I wonder if we could do something about finding our own Canal, given Khem is building one...

[X] Plan Ye Olde River
-[X] Authority & Influence & Influence & Influence: Survey Core: The Core has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Relax with Family (-Stress)

:D :p
I wonder if we could do something about finding our own Canal, given Khem is building one...

[X] Plan Ye Olde River
-[X] Authority & Influence & Influence & Influence: Survey Core: The Core has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Relax with Family (-Stress)

:D :p

Why would we recognize it as a canal? It look like a river that's been straightened and dredged over millennia.
Congratulations. You have found a button.

How did button pushing work out in PoC again?

I would not actually see the above combination as unbalanced, certainly not if done once - it is just a combination that makes sense and synergies well. Were it repeated time after time, after time, on the other hand, I would expect some negative consequences.
[X] Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding with Relaxation
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I feel like the narrative effect of our king personally working to reassure the Rus is worth more than lowering his stress. It doesn't add extra stress like working overtime does, so it's more of a return to normal work.
I feel like the narrative effect of our king personally working to reassure the Rus is worth more than lowering his stress. It doesn't add extra stress like working overtime does, so it's more of a return to normal work.
The king's stress increases every turn, it's just that overwork increases it more. Every turn we don't de-stress is a turn where the king's stress increases. If you choose to keep your action the death saves won't disappear, they'll get harder, they just won't get harder as quickly as if we overworked.
I feel like the narrative effect of our king personally working to reassure the Rus is worth more than lowering his stress. It doesn't add extra stress like working overtime does, so it's more of a return to normal work.

Stress is culumlative and our king is getting into advanced age. I think 60s to 70s. We may lose the king next year regardless.
We absolutely shouldn't tie up an Authority for 4 years right now

[X] Plan Oshha

10% of success is pretty damn low. Only doable with an authority. Reform takes 3 years to implement with an authority or two influence.

Thus, it's better that we do it now before the Pulska invaded and we lost any chance of casus beli for intervention on behalf of the Rus.
Do we have room for losing an influence and not hurting math reform?
Ether way math reform is posible next turn with multiple influence.
There is no guarantee that we will be able to do Math Reform without overworking next turn. If the Khem internal factions only takes one turn and we don't lose any to the Peacocks, we will have two Influence available next turn with the diplo plan.

Using the Authority this turn means waiting to do the Math Reform for at least a couple more turns.
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Just so everyone is aware, Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding has a good chance of killing our king and delays our ability to do the Math Reform by at least two years and possibly longer. We could easily end up killing our king of stress and it makes the Math Reform untenable for the near future without overworking or getting very lucky.

Thus, it's better that we do it now before the Pulska invaded and we lost any chance of casus beli for intervention on behalf of the Rus.
We'll still have the Heaven's Hawks and in another turn, the Iron Flowers as well. We can easily send those to aid the Rus for free against the Pulska as a free action. Using the Tin Tribes and Hellas as an example, we didn't need to complete the Reassure the Tin Tribes action before we can could send the Banner Companies on our coin to aid them.
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[X] Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding with Relaxation
-[X] Authority: Build Ties: Common Ground can be found anywhere, since people are always people. Simply by dealing forthrightly with people, and addressing their concerns in an honest manner or telling them why you can't, you can improve their opinion of you. (10%, 4 years, +1 Opinion)
--[X] Rus
-[X] Influence: Deepen Alliance: Having built the foundations of a strong relationship with another polity, see about deepening the ties that bind you. (80%. 2 Years. +1 Alliance Level, -Opinion = new Alliance Level, cannot be used if this would take their opinion below 5)
--[X] Amber Road
-[X] Influence: Survey Core: The Core has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use there. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Influence: Touch The Cow, Do It Now, Western Wall: The Sacred Warding in Western Wall collapsed when the Divine Weapon took the sacred herds to add to his own and those of his followers. Restore it. (70%, 3 years, +Western Wall Loyalty)
-[X] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)

I do not want to endanger our king, thus this variation of plan Diplomacy and rebuilding with destressing.
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[X] Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding with Relaxation
[X] Plan Oshha

Switching plan as the planmaker is unconcerned.
Just so everyone is aware, Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding has a good chance of killing our king and delays our ability to do the Math Reform by at least two years and possibly longer. We could easily end up killing our king of stress and it makes the Math Reform untenable for the near future without overworking or getting very lucky.

We'll still have the Heaven's Hawks and in another turn, the Iron Flowers as well. We can easily send those to aid the Rus for free against the Pulska as a free action. Using the Tin Tribes and Hellas as an example, we didn't need to complete the Reassure the Tin Tribes action before we can could send the Banner Companies on our coin to aid them.

The TIn Tribe was an established polity.

Meanwhile, our relation with the Rus is unclear at the moment.