wait until the Mass Levy has ended pls.

To be sure, the intention of Support Subordinate was to "shore up support in the province", and our quick Sacred Warding seems to have done that even better...

..but, we can afford it, and it's a single-turn action. So, doing that in the next year or two would be more than reasonable (especially as we want to keep Treasury from hitting the cap). I think: Support Subordinate, followed by Repay Loan whenever our Treasury is 8+.
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I am not sure if we want to repay the treasury. It takes ten years for the cost of interest to catch up, by then we could have spent all our treasury on income generation action, such as Wagonway for Stonepen, which gives us 0.1 income plus a number of benefits.
Missed a mid-turn (and got distracted by omake idea just now): mainly actions finishing.


1623 Start Snapshot of frequently-changed stats (1622 Start)

Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 14 (Average)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 2 (Anemic)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 16 [Good])
Total Naval Score: 26

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Deployed to Amber Road
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Not Deployed

Treasury Status: 8/10
Income: +.8

Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status, Profitable actions add 1 to it. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.
Income adds itself to the Treasury Status every 5 years.

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Decently Loyal
Western Wall: Solid, for now
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Retaken, Transitioning to Civilian Control, Grateful

Client States:

Tin Tribes

Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 10/10 [C], 2/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 4/5 {B}

Melkut Ymaryn: 83

Additional Stats (1623 Start)
Prestige:: 83
Authority: 1
Influence: 3 [was 2 due to missed Western Wall integration; see edit below]
Estimated Stress (unknown start point): 14.7 (-0.1 projected)
Other Notables: None
Revaunchist Demands: Start Banner Company within 2 turns (+1/-1 Influence)

Num Profitable Markets: 3 (2 without Probable -Amber Road Opinion)
Num Semi-Profitable Markets [Estimated Treasury]: 4 [1.875]
(These estimates are probably out of date. see 1613 Start for latest updates)

Next Guild Income Within: 1624
Treasury: 7.5 (+0.8 mid-1625,1630,1635; +1.8 mid-1640,1645... ; +1 mid-1622,1624)
Loans Taken: 4
Unoccupied Banner Companies: Both
(-1.4 income on completion of Train Thunder Plateau Administrators)

Action [Investment]: Scheduled Investment Return Year (Estimated Return Year)
Demobilize [1 Authority]: 1623
Touch The Cow, Thunder Plateau [1 Authority]: 1624 (1624)
Determine Internal Factions, Pamplona [1 Influence]: 1623
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective [1 Influence]: 1625 (1626)
Calendar Reform [1 Influence]: 1625 (1626)

Revaunchists ("Peacock") Weakenings: 5 + (1 "gravely") + (1 Rus)? - 1
  1. Tin Tribes Independence
  2. White Peace with Hellas
  3. Amber Road Independence
  4. Refrain from conquering Stymyr to mountains
  5. Strengthening: Blame Western Wall
  6. "Gravely weakened": Khemetri Concession
  7. Leave the Highlanders

Not sure: Rus independence?

3 weakenings likely reduces "antsy": no more half-measures -> reduced half-measure roll weights

Sacred Warding Notes: Can provide to three polities (Source) [Currently 1/3] (2 projected)

All dates are tentative estimates; they can change in response to circumstances (e.g. failures, crits). +/-1 in [year] means that an extra +/-1 will be available for us during Turn [year]. I believe that income is added during the Initial Results part of a year, though the exact ordering within that stage is unclear.


@Aranfan: I think we should have 7.5 Treasury due to the last year's demobilization action. Also, there is a third Influence dice I couldn't account for: starting with 1 Influence last turn, I think we only received one back from Determine Internal Factions, Pamplona.


Edit: extra +Influence from Western Wall integration that hadn't been accounted for in the previous turn. Previous and current snapshots edited to track this. No retcon, so no other change.
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Those 100 year loans work out to less than 1.6% p.a. Keep 'em going!

If there's a treasury cap in sight then support province, build navy, or megaproject are always available and better than repaying early. Giving out loans on those terms isn't worth it in terms of profits but it's a lever in international politics and keeps the silver circulating.
During times of sparse action economy (like now), repaying loans is an action-efficient way to "drain" Treasury for +0.1 income, being guaranteed and taking one turn. And, incidentally, saves us around 0.8-0.9 Treasury in the long-term for future megaprojects.

It's not worth it usually, but once we get 8+ Treasury it prevents us from hitting the cap. Support Province should probably be tried first, since it's nearly identical (except for 85% success) and there are 1-2 provinces that need it, but not sure it makes narrative sense to spam.

Edit: Offer Loan is promising but has Narrative%.
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Canon called it the "Old Ymaryn Empire", seemingly as a proper name. Of course, this was post-collapse so revisionism isn't out of the question... but it's still a strange epithet if "Ymaryn Empire" hadn't been one of the recognized terms.

As such, my head-canon is that both are common enough for the average person to understand... probably as an import from foreigners who contextualized the Ymaryn against the Umean Empire.

Just use the Old Kingdom and New Kingdom as periodization. Outsiders can still call it Old Ymaryn Empire and New Ymaryn Empire, respectively. However, an outsider's point of view might concluded that the Kingdom never fell, so it's all "The Ymaryn Empire" to them.
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I'm saying that the insider called it the "Old Ymaryn Empire", which doesn't quite make sense as an epithet unless it used to be the "Ymaryn Empire".

But, it's straightforward to resolve if it's not the official name, but rather an import from traders.
I'm saying that the insider called it the "Old Ymaryn Empire", which doesn't quite make sense as an epithet unless it used to be the "Ymaryn Empire".

But, it's straightforward to resolve if it's not the official name, but rather an import from traders.

I thought that was more of a player thing than something the Ymaryn would do. They have an aversion to grandeur names.