[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
-[X] Influence: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
--[X] Pamplona
-[X] Influence: Negotiate Trade Deal: In the cutthroat world of commerce it is said that for one to benefit another must lose. Even so, it might be worthwhile to formalize trade deals with various powers. (85%. 1 Year. -.1 Income and +1 Opinion, pay 1 prestige to give a favorable deal to a less prestigious state, may be taken multiple times with different targets, possible opinion effects on third parties)
--[X] Styrmyr
-[X] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)

I'm sticking with my original plan and hoping it works. Attempt to peace out Hellas with an Authority and Personal to reduce how many fronts we are fighting on while taking out a loan to increase our money and reduce our income. Finally, doing an unfavourable trade deal with Styrmyr to lower our prestige and to further efforts to secure our borders by improving our relations with our wayward cousins and neighbour Styrmyr. Hopefully this will buy us another turn before we pass the prestige of the Khem.

Edit: After the QM's warning, I have decided to put our personal on reducing stress over getting a better peace deal with Hellas.
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[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
-[X] Influence: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
--[X] Pamplona
-[X] Influence: Negotiate Trade Deal: In the cutthroat world of commerce it is said that for one to benefit another must lose. Even so, it might be worthwhile to formalize trade deals with various powers. (85%. 1 Year. -.1 Income and +1 Opinion, pay 1 prestige to give a favorable deal to a less prestigious state, may be taken multiple times with different targets, possible opinion effects on third parties)
--[X] Styrmyr
-[X] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)

I'm sticking with my original plan and hoping it works. Attempt to peace out Hellas with an Authority and Personal to reduce how many fronts we are fighting on while taking out a loan to increase our money and reduce our income. Finally, doing an unfavourable trade deal with Styrmyr to lower our prestige and to further efforts to secure our borders by improving our relations with our wayward cousins and neighbour Styrmyr. Hopefully this will buy us another turn before we pass the prestige of the Khem.

Edit: After the QM's warning, I have decided to put our personal on reducing stress over getting a better peace deal with Hellas.

Why not do a trade deal with Pamplona as well?

And I agree that peace deal with the BS would be premature.
Why not do a trade deal with Pamplona as well?
We need money from taking out a loan. I want to raise our Treasury either this year or next year and since we can afford to do so now, I want to improve our finances now since we might not be able to do so next turn as we may be too busy with other things.
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[x] Plan Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick
-[x] Authority: Shift Deployment: The Mass Levy is large and unwieldy. Changing circumstances require a shift in deployment patterns. (80%, 1 year, Deployment shifted, malus to war rolls if failed)
--[x] 120,000 troops from Thunder Plateau campaign
---[x] 30,000 to Western Wall
---[x] 30,000 to face Hellas
---[x] 30,000 to face Highlanders
---[x] 30,000 into reserve
-[x] Influence: Seek Loan: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
--[x] Abyss
-[x] Influence: Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)
-[x] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
---[x] Press for Peace, Hellas: You need to do something to get the Hellas off your back. Find out what you would need to do to get them to back off. (Narrative%, 1 year)

The sooner the Thunder Plateau rebellion goes hot and we can take back some influence from the sleeper cells the better!
One thing I would like to suggest for after the war

An official shipwright's guild. Our ship building has been a nation critical issue and we have had constant setbacks due to spies. I would love to solve both by centralizing our shipbuilding into a guild that we can more easily secure vs spies and increase our ability to produce ships on time.

Basically an admin action to up add +10-20 to our odds of finishing a shipbuilding action.
We need money from taking out a loan. I want to raise our Treasury either this year or next year and since we can afford to do so now, I want to improve our finances now since we might not be able to do so next turn as we may be too busy with other things.
I was not precise enough, I mean why not do both, loan and trade deal with Pamplona?
That should tie them tighter to us, and they are already our best ally in the region.
I was not precise enough, I mean why not do both, loan and trade deal with Pamplona?
That should tie them tighter to us, and they are already our best ally in the region.
Well for one, I want to improve relations with Styrmyr to try and get on good terms before they rival us. Beyond that, my plans for improving Pamplona relations is giving them the Sacred Warding once the current war and the potential future war with the Khem is all over.
[X] Plan Oshha

A reasonable way to control our Prestige (and keep Styrmyr from temptation; I might have preferred Vynta for the potential anti-Khemetri synergy, but appeasing Styrmyr is also a decent idea) while we take the time to amass Treasury.

This plan leaves us with a predicted 65 Prestige (4 butter until we reach Khemetri at 69), less any we lose from capitulation with Hellas, and more any significant victories we might chance upon. More loans (+Treasury, -Prestige) should be pending in the next few turns, once the Probable -Influence cost is done away with.
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Urban Land Use Policies in Pre-Industrial Ymaryn
Urban Land Use Policies in Pre-Industrial Ymaryn

Unlike rural land usage, which changes slowly, land uses in urban area are more dynamic, due to the more rapid social changes as well as the Ymaryn habit of constant reconstruction and remodeling, much to consternation of archaeologists and historians. It is said that a city renewed itself once every generation.

It is a myth that the cities tear itself down and rebuild anew block by block. Instead, changes are much more iterative, based on its current occupants user experience. Building are then modified, added, tweaked, and so forth. Major repairs are carried out. Only rarely are buildings completely torn down.

The cities are the landlords and the cities charge rent, akin to assessment on the value of lands. They or the Kingdom grant charters which grant certain part of the city for the guild's usage. It is expected that each storefront or building will be used to the fullest. Otherwise, unused lands are confiscated to house the city's poor. The boundaries of the guilds changes over time as they evolved over time, growing or dying.

Though some guilds are necessarily distributed, such as the Restaurant Guilds.

Some deviation from the ideal policy occur, one that could be classified as corruption, or in some case 'much' needed subsidies for the growth of a guild. It is often difficult to tell between which.

Much of the city will be dedicated to public housing, parks, and other facilities, either directly subsidized by the city/kingdom. These are often charged in accordance to a tenant's ability to pay. Sometime, 'rent' may merely may consists of dedication to keeping up the maintenance of buildings and the surrounding parks.

The coalition of the urban poor are often able to keep abusive land use practice in check, and thus were able to ensure that housing are available for everyone.

Building themselves are multiuse function as much as possible. Retail and workshops are always at the first floor, as well kitchens and living areas, while higher levels are reserved for bedroom and such. The elderly and the infirm are sometime able to live on the first floor.

The street are kept throughly clean; few animals are allowed within the cities except in special designated area. Gutters are so clean that koi fishes and eels often swim in them, eating mosquito eggs and other pests.
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Why is prestige a doomsday block for us now?

We were basically told by the QM that as soon as we equal or overtake Khemetry in prestige (69, we are at 66), they will give us an ultimatum with very uncomfortable conditions or will attack us.
Since we are in a four front war currently, taking on a Great Power in addition to that would probably lead to another Collapse.
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We were basically told by the QM that as soon as we equal or overtake Khemetry in prestige (69, we are at 66), they will give us an ultimatum with very uncomfortable conditions or will attack us.
Since we are in a four front war currently, taking on a Great Power in addition to that would probably lead to another Collapse.
*starts digging for rulwyna corpse*