[X] If they aren't attacking there is no point spending lives to dig them out. (Peahens strengthened)

Hens lay eggs. Cocks just get in fights. One goes in the soup pot. The other lives a long productive life.
Beyond wanting to weaken the revanchists, it just isn't militarily practical to continue the offensive. If was Hellas I might consider going to the extra blow because it would just be a case of smashing them further, but with the Highlanders, they are too fortified. The cost of life required to make headway would just be far too high to be worthwhile.

Hmmm. I think we have enough of an edge that we could crack the HK practically. Pull a Napoleon and completely overrun their fortresses. If their strongholds are lost in a sea of Ymaryn troops holding their roads and farmland they become pretty much worthless, since no stronghold can tie up enough troops to stop the Ymaryn army from moving on to the next objective. Those fortresses we absolutely have to smash through (those that control vital roads for example) we can through sheer weight of bombards. Do it right and it doesn't have to be terribly bloody for the Ymaryns. What it would be is expensive though. And it would feed the peacocks.

And since I have a gut feeling that the HK will have valid bones to pick with the Ymaryns, and I don't want to kill hundreds of thousands of our oldest neighbour's people just to slake our own rage with the HK's rulers, I'd much rather resolve things with the HK through diplomacy. But I do think that their little Switzerland could be cracked by the Ymaryn army if we were willing to meet the cost in gold.

[x] If they aren't attacking there is no point spending lives to dig them out. (Peahens strengthened)

If they still had their head poked out of their shell then a diplomat backed by a hundred thousand bods might actually manage to talk to someone important but crawling in after them is a job for some other time.

Maybe we can find an intermediary. There must be someone they talk to or else how would they know that attacking right then would be so vexing? What was their religion last time we had any contact at all? Maybe we can find a priest to be ambassador.

Not sure what might be going on with the WW traitors. @Aranfan is our spy network picking up any hints?
[X] If they aren't attacking there is no point spending lives to dig them out. (Peahens strengthened)

This would also be a good opportunity/excuse to send a diplomat to the Highlanders. With interests in flux, they're more likely to accept.


Concerning Sacred Warding: we might not even be able to start it until the Thunder Plateau bureaucracy is reestablished, so keep that possibility in mind when planning.

Looting absolutely destabilize them as it destroy the rapports between the looting armies and the settlements that sustain them.
I'll give you that if the settlements deeper in Western Wall hear of the friendly looting, it would lead to increased internal instability (otherwise, it's just the settlements that we're about to retake anyway).

I wonder if the Western Wall is about to have a desertion problem.
Probably to Definitely. We already know the commoner armies don't have the defenders morale, due to our good treatment of the other provinces. Once the Thunder Plateau army comes marching in, I expect them to not really contest it.
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[X] If they aren't attacking there is no point spending lives to dig them out. (Peahens strengthened)

So, if memory serves, the only "true" (since Amber Road isn't really counted for the purposes of reclamation) are of the OYE left to reclaim is Western Wall. the same Western Wall that is imploding trying to keep up with our levies it seems. But, even after reunification occurs we'll still have plenty of issues.

Khem is probably the biggest one, in that they'll constantly be trying to fuck with us in order to keep King of the Hill (which if we're being honest is not at all a sustainable situation for either of us). To that end, we should do a massive naval build up in the name of "fighting piracy". When the Khem next come knocking, we can make a show of strength with our ships (which is far less costly than with equivalent armies) to make war sufficiently unprofitable that they stop trying to fuck around.
The Western Wall theatre has been pretty even so far which suggests that our armies already there pretty much occupy their armies' attention. So the contingent from Thunder Plateau should be able to march right past the current combat zones and straight for strategic locations.

1 year to get enough victories to get them talking then 1 more year to finish things by tongue or sword.

Things to do
A. Not waiting on WW
  • Re-establish administration in TP is presumably subsumed in the ongoing train administrators action but if not.
  • Aid province: TP - place is a mess
  • Re-survey province: TP - place is huge, records were lost, there's been erosion - odds are good
  • Spy network: Hellas League - fuckers keep invading, no causus belli, no declaration, it's become a running sore and we need to know what's what before we can fix it.
  • Sacred Warding TP
B. Waiting on WW
  • Demobilise
  • Re-establish admin: WW
  • Re-survey: WW
  • Warding: WW
  • Diplomacy: Pulska - now a neighbour
We shouldn't need an aid WW action. They didn't forget how to farm at least.
I'm not sure about some of the assumptions you are making. Like... Do we have that many options to improve relations with Khem?

No, we do not. That plan had to make significant assumptions about our future diplomatic capabilities (as the Ymaryn become "less bad" at it).

Addendum: a similar plan we can carry out does involve a unilateral tariff reduction, which can't be said to lead to a customs union except if the Khem respond positively. Actually, the 2x strength favor was a big part of the plan, so it can't be called similar
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Edit: this is largely invalidated by below. We have a buffer until 1623, I think.

Aiding Thunder Plateau brings us down to 4.3 Treasury, and the -1.4 income tick (assuming we haven't taken Western Wall by 1620) brings us down to 2.9 Treasury, which means we must demobilize in 1621 at latest, with a 0.9 Treasury buffer:

Projected Treasury
1619: 3.3 (-1 Treasury for Support Thunder Plateau, -1 for Mass Levy)
1620: 1.9 (-1.4 income, net 0 for Mass Levy)
1621: 0.9 (-1 for Mass Levy)

(Demobilization needs 1 Treasury, of which at least a 0.5 Treasury buffer is needed; and more demobilization follow-ups may be needed.)


@Aranfan: front-page income is still at +0.3 (unless this is intentional)
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Makes sense. They don't have an economy as strong and steady as ours. They can only afford to pay for so long and we knew going in that we could outlast them in terms of money and manpower.
...I am actually curious. Us forming city levy only eats funds to form. So that us either they need to bring up replacement levy's far too often, or/and their wealth level is low enough that the levy upkeep costs does not fall under abstraction... 🤔