Q3 2050
New Bonus: Settled In: As the new boss settles into the role that he has been assigned, systems of prioritization, lines of communication, and workflow have all improved. (+2 bonus to all dice, maximum of +8)
Resources: 155 + 45 in reserve
Political Support: 40
Free Dice: 2
Tiberium Spread
Blue: 16.73
Yellow: 33.22 (1 point of mitigation)
Red: 50.15 (1 point of mitigation)
Current Economic Issues:
Housing: Critical Shortages (------)
Energy: Severe Shortages (-----)
Logistics: Significant shortages (---)
Food: Production insufficient, distribution critically insufficient. (--)
Health: Some areas overserviced, other areas critically underserviced, overall shortages (--)
Labor: Practically unlimited
Infrastructure (4 dice)
[ ] Blue Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1)
While there are many core priorities, the Third Tiberium War and the Scrin have caused heavy damage to the Blue Zones. Currently the population is suffering from a lack of housing and infrastructure. By constructing housing blocks and restoring water and power networks, GDI can alleviate the worst of the suffering and rebuild confidence in this Administration. This first phase will consist of reconstruction of roads, metros, and light rail systems. Until these vital areas are rebuilt, we will be unable to move enough manpower or resources to construct or repair housing units. (progress 145/400: 10 Resources per die) (-Labor, ++ Housing, + Health, + Logistics)
[ ] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1)
Although heavily ravaged by Tiberium, the Yellow Zones are home to some of the largest proportions of the world population, and are also the main recruitment grounds for NOD forces. By building new housing blocks near remaining Blue Zones, and establishing sonic barriers, the worst of the Tiberium encroachment can be prevented. The new construction will also have significant health benefits, as improved shelter and reduced Tiberium exposure will reduce the pressure on available critical care units. (Progress 0/600: 15 Resources per die) (-- Labor, +++ Housing, ++ Health)
[ ] Rail Link Reconstruction (Phase 1)
Heavy combat & reconcentration of resources and manpower away from the rail linkages that connected Blue Zones to each other saw these facilities heavily damaged through destruction or simple neglect during the Third Tiberium War. Reconnection of these facilities to each other will be a significant step in the process of reconstruction. (Progress 100/350: 20 Resources per die) (+++ Logistics)
Heavy Industry (3 dice)
[ ] Aggregate Plants
While much of our light and heavy industrial output has at least some tangible involvement with Tiberium, one that does not require the mineral is aggregate, a mix of gravel and sand widely used in construction. By establishing networks of aggregate plants, reconstruction efforts can be drastically increased. (Progress 0/200: 10 Resources per die) (reduces infrastructure costs) (-- Labour)
[ ] Blue Zone Power Grid Reconstruction (Phase 1)
While few operations are as power intensive as GDI's operational bases, the destruction of much of the world's electrical power network has left many without the ability to cook food, heat their homes, or engage in the Initiative's E-Government systems. Restoration of power to the civilian sector will see a return to normality, and hopefully start the return to pre-war production.
Further, there are many power plants without connection to sources of demand, leaving them shut down. (Progress 0/200: 5 Resources per die) (- Labor, +++ Energy)
[ ] Fission Turbine Plants
GDI has relied on small scale nuclear power plants for decades. Originally based on Soviet VVER designs combined with western style large cooling towers, modern GDI power plants use a compact molten salt reactor. While the large cooling tower has been kept, it is primarily a backup option. Standard GDI construction allows for the installation of a pair of secondary precooling turbines to increase power output, however these are not universal. Building additional plants to produce these turbines as a unit will increase power output substantially. (Progress 38/100: 5 resources per die) (- Labor, + Energy) (Increases impact of Blue Zone Power Grid Reconstruction)
[ ] Manchester Silicon Chip Fabrication
A silicon chip is one of the most critical pieces of technology across GDI's entire system. Computer systems reliant on these appear in everything from recreation, to heavy manufacturing, to nearly every piece of military equipment more advanced than the GD2, and even the GD2 requires a small number of these for its peripherals. The war sharply constricted chip fabrication, with most extant systems either falling to NOD control or being destroyed. By setting up new facilities in secure blue zones, GDI can begin filling vital supply chains again. (Progress 0/150: 15 resources per die) (- Labor, + Capital Goods, +++ Consumer Goods, ++ Logistics, + Health)
Light and Chemical Industry (3 dice)
[ ] Prefabricated Shelter Plants
