[X] Plan PS and finally having houses
Infra 6/6 + 3 Free dice 120 R +4
-[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1) 65/400 6 dice 90 R
-[X] Blue Zone Residential Construction (Phase 2) Progress 31/200 3 Free dice 30R
HI 3/3 45 R +4
-[X] Helsinki C-35 Factories Progress 0/150 3 dice 45R
LC Ind 0/3 0 R +4
Agri 0/3 0 R +4
Tiberium 6/6 90 R +24
-[X]Blue Zone Perimeter Fencing (Phase 1) Progress 0/400 6 dice 90R
Orb 0/3 0 R +2
Services 3/3 + 2 Free dice 25 R +19
-[X] Primary Schooling 0/300 3 dice + 2 Free dice 25 R
Military 3/3 30 R -1
-[X] Zone Suit Factories
-[X] Helsinki (Progress 0/75 2 dice 30R
Bureau 3/3 + 1 Military dice 0 R +4
-[X] Security Reviews: Military 3 Bureau dice + 1 Military

total cost is 310R

This plan should get us out of housing negatives with residential reconstruction and will likely finish the first phase of yellow zone reconstruction and primary schooling. Tib fencing doesn't overstretch military while taking advantage of dice bonuses. C-35 is there for easy PS. Finally Zone suits gets 1st factory online and does minimum to keep military happy.

EDIT: yellow zone reconstruction isn't likely and is just under 50% to complete. Blue zone residential reconstruction seemed like a better idea than monuments, as working on those while there is a housing shortage seemed like a bad move
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[X] Spread production
Infra 6/6 80 R +4
-[X] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1) 65/400 4 dice 60 R
-[X] Monument Restoration Program 0/100 2 dice 20 R
HI 0/3 0 R +4 30R
LC Ind 0/3 0 R +4
- [X] Manchester Silicon Chip Fabrication 0/150 2 dice 30R
Agri 0/3 0 R +4
Tiberium 5/6 95 R +24
-[X] Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 2) 2/150 3 dice 75 R
-[X] Experimental Tiberium Treatment Labs 0/100 1 dice 10 R
Orb 0/3 0 R +2
Services 3/3+1 free 20 R +19
-[X] Primary Schooling 0/300 4 dice 20 R
Military 3/3 +3 free 85R -1
-[X] ASAT Defense System (Phase 1) 4/50 1 dice 10 R
-[X] Zone Suit Factories (Newark) 0/75 1 dice 15 R
-[X] Zone Suit Factories (Glasgow) 0/75 1 dice 15 R
-[X] Zone Suit Factories (Christchurch) 0/75 1 dice 15 R
-[X] Zone Suit Factories (Oslo) 0/75 1 dice 15 R
-[X] Apollo Fighter Factories Reykjavik 0/70 1 dice 15R
Bureau 3/3 +1 free 0 R +4
-[X] Forgotten Band Outreach 4 dice ?? DC
Free 5/5


This plan spreads resources around at the risk of not completing anything but if rolls are good a lot can be completed in a turn or next turn with a dice on the ones that do not complete.
4 Zone Suit factories with a 24% to complete each will mean on average we get one done and won't have a lot of wasted progress on high rolls.
The Appollo factory is another chance of improving our military this turn that can be completed in the next if needed.
Red Zone harvesting will provide 10-20 Resources allowing one more dice and glacier mining that provides 40-60 Resources next turn giving enough resources we can start working on a space station.

[X] Plan Zone Suits, Resources and Reconstruction
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Probably not going to win this turn due to voting momentum, but I think I'll do something similar next turn for Military.
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[X] Plan PS and finally having houses

Because despite its title it doesn't give NOD a potential PR coup by spending resources on renovating monuments while housing in the Yellow Zone is incomplete, and therefore giving NOD a hell of a recruitment boost in the Yellow Zone by showing it's more concerned about past glories than the welfare of those in the Yellow Zone. That makes it a lot better than many of the other plans on offer.

Out of curiosity, how much of GDI's GNP goes to the Military itself? For maintenance, recruitment, wages/supplies, etc.?
Probably something like 15-20 percent, but I have really shoved that under "Other Government Affairs" and am mostly not thinking about it too hard. In concrete terms, everything else GDI spends is about 375 resources all told, between welfare programs, upkeep, military spending, etc.
Testing something real quick.

Tiberium Dept Meme From A Few Turns Ago

Okay, so I can directly insert the meme as a link but not as an image. : (

Right click the image and select "View Image" or "Copy Image Location" to get the image's URL. (Might differ depending on your browser.)

Also, consider making memes yourself using paint or a free image program like paint.net, then upload it to somewhere imgur. (Or even Discord, as some people do.)
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Right click the image and select "View Image" or "Copy Image Location" to get the image's URL. (Might differ depending on your browser.)

Also, consider making memes yourself using paint or a free image program like paint.net, then upload it to somewhere imgur. (Or even Discord, as some people do.)
I have tried posting from imgur or Discord. imgur is an absolute nightmare and I refuse to upload to it on principle, and Discord doesn't work. However, I have just discovered that Google Drive DOES work and isn't an absolute nightmare, so yay!