While constructing larger housing systems is obviously preferable, in times of urgent need, single person and single family prefabricated shelters can be erected significantly faster. By constructing plants in secure Blue Zones, the process of new and reconstructed settlements can be done both faster and more cheaply. (Progress 86/100: 10 Resources per die) (+ Health, + Housing)
[ ] Personal Water Purification Units
While large scale water purification is far more efficient, many people are currently too dispersed or isolated to bring water to in a reasonable manner. By building small scale hybrid sonic/graphene purification units, people can be guaranteed a steady supply of fresh water. While distribution will take further efforts, there is sufficient warehouse space to begin producing these now. (Progress 0/150: 10 resources per die) (++ Health)
[ ] Solar Tarp Systems
By combining nanoscale solar panels, and reinforced polymer tarps, electricity can be provided in small, portable packages. While insufficient to provide even a tithe of operational power for GDI structures, they can be used to begin spreading power where civil and military grids are currently unable to reach. (Progress 91/150: 10 resources per die) (+ Energy)
[ ] Lithium Battery Plants
One of the key elements that allows for railguns, Lithium Ion batteries provide a stable source of charge for the capacitors to a railgun. While first practically built shortly after Tiberium fell to earth, the Lithium Ion battery has seen sequential upgrades, most notably a switch to using a saline solution for the electrolyte. This has significantly reduced the risk of fires, making it practical as a hybrid electric drive train solution in many military and transport roles. By increasing production of these batteries, it will both make many military developments cheaper, and increase logistical capability (Progress 0/200: 10 resources per die)(+ Logistics) (makes military developments cheaper)
[ ] High Energy Capacitor Plants
A capacitor is much like a battery, in that it is designed to store electrical energy. However, unlike a battery, it is intended to release all of its energy in a single spike. While capacitors find many purposes in the civilian power grid to ensure a steady supply of power, or as a means of jump starting systems into motion, in a military sense they have more of a role in weapons. In GDI's case, that typically means a railgun, ranging from the small caliber weapons like the GLS-70, to the far larger rounds fired by naval railguns. (Progress 0/100: 15 resources per die) (makes military developments cheaper)
Agriculture (3 dice)
[ ] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays
With most of the lush farmlands that were once able to feed the world's population comfortably overrun by Tiberium, governments were forced to resort to as many methods of feeding its population as it could. One of the more successful ways found to work were hybrid fish and vegetable farms, that were able to provide balanced diets, even if they are not quite as calorie dense as traditional farming. It's time to restore those farms that were damaged in the fighting, and restock those that ran short.(Progress 0/200: 10 Resources per die) (-- Labor ++ Food)
[ ] Fungal Farms
Fungi can grow on almost anything, including waste products. Mass fungal farming produces large amounts of storable protein, although it often has a particularly earthy taste. With the recent sabotage and poisoning of the initial batches, more effort, both in terms of food safety, and a public relations campaign is needed before the food is properly adopted. (Progress 75/150: 10 Resources per die) ( - Labor ++ Food)
[ ] Pharmaceuticals greenhouses.
For plants that cannot be practically grown in hydro and aquaponic arrangements, small greenhouses with specially treated soil can be constructed. While too limited for significant food growth, these can be better put to use supplying ingredients for much needed medicines. (progress 0/100 10 resources per die) ( --- Labor + Food, + Health)
[ ] Biofuels plantations
While trace amounts of Tiberium found in soil grown crops render it unfit for human consumption, and biofuels have long been supplanted by other power sources, biofuels are and remain a useful, if manpower intensive, means of creating significant amounts of easily transported fuels. (progress 0/500: 5 resources per die) ( - Labor + Energy)
Tiberium (4 dice)
[ ] Blue Zone Tiberium Abatement (Phase 1)
Many former Blue Zones have had significant surface level tiberium contamination. By starting harvesting operations, we can both increase income significantly, and begin reducing Tiberium spread. Holding the line here and clearing away the Tiberium spread by the Scrin and Brotherhood of Nod is a strong first step towards (Progress 0/200: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5-10 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 2)
Phase 2 of developing Tiberium Harvesting, once harvesting operations are set up, and resource areas secured, is to begin fencing in tiberium outcroppings. Harmonic Resonance technology was discovered and originally fielded at Hammerfest during the Second Tiberium War. However, it was interwar development of the systems that created the "fences" Essentially, a fence is a series of sonic disruptor pylons that shake the crystal apart at a molecular level.
(Progress 0/100: 20 resources per die) (small additional income trickle [5-10 Resources]) (contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 2)
The most contaminated of areas, the Red Zones also offer bounties of Tiberium. While it will be expensive to set up, and offer limited progress towards stopping the spread of Tiberium, basic harvesting measures should turn significant profits. Rather than being a substantially different approach, simply expanding the number of harvesting facilities is enough to continue to bring in yet more resources and continue to fight Tiberium growth. (Progress 2/150: 25 resources per die) (additional income trickle [10-20 Resources]) (Slightly contributes to plan goal)
[ ] Tiberium Glacier Mining (Phase 1)
Most of the global Tiberium presence is tied up in large Tiberium Glaciers carving through the land near the heart of most Red Zones. While methods have been theorized to attack these masses of Tiberium, none have yet been applied in mass. However, before the war, the Tiberium Spike proved to have the capability to use resonant harmonics and shock liquefaction to safely draw Tiberium deposits to the surface. Similar technology can be used to fracture off Tiberium from Glacier surfaces, which can then be harvested conventionally. While setting up the tools will be expensive, it will also be a substantial stream of resources.(Progress 0/200: 30 resources per die) (additional income trickle [40-60 Resources])
[ ] Tiberium Algae Decontamination
The eradication of Tiberium algae in the aftermath of the Second Tiberium War was a major milestone in our war to retake the earth, and was a major lauding point for the future successes that the GDI would be able to accomplish. Unfortunately, this success story is now in ruins, with new growths detected in many of our major lakes and rivers. By focusing on water purification and wet-water harvesting systems, we can hopefully be able to boast once again that the GDI, and by extension humanity, still has a future on Earth. (Progress 0/400: 10 resources per die) (slightly contributes to plan goal)
Orbital Industry (3 dice)
[ ] GDSS Philadelphia II (Phase 1)
Destroyed in the opening stages of the Third Tiberium War, Colombia Station must be rebuilt to show that we are capable of regaining what we once had, and serve as an administration center for the Initiative. While at this point we would only lay the framework, even marginal progress will serve as a powerful symbol of GDI's continued resilience. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die) (5 PS for completion)
[ ] GDSS Colombia (Phase 1)
The development of a first stage of orbital habitats offers a prototype for further evacuations of the most devastated areas. While expensive, stations like this one could be the future of human habitation. These prototypes will not be fit for human habitation, however any issues that emerge here are ones that can be solved before trying to live in space. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die)
[ ] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 1)
An orbital industrial hub is a requirement to begin reaching out into the broader solar system. While surface launched probes and land rovers can offer scans of planetary objects and potential habitation sites, our existing facilities are too limited for any kind of development of the inner system. While at this point the structure will serve as little more than a base for GDI astronauts, great things can come from small beginnings. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die)
[ ] Fusion Heavy Lift Experiments
GDI has cracked many of the secrets of fusion. While long term (in the sense of power plants) stable fusion has still eluded GDI scientists, fusion rockets are a known quantity. While before the Third Tiberium War, no practical heavy lift rocket had been developed, it is at least theoretically possible.While plans had been made prior to the Third Tiberium War to construct these vessels, they had gotten no further than the planning table before every resource was dedicated to our survival. By constructing these heavy lift rockets, much larger payloads can be lifted at significantly lower costs per ton, both reducing the cost and progress needed to construct orbital infrastructure. (Progress 0/80: 10 resources per die) (Unlocks further options)
Services (3 dice)
[ ] Tiberium Health Services
While healthcare is a right for all under GDI authority, few effective treatments have ever been found for Tiberium exposure. Currently, tens of, if not hundreds of millions of people in BLue and Yellow Zones alike suffer from Tiberium exposure. While all we can do at the moment is alleviate these symptoms, to do so will require us to construct networks of specialist clinics. (Progress 66/100: 20 Resources per die) (- Labor, +++ Health)
[ ] Yellow Zone Refugee Camps (Phase 1)
The Third Tiberium War has resulted in the largest number of refugees recorded in our history. Hundreds of millions of people have been left homeless as a result of the brief, but devastating war. As the only legitimate global government, it is our responsibility to redirect and rehome these refugees. While building camps is far from providing housing for all, by centralising these populations amongst transport routes in vast camps, we can make it more logistically feasible to provide care for these people as we slowly move them elsewhere.
(Progress 139/300: 5 Resources per die) (+++ Housing, + Health)
[ ] Primary Schooling
The war created a significant hole in standard educational practices. While not the highest priority, returning kids to school frees up parents to work, and is an ongoing investment in our future. Schooling will also increase security against the Brotherhood of Nod in the long term, as more children will be raised under standard GDI curricula and away from terrorist indoctrination. (Progress 0/300: 5 Resources per die) (---- Labor) (5 Political Support)
Military (3 dice)
[ ] Third Tiberium War Performance Review
While the war was won, it did not come without its costs. By reflecting on and studying the losses, hopefully the next war will be less painful. For the Ground Forces, the war was fought across many fronts, and often on a shoestring budget. While not all of their lessons are universal, some did reveal weaknesses in the doctrine and equipment of the Global Defense Initiative (Steel Talons) (One die per field)
[ ] ASAT Defense System (Phase 1)
The ASAT Defense systems were bypassed in the early days of the Third Tiberium War. While the Brotherhood of Nod does not currently appear to have a nuclear weapons stockpile, the reconstruction of the ASAT network will re-establish GDI orbital dominance. (Progress 0/50: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Reclaimator Hubs
While Massive Armored Reclamation Vehicles proved themselves on the field of battle in the Third Tiberium War, they are difficult to construct and maintain in the field in significant numbers. By establishing regional hubs, MARV units can harvest and process more Tiberium, allowing for more units to be supported. (Blue Zone 2-19, Yellow Zone 1-6 ABC, Red Zone 1-8, North South) (Progress 0/150: 25 resources per die) (Contributes to plan goal)
-[ ] Reclaimator Hub Blue Zone 1 (Progress 39/150)
Zone Operations Command
[ ] Sonic Mobile Artillery Vehicle Development
While the Shatterer has shown its effectiveness, it remains held back by its origin as a mining tool. ZOCOM has requested a next generation weapon system capable of offering indirect fire support at extreme ranges to the soldiers of the Zone Operations Command. (Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Zone Suit Development Tenders
While railguns and sonic grenades are certainly effective as anti vehicle and anti infantry weapons respectively, Zone Armor was proven to be too limited, especially as the Trooper and Raider models shared few compatible parts, and neither could effectively protect against standard anti personnel weapons. A next generation of Zone Armors must be developed to fix these flaws. (Progress 0/80: 10 resources per die)
[ ] Super MARV Development
The Mammoth Armored Reclamation Vehicle served the Initiative well in the years leading up to the Third Tiberium War. Heavily armed and armored, and mounting an almost complete harvesting and first stage processing system, the MARV was able to cut through surface level Tiberium deposits. However, during the war, the limited self repair functionality, and the limits of its four modular weapons mounts made it vulnerable to air attacks. A third trailing tracked section offers a location for even more Tiberium storage, and two more mounting points for modular hardpoints. (Progress 0/40: 15 resources per die)
Air Force
[ ] Apollo Fighter Factories
While the Apollo was developed before the Third Tiberium War, and was in testing at Valparaiso Spaceport, much of the initial run was destroyed in a Black Hand raid that also seized Dr. Alphonse Giraud, the project lead of Apollo. The remaining units were, for the most part, destroyed over the course of the Third Tiberium War. Resume construction of Apollo Factories.
[ ] Reykjavik (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, --- Energy)
[ ] Toronto (Progress 0/75: 15 resources per die) (-- Labor, --- Energy)
[ ] Harbinger Gunship Development
In 1964, the US Air Force mounted three General Electric miniguns onto a C-47 for use in air support over Vietnam. Usually operating under the call sign of Puff, the first of these proved its worth breaking a Viet Kong attack on US forces in the Mekong Delta. The VC-35 Ox is the fourth of its kind to be pressed into service in this role. While vertical takeoff and landing capabilities change how it will conduct operations, the results tend to be little different than those of nearly a century ago. (Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
Space Force
[ ] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Development
Derived off of ZOCOM, the Orbital Strike regiment is intended to give Space Command a significant striking capability. Rather than relying exclusively on surface garrisons, Orbital Strike RCT will be able to deliver overwhelming force to any location on the planet in a matter of hours, depending on the relation between the target area and a stationed unit. (Progress 0/80: 15 resources per die)
[ ] Orbital Strike Combat Teams
While figuring out how to deliver a sizable force to the battlefield from orbit is an expensive proposition, and one that will require extensive testing, a much more simple option is already developed. Zone Troopers are already mounted up with orbital drop pods. While in either case it takes 10-20 minutes for the troops to be delivered, that is massively faster than any other option. By copying those over to the Space Force, they can have a dedicated operational branch without significant new developments. (Progress 0/150: 20 resources per die) (-- Labor)
[ ] High Orbit Ion Cannons
While Space Command's standard array of mostly low orbit Ion Cannons are well positioned to defend against Brotherhood nuclear devices, they are far less well positioned to stop an incoming fleet. By building and repositioning ion cannons in far higher orbits, along with adding a number of Lunar and Lagrange Clusters, the Space Force wants to intercept an incoming fleet long before it has a chance to begin landings on earth. (Progress 0/100: 30 resources per die)
Ground Forces
[ ] Boron Carbide Composite Suits
Body armor has been a part of military development for millenia. A constant struggle between arms and armor has continued from the emergence of civilization in the fertile crescent to the modern day. Ever harder, ever tougher armor against ever higher velocity and penetration ammunition. Boron Carbide is the third hardest option available, just short of Boron Nitride and Diamond. While deployed in limited quantities before the Third Tiberium War, more production will allow them to phase out previous metallo-ceramic suits entirely. (Progress 0/75: 10 Resources per die)
[ ] AP Ammunition Plants
Armor Penetrating ammunition is generally fairly simple. While most bullets use a heavy core, most often lead, but sometimes other materials, AP ammunition relies on an open face, and a hard core. The early versions typically used steel, while later versions generally used tungsten, or tungsten carbide cores. When even more penetration is needed, the general move is away from full caliber rounds, often switching towards something that more resembles APCR or APDS. While a modern round for the GD2 already exists, it was not manufactured in anywhere near the numbers to replace standard ball ammunition for most of GDI's soldiers. By switching field fabrication units to use the new process, and expanding back line ammunition manufacturing, GDI rifles and machine guns will have a significantly better chance against heavily armored enemy infantry, such as the Black Hand, or Confessors.
(Progress 0/60: 10 Resources per Die)
[ ] Remote Weapons System Development Predator
The MBT-6 Predator served well in the Third Tiberium War. A heavy gun and heavier armor gave GDI armored forces a significant edge over NOD scorpion tanks, and an even more significant edge when fighting lighter buggies and attack bikes. However, it faced difficulties against the RPG-43, and fanatic assaults due to its lack of anti personnel weapons. Building a variant of the Guardian APC's Vigilante remote weapons system for use on the Predator should be easy to roll out, but will take some refit work to develop.
(Progress 0/40: 10 Resources Per die)
[ ] Railgun Refits
The first GDI asset to use a combat specified railgun was the Mark II Mammoth assault walker. Equipped with two heavy hypervelocity railguns, it was a terrifying foe for the Brotherhood in the Second Tiberium War. By the Third Tiberium War, the walker had been retired, but descendents of its railguns had lived on, being fitted to about a quarter of GDI's mechanized forces. During the war, the railgun proved itself time and time again, having better penetration, and allowing the tank to carry more ammunition than the 152mm smoothbore that had been the original weapon. However, railguns are also substantially more expensive, and need an entire separate equipment line to manufacture.
(Progress 0/200: 15 Resources per die)
[ ] Governor Class Cruiser Development
Intended to make good losses among GDI's battle line, the prospective Governor class is intended to be half the displacement, and better protected against air attack, compared to previous GDI battleships. These smaller cruisers are intended to be far more economical to construct than previous battleship designs. (Progress 0/40: 15 resources per die)
[ ] Point Defense Battery Development
Defending against a missile has been a point of development since the late 20th century. This is fundamentally a difficult affair. Hitting a small, often maneuvering target that is accelerating towards the gun platform has always been an issue. With the ever shrinking size of munitions payload in the last half century, the problem has only gotten worse. Modern munitions can put nearly as much payload on target on a warhead half the size. (Progress 0/40: 10 resources per die)
Bureaucracy (3 dice)
[ ] Emergency Resource Allocations
While the budget for the four year plan has already been decided, and the Initiative has run a severe deficit for three years, there are stockpiles and monetary reserves that have not yet been tapped. While overuse of these resources will be politically highly unpopular, at the moment, the clear and present emergency does leave you with cover to make use of them. (DC 60) (-5 PS)
[ ] Recruitment Drives
GDI has suffered severe losses over the last few years, and while the armed forces have managed to fill their supply needs, the Treasury has not. By conducting recruitment drives in the refugee camps, the Treasury can begin expanding operations in the coming months. (DC 55/75/95) (increases die allocations) (can have political consequences)
[ ] Security Reviews
GDI has often faced problems with infiltration by the Brotherhood of Nod. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort. (DC 60 + 1 operations die)
** Two Hour Moratorium on Voting